
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
bzoltanmcphail: doung user space stuff as root is a very-very-very bad idea in general.07:17
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mcphailbzoltan: indeed09:15
bzoltanmcphail: we will add a user check to prevent such problems. Anyhow... fixing a messed up environment is hardly possible. I would remove all containers and all user space Qt config what the IDE created ... or at least do a massive chwon -R on the ~09:33
mcphailbzoltan: I wish people would stop postinf advice to run stuff as root if they lack permissions. So many gullible people trust Google results far too much09:39
bzoltanmcphail: True that09:41
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=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
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renato__popey, bug fixed: https://code.launchpad.net/~renatofilho/ubuntu-calculator-app/new-snappy/+merge/31066315:51
renato__popey, I found a workaround, is working now15:51
renato__popey, could you review this?15:51
renato__popey, I will publish a snap package into the store as soon as it get merged15:52
popeyrenato__: i can't make it work...15:56
popeyit says I need to install ubuntu-app-platform and connect them15:56
popeyi do that, and it still complains15:57
renato__popey, ok this is trick :D15:58
renato__popey, remove the app: snap remove ubuntu-calculator-app15:58
renato__popey, then install it again15:58
renato__popey, before run the app connect the interfaces with15:58
renato__popey, snap connect ubuntu-calculator-app:platform ubuntu-app-platform:platform15:59
renato__popey, then you can run the app15:59
popeythat worked15:59
popeythat's dodgy :)15:59
renato__popey, I think this is a bug on snapd15:59
popeyyay, works16:00
renato__thanks. That get merged automatically or do I need to merge it?16:00
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popeyshould merge I think16:01
renato__popey, cold you give me permission for upload snaps for calculator?18:48
popeyrenato__: hm, how do I do that?19:46
renato__popey, Not sure :D. Are you able to upload packages? could you upload these packages? https://launchpad.net/~phablet-team/+snap/ubuntu-calculator-app19:48
popeytry the private link i just sent you19:48
popeyif it doesn't work I can punch in your email address and invite you19:49

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