
flocculantochosi: aah ok that makes sense, I did see that here but don't now as I have greybird that yakkety will get01:52
ochosiflocculant: even better, cause then you can confirm the SRU ;)07:45
flocculantochosi: commented then :)08:17
ochosiflocculant: ty09:04
ochosihey all, terribly sorry but i'm ill and wont make it to the meeting most likely (vomited and feel like influenca)18:06
ochosifeel free to reschedule if there arent enough people around. again, sorry :/18:07
flocculantochosi: oh that's meh :( hope it's just some random bug and not actual flu ... 18:07
flocculantsomeone will chair it I'm sure18:08
slickymasternot sure also if I'll make 18:35
slickymasterat least 21:00 18:35
slickymasterprobably will still be having dinner18:35
flocculantoh my - really should tell pleia2 about these things when I seem them :(18:52
pleia2knome: I think we didn't update 16.04 links because you were reworking how that was done on the back end or something?18:52
pleia2I know we had some18:53
pleia2flocculant: that would be lovely :)18:53
flocculantI knew it ... sorry pleia2 18:53
knomepleia2, maybe...19:50
knomepleia2, meh. :)19:50
knomepleia2, i told you you should whip me if i'm keeping my changes in staging :X19:50
flocculantthat should be in #x-veryofftopic :p19:51
knomeno, it's very on topic...20:01
knomewell the subject itself was very ontopic20:03
flocculantfor at least  2 more years lol20:03
knomehuh? :)20:03
flocculantor 320:05
nairwolfhello everyone ;)20:55
nairwolfthe meeting is soon ?20:55
knomewell, who's around?20:56
* flocculant is20:57
flocculantochosi's not20:57
knomeyep, i gathered20:57
flocculantwoohoo it's bignose :p20:59
knomeok, seems like there's enough of us to have the meeting20:59
knome#startmeeting Xubuntu community meeting20:59
meetingologyMeeting started Thu Nov 10 20:59:33 2016 UTC.  The chair is knome. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.20:59
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick20:59
nairwolfI'm here20:59
knomeand now officially, who's here for the meeting :P20:59
knome#chair bluesabre flocculant akxwi-dave 21:00
meetingologyCurrent chairs: akxwi-dave bluesabre flocculant knome21:00
knome#topic Open action items21:00
knomebluesabre, Unit193: did you write a report about the state of thunar?21:00
knomeor i guess, are you on top of the issue generally and know how to proceed, or do you need some assistance or anything else from the team?21:01
bluesabreWe're able to proceed, hoping to get to that soon21:01
knomebluesabre, did you double-check mugshot and webcams after enabling "it"?21:02
flocculantbunch of us did21:02
bluesabreknome, yes, and the camera-enabled mugshot is available in zesty21:02
knomeok, then everything is done or handled21:02
knome#topic Updates and Announcements21:03
knomeanything from anybody?21:03
bluesabre#info Mugshot's camera functionality is restored in Zesty21:03
bluesabre#info We've decided to move forward with several GTK3 Xfce components in Zesty, you'll see updates throughout the cycle21:04
bluesabrethink that's largely it for now21:05
bluesabre(from me)21:05
flocculantbluesabre: will they be working ones? 21:05
flocculantre issues I've got21:05
bluesabreflocculant, hopefully, I'll leave that to akxwi-dave to figure out21:05
akxwi-davecheers  :-)21:05
flocculantnot panel then :p21:06
bluesabreUnless ochosi works some magic this cycle21:06
akxwi-davesend him extra beer21:06
knomeno magic happening with extra beer...21:07
knomeanything else?21:07
flocculantnot from me 21:08
knome#topic Discussion21:08
knome#subtopic SGT Puzzles Collection (sgt-launcher) in Zesty (bluesabre)21:08
bluesabreThe first release of sgt-launcher is now available in our PPA21:09
bluesabreTo move forward, do we want it in Zesty (including the sgt-puzzles package)21:09
flocculantI'd say yes21:10
akxwi-davewould be good to yes21:10
knomewell, with one condition21:10
knomehide all the regular icons for the games! :P21:10
bluesabreMoreover, would this require a vote or is this assumed as a development goal21:10
bluesabreknome, the new launcher does just that21:10
