
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest46914
Guest46914my system is trying to connect to uy.archive.ubuntu.com to get some packages but is not getting any result. any idea why??01:51
Guest46914and it seems that from this live session i can get to the repo just find ...01:51
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juacom99 hi, one question. I'm trying to update my repository and i get stuck at uy.archive.ubuntu.com (an alias for ubuntu.c3sl.ufpr.br). after a while i get this error ** (appstreamcli:7157): CRITICAL **: Error while moving old database out of the way. is anyone getting this too?02:08
chcknrubkde 5.8 is still not in backports ppa03:33
chcknrubit will arrived next year hopefully03:33
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rohdefhey, nvidia problems, I have installed via restricted drivers nvidia-367. I can see from lsmod | grep nv that some modules get loaded, good :) but nvidia-settings does not show my card and the XOrg settings are completely messed09:44
rohdefand nvidia settings gives the following message:09:45
rohdefnvidia-settings could not find the registry key file. This file should have been installed09:45
rohdef       along with this driver at /usr/share/nvidia/nvidia-application-profiles-key-documentation.09:45
N0Lif3I just installed kubuntu 16.10 on my chromebook and the touchpad isn't working. it worked out-of-the-box in Debian and Fedora, but it isnt working now10:01
N0Lif3Steam won't boot. http://i.imgur.com/MtU1GAh.png10:57
SmurphySo what? You didn't install steam.11:40
mas886How can I install flashplugin for chrome and firefox on kubuntu 16.10, have been trying for a few days and failing miserabily.11:44
BluesKajHi folks11:49
mparillomas886: You do not need a flash plugin for Chrome. Chrome sandboxes a pepper flash.11:53
mas886mparillo: firefox then?11:54
mparilloNo idea. If a website I truly trust absolutely requires flash, I switch to Chrome. Otherwise I prefer to never use flash. I judge it to be the biggest software security vulnerability for ordinary Linux users, probably the biggest on MS-Windows as well11:55
mas886mparillo: and for some reason on chromium I get "connector could not be loaded".d12:10
mas886I thought I broke it someway but after purging chromium and reinstalling I keep getting the same error.12:10
mparilloRight. I run Chromium (and FireFox and rekonq) without pepper flash. Only Chrome, which I use only for Google sites (since they know all about me anyway when I use their sites, and for non-Google  websites I truly trust absolutely require flash).12:14
mas886Meh. Solved it installing vivaldi.12:16
mas886It seems to have a working flash plugin. Hopely I won't break it. :)12:16
soee_Vivaldi works great for me :)12:19
locustmagehello everyone.12:39
locustmageso im trying to start ubuntu package building but the tutorial is using a package not in current release im building for (16.10)12:46
locustmageits attempting to show me how bazaar works12:47
Dr_CokeHi ho13:08
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BluesKajyeah, vivaldi is one fast browser on this old pc , compared to FF and chrome/chromium even tho it's chrome based14:34
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john_strying to create a big network backup and then it fails in between and the pipe for it breaks.16:06
john_sbecause for a few seconds the link went down.16:06
john_sand on the first IO error the program basically exits (split).16:07
john_sand the only thing I can do at this point is patch the split program to allow skipping files that already exist.16:11
john_sthis would only work if I don't encrypt anything but I do not at this point.16:11
john_sand I hope Tar would be deterministic enough that it can restart doing what it did and still create a consistent archive if I skip the first parts.16:12
john_sI am backing up to a samba share and cannot sync actual files, so they have to be in an archive, but I cannot create the archive locally because it uses a snapshot (that I created myself using dmsetup ;-)). So the only thing I can do.... is....16:14
john_sbasically use an external drive to the thing to hold the backup first.16:14
john_sbut that's a liability I was trying to avoid and renders the backup pointless in terms of network safety and distance and everything.16:15
john_sand then I still need a dependable way to copy the files over the link with a restart feature.... :(.16:17
n0wjehello all new to kubuntu and I have had an error with kmail - The Akonadi personal information managment service is not operational. tried to google for 16.10  nodice anyone have Ideas to point me in the right direction?16:58
Ab3Lhi. in kubuntu 14.04, i've created a new connection (click on the icon of connections on the pannel, then choose the editor and add a new connection).18:29
Ab3Lthe type of connection is a vpn pptp18:30
Ab3Li need to know where are the config files for that new created profile.18:30
Ab3Lin /etc/ppp/ i find only a sample file options.pptp. where are recorded the options i choose?18:31
BluesKajAb3L,  have you installed network-manager-pptp along with vpn providers install application?18:39
Ab3LBluesKaj: the packages i've installed are pptp-linux, network-manager-pptp and network-manager-pptp-gnome18:41
Ab3LBluesKaj: did I answer you?18:41
* Ab3L is not sure to have understand the question.18:41
BluesKajyou don't need network-manager-pptp-gnome afaik18:41
Ab3LBluesKaj: ok. I think it has been installed by a metapackage18:42
Ab3LBluesKaj: I don't think it will cause problems at the moment.18:43
BluesKajyour vpn provider usuallyt has a crt file etc in their installion script usually a nameofpackage.sh  application18:43
Ab3LBluesKaj: I just need to know where can I see the file with the settings I've chosen18:44
BluesKajI prefer openvpn myself , but I'm a home user so your requirements may be different18:44
Ab3LBluesKaj: I'm also an home user18:45
BluesKajit should be in /etc/vpnpptp or some such18:45
Ab3LBluesKaj: I'm trying to create a personal vpn18:45
Ab3LBluesKaj: i've no /etc/vpnpptp18:46
Ab3LBluesKaj: can we continue in the offtopic chan? because i think we will go out of the simple help of kubuntu18:47
BluesKaja vpn server Ab3L then you need to install pptpd server18:49
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Ab3LThank you, BluesKaj21:10
john_sn0wje: typically peole advise against using any of the kontact programs.22:22

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