
darrenwustore is not working right now. Web https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com, "snap install" and  "ubuntu-image" cannot work.01:04
darrenwuit's back now.02:26
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
mupPR snapcraft#902 opened: Snap revision prune <Created by seawaywen> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/902>07:59
dholbachgood morning08:01
zygagood morning08:27
crazyoldworldwhat is a desktop app for snappy09:20
crazyoldworldok thanks09:20
mupBug #1641150 changed: snap hooks are not run with environment similar to apps: PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH <Snapcraft:New> <Snappy:Invalid by zyga> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1641150>09:29
zygacrazyoldworld: what do you mean?09:38
seb128zyga, if I had to guess I would say he's asking how to call an application distributed as a .snap09:44
seb128which is a "snap"  I guess09:44
mupPR snapd#2271 opened: snap: add support for classic confinement <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2271>11:34
davmor2mwhudson: :(  still looping here on todays build12:21
MikeB_I'm having trouble installing and running a system service in Classic mode on a Ubuntu Core.  I've changed /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d to allow the service to start by returning 104.  But invoke-rc.d complains the service file doesn't exist.  I checked, and it does exist in /lib/systemd/system.  Any idea why I'm having problems?12:27
mupBug #1641590 opened: snap --help outline text <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1641590>12:36
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mupPR snapcraft#896 closed: indicators: work with Content-Encoding set <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/896>13:11
mupPR snapcraft#903 opened: store: download without login <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/903>13:23
zygadholbach: hey, do you remember that project that helped desktop snaps to run?13:35
zygadholbach: stuff like setting up gdk and themes?13:35
ssweenyzyga: you mean https://github.com/ubuntu/snapcraft-desktop-helpers ?13:38
sergiusensdidrocks davidcalle is there anything to do with LP: #161802113:38
mupBug #1618021: tour: cannot re-install hello-world-service without devmode <tour> <Snapcraft:Triaged by davidc3> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1618021>13:38
zygassweeny: yes, thank you!13:39
dholbachzyga, yes, that's the one :)13:39
didrockssergiusens: I guess davidcalle needs to reupdate the text to include --dangerous now13:40
davidcalledidrocks: sergiusens: looking, but sounds likely, yes13:40
jamespageok so I really must be missing something obvious about organize/filesets14:50
jamespagecontext is that there are a number of files in the release tarball that I'm snapping that are not installed by the python plugin14:51
jamespageI basically need to push etc/*.conf|ini|json etc/glance/14:52
sergiusensjamespage until I get the scriptlets for parts in place you will need to grab the source twice and use `dump` in one of them15:05
sergiusens`organize` and `filesets` apply to the installed assets not the sources.15:05
jamespagesergiusens, ok glad I had not missed something15:05
sergiusensogranize is like a dpkg-divert but both assets being valid15:06
sergiusenserr, I mean, the diverted asset being valid15:06
sergiusensjamespage we have this same problem here https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/blob/master/demos/gopaste/snapcraft.yaml15:07
Exquisitushello everyone!15:07
ExquisitusI have a question: my snapcraft maven plugin runs "mvn package" and pick up for the snap always the target/${app-name}.jar. Instead I want to wrap in the final snap a different jar executable15:09
Exquisitusthat is created in the root directory15:10
didrockssergiusens: any clue on the maven plugin? ^ (I never looked at it, only know about some hardcoded target paths). IIRC, you wanted some real world user experience15:13
mupBug #1641631 opened: Raspberry Pi images do not support boot from USB <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1641631>15:19
jamespagesergiusens, ok I see got that working now15:25
jamespagesergiusens, one more question if I may - is there a nice easy way to extract something from the upstream release tarball/source to set as the version number?15:26
jamespagepbr is quite good at generating versions based on tags15:26
jamespageand I think that gets baked into the release and snapshot tarballs15:26
jdstrandroadmr (cc, nessita): fyi, https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/5779/rev/373/ gives a 504 when clicking 'approve'. going back to the page seems to indicate it worked (ie, it is approved)15:31
jdstrandroadmr (cc nessita): all of those should be approved, but there are only 4 left so I don't want to remove any more test cases15:31
nessitajdstrand, checking15:32
jdstrandroadmr: (for some wider context, see the plugs/slots thread I responded to today)15:32
* roadmr bumps into nessita while checking :D15:32
nessitaroadmr, I leave it to you, this sounds related to the approved interfaces/15:32
