
naccrbasak: fyi, i found an interetsing case with `usd merge reconstruct` -- the reconstruct commits (and the ones between old/debian and it) are not reproducible (at least not for the sha). I guess it's obvious, because the committer is the one doing the cherry-pick at the time of the cherry-pick; but do we want to make the tooling workaround  that (retaining the original commit information, e.g.?)00:15
rbasaknacc: kexec-tools> ah. It's nice to not have to do that now!00:20
rbasakPerhaps less of a problem then?00:20
rbasaknacc: not reproducible> I can't think of where that might be an issue, since those commits will not end up in the history that others actually use. Only short-lived branches. Is there any case you can think where that won't happen?00:22
rbasaknacc: I don't see any reason to object to them _not_ being made reproducible, but I also don't see why it would be worth the effort00:22
rbasaknacc: interesting observation though!00:23
naccrbasak: yeah, the importer will handle it correctly -- it actually produces the same merge as you did, but it doesn't know (currently) how to handle us doing the merge and not it (as it finds a current debian/changelog but no import commit)00:24
naccrbasak: it will spit a warning now00:24
naccrbasak: yeah, i'm not sure either, was just thinking about it as i considered two people doing the merge at the same time00:24
rbasakMy linting doesn't actually check the intermediate reconstruct branches, only the final one I think.00:25
rbasakBut I think that's OK.00:25
naccrbasak: yeah it doesn't matter, as once we push up to the repository the tagged upload/ it's no longer reconstructed; also that tag is really just a helper00:32
nacccpaelzer: ok, i just pushe a ton of changes up to master for the merge subtool00:32
nacci think that fixes your bug00:32
pdeeeRAOF, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-letsencrypt/+bug/164097800:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1640978 in python-letsencrypt (Ubuntu) "letsencrypt 0.4.1 contains numerous bugs fixed upstream" [Undecided,New]00:43
pdeee^ hlieberman00:53
rbasakpdeee: interesting. Do you work for certbot upstream?01:16
rbasakRAOF, pdeee: I'd also be happy to help out. Please ping if needed.01:18
pdeeerbasak, yes01:27
rbasakpdeee: good job with the SRU paperwork there! It might be worth making it really clear exactly what behaviour changes you believe will and won't affect your proposed update to 16.04 - that's particularly important.01:33
rbasakI guess that depends a little on the packaging that presumably isn't ready yet? Eg. aliases wrt. letsencrypt vs. certbot, etc.01:34
pdeeealiases etc are handled in debian's 0.9.3 packages01:35
pdeeesince they had the same transition01:35
pdeeethe only things I could maybe see for Xenial would be:01:36
pdeee- a changelog entry pointing at the SRU paperwork01:36
pdeee- if people want it, a more prominent dselect question about the renewal cron job01:36
pdeeesorry s/dselect/debconf/01:36
rbasakFrom an SRU review perspective, what I most want spelled out the exact list of any behaviour changes you expect Xenial users to receive, and your confirmation that you don't believe that there are any other changes.01:38
rbasakYour word as upstream carries a great deal of weight on this.01:38
rbasakWhat you've written is great and sound like it covers most of this already - it's just a clear summary of what the final upload to Xenial will do is what I feel is missing - though of course I know you haven't finalised that yet.01:40
naccrbasak: if you have some time, could you do a `usd clone php7.0; cd php7.0; usd merge tag ubuntu/devel; usd merge reconstruct ubuntu/devel`? I'm getting a source change mismatch between reconstruct and old/ubuntu, but only from pygit2. `git` itself isn't showing me any differences and oddly `git-blame` and `vi` are showing me differnt file contents (a $Id$ substitution)01:41
