[02:05] UWN: S.Belkin has article on steam controller (& using on) ubuntu; ie. howto.... goes in planet yes/no?? [02:05] ps: i've already included two I don't think belong (but marked via comment..) [02:11] I would, yeah. [02:11] She's belkinsa on IRC. ;) [02:13] thanks simon (i'd have recognized belkinsa if she was in this room) [02:59] planet add complete; summaries done except for one (ignoring [now] three I added that I think should be removed; no summary & comments suggesting delete) [03:18] WOW! [03:18] guiverc: Good job! :) [03:18] :) [03:19] Removing the following article: [03:19] === Eric Hammond: Running aws-cli commands inside an AWS Lambda Function === [03:19] just resolve my comments if happy/whatever... [03:19] http://feeds.alestic.com/~r/alestic-planetubuntu/~3/oD5r-_wMqZI/ [03:19] https://alestic.com/2016/11/aws-lambda-awscli/ [03:20] that one I may be able to do later... for now too sore. [03:21] pendulum: Do we put KDE Neon related articles in UWN? [03:21] :) [03:21] whoops [03:21] pleia2: ^^^ [03:21] :( [03:21] will ^Z fix? [03:22] pleia2: Please add it back if you think it's relevant, but I'm removing it for now: [03:22] === Jonathan Riddell: Appstream Generated === [03:22] http://jriddell.org/2016/11/07/appstream-generated/ [03:22] i see; i caused problem cause of comment - sorry! [03:22] guiverc: Hm? [03:22] No, it's alright. ;) [03:22] I'm being the preliminary editor. :P [03:22] :) [03:23] This site can’t be reached [03:23] danielpocock.com’s server DNS address could not be found. [03:24] Plus, doesn't sound relevant. [03:24] === Daniel Pocock: Quickstart SDR with gqrx, GNU Radio and the RTL-SDR dongle === [03:24] https://danielpocock.com/quickstart-sdr-ham-radio-gqrx-gnu-radio [03:24] Removing the above ^^^ [03:24] wasn't in my opinion anyway. [03:25] I saw your comment. ;) [03:25] realized... i'm just concurring with you... my memory is like a goldfish. [03:25] guiverc: Please put a blank line before and after th summary. Makes things easier to read. ;) [03:25] *the [03:26] will try & remember... yeah Paul has said that before. [03:27] guiverc: I think it's fair to ask you to fix it? ;) [03:27] which? [03:28] < tsimonq2> guiverc: Please put a blank line before and after the summary. Makes things easier to read. ;) [03:29] openpower one ... remove? [03:30] or are you leaving for later editoral.. [03:30] Yes, axe. [03:31] online summit - wrongly placed as I suspect? [03:31] Move to General News I think. [03:32] guiverc: In Canonical News: s/.\n/ - / [03:33] guiverc: SO just like how I did that first one. [03:33] *So [03:38] would be nice if gdocs had regex's ! [14:55] tsimonq2: if the newsletter is looking lean, or the news is particularly important for KDE, I will include Plasma news [14:55] * pleia2 works on adding blogosphere articles, then will send to summary writers