
FireStrikerHi all00:22
FireStrikerHow do I change the file manager on xubuntu to PCManFM?00:26
mrkrampsFireStriker, Settings → Preffered Applications → Utilities00:29
FireStrikerWhere do I download it lol00:30
FireStrikerI have found it on the software 'App Store' thing00:35
FireStrikerThere's 2 options00:35
FireStrikerWhich do I pick lol00:36
mrkrampsFireStriker, for xubuntu i would recommend the second00:38
mrkrampsthe GTK+ based00:38
FireStrikerWhat's the first? Installing the second now btw00:39
mrkrampsthe first one listet is a Qt-port of the GTK file manager00:39
mrkrampsbasically they are using different toolkits for user interface00:39
mrkrampspcmanfm-gtk was tor still is the LXDE default file manager00:40
mrkrampsbut as the developers decided to stop LXDE development and focus on LXQt instead they had to port the file manager00:40
FireStrikerSo PCManFM is no longer being updated on LXDE?00:42
mrkrampsvice versa00:42
mrkrampsLXDE is no longer updated00:42
FireStrikerwait is it LX desktop Environment00:43
mrkrampsbut pcmanfm had been around way longer than LXDE00:43
FireStrikerIsn't LXDE Lubuntu?00:43
FireStrikerThat would explain why it's not the smothest ubuntu00:44
mrkrampswell, actually the same developers are maintaining both version00:44
FireStrikerLet's say the only thing I liked about it is the multiple desktops and the file manager00:45
FireStrikerI can live with out multiple desktops00:45
FireStrikerI love PCManFM00:45
mrkrampsmultiple desktops?00:45
mrkrampsafaik that's KDE only00:46
mrkrampsor are you talking about virtual desktops in terms of workspaces?00:46
FireStrikerIt had a thing on the taskbar00:46
mrkrampsand http://docs.xfce.org/xfce/xfce4-panel/pager00:47
FireStrikerThanks for the help with the file manager00:51
mrkrampsyou're welcome00:52
xubuntu92ohow to install wine on xubuntu?01:41
camel_Hello all05:48
camel_I can normally download software remotely. However, I recently installed a .deb . Why do websites offer a .deb over FTP hosting? I guess it has to do with bandwidth and saving storage space. Am I on the right track?05:51
camel_By FTP hosting I mean hosting the package to be remotely installed (my termininology may be off)05:52
FireStrikerhey guys09:01
FireStrikerim looking for a dock for xubuntu09:01
SpassFireStriker: Hello. You have many options: Plank, Docky, Avant Window Navigator, Cairo Dock, DockbarX... First two are simple and easy, other have many configuration options.09:07
SpassIt depends what you need and like.09:07
FireStrikeri want something that looks nice, easy to use and lightweigh09:07
SpassTry Plank.09:08
FireStrikerwas looking at that the other day when i google them, bc i dont know much i lik09:09
FireStrikerso how do i find plank? lol09:10
Spasssudo apt install plank09:11
SpassIt should be in the universe repo.09:11
FireStrikerits done thanks09:15
SpassI can send you some themes for Plank if you want. And if you want to get to Plank settings, Ctrl + right mouse button on the dock.09:16
FireStrikerthat would be nice thanks09:17
SpassPut these extracted folders in ~/.local/share/plank/themes/09:18
FireStrikerlet me just get addblock lol09:19
SpassSorry, it's the firs file sharing site I found :/09:19
FireStrikerits alright09:19
SpassI can upload it on my Google Drive and share.09:19
FireStrikerthat would be easer09:20
FireStrikerwhats the command to move the contents of a file to that location09:24
FireStrikerits /mv right09:24
FireStrikersudo mv /user/chris/downloads/ ~/.local/share/plank/themes/  ?09:25
SpassYou can do it in Thunar, Ctrl + H shows hidden folders.09:25
FireStrikerim useing PCManFM09:26
Spassmv ~/Downloads/Arc-Plank/ ~/.local/share/plank/themes/09:32
FireStrikerwhats ~09:32
SpassYou don't need sudo when you're operating in your home directory.09:32
Spass~ acts like your home directory so "/home/user_name/"09:34
FireStrikerhang on why is the Terminal called Terminal Emulator lol that doesnt sound too good any way doing the command now09:36
FireStrikerall moved09:36
FireStrikerdoing downloads/* made it go faster lol09:36
SpassI need to correct myself, ~ is "/home/user_name" not "/home/user_name/"09:41
SpassYes "*" does the job, but I preferred to be careful with the command I suggested :) I don't know what you have in your 'Downloads' directory.09:43
FireStrikeri made shour to deleat the .zip before doing the command09:52
FireStrikerwho knows what could of happned09:52
xubuntu59iHi Guys ! I have some trouble installing Xubuntu on my laptot... Everything goes well until 99%. At this point, I have a message telling me that the installer crashed... Can anyone help ?11:55
FireStrikerhey guys i am trying to install wine/playonlinux how do i do that?14:04
SpassFireStriker: If you want to install Wine, the best way to do it is through the official PPA https://wiki.winehq.org/Ubuntu14:39
SpassI never used PlayOnLinux so I can't help here.14:39
GridCubeor just sudo apt-get install wine14:49
GridCubethats what i did and it works pretty alright14:49
GridCubeor just go to the software center look for playonlinux and install it14:49
SpassWine in 16.04 repos is really outdated.14:54
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newbie1i'm new to linux - just installed 32 bit xubuntu - i have an old pc with 2ghz processor with 1.5 gb ram - i'm trying to get chromium-browser via the software mgr but it just keeps spinning around & doesn't show up.  ikeep getting network disconected but its not.  i'm tring to get a browser that doesn't have video lagging when i'm at youtube. firefox has video lagging issues.  can some help with this problem?21:16
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CountryfiedLinuxIs Xfce good for 4k scaling?22:07
FireStrikerThanks Spass . GridCube its not in the software center for some reason22:20
Skyosjoin #xubuntu22:48
knomeyou are here.22:48

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