rbasaknacc: note that php7.0 ships (or at least used to ship) a .gitignore file, which messes things up annoyingly. Could that be an issue here?01:43
rbasakAnd those $Id$ style substitutions are pesky too.01:43
rbasakUnfortunately git didn't seem to have a global option to ignore .gitignore the last time I looked.01:43
rbasaknacc: usage: usd [-h] [import|buildpackage] ...01:45
naccrbasak: pull master01:45
naccrbasak: you're about a day of date :)01:45
rbasakOh I'm sorry. I did pull but I had a detached head.01:46
naccoh there's also a .gitattributes01:46
naccthat's what's doing it01:46
naccbah, so frustrating :/01:47
rbasakgit needs a "I'm external to the project; ignore that stuff" mode :-/01:47
nacci believe this is actaully covered somewhere int he manual -- how to repackage upstreams that use git01:47
nacci will need to look tmrw01:47
rbasakLast time I sent a patch to the git project I got bikeshedded :-/01:47
rbasak(about a test no less; not even the bugfix)01:47
naccit seems like they should put this in .git/info/attributes in the php7.0 repo01:48
naccrather than in the source dir01:48
rbasakThat depends on whether they want cloners to automatically inherit all that or not.01:48
naccwell they do now by virtue of it being in the path01:48
rbasakIf they want everyone to have it active, then that's what .gitattributes/.gitignore is for01:48
naccoh you're saying if a user had a separate attributes setting already?01:48
rbasakNo I mean that if they put it in .git/info/attributes then everyone who clones it needs to set it up separately01:49
naccrbasak: not acc'g to the gitattributes manpage01:49
naccrbasak: git uses that first01:49
rbasakI don't think you follow me.01:49
nacci dunno, not a big deal right now01:50
rbasakIf they want to do a thing project wide, automatically, for everyone who clones, then they can't put that in .git/info/attributes because others won't pick that up when they clone.01:50
naccoh i see what you mean01:50
naccrbasak: i'm not sure how to avoid .gitattributes in an upstream like this, though; istr talking about this a while back, for a case you hit as well02:01
naccrbasak: ah crlf issues, maybe02:03
naccrbasak: bouncycastle?02:03
naccrbasak: at the time, you did a "echo '* -text' > git/info/attributes" I think02:05
rbasaknacc: ah yes. That was to override the default IIRC, rather than a .gitattributes file.02:11
rbasaknacc: IMHO, git should have options to disable everything from inside .git/. If it doesn't we should see if we can get that in upstream.02:12
naccrbasak: so i think this might just be a bug in `usd merge` -- i think i have a workaround for php at least02:12
naccbut it is something we should look into02:12
rbasakWhen I did it by hand I ended up committing a removal of .gitattributes and .gitignore from the tree. Painful.02:12
naccrbasak: ack, not a great solution :)02:13
naccrbasak: ok, pushed something up that lets me proceed, at least02:13
naccrbasak: i'm off the evening, thanks!02:13
pdeeerbasak, I replied on the ticket03:08
pdeeein short, we don't believe there should be any workflows that have changed03:09
pdeeethere are lots of new flags that and options that are supported03:12
cpaelzernacc: thanks for the fixes, I'll let you know next time I hit it07:12
pittiGood morning07:22
cpaelzergood morning pitti07:44
highvoltageLocutusOfBorg: no problem at all!08:28
pittirbasak: iptraf got removed in Debian in favor of iptraf-ng (Debian bug #842355); iptraf is seeded on ubuntu-server daily; do we want to follow suit?08:28
ubottuDebian bug 842355 in ftp.debian.org "RM: iptraf -- ROM; obsoleted by iptraf-ng" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/84235508:28
rbasakpdeee: thanks!10:02
rbasakkirkland, jgrimm: opinion on pitti's question above please?10:10
rbasakSounds like a yes to me?10:10
LocutusOfBorghighvoltage, kpmcore sponsored10:32
LocutusOfBorgbut the symbols are really sad10:32
=== hikiko is now known as hikiko|ln
