
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== maclin1 is now known as maclin
=== jzheng is now known as Guest54683
pittiGood morning07:12
flexiondotorgMorning pitti08:16
pittihey flexiondotorg, how is it going?08:16
flexiondotorgAll good thanks. Yourself?08:16
hikikohey all :08:28
* hikiko forgot to be social today :/08:28
pittihey hikiko, how are you?08:55
pittiflexiondotorg: good, thanks! (sorry, phone rang, then I forgot)08:56
hikikohi pitti and flexiondotorg :)08:58
hikikoi am good, well tired... :) you?08:59
pittigood morning Laney!09:02
Laneybonjour pitti09:04
Laneyhow are you?09:04
flexiondotorgMorning Laney, hikiko09:04
pittiLaney: I'm great, thanks! a little groggy from basketball, but again the good kind09:04
seb128good morning desktopers09:08
flexiondotorgseb128, o/09:08
seb128hey flexiondotorg, how are you?09:09
pittiça va seb12809:09
hikikohi Laney seb128 :)09:09
seb128hey pitti hikiko Laney09:09
seb128pitti, oui, et toi ?09:09
flexiondotorgseb128, Coping. Although off to the hospital for an hour or so later.09:09
flexiondotorgMuch pain :-(09:09
Laneypitti: indeed - feeling the same from climbing last night :-)09:10
Laneyhi seb128 flexiondotorg & hikiko09:10
* Laney gives flexiondotorg a sports massage09:10
seb128flexiondotorg, get better!09:10
seb128Laney, climbing night ftw!09:11
Laneyseb128: the best nights!09:11
flexiondotorgI'm sure I be fine in a few days.09:11
pittiflexiondotorg: urgh, all the best!09:13
flexiondotorgseb128, Have you start on the GTK platform snap?09:14
desrtthings that GDBus subtree dispatching was not designed for:09:17
desrt - security09:17
flexiondotorgThat's unfortuante.09:17
desrtpreventing apps about finding out about other apps in the most natural way may not be possible09:18
desrt(but in this case "finding out" means only "can see that they exist")09:18
seb128flexiondotorg, not really, I started played with building snap using debs from another serie and looking at what should be included and at the launcher script, but I didn't try to build one yet09:19
seb128flexiondotorg, likely for next week09:19
flexiondotorgI've been reflecting on what we discussed at the sprint.09:19
flexiondotorgSpecifically build it from debs.09:20
flexiondotorgI've taken another look at what robert started, which builds entire from source.09:21
flexiondotorgIIRC we opted for building from debs because we inherit the distro patches, correct?09:21
seb128it's also easier to iterate09:22
flexiondotorgIn what sense?09:22
desrtin the sense that we have to do the deb anyway, and all that infra is already there09:22
desrtvs. figuring out a way to pull/configure/rebuild the tarball from upstream09:23
flexiondotorgdesrt, Well that is largely solved.09:23
desrtit is solved for largely trivial projects :p09:23
desrtgtk is a beast09:23
Laney  09:24
desrtmorning laney09:24
Laneythat was the first 0 characters of "hi desrt"09:24
flexiondotorgseb128, Ping me when you make a start.09:26
flexiondotorgI'd like to help.09:26
flexiondotorgI just wanted to discuss the approach again before we start.09:27
seb128flexiondotorg, k, it might be tomorrow or next week09:31
willcookehi all.  Here, but not here.10:10
Laneythe ghost of willcooke10:10
willcookeIt's odd, when you're sick but work from home.  Like, where do you go?10:11
willcookeFigured I might as well sit in from of the compuiter for a bit10:11
Laneymy mum just sent me a picture of her day off activity10:12
Laneywatching jeremy kyle10:12
willcookeFollowed by Homes Under The Hammer?10:14
Laneythat guy that eats loads of food10:18
Laneyi think she's actually going out10:19
Laneyhopefully /o\10:19
FJKong_when I tried to upload some package to mentors.debian.net, due to bad network, sometimes it will broken and next when I tried to upload it will show some error like10:59
FJKong_This existing file may have been previously uploaded partially.10:59
FJKong_       For official Debian upload queues, the dcut(1) utility can be10:59
FJKong_       used to remove this file, and after an acknowledgement mail is10:59
FJKong_       received in response to dcut, the upload can be re-initiated.10:59
FJKong_how to delete privious broken file?11:00
LaneyFJKong_: ask in #debian-mentors on OFTC11:00
Laneydon't know if dcut works there11:00
FJKong_seems no11:00
FJKong_I can't connect to irc.debian.org11:00
Laneytry irc.oftc.net11:03
FJKong_Laney: found the reason, Great f*re w*ll block it11:12
LaneyFJKong_: no chinese gimpnet servers?11:17
Laneytry tor, if that works for you11:17
desrtnow for something nice about GDBus: if you structure your program in a nice way, you can avoid ever having to call g_bus_get()11:21
=== maclin1 is now known as maclin
flexiondotorgLaney, any chance you can take a look at the debdiffs I've added to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+2.0/+bug/157642411:41
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1576424 in gtk+2.0 (Ubuntu) "Gimp crashes with text tool & caps lock" [High,In progress]11:41
flexiondotorgLaney if you're insterested in testing the fixes for scrolled windows in update-manager and aptdaemon, you can use Yakkety.11:48
flexiondotorgEnable yakkety-proposed to get the patched update-manager.11:49
flexiondotorgPatch aptdaemon is in this PPA - https://launchpad.net/~flexiondotorg/+archive/ubuntu/sru11:49
flexiondotorgI've just tested on a clean install, all seems good to me.11:50
flexiondotorgAlso in that PPA is a patch Deja Dup, also working fine.11:50
flexiondotorgJust going to submit the merge proposal for that.11:50
desrti take it back: there is a small detail in the way subtrees are implemented that solves the security issue.  nice.11:53
desrtreturning NULL vs. returning an empty array has two different meanings.11:53
