=== test is now known as Guest94389 [18:40] hi all [18:40] i need my laptop to not suspend when i close its lid [18:40] i changed the settings from powermanager [18:41] but whenever i close the lid, it sleeps [18:41] what shall i do ? [18:43] i have samba server running, so i want my laptop not to sleep when i close the lid [18:44] sm_ argh I cannot really remember how to do this so I will try to look it up [18:45] * lynorian forgot as I am using my desktop more often [18:46] please, thanks [18:47] http://askubuntu.com/questions/15520/how-can-i-tell-ubuntu-to-do-nothing-when-i-close-my-laptop-lid is what I get from looking at it [18:49] so this wont work from power manager gui ?> [18:53] got it working, thanks so much [18:54] i am used to ubuntu 14.04 [18:54] it was simple there [18:54] lynorian: thank you [20:34] hi, looking for some help with vlc and getting dynamic range compression / volume normalizing to work under lubuntu [20:35] any input would be nice .. been looking for a while somehow it just doenst work