dokoxnox: what is your plan with openssl 1.1?12:55
xnoxdoko, stay on 1.0 until debian transitions 500 more packages.13:05
xnoxdoko, then revisit with mdslaur.13:05
xnoxdoko, at the moment he does not want to maintain cves for two series. or worse two series in a single release.13:05
cjwatsonopenssh ain't moving off 1.0 for a while yet13:05
cjwatsonto name but one13:06
xnoxsomehow i expect it to drag on forever.13:06
Son_Gokuxnox: have you seen this? https://github.com/patch-exchange/openssl-1.1-transition13:06
cjwatsonand yes, I'm aware of the patch sent upstream for openssh, but I consider it irresponsible to apply a ~4000 patch with lots of delicate crypto code that isn't yet upstream13:07
Son_GokuFedora and OpenMandriva guys are collaborating on the openssl-1.1 transition, and maybe you guys could help pitch in for it13:07
cjwatsonwouldn't surprise me if a similar thing applied to some other packages13:08
cjwatsons/~4000 patch/~4000-line patch/13:09
xnoxSon_Goku, my advice is for those who are interested in openssl 1.1 contribute to debian, and similar efforts in porting. Longer term I do see it as a necessory transition, but in my mind that's 18.04 LTS not necessarily 17.0413:10
xnoxno objections on the intentions; just the timing; and how the timing makes sense for ubuntu.13:11
Son_Gokuxnox, I don't disagree, but I figured I'd make you aware of the patch-exchange for it13:11
Son_Gokuyou can let your friends in Debian know about it, so that we don't keep duplicating work over and over13:12
rbasakSon_Goku: https://github.com/patch-exchange looks interesting. Someone should mention this on the cross-distro list.13:18
Son_Gokuwhat cross-distro list?13:19
rbasak(what is the cross-distro list, you ask?)13:19
rbasakI can make the same point about the patch-exchange :-P13:19
Son_Gokuwait, isn't that just for ARM things?13:19
rbasakI don't believe so.13:19
rbasakIt just started up because there was a need in that area.13:19
* Son_Goku shrugs13:19
Son_GokuI've seen that list before, but I've only seen ARM things talked about there13:20
pittirealistically, such a list isn't going to happen or be useful13:20
pittiIMHO, for any such porting there should be an upstream bug/issue/whatever where people interested in that project (like distro maintainers) are subscribed13:20
pittithat at least makes it N:1 instead of N:M (which is too intangible)13:20
rbasakpitti: sure, but in addition to that, it's useful to have a general forum for wider issues. I wouldn't expect individual patches to be discussed on such a list, but wide reaching issues would be relevant.13:21
Son_Gokuat least in the case of patches, I don't know how it is between Debian and other distros, but at least in my experience in Fedora, Mageia, and openSUSE, we do a lot of patch sharing13:21
Son_Gokuso it made sense to set up the patch-exchange13:21
rbasakIndeed. I wasn't aware of a forum before, but it is quite common for Debian/Ubuntu to look at the other distros and grab their patches. I assumed they did the same with us. And patch-exchange certainly does look useful.13:22
rbasakBut someone needs to announce them to the distros!13:22
rbasakOr announce _it_, at least.13:22
Son_Gokurbasak, half the time, I have no idea where to find patches for stuff in Debian13:22
rbasakFor modern packages, always inside debian/patches.13:23
pittihttps://patches.ubuntu.com/ too13:23
Son_Gokuthe crappy part is when it's 2.0 or 1.0 split format13:23
cjwatsonSon_Goku: Debian developers manage to work it out for other distros :)13:23
Son_Gokuwhich means diff.gz13:23
cjwatsonSon_Goku: that's increasingly rare nowadays13:23
Son_GokuMir is released that way, for example13:23
cjwatsonSure, you can always come up with examples13:24
cjwatsonBut statistically13:24
Son_Gokuit's less common now, thankfully13:24
Son_Gokubut it still pops up enough to be annoying13:24
rbasakYou should file a bug against mir and ask them to move to 3.0 (quilt). I'm surprised about that one.13:25