Laneyflexiondotorg: k, will look11:56
Laneydesrt: having fun?11:56
desrtthings are starting to come together in a nice and completely half-baked way11:57
desrtthe proxy will work first for flatpak, but not securely (since their dbus filtering is primitive) and not at all for snaps (since the apparmor patches are still missing)11:57
desrtbut at least it will be enough to convince the security team that the apparmor patches are really the only thing standing in the way11:58
=== hikiko is now known as hikiko|ln
flexiondotorgwillcooke, Laney I'm off the to the hospital. Back a bit later...12:47
willcookeflexiondotorg, tata12:49
flexiondotorgLaney, bug updated and MP submitted for deja-dup - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/deja-dup/+bug/162383512:49
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1623835 in deja-dup (Ubuntu) "Scrolled Windows in backup/restore progress are too small to read" [Low,In progress]12:49
* davmor2 hugs flexiondotorg 12:51
davmor2it's only a minor issue but it is so annoying :)12:52
=== hikiko|ln is now known as hikiko
=== maclin1 is now known as maclin
andyrockgood afternoon14:21
seb128good afternoon desktopers14:35
* Laney nods seb128 14:43
seb128hey Laney ;-)14:43
Laneyhome still there?14:44
* flexiondotorg returns14:56
Laneyseb128: want to play a fun game of "archive admin"? :-)14:56
* Laney nods flexiondotorg 14:56
Laneyare you healed?14:56
Laney& that you survived the NHS death panel14:57
flexiondotorgLaney, nope but I have been given the magic healing potions.14:57
Laney& hope14:57
* Laney IRC bad14:57
=== JanC is now known as Guest87424
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
seb128Laney, what do you want to do the archive now? ;-)14:58
Laneyseb128: I want to get http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#ldc to migrate14:58
Laneyneeds some arch removals14:59
Laneyximion will be happy, he's been nagging me for ages14:59
* Laney rebootstrapped it yesterday14:59
attentedon't understand why my test is so flaky :(15:08
ogra_attente, donald trump ...15:10
attentemake testing flake again15:11
seb128Laney, just removing the ldc binaries from zesty release pocket on ppc and ppc64el?15:13
Laneyseb128: checking for rdeps, second15:22
Laneygot distracted...15:22
* Laney coughs15:22
seb128Laney, k, I was about to delete those, but good idea to check those ;-)15:22
seb128need to go for some small errands, deleting those once I'm back15:27
Laneyseb128: I think it's ldc (all arch-specific binaries) powerpc + ppc64el and libmustache-d-dev ppc64el15:29
=== zsombi_ is now known as zsombi
attentekenvandine: hi, i'm running into some problems with content-hub's testing framework and i'm not sure what to do15:46
attentekenvandine: http://paste.debian.net/plain/894344 with this diff on current trunk i get: https://paste.debian.net/plain/89434515:50
attentethe duplicate test fails sometimes but i can't tell why. there doesn't seem to be any missing teardown from what i can tell15:51
kenvandineattente, any other output from the test?15:59
kenvandineattente, try commenting out the handler test16:00
kenvandineattente, i'm wondering why this is in the log16:03
kenvandineActivating service name='com.ubuntu.content.dbus.Service'16:03
kenvandineshouldn't be activating that during the tests16:03
kenvandineand isn't for me16:03
attenteyeah... i am very confused16:06
attentealso, realized i forgot to set the CONTENT_HUB_TESTING variable for the second test, but that didn't affect the outcome16:06
kenvandineattente, this is a local build right?16:12
attentekenvandine: yes. i wonder if maybe my ccache is configured wrong or something16:13
attentegoing to try again making sure everything is clean16:13
kenvandineattente, ok16:14
kenvandineattente, it passes locally for me in your branch16:18
kenvandinethe qml test fails... which shouldn't be related to your branch16:18
kenvandineoh... i don't have your new test :)16:18
attentekenvandine: yeah the new test is supposed to match what you're already doing for the other ones instead of dbus activating the installed service16:20
Laneyflexiondotorg: http://people.canonical.com/~laney/weird-things/small.png <- still small17:04
LaneyI added your SRU PPA, dist-upgraded and then rebooted17:04
flexiondotorgLaney, OK. Does the VTE size increase as output is displayed?17:05
flexiondotorgHmm, well I'm not seeing that here :-/17:06
flexiondotorgIf I expand the details during the download the vte behaves correctly.17:07
flexiondotorgI'll setup a complete clean VM, rather than from my snapshot and test again.17:07
Laneyflexiondotorg: the ./gtk3-demo in src:aptdaemon works17:10
Laney(I copied it out of the source tree so that it used the system's aptdaemon)17:10
attentekenvandine: when you have time, could you please upload the content-hub-glib branch again to the silo and see if the tests run? i'm having a hard time getting any of them to run on my machine since i upgraded, even locally outside of sbuild17:23
kenvandineattente, sure, so you've pushed your changes?17:23
attentekenvandine: yes17:24
kenvandineattente, done17:25
attentekenvandine: thanks!17:25
seb128hum, irc timeouted it seems17:46
seb128Laney, did you get my msg asking for the confirmation of the binaries to delete?17:46
seb128Laney, "ldc libphobos2-ldc-debug68 libphobos2-ldc-dev libphobos2-ldc68" on power/ppc64el and libmustache-d-dev on ppc64el?17:51
Laneyseb128: looks right to me17:53
seb128k, done17:53
seb128let's see how that works out17:53
* willcooke -> dinner -> bed17:59
willcookel8r all17:59
Laneynighty night18:13
seb128night Laney18:18
FJKongmorning desktop23:59

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