
wrstoh an netritious bought cables from amazon the amazon basics brand I was a little suspect of them but had good reviews, so far so good02:20
minasotaIs there a way to get links in weechat to open in w3m? When I ssh into my vps and attach the tmux session, I would like for the url's I click on to open with w3m in the split pane02:48
minasotaVertical split - w3m on the left, weechat on that right with mouse enabled (/mouse /enable)02:49
minasotaerr /mouse enable that is02:50
minasotaI can disable mouse, use the tmux keybinding to select text and copy, then toggle to w3m pane and paste the url... It works but it's... not as easy as I judge it could be02:54
netritiousnice wrst! glad it was just a cable :)05:12
wrstyeah netritious now to purchase a boatload of network cards.... the budget must catch up a bit I will "struggle" along for now :)13:40
netritiouswrst: lol struggle18:28
wrstyeah this connection is wonderful!18:28
wrsthave 3 HD video streams playing right now18:28
wrstand not taxing anything close18:28
netritiouscan I just rent a room in the back? pitch a tent? SOMETHING?! lol18:29
wrstha ha could give you the wifi password18:39
wrstnow my challenge is just getting things so I can actually use it :)18:40
netritiousi bet you could subsidise the cost of the connection and equipment between your neighbors via wifi18:42
wrstha ha well they can all get the same thing now18:42
wrstbut I could get fancy and charge them a fraction :)18:42
netritiousthat's what I meant, charge a fraction to each neighbor monthly and it would cheaper for tehm and you18:48
wrstcould get some of those point to point wifi antennaes18:48
wrstyeah I don't think I need to get into the ISP business :)18:49
wrstI'm having enough trouble getting a connection to my dad's barn for cameras18:49
netritiousI imagine it can become time consuming18:49
netritiousdo you plan to run more than one AP wrst?18:50
wrstat home? I'm not unless I need to but the ubiquitis I think automagically mesh together if you need them so plan on starting with one of them, or possibly might just go with that AP you showed me that would be a LOT easier and really make more sense18:51
netritiousI've read a little bit about the ubiquiti routers and mesh networking and am not entirely convinced I'm ready to make that move.18:52
netritiousIf it ain't broke...18:53
netritiousbut if you do decide to run two APs at home with a pfsense box, it's simply adding another NIC on the pfsense box and plugging in the new AP.18:53
netritiousand some config of course via the GUI18:54
netritiousso say one AP is and the other AP is, these networks will route to each other without issue via pfsense18:55
wrstsounds like pfsense is just the stuff really when you get down to it18:56
netritiousif you only want to talk to but not vice versa, just setup a firewall rule18:57
netritiousit's the closest thing I have gotten to that is free, stable, works on just about everything, has a webgui (like most routers do, commercial or otherwise), etc18:57
netritiouscommercial grade firewall for free18:58
netritiousthe best advice I could give you is don't go crazy on the packages unless you intend to backup very often18:58
wrstyeah netritious I just want the network to work18:59
wrstI really have no fancy needs just need to forward a port or two and that is really about it18:59
wrstI have found with things like pfsense usually the default is a pretty safe setup18:59
wrstI used a mikrotik router for a while and its default setup was really good and reasonably safe19:00
netritiousI've heard they are nice...the microtik routers I mean. with pfsense though I recommend to use a hdd and not an ssd, use intel NICs, at least 2-4GB ram, (1GB is fine if you don't run snort) and you are gtg19:01
netritiousI use 2.5" laptop drives mostly, although recently I paid way to much for the only officially supported ssd19:15
wrstyeah I was planning on a hard drive, shoudl I use a SSD for pfsense?19:20
wrstis the processor very important? figured it needed to be decent?19:20
netritiousstick with an HDD19:21
netritiousa harddrive19:21
wrstgotcha will do19:21
wrsthave a 40GB just sitting here that is a good drive I never used19:21
netritiousthere is no real benefit to using SSD unless you are going for really low power (which I am)19:22
netritiousIf you have it use a SATA HDD although I'm not 100% it will matter. YMMV with IDE.19:23
wrsthave sata just a very small one :)19:24
wrstthis sounds fun19:24
netritiousthat should work fine19:24
netritiousyou'll know if it doesn't work right after install, and sometimes only then.19:25
wrstha ha19:26
wrstwell not like it has to work on the first run, I would be disappointed if it did19:26
wrstdownloaded it last night and played around with it for a few minutes in a vm19:26
netritiousyeah it works great in a vm. I use to use a pfsense VM configured as a bridge so I could put VM's directly on the net and manage it all on one workstation.19:28
netritiouswas good for testing servers19:28
netritiousbut not having to manage another machine to do it all19:29
netritious*do all of the routing/filtering19:29
wrstcool I was just looking at the UI nothing so grand :)19:29
netritious*an additional physical machine to do all the routing/filtering19:30
netritiousnah, it's pretty basic.19:30
netritiousdepends on the packages. not every package has the same ease of configuration19:31
netritiousif you recall I mentioned a few years ago buying two hp sff that had 3x PCI-e and 1x PCI? still have them, still running pfsense, every slot filled, four NICs in primary, two dual ports, one intel onboard gigabit, (7x RJ45 gigabit), then a cold standby with just two NICs, no RAM or hdd/ssd.19:36
netritioustook the 2GB DDR2 from one and filled the four slots in the other for a total of 4GB RAM.19:37
netritiousat the end of the journey, I might find I could have just spent the money and purchased a router directly from pfsense with commercial support lol19:39
netritiousbut for a 2-3 NIC setup, if you already have the hardware, it's reasonable and cost effective.19:43
netritiousnope, cost me <half two have a cold standby, more ram, more ports, and user serviceable19:46
netritious*to have19:46
wrstbut the fun is in the building and tinkering when I get something to work I'm partially disappointed :)19:50
netritiousand get bored so move on to something else... :)19:51
wrstha ha yes :)20:13
wrstohhhh parts just came... bye! :)20:18
Omnifrog I hate lawnmowers23:52

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