Son_Goku1.0/3.0 native and 3.0 quilt formats are my favorite13:25
Son_Gokueverything in the middle sucks13:25
cjwatsonhttps://upsilon.cc/~zack/stuff/dpkg-v3/   graph seems to be broken but it has the numbers at least13:26
cjwatsonthat's for Debian rather than Ubuntu13:26
cjwatsonas for mir, they don't have any patches at the packaging level anyway, so while it would be nice if they used 3.0 (quilt) on general principles, it wouldn't make any difference at all to finding patches13:27
cjwatsonthe way it's released very nearly enforces landing upstream first13:27
=== hikiko|ln is now known as hikiko
Son_Gokurbasak: filed: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mir/+bug/164112113:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1641121 in mir (Ubuntu) "Switch packaging to "3.0 (quilt)"" [Undecided,New]13:28
Son_Gokucjwatson, yes, but it's the principle of the thing13:28
Son_Gokuand how the heck am I supposed to know until I do dpkg-source foo?13:29
rbasakSon_Goku: thanks. I'd add that the point is to make it simple for people to easily confirm there aren't any patches, which is just as useful as being able to find any.13:29
rbasakRight :)13:29
cjwatsonI guess it doesn't seem particularly harder to me than having to track down and extract a source RPM ...13:30
Son_Gokucjwatson, you typically don't need to go to that level13:30
cjwatson(sure, nowadays it's usually in a git repository, but wasn't historically the case and I'm reaching for an apples-to-apples comparison)13:30
Son_Gokubecause the sources are in a central VCS typically13:30
rbasakSon_Goku: you might be interested in http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1611/meeting/22710/git-based-merge-workflow/ BTW. I hope that soon we'll have Ubuntu packages clonable from git.13:30
Son_Gokurbasak, zyga actually is managing snap-confine using a similar workflow to what we do in Fedora13:31
Son_GokuI think it's probably the sanest approach for managing packaging13:31
Son_Gokurbasak: https://git.launchpad.net/snap-confine13:32
cjwatsonugh, non-full-source13:32
Son_Gokucjwatson, it is designed to make it harder to do random monkey-patching13:33
Son_Gokuwhich is something that I've had the misfortune of seeing from Debian packages before13:33
cjwatsonI am an absolute unashamed partisan of full-source packaging repositories13:33
cjwatsonyou won't persuade me otherwise, it's a firm opinion established over 15 years13:33
* Son_Goku shrugs13:33
Son_GokuI've done both workflows myself13:33
pittibzr-buildpackage actually made debian/ only trees not suck13:34
Son_Gokudoesn't git-buildpackage do the same thing?13:34
Son_Gokufor git stuff13:34
pittiI actually quite enjoyed it, it was clean and super-fast as it doesn't have to drag along the huge upstream portion13:34
Son_Gokupitti: \o/13:34
pittimaybe it can, but I've always seen it full-source13:34
pittiand I'm using it myself that way -- the usual triumvirate of upstream, pristine-tar, master13:35
cjwatsonditto except with git-dpm13:35
Son_GokuI personally prefer having the original sources stored as a tarball or archived in a lookaside system and maintaining the packaging sources in VCS13:36
Son_Gokuto me, it enforces the split between the software and the packaging better13:36
cjwatsonI find it enormously useful to be able to do consolidated 'git blame' across both13:36
cjwatsonwhich doesn't work if you "enforce the split"13:36
* pitti waves good bye and bids a nice weekend to everyone; gotta leave early today13:37
Son_Gokucjwatson, sure, and that is an advantage13:37
Son_Gokuuntil it isn't13:37
rbasakI think "enforcing the split" is more appropriate as a cultural thing at review/upload time. No need to compromise our tooling for it.13:37
cjwatsonI've not hit the "until"13:37
Son_Gokuwhen you can't tell whether it's an upstream or downstream change, it's a problem13:38
cjwatsonit's not that I can't tell13:38
