
igorchenkoDJones, dave?00:00
wxlwhat's your need igorchenko ?00:00
igorchenkowxl: hi, I had an emergency..00:01
igorchenkonobody cared.. I passed the deadline and shat myself.00:01
igorchenkoare you people  happy now?00:01
igorchenkodo you know what it feels like to have your pants full of diarrhea?00:01
daxthat's okay though, I just add it to your file00:01
igorchenkoI have 3 kids and a cat to feed harold, you never listen.. you never listen.. *bursts out in tears*00:02
igorchenkothat's a quote from Star Wars 3, rise of the empire and fall of the resistance00:03
igorchenkoI personally like the new director.00:03
igorchenkohey, at least I'm not outside and killing people and selling drugs, why all the h800:04
igorchenkodon't complain all at once, please.00:04
igorchenkolul come on guys :D ... bazhang, how are you doing?00:07
igorchenkobazhang, I've heard that you suck, is that true?00:07
* dax yawns00:08
igorchenkodax: if I were to undress and spin naked in a circle and make random sounds "ooououououaouaoueaoueaoueaouaeuoaeu" while also shitting myself, you wouldn't be yawning.00:09
igorchenkoyou'd go "wtf" or "eh" or "lmaaaaaaao, what the hell" or "poor sick dude :("00:10
daxhighly unlikely00:10
igorchenkoyou wouldn't care? you'd be indifferent or annoyed maybe?00:11
igorchenkodax: if I forced myeslf into your house and did that, you'd be really really pissed I'm sure00:13
igorchenkoyou'd be furious00:13
daxconsidering your usual competence level, i rather doubt that's going to happen, sorry00:13
daxguess i should probably do the formalities00:13
daxis there anything operator-relevant we can help you with today, or do you just need help out?00:14
igorchenkoI need help out :D00:16
igorchenkoweeeeeeeee, push me out :D00:16
wxli thought he already pushed one out00:16
bazhangthey are still in #ubuntu00:20
ubottuIn #ubuntu, siva_machina said: ubottu, Etcher is pretty straight forward. that and there is no need to "install" it05:51
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phunyguy@mark #ubuntu-offtopic jinxi1 never says anything, and just runs a sysinfo script in the channel every once in a while.19:52
ubottuThe operation succeeded.19:52
bazhanglooks like klarkie and venom are tag teaming23:06
bazhangvenom is already ban evading23:06
hggdhah. It was starting to sound weird23:08
ubottuThe operation succeeded.23:10
bazhangtried to apt install internet23:10
hggdhI am confused. If venom is banned, how did he get in?23:12

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