roadmrjdstrand: btw, I see it has a nice payload; I'll deploy the stuff to auto-approve based on that this week15:32
roadmrnessita: does it? do we have an oops?15:33
jdstrandroadmr: ah great! :)15:33
nessitaroadmr, well, the package that is failing is the one with specific interfaces efined15:33
nessita(is the first one I see)15:33
roadmrnessita: the payload passing shouldn't cause a timeout, I'd suspect it's more related to number of published packages. But let's see15:33
nessitaroadmr, there are oopses for the soft timeout15:34
jdstrandnessita: my reference to plugs/slots was not meant to indicate a problem there (/me has no insight on that) only that things are going to manual review cause plugs/slots being given to review tools hasn't landed yet15:34
roadmrnessita: check the query count, https://oops.canonical.com/oops/?oopsid=OOPS-4c9cb191528bbc05f12c48a2abcaa764 we're running some queries over 300 times, this number matches the # of uploaded lxc snaps, so I suspect just some n+1 issue. Doesn't look related to the approved interfaces payload as IIRC we never iterate over all uploads for that15:38
sergiusensjamespage you can do it the other way around, $SNAPCRAFT_PROJECT_VERSION can be used in your `source` entry15:41
jamespagesergiusens, oh neat15:42
jamespagesergiusens, are there any conventions around use of numbers/codenames etc?15:42
sergiusensfor versions? not really, mostly up to you15:44
nessitaroadmr, any verdict?15:46
roadmrnessita: there are 3 queries we run once for each upload of the snap, I need to track down where those come from and see if I can optimize them...15:47
nessitaroadmr, reindexing that package does not work either15:48
nessitaroadmr, so something broke regarding prefetching tables15:49
roadmrnessita: oh was that already using prefetching?15:49
nessitaroadmr, yes, "a lot" :-)15:49
SuperJonotroninstalling snap with --force-dangerous on a new system but complaining that --force-dangerous is an unknown flag now17:39
cwaynetry --dangerous17:40
SuperJonotroncwayne, tried that too, same result17:40
SuperJonotroni tired without either and no errors like I had before without that flat, maybe an update has relaxed something in the security  model for use of that flag?17:42
ogra_--dangerous is set by default if your snap also uses --devmode IIRC17:45
SuperJonotronyup, it does use devmode17:48
SuperJonotroni guess the added --dangerous was in an update since i had to use both before17:48
SuperJonotronnot sure why it doesn't recognize the flag at all anymore though17:48
ogra_yeah, that was a bit of a mess, but fixed for the image release two weeks ago17:49
roadmrjdstrand: hello, the --plugs/--slots thing is now enabled in production in the store. Let me know if you have any questions about how it works or you find any bugs or problems17:50
roadmrjdstrand: (it's controlled via a waffle flag so it's easy to disable if it gives trouble)17:50
jdstrandroadmr: oh, that was quick. thanks! :)17:50
roadmrjdstrand: haha yes :) we were just pending a deployment, I tested everything late last week17:51
mupPR snapd#2246 closed: debian: add version 2.17 to changelog <Created by mvo5> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2246>18:22
jdstrandroadmr: will you handle the lxd approvals or shall I (I don't want to remove the 504 test cases)18:34
mupPR snapd#2272 opened: debian: add 2.17.1 to changelog <Created by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2272>18:40
mupPR snapcraft#866 closed: Login with option to agree to terms of service and human friendly errors <Created by psivaa> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/866>19:06
mwhudsondavmor2: :(19:13
davmor2mwhudson: see the email I sent out seems to only be on configured networks19:13
mwhudsondavmor2: ugh looks like i didn't upload the fix to the ppa :)19:14
davmor2mwhudson: that's not gonna help then ;) So look again tomorrow then right?19:15
mwhudsondavmor2: yea19:16
mwhudsondavmor2: well, assuming my fix is right :)19:16
sea-gull_hey #snappies! Do I understand correctly that anybody can now upload snappy packages without any kind of approval?19:38
mcphailsea-gull_: anyone can upload a snap, but not all snaps can be uploaded by anyone19:40
Francesco_Hi all19:44
roadmrjdstrand: I think the reason for the 504s is clear, I guess it's ok if you handle those approvals19:45
Francesco_sorry I am a noob can somebody please tell me what I have to enter to login to the ubuntu snappy store and install webdm19:45
jdstrandroadmr: ok, thanks19:46
sea-gull_mcphail: so who or how it's determined what can the given man upload?19:49
sea-gull_for instance, I use latest git, and I would like to have it as a snap19:49
sea-gull_what should I do to get or make it?19:49
sergiusenssea-gull_ I wrote this on using snapcraft to get stuff onto the store if you want to check out http://blog.sergiusens.org/posts/Making-your-snaps-available-to-the-store-using-snapcraft/19:58
sea-gull_sergiusens: thanks, looks useful20:01
sergiusenssea-gull_ for more polished documentation, snapcraft.io is your go-to site ;-)20:04
sea-gull_yep, I've skimmed through it already20:08
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