Son_Gokuor when you refer to commit hashes that don't exist upstream13:38
cjwatsonit's that I don't care when I'm in the middle of investigating a bug13:38
cjwatsonwhen I'm preparing a fix, sure, I'll work out where the appropriate target is13:38
cjwatsonbut that comes later, and I don't want my convenience compromised13:39
* Son_Goku shrugs13:39
rbasakSon_Goku: why can't you tell if it's an upstream or downstream change? And why do you accidentally refer upstream to downstream commit hashes?13:39
Son_Gokurbasak, I've seen Debian packages have downstream patches applied to master and referred to in changes as upstream commits13:39
rbasakCertainly I can see how this could be a problem with 1.0 format. But not 3.0.13:39
Son_Gokuand because they never made it upstream, I have no idea where they are13:40
rbasakApplied to master where? In debian/patches? Or via git-dpm?13:40
Son_Gokuand also, since Debian doesn't enforce a VCS for packaging, tracing it is hard, too13:40
rbasakWe have dep3 headers to track origin and status.13:40
Son_Gokurbasak: applied to the master in the deb-git structure13:40
Son_Gokuand not as a debian/patch file13:40
rbasakIf we're talking about best practice of git, gbp, git-dpm and 3.0 (quilt) packages, you can't invoke "but 1.0 and no VCS". That isn't part of the debate.13:40
cjwatsonI really don't think that "some people have screwed things up" is a reason for making the tools harder to use13:40
Son_Gokueh, no, this is with 3.0 packages13:41
Son_Gokuwith a VCS13:41
Son_Gokubut you're right, the not enforcing VCS thing is irrelevant in this case13:42
rbasakSon_Goku: if it's not a debian/patch file, dpkg-source will refuse on a 3.0 quilt package. That's just an error and an unbuildable package. Not a workflow difference that encourages bad practice. It can't encourage bad practice, because it doesn't work.13:42
rbasakdholbach: o/ would you mind setting up a UOS MySQL/MariaDB session for me please? I asked jgrimm but just realised he's out today (US holiday).14:14
rbasakdholbach: I have a slot preference since we have some external employees attending. I'll just work it out from the RSVPs.14:15
rbasakdholbach: can we have it at 1500-1600 UTC on Tuesday please? That seems to fit the key attendees the best.14:17
dholbachhey rbasak, does http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1611/propose_meeting/ work for you?14:18
rbasakOh, I didn't know about that. Sorry!14:18
* rbasak uses it14:18
dholbachyou might have to go to  http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1611/registration  before it14:18
dholbachno worries :)14:18
rbasakdholbach: done, but I don't see a scheduling option14:20
dholbachlet me take a look14:26
dholbachrbasak, thanks, scheduled14:27
rbasakdholbach: thank you!14:34
jgrimmthanks rbasak14:57
kirklandrbasak: I have no opinion on that15:25
rbasakkirkland: thanks. We'll JFDI then I think.15:26
rbasakThough I think this may need an MIR :-/15:27
rbasakNo, it looks like it's a fork.15:28
rbasakpitti: iptraf-ng> ^ are you happy to proceed without a MIR?15:28
rbasakpitti: swapped in the seed, and subscribed ~ubuntu-server. Please override.15:32
dokorbasak, jgrimm: please could you have a look at http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches-proposed.svg ? freeradius tries to pull collectd into MAIN18:35
naccdoko: might be late for rbasak and jgrimm is on holiday; looking18:47
naccdoko: it seems freeradius has grown a b-d on libcollectdclient-dev18:47
naccdoko: looks like we'd need a delta to change our build?18:51
naccdoko: yeah, i think that's what is driving freeradius-utils to dep on libcollectdclient118:52
naccdoko: working on a merge now, i'll take a look after this18:52
dokonacc: ta18:52
dmj_s76What kind of updates can we expect for Unity in the next LTS point release?21:25
dmj_s76Will there be an updated release or just cherry picks/backports?21:25

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