
Kiloshi HnyBdgr 03:15
Symmetria*sigh* Leonard Cohen died - man thats a true loss for the world of music03:41
=== zipper is now known as Guest69682
=== urbanslug is now known as zipper
* Kilos waves to the za peeps07:07
chesedohi Kilos and others07:14
zipperSup dudes08:04
Kiloshi zipper superfly 08:50
zipperKilos: Rocking out08:54
inetprogood mornings09:36
inetproKilos: wat sĂȘ hulle by die huis, hoeveel reen het julle gehad?09:36
superflygood evening09:38
inetproyesterday morning we had 45mm and last night another 19mm09:39
superflyinetpro: did you activate the boat feature of your house?09:40
inetprohaha, was not as bad as Johburg on Wednesday... that was hectic!09:40
inetprono draining system would ever handle such huge amounts of waters from the skies09:41
inetproyesterday morning came with quite a bit of hail, plenty of fresh leaves all over, but luckily we still have small Avocados and Litjies on the tree09:43
inetprobroken fresh leaves on the ground*09:43
Kilosnie gehoor nie inetpro 10:44
Kiloswell any rain is good10:44
inetproanother friend in Pretoria sent us a picture of his flooded kitchen which looked like a leakage of the washing machine 10:46
Kilosi go bath now. near 10pm10:48
andrewlsdHi peeps11:09
Kiloshi andrewlsd 11:37
Kilosnight all. have a good day11:39
=== z4ki is now known as zaki
=== zaki is now known as Guest86753
captineevening all20:04

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