[00:10] @Ivoriesablaze / @RazPi and @AdamOutler - coming for coffee tomorrow? [00:11] Where? [00:12] I didn't hear about it. [00:12] Undergrounds at 1 PM [00:12] It's on the meetup page [00:33] https://www.meetup.com/ubuntufl/events/234722325/ [01:04] @Ivoriesablaze / @RazPi ? [03:26] Ya I'm visiting family. Btw, tmobile currently not only has the regular free roaming, but until the end of the year its LTE speeds in all roaming countries [03:26] So my phone is flying [03:26] Nice [03:29] Nice [03:39] @KMyers Id love to but I'm in a work crunch :( I want to catch up to you guys soon though [03:39] I need sushu [03:39] *sushi [03:41] I'd like to go but it's 41minutes away right now with no traffic. [03:42] Its romorrow [03:42] Tomorrow [05:06] A few drawings about Linux - Julia Evans … https://jvns.ca/blog/2016/11/10/a-few-drawings-about-linux/ [12:28] @RazPi - Take a break. Sushi can be arranged [12:38] If you guys would like to do sushi tonight I will try to pack up the family and head out there. [12:39] There are rare Pokemon near the coast. [12:39] I am not opposed to Sushi tonight [12:51] ... Maybe [12:52] I want to get in a stream today, so I don't think coffee [12:53] But I'm always up for sushi [12:54] @RazPi you'd get to see my new car, lol [12:58] And @RazPi needs to see people... Not sure if he has done that in a month or two [14:31] I might swing by and kidnap him [14:31] Let me know if you do [16:52] If you so sushi tonight, I wouldn't be able to do until like 8 [16:53] Wanna do it tomorrow? [16:53] At 5? [16:53] Hmm.... Might be easier for me, just gotta be back here by 10 [16:55] Or better yet, lunch tomorrow [17:27] @Ivoriesablaze if we eat at 3-4, tonight you can be back before 10 [17:27] I am tied up tomorrow [17:28] I'm streaming and have to work on my budget [17:29] Come on down, need a break === z4ki is now known as zaki === zaki is now known as Guest86753 [18:26] ok, what time then? 330? [18:26] I can leave at 2:30ish [18:40] Mother won't let me, her house, her rules [19:49] Well we will likely be leaving within 1/2 hout [19:49] Hour* [19:50] +1 [19:58] Running a bit late [21:22] I'm herw [21:22] Here* [21:27] Anyone for sushi next weekend? [21:28] Since I had to miss this week? [21:41] Anyone? [21:42] I think that can be arranged [21:43] Sweet [23:30] I may be able to [23:30] I get to Miami on Friday again