ahoneybunbladernr`: heyo20:31
bladernr`ahoneybun, howdy20:31
ahoneybunlet me open up the email on the desktop here and take a look20:31
bladernr`Oh sure... no rush, by the way, it's a pet project.20:32
ahoneybunit was for me as well20:33
ahoneybunbladernr`: this is my current yaml file for it: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23477247/20:34
ahoneybunI've recently restarted my effort to make it20:34
ahoneybunso desktop/gtk3 or anything is deprecated20:36
ahoneybunhow do I write it?20:36
ahoneybunwithout the " / ?20:36
mupPR snapd#2267 closed: debian: add 2.17.1 to changelog <Created by mvo5> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2267>20:36
mupPR snapd#2272 closed: debian: add 2.17.1 to changelog <Created by niemeyer> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2272>20:36
ahoneybunI just changed the desktop/qt5 to desktop/gtk320:38
=== King_InuYasha is now known as Son_Goku
mhall119Son_Goku: ping21:16
mhall119zyga: Son_Goku: If we get snapd and snap-confine in to the CentOS repo you were planning on, what versions of CentOS would that be available on?21:17
Son_GokuCentOS 7 only21:17
mhall119ok, is there any possibility of getting it in 6.6?21:17
bladernr`ahoneybun, so I've tried both by just staging the package from Ubuntu and your way, by pulling/compiling from source and both times I end up now with this21:45
bladernr`problem seems to be that the launcher (pithos) is still looking in /share, not $SNAP/share21:46
bladernr`the configure.in file in the source has config options to specify the datadir and rootdatadir, so I wonder if there's a way to pass config options to snapcraft to force it to look in /snap/pithos/current/21:47
bladernr`I don't understand how snapcraft prepends $SNAP in the environment though...21:47
bladernr`but I don't have time to work on it anymore today, maybe later tonight or tomorrow or later this week.21:48
Son_Gokumhall119, if it didn't require systemd, sure21:51
mhall119what does CentOS 6 use, sysv or upstart?21:53
popeymhall119: upstart surely?21:59
SuperJonotronwas working through a --force-dangerous or --dangerous issue earlier today, I removed it and the snap can install...the first time only22:07
SuperJonotronevery time after that the flag is required but rejected on the first install of a snap22:07
SuperJonotronis there better syntax than that to install a newer version?22:07
mupPR snapd#2273 opened: interfaces: add avahi-observe (LP: #1639967) <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2273>22:08
popeySuperJonotron: can you paste the entire terminal output of you doing the install?22:10
popeySuperJonotron: also, what version of snapd package do you have, and what distro are you on?22:11
zygamhall119: I doubt that but let's get it into fedora first22:11
SuperJonotronpopey,  2.14.2~16.04+ppa215-122:11
zygamhall119: checking one thing22:12
zygamhall119: I cannot say now, in any case it's a thing beyond the horizon today22:13
popeySuperJonotron: what version of ubuntu you on?22:14
SuperJonotronpopeye, command "sudo snap install snap*.snap --devmode", error: error: cannot find signatures with metadata for snap "snapname.snap", adding the flag --force-dangerous works22:14
SuperJonotronbut will fail if it's the first installation of the snap22:14
SuperJonotronpopey, 16.0422:14
popeyright, I'd expect you to have to add --dangerous (or --force-dangerous in older versions of snapd)22:15
popey2.16 is the current version of snapd, so you probably need to "sudo apt dist-upgrade" your machine22:15
SuperJonotronpopey, thanks, i might just right into an installer script to try both to handle older versions22:25
mupBug #1641752 opened: request for snap interface that expose userspace device APIs <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1641752>22:46
Trevinhojdstrand: hey, thanks for the fix for libappindicator...23:40
Trevinhojdstrand: as for the setprocess policy, I've there's the process-control plug, but it has to be manually enabled... I guess UI will be there for handling such cases in the future... However, I was wondering wether it would be the case to make setpriorty to be allowed for snaps that want to control the child process with higher nice values...23:43
Trevinhofor example there are some tools for doing video rendering that reduce the priority of the child process (typically mencoder or ffmpeg)... That is a policy that I don't think would need any particular privilege.23:44
mupBug #1641758 opened: Allow to call setpriority on child processes when priority is lower than default <snapd-interface> <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1641758>23:52
jdstrandTrevinho: yes, that will be coming soon (setpriority with nice values of greater than 0)23:58
jdstrandTrevinho: hmm, but only on the current process. if for children, you are going to need process-control I think23:59
Trevinhojdstrand: cool, I've opened a bug... I didn't find anything about that, so...23:59
Trevinhojdstrand: mhmh, I see, but.. Why isn't that safe?23:59
Trevinhoif it's all inside snap...23:59
jdstrandit would be safe23:59

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