
=== ant_ is now known as Guest44024
arosalesHello, any folks noticing any odd charm store API responses16:21
arosaleswe are seeing this more that once in our charm testing:16:21
arosalesI also tried to just load jujucharms.com/openstack-base and got a 404. I retried and got the page, but it did 404 on initial load.16:21
rick_huiteam ^16:32
hatcharosales: hmm I haven't noticed any issues16:42
hatchbut will keep an eye on it16:43
hatchit's working well here16:43
arosaleshatch seeing quite a few of them16:45
arosaleshatch: if you click through on any "yellow triangles" at http://data.vapour.ws/cwr-tests/results/index.html16:46
arosalesyou'll see the juju charm store api time'ing out16:46
arosaleshatch: is there any web logs that log these ?16:46
hatchthere are, yeah there are quite a few triangles there16:47
arosaleswell most "yellow triangles" are for time outs16:47
arosalessome are ssh errors16:47
hatchsure no problem, I'll get in touch with the right people to investigate, thanks for bringing this up16:50
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