
praisethemoongood day08:28
elachecheMorning Folks08:32
praisethemoonelacheche, good morning :)08:37
elachechenzoueidi, praisethemoon our workshops are TOP3.. We still need confirmation from the ORG Team about the timing then we'll be able to dispatch the time and/or add a new workshop08:37
praisethemoonelacheche, hit me with a link :D08:37
praisethemoon(vote link)08:37
praisethemoonI was sick this weekend, didn't write a line of code :(08:38
elachecheinchallah labess praisethemoon https://framadate.org/utn-sfd2016-workshops08:48
praisethemoonthank you elacheche <308:50
praisethemoonduring the workshop will people bring their own computers?08:51
elachecheaCheck the ML.. People still send workshops suggestions at D-6 -_- After 13days from the main mail thread..08:51
elachechepraisethemoon: I hope so, also we'll have 12 desktop with Ubuntu VMs inside to use..08:52
praisethemoonelacheche, and a video projector?08:53
elachecheTomorrow night when we'll End the Poll I'll ask the TOP3 leaders to share the requirements for Workshops to share on the Social Media.. So Be prepared to share that ;)08:53
elachechepraisethemoon: Yep a Data show will be thre as well08:53
praisethemoonelacheche, i got an email from searchenginetilt.com@serversearchenginetilt.com with a subject of "Important : Complete Search Engine Registration for your domain praisethemoon.org"08:55
praisethemoondoes this seem familiar?08:56
praisethemoongot it today 3am ^^08:56
elachechenzoueidi praisethemoon for now let's say that we'll have a 1h30min workshop session (can be longer or can be cancled, we need the ORG Team confirmation, it'll be for tomorrow night too).. So we should also share that time between us.. :)08:56
elachechepraisethemoon: That's seems to be a spam08:57
praisethemoon1h30 for the three of us?08:57
elacheche1h30 for Ubuntu-tn.. At least (if not canceled).. So we need to find away to share it wisely.. But let's wait for the ROG Team confirmation, maybe they give us 3h or 4h30min x)08:59
praisethemoonwould be nice :309:01
praisethemoonlet's hope they give us more time .. 30 min is very limited09:02
elachecheWe'll see.. There is only 5 classromms available for the workshops, so the ORG Team will try to share them equally between communities/clubs09:02
elachecheI know the 30 is nothing, I can plan my workshop to be 15min one.. I can say that it's for beginners, a 101 one and it's not supposed to be that advanced and it don't take time to do.. Or I can plan it for the whole 1h30min hours us well :p x)09:04
elachechepraisethemoon: you'll vote soon on that poll?09:04
praisethemoonI wont xD09:04
praisethemoonI like how it goes so far :309:05
praisethemoonI can't vote for mine ..09:06
praisethemoonI would vote for yours, i'm very interested09:06
elachecheIt'll be a beginner one x) Don't have high expectations09:07
praisethemoonIt's okay to reserve 15mins for moderate/advanced topics :309:08
elachecheI can't wait to end with SFD x) I want to install Gentoo on my Laptop x)09:10
elachechenzoueidi: https://about.gitlab.com/2016/11/10/why-choose-bare-metal/?09:16
praisethemoonelacheche, people are contacting and know my full name >.<09:20
elachecheLooL.. I used your nickname :p You related it to your real name :p09:20
praisethemoonwut D:09:21
praisethemooni dont get it :(09:24
elachecheIf I google praisethemoon I'll find you github, you're using your real name in there :D Also, people were having you in facebook suggestions (I had that) so now after seeing your nickname and findout your name they'll start adding you as "friend" x)09:25
praisethemoonelacheche, no ..09:25
praisethemoonit's whois09:25
elachecheAh! You mean the website x) I thougth you're talking in general x)09:25
praisethemoonyeah :'(09:26
praisethemoonhow do i opt out of that09:26
elachecheNo problem praisethemoon :) Just use good filters :)09:26
praisethemoonelacheche, all my info is there, address, phone09:26
elachecheYep.. You may add that hiden whois service.. I don't have a problem with it because my info are already public because of my comunity envolvement.. But I'll think about hiding my real address at least..09:30
