
letsrockHi....any ideas why dropbox shows just a crossed icon now on mate panel03:28
letsrockHi....any ideas why dropbox shows just a crossed icon now on mate panel?03:31
centricubaneis this channel live...can't see any post...sorry new here03:48
centricubaneguys...is this channel alive04:09
centricubanehaving a dropbox issue04:09
=== anon is now known as Guest17639
Guest17639i am in mate 16.04 & need to know how do i bring the command box up (right hand corner) ?06:50
blackcarchhave someone here ?09:44
alkisg84 persons in this room10:11
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:11
vintleHello all, anyone have any advice on the intel 8260 (rev 3a) ?? I bought a system76 rig and cant get the wifi to come up.loaded firmware version 22.361476.0 op_mode iwlmvm but NetworkManager still says device not ready.10:24
=== pi__ is now known as ATT
ATTanybody knows how to install ubuntu mate 16.04 on a bananapi and then move it from sd card to sata harddisk? I tried to make partitions, format, mount, tar copy everything, change /tmp/boot/cmdline.txt into ..../dev/sda1 ... but it wont do it, it will boot from sd card11:21
ATTuenv.txt only contains eth adress of eth011:27
abdoDoes Ubuntu 16.1 mate support supermicro motherboards12:58
sixwheeledbeasti don't see why not13:17
Luzbel112someone speak spanish?15:50
Luzbel112i have a small problem15:51
pavlushka!ask Luzbel11215:57
pavlushka!ask | Luzbel11215:57
ubottuLuzbel112: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:57
pavlushkaLuzbel112: or15:59
pavlushka!spanish | Luzbel11216:00
ubottuLuzbel112: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.16:00
Luzbel112doesn't matter, the problem is...16:11
Luzbel112the notebook he pc when entering and wake suspension passes from AC to battery and need reconnect the cable16:13
Luzbel112no is a big problem but is16:15
pavlushkaLuzbel112: I guess its the power adapter issue, I had it with my old ones, so replaced with a new power adapter.16:18
Luzbel112no es problem of power adapter16:19
Luzbel112only happens when hibernates and awakens16:20
pavlushkaLuzbel112: but if it's possible for you to test the Adapter with some other device, that would help16:20
Luzbel112only happens when hibernates and awakens16:20
pavlushkaLuzbel112: and your "lsb_release -rd" in paste.ubuntu.com please16:21
Luzbel112ok, let me see16:21
pavlushkaLuzbel112: and the "uname -a" please on paste16:37
pavlushkaLuzbel112: and you are facing this problem since install or last upgrade or when?16:48
Luzbel112mmm...the install16:54
pavlushkaLuzbel112: can you give us a paste of "acpi -V" and "lspci -nnk"?17:05
pavlushkaLuzbel112: and before this OS install, with other OS/distro, the issue was absent?17:55
* pavlushka just double checking before suggesting Luzbel112 to file a bug under mate-power-manager.17:57
Luzbel112it worked perfectly17:58
pavlushkaLuzbel112: and one more thing, can you paste the "systemctl status upower.service"?18:07
pavlushkaLuzbel112: and you might take a look at here, http://www.gamespot.com/forums/pc-mac-linux-society-1000004/samsung-rf510-dies-when-running-games-28520034/18:09
Luzbel112i dont play game in this notebook, only write and read papers18:10
pavlushkaLuzbel112: look at the issues please18:11
pavlushkait says it has a POS EIAJ-4 jack issue18:12
pavlushkareported two people at least18:13
pavlushkaLuzbel112: you can file a bug under mate-power-manager and lets see.18:14
Luzbel112oki, :).  thank you soo much for you time18:15
Luzbel112i love this distro y only is that small problem nothing more18:16
pavlushkaLuzbel112: me too, <3 MATE18:16
=== mate|13158 is now known as mati
matiHi, I've question what should I put into sources.list when I want to use mate in virtualbox, any clue?18:39
mate|69785Hello there if anyone has used Private Internet Access VPN with Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 do you know if I can just download the ubuntu version from the main PIA website??19:32
hrodrigueshello you all, can someone explain me how do I acced the monitor settings on ubuntu mate ?  sorry I am newbiw in the "linux world".20:48
user_hi! I go away.21:32
mate|69785Test sorry just making sure I'm connected22:03

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