
punkangelhi zipper05:45
=== zipper is now known as Guest69682
=== urbanslug is now known as zipper
Kiloshi punkangel07:05
Kiloshelloooooo africa07:06
punkangelhi Kilos07:07
punkangelhave we talked before07:08
Kilosi dont remember, if not then nice to meet you07:16
Kilosi started this channel07:16
Kiloshi CraigZim elacheche07:17
Kiloselacheche you guys are letting the numbers drop here. shame on you07:18
CraigZimHi Kilos punkangel elacheche07:18
Kilospunkangel where are you from, i am from za but in aus atm on holiday till month end07:19
punkangelim from east africa08:21
elachecheHey Kilos !  You're back to ZA ?10:48
Kiloson the 29th elacheche10:48
elachecheGood! You're health is OK?10:55
Kilosyip ty10:56
=== z4ki is now known as zaki
=== zaki is now known as Guest86753

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