praisethemoon_elacheche, i didn't find it anywhere :(09:36
=== praisethemoon_ is now known as praisethemoon
praisethemoonDAMMIT ANOTHER EMAIL09:40
elachechecontact the support praisethemoon :)09:44
elachecheAnd ask how you can hide your whois09:45
elachecheBTW, why do you use file names with spaces in the goldparser-templates dir?? Is that a requirment? if not, remove those spaces.. spaces in file names aren't good09:46
praisethemoonelacheche, that folder is kinda pointless09:47
praisethemoonthose are templates that i've overrided to generate lua code09:48
praisethemoonby default they generate C code from the language Grammar09:48
praisethemoonso I think i'll just remove the folder09:48
praisethemoonfrankly, there is a lot of work to be done on my language09:48
elacheche:) I'm helping you with the silly work :p09:50
praisethemoonthank you <309:51
praisethemooncurrently, i'm writing a computer vision library09:51
praisethemoonand I'm learning OpenCL; which is a standard for heterogeneous computing09:52
elachechex) An other side project x)09:52
SalahMessaoudo/ channel09:52
praisethemoonso I can run some code on the GPU09:52
praisethemoonSalahMessaoud, o/09:52
elachecheHello SalahMessaoud :)09:52
praisethemoonelacheche, computer vision can gain significan speed improvements when executed on the GPU :)09:52
praisethemoonso i'm learning some awesome things09:53
elachecheCool x) I'm tryingto learn many things at once x) I should concentrate x)09:55
praisethemooni feel you my friend09:58
elachecheHow are you SalahMessaoud :)10:04
praisethemoonelacheche, support created a bill 6dt10:05
praisethemoonsaid information will hide once paid :)10:05
elachecheCool :)10:06
SalahMessaoudGood elacheche, you ?10:13
elachecheGood x)10:13
praisethemoonGUESS WHOS BACK pavlushka :D11:11
pavlushkapraisethemoon: give me just one day, I can tell.11:12
praisethemoonpavlushka, one day is too long :P11:12
pavlushkapraisethemoon: how about a week then?11:12
praisethemoonpavlushka, hmm .. still too much, for some one who write irc bots :311:13
praisethemoonHERE COMES!11:14
praisethemoonu-la-la, good day.11:14
praisethemoonu-la-la, you speak french?11:14
u-la-lapraisethemoon: Excuse me?11:14
praisethemoonu-la-la, who is elacheche?11:14
u-la-lapraisethemoon: I'm afraid I have no idea11:14
praisethemoonOH MY GOD11:15
pavlushkau-la-la: ddg elacheche11:15
u-la-lapavlushka: Uhh... DuckDuckGo has no Instant Answer on that11:15
pavlushkau-la-la: google elacheche11:15
u-la-lapavlushka: That didn't go down very well. Burp.11:15
pavlushkau-la-la: find elacheche11:15
u-la-lapavlushka: Huh?11:15
pavlushkau-la-la: search elacheche11:15
u-la-lapavlushka: I couldn't find anything that matched 'elacheche'11:15
praisethemoonalmost died there xD11:16
pavlushkau-la-la: ddg Elacheche Anis11:16
u-la-lapavlushka: Uhh... DuckDuckGo has no Instant Answer on that11:16
pavlushkau-la-la: ddg Ubuntu11:16
u-la-lapavlushka: Ubuntu (operating system) A Debian-based Linux operating system and distribution for personal computers, smartphones and... :: Ubuntu (philosophy) A Nguni Bantu term roughly translating to "human kindness". :: Ubuntu Edge A proposed high-concept smartphone announced by Canonical Ltd. on 22 July 2013.11:16
praisethemoonu-la-la ddg Donald Trump11:17
u-la-lapraisethemoon: Donald Trump An American businessman and politician who became the President-elect of the United States on... :: "Donald Trump" (song) A song from American rapper Mac Miller, and the only song released as an official single from his... :: Donald Trump Jr. Donald John "Don" Trump Jr. is an American businessman.11:17
praisethemoonu-la-la ddg praisethemoon11:17
u-la-lapraisethemoon: Uhh... DuckDuckGo has no Instant Answer on that11:17
elachecheubuntulog: is watching11:17
praisethemoonbut the fun just began :(11:18
pavlushkaelacheche: yeah, ubuntulog should get by now that DuckDuckGo has a very smalll database :p11:18
praisethemoonwe need #ubuntu-tn-offtopic :D11:18
elachechelool.. x)11:18
praisethemoonelacheche, seriously, we need a place to troll11:19
praisethemoonright pavlushka?11:19
pavlushkapavlushka: Exactly11:19