flocculantbluesabre: I've retried with the update from -proposed btw - definitely the new games get left out of the launcher21:10
bluesabreflocculant, weird, will look at that again21:11
bluesabreknome, apparently "mostly"21:11
knomei think it's good without a vote; we've discussed this all before and the general direction was approved21:11
flocculantbluesabre: well - all the current games are not shown21:11
knomenow something just happened, so, yay21:11
flocculantknome: yea - makes sense 21:11
bluesabreok, then we'll work on getting it packaged and in the ubuntu (at least) archive21:11
knomethanks bluesabre for the great work - again21:12
bluesabreShould be it for that, from me, for now21:12
knome#subtopic File Manager (flocculant) 21:14
knome#link http://pad.ubuntu.com/xubuntu-z-filemanager21:14
knome#link https://piratenpad.de/p/thunar-patches 21:14
flocculantcan move one really - I didn't think to look at open items21:15
knome#topic Schedule next meeting21:15
flocculantas long as we're doing something proactive 21:15
knome...aaaaaaand the winner IIIISSSS21:15
flocculantand not waiting till February to forget about it for another cycle21:15
knome#info Unit193 to schedule next meeting21:15
knome!nick Unit193 21:15
knomeflocculant, indeed21:15
knome#nick Unit193 21:15
knomeanything else?21:16
knome#topic Milestones21:16
knomeakxwi-dave, the floor is yours21:16
knomethough i think this will end up with "mail the list to see what people think" unless bluesabre has a strong opinion and it matches yours :)21:17
akxwi-davesounds a bout right..21:17
akxwi-dave  and probably agree as well...  21:18
bluesabreI'm open for anything this cycle... milestones mean extra testing, which we might get, for the new gtk3 things and features that will be landing21:18
knomewe can alternatively forget milestones and do our own focused testing when new stuff lands21:18
flocculantbluesabre: milestones don't mean that at all :p21:18
akxwi-davewell i'm deffo up for that   the etra gtk3 stuff21:18
bluesabreflocculant, I meant to have a "might" in there21:19
flocculantthey should - but it never happens ;)21:19
knomethe question is to figure out the exact process to get our images frozen at the right time21:19
flocculantknome: I'll alwats agree with that first point21:19
knomeand then the QA tracker side of things21:19
flocculantI'm happy to work with akxwi-dave getting tracker stuff there 21:20
akxwi-davethanks flocculant 21:20
akxwi-daveis it to early to ask about teh alphs and betas this cycle21:20
knomenot at all21:21
knomemaybe we should take this discussion to the mailing list anyway21:21
knomeakxwi-dave, do you have an idea for a specific proposal, or would you like to take some time with somebody and create one before mailing the list?21:21
flocculantcurrently there's no dates for any milestones - no schedule as yet 21:21
knomesure, but they are not going to be huge surprises21:22
knomewe know when the alphas usually happen about, same with betas21:22
flocculantfor sure21:23
akxwi-davewill have to look at how many start to report the testing then..  and try and get more people interested21:24
flocculantabout 421:25
akxwi-daveso  probably same as last cycle :-)21:26
akxwi-daveplenty to think on then,, right,, will get bak on that21:30
knome#action akxwi-dave to get back on milestones/testing plan21:30
meetingologyACTION: akxwi-dave to get back on milestones/testing plan21:31
knomeanything else?21:31
bluesabrenothing from me21:31
akxwi-davenot me either21:31
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu Nov 10 21:31:57 2016 UTC.  21:31
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2016/xubuntu-devel.2016-11-10-20.59.moin.txt21:31
knomethanks everybody21:32
flocculantthanks for stepping in knome :)21:32
akxwi-davecheers all21:32
knomei will put up the minutes in the following something21:32
knomeno worries21:32
bluesabrethanks knome21:32
flocculantwandering now - night all21:33
akxwi-davenn all time for wine and wife21:33
knomei just updated the meeting minutes22:35
bluesabreevening all23:10

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