
veebersbabbageclunk: the help summary for show-model states "Shows information about the current or specified model." yet there is no way to specify a model (i.e. no -m) is the summary wrong or is it wrong that it doesn't take -m02:01
babbageclunkveebers: It takes model as a positional argument.02:12
veebersbabbageclunk: d'oh, reading fail for me. Thanks :-)02:12
babbageclunkveebers: :)02:12
hoenircan someone take a look at this ? https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/655611:29
mupBug #1640079 changed: LXDs doesn't start after a reboot <lxd-provider> <openstack> <uosci> <juju:Triaged> <juju (Ubuntu):Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1640079>13:32
mgzno one for standup?15:03
macgreagoirmgz: I can rejoin. I was there alone :-)15:07
natefinchwe just did a super short one15:07
mgzmacgreagoir: nate and I just did a lightning standup15:07
mgzfeel free to fill us in here15:07
macgreagoiripv6 blah blah blah15:10
macgreagoirJust trying to see if the enable-ha issue I'm hitting is ipv6 relatd or something else.15:12
natefinchmacgreagoir: I wouldn't be surprised.15:18
natefinchmacgreagoir: what version of mongo?15:20
natefinchhmmm... ok, if it had been 2.6 I'd almost assuredly think it was ipv6, but 3.2 is supposed to work15:21
natefinchbut definitely could be a juju specific bug15:21
macgreagoiripv6 seems good in 3.2. Seems to be an id clash somewhere in the momngo docs.15:24
hoenircould someone take a look on this PR https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/6556 ? and also could someone tell me that the CI logs are ok on the last commit ?17:22
hoenirwhat are your thoughts on this?17:22
mgzhoenir: sorry, have been deep in several things today18:02
mgzhoenir: the checks passed, is there something in particular you want to see in the logs?18:02
hoenirmgz, I'm referring on that "bad certificates" warnings..18:23
mgzthere are some "remote error: bad certificate" lines on stdout for the trusty unit tests18:25
mgznot actually causing any tests to fail18:25
hoenirso it's safe to merge18:25
mgzI don't know, what's the background?18:26
hoenirThe background is that, on a previous PR axw suggested, in order to make these changes possible I should move the juju/cert (all the generic-common pieces) into a utils/cert pkg , the utils/cert part is already merged.18:28
hoenirthis patch is already merged so.. I wanted to finish the job by merging the other patch in (juju-core).18:29
hoenirso mgz it's safe to $$merge$$ this bad boy?18:33
mgzas it's a us holiday and end of sprint, I think the people who were looking at your code just weren't around today18:33
mgzhoenir: the check says yes, and perrito666 approved18:34
mgzmight be nice to send a message to the dev list about the cert error spam, so people are aware, and can follow up to fix?18:35

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