
=== max is now known as Guest12341
user|45138Is it portable / can it be run from a CD or flash drive???01:42
misterg77how make a custom login screen03:25
misterg77do you03:26
valoriemisterg77: I believe that's called SDDM, so you might google for customize sddm03:32
valorieI think there is a way to do that03:32
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest2844
=== mib is now known as Guest40880
loahello! what is right method to have most up to date kde stuck under ubuntu 16.04?09:29
loai currently use kubuntu-ppa/plasma-staging09:32
loabut dunno need i add other ppas from there?09:32
loafor some reason on notebook i need add them all to update plasma to 5.709:33
hateballloa: all you should need, if you dont want to use staging that is, is: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports && sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade09:35
loahate it will be only 5.6 then09:36
loai need > 5.709:36
loabecause of one feature which i need.09:36
hateballstuff that has gone through staging should end up there afaik, but #kubuntu-devel knows better09:36
loait is only in plasma-staging09:36
hateballloa: yes right you are, I am using both 16.04 and 16.10, got them mixed up09:36
hateballI wonder if there wasnt talk about going straight to 5.8.x for backports, when it was deemed doable09:37
=== frvdamme is now known as yalu_
yocs0000hi everybody. What is a good kde graphic git client?11:46
hateballyocs0000: afaik you can do that in Dolphin11:47
BluesKajHey folks11:50
IrcsomeBot<Kai Sen> @yocs0000, gitkraken is quite good. Under KDE you need to install libgnome-keyring0 to get it working11:54
yocs0000hateball: sounds inteesting .... can you do the whole management though dolphin? do you need plugins?11:57
hateballyocs0000: a dolphin plugin iirc11:59
hateballyocs0000: I dont use it myself, I just recall reading it somewhere11:59
hateball!info kdesdk-dolphin-plugins12:01
ubottukdesdk-dolphin-plugins (source: dolphin-plugins): transitional dummy package for dolphin-plugins. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:16.04.3-0ubuntu1 (yakkety), package size 1 kB, installed size 11 kB12:01
hateballyocs0000: see http://sebastian-doerner.de/?p=5112:02
hateballanyhow, as I said it is not something I use personally so I cannot vouch for how good or bad it is12:02
yocs0000hateball: thank you anyway!12:05
gysddnwhere is the best for learning linux12:07
Alex-Zionhi everyone I have a problem with plasmashell in jubuntu 16.04, it crash continuosly at startup and the system is not usable, how can I fix it ?12:13
hateballAlex-Zion: Are you using stock 16.04 or with kubuntu ppa?12:14
Alex-Zionstock 16.04 hateball12:15
hateballAlex-Zion: then I suggest you start with: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports && sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade12:15
hateballand reboot once all of that is done12:15
Alex-Zionbut I usually dont use backport because I like a stable system, what happen to kubuntu ?12:16
hateballSadly 16.04 is released with a quite buggy KDE/Plasma...12:17
hateballAs you obviously have noticed12:17
Alex-Zionthat's why I should probabilly leave kde and look for other DE after almost a decade with it12:18
=== markop_ is now known as symf22
Alex-Zionrelease a buggy system for a LTS is the wrost thing to do i guess12:19
Alex-Zionso in kubuntu decide to release an LTS with an uncomplete and buggy DE ?, I well understand ?12:21
=== frvdamme is now known as yalu_
hateballAlex-Zion: Well that's how it goes12:24
hateballRelease schedules have to line up with regular Ubuntu etc12:24
Alex-ZionI already waste a lot of time with kde 4 at the beginning when it was unusable, I will not restart with kde5, is time to change for something I can trust12:27
Alex-Zionmany thanke hateball12:27
hateballAlex-Zion: well if you dont need the LTS aspect, 16.10 is a better Plasma experience12:28
Alex-ZionI need a system I can trust hateball, in kde 5 they even remove features to give us a buggy and unusable DE, why whould I wwaste more time with it12:30
Alex-Zionwhat the next features will be removed ?12:31
Alex-Zionwhy should I trust a system that is going backward in terms of functionality and is even unusable ?12:32
hateballAlex-Zion: we have #kubuntu-offtopic if you want to rant :)12:37
hateballIt's nice if we can keep this to problems/solutions :)12:37
Alex-Zionyeah , the solution is to move to unstable backport, seems a joke12:38
Alex-Zionanyway I'll not rant anymore don't worry, and many thanks hateball12:38
hateballAlex-Zion: Good luck whatever you decide12:38
Alex-Zionhave a gooday12:38
=== lethu_ is now known as lethu
uid1Greetings.  In Kubuntu 16.04, when I save a playlist in VLC, I always over-write the existing one.  I never, ever get prompted about existing file though.  Is this a Kubuntu thing, or a VLC thing?14:24
=== tmoeller is now known as WilliTheSmith
misterg77I know abosultutly noithing about Kubuntu just trying it out because I want to get away from Windows, but anyway I want to install an Epson xp-330 so far I have found zero drivers need help please17:10
misterg77need some help please17:17
BluesKajmisterg77, kmenu>system settings>printers ,and make sure you have cups installed17:38
marco-parilloI know for my Epson WF-series printer, I was able to download a driver (.deb) from the Epson website, but I see your specific model, there is none.17:39
marco-parilloBut, as BluesKaj notes, perhaps a generic driver will work.17:41
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foormeahi! is the last edition of "linux in a nutshell" still useful, or too old? i'm surprised there's no recent version20:14
foormealast from 2010 it seems20:14
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emHow can you restart the pannel?23:01
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=== Roey is now known as StuffedRoey
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