
hallynrtg: is a local build (fakeroot debian/rules binary-generic) of linux in yakkety-updates expected to work right now?04:18
rtghallyn, I would expect it to. Are you building from a source package or from the git repo ?13:36
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=== cachio is now known as cachio_lunch
hallynpull-lp-source linux yakkety-updates15:44
hallynedit debian/rules and debian/scripts/module-check, and build.  nothing more.  in a yakkety vm15:44
hallynwell, container15:44
hallynrtg: ^15:45
hallyni don't relaly need that specific one, maybe i should use z instead15:46
rtghallyn, they should both build successfully15:46
hallynwell, in fact /home/ubuntu/linux-4.8.0/ubuntu/vbox/vboxguest/include/VBox/VBoxGuestMangling.h does not exist and vbox makefiles do seem to reference it15:50
rtghallyn, leeme repro15:52
rtglemme even15:52
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rtghallyn, ok, looks like a packaging issue.16:46
hallynrtg: ok cool, thanks.  i'll just wait then17:05
rtghallyn, you can build from the repo in the meantime. 17:06
rtghallyn, also, please file a bug and assign me to it. I've kind of got my hands full for  awhile17:07
hallynrtg: ok will do17:12
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=== cachio_afk is now known as cachio

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