pavlushkapraisethemoon: Exactly11:19
* praisethemoon will brb must reboot11:19
elachechepraisethemoon: you can troll in here.. Until we get people here again, then we'll get an offtopic one :)11:19
SalahMessaoudubuntulog, do you mind if we have fun in here ?11:32
SalahMessaoudsee elacheche, no problem :D11:32
SalahMessaoudu-la-la, help11:35
u-la-laSalahMessaoud: I can help you with: looking things up, remembering things, delivering messages, decisions, games, monitoring things, browsing the internet, conversions, silly fun stuff, calculations, system administration, software development and south african stuff.11:35
u-la-laAsk me "help me with ..." for more details.11:35
elachechepraisethemoon: you can troll in here.. Until we get people here again, then we'll get an offtopic one :)12:40
praisethemoonpavlushka, we made it \o/12:40
elachechepraisethemoon: Did you got my PR? x=12:40
praisethemoonmakse me think of google's PageRank12:41
elachechePull Request.. Kodo!12:41
praisethemoonYou did?? :D let's see12:42
pavlushkapraisethemoon: sorry, you made what?12:42
elachechepraisethemoon nzoueidi can you please open goodreads or codinggame using chrome/chromium and tell me if you have some SSL issues?12:42
elachechepraisethemoon: I told you I'm helping with the silly things :p12:42
praisethemoonomg elacheche <3 dat commit XD12:43
praisethemoonbut seriously, thanks :')12:43
elacheche2 commits :p dont understimate me :p :D12:44
praisethemoonelacheche, if my code does not compile, i'm gonna blame you12:44
elachechelool.. x) praisethemoon it won't compile :p And you should blame this → "C:/Users/Mega-PC/Desktop/" not me12:46
* praisethemoon got owned12:47
elachecheThat's the next patch :) you shouldn't use a such thing in your code.. ;)12:47
elachecheShame on you12:48
praisethemoonelacheche, that hurts :'(12:48
elachecheOtherwise everything gonna be fine.. I just replaced all beserk words with kodo..  As far as I can see you only use it in the luaL_dotfile.. Everything else is just a comment or a string..12:49
elachechepraisethemoon: Nah! It's not a big deal! You need only to fix l 91 in main.cpp and l 82 in compiler.cpp everything else is good.. You didn't read the commits details before merging!! x)12:51
praisethemooni never accepted/made a PR xD12:52
elachechecheck again, I made a comment on the lines with issue12:54
praisethemoonelacheche, i just realised i'm not watching my own repositories13:01
praisethemoonelacheche, :D13:20
elachecheWhat did I miss x)13:21
praisethemoon<praisethemoon> elacheche, i just realised i'm not watching my own repositories13:47
nzoueidio/ elacheche no I don't have SSL issues on chromium13:49
ChikoreBonjour à tous13:59
praisethemoonChikore, o/14:14
ChikoreHow are you?14:15
praisethemoonI'm good Chikore thank you, and yourself? :)14:32
nzoueidiHello Chikore praisethemoon :D15:37
praisethemoonnzoueidi, o/15:37
nzoueidihow are you praisethemoon :D15:39
praisethemoonI'm good my friend :D wbu?15:39
nzoueidigood as well :D ty15:40
pavlushkanzoueidi: o/15:40
praisethemoonpavlushka, o/15:40
nzoueidipavlushka: hello :D15:40
nzoueidihow are you15:40
praisethemoonu-la-la ddg pavlushka15:41
u-la-lapraisethemoon: Uhh... DuckDuckGo has no Instant Answer on that15:41
pavlushkanzoueidi: I am good, you?15:41
* nzoueidi is feeling good :D15:41
pavlushkacool :D15:42
pavlushkau-la-la: weather in Tunis, Tunisia16:12
u-la-lapavlushka: In Tunis-Carthage, Tunisia at 5:00 PM CET on November 14, 2016: 18°C; Humidity: 68%; Wind: NE at 6 km/h; Conditions: Partly Cloudy; Sunrise/set: 6:56 AM CET/5:10 PM CET; Moonrise/set: 5:32 PM CET/6:25 AM CET16:12
praisethemoonu-la-la, weather in Alaska16:18
u-la-lapraisethemoon: Too many places match Alaska: Anchorage; Barrow; Cantwell; Dutch Harbor; Fairbanks; Haines; Juneau; Ketchikan; Kodiak; Kotzebue; McGrath; Nome; Old Salmon Village; Petersburg; Seward; Sitka; Skagway; Talkeetna; Trapper Creek; Valdez; Wrangell and Yakutat16:18
elachecheThis is the SSL bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/chromium-browser/+bug/164138016:43
pavlushkau-la-la: weather in Alaska, USA18:18
u-la-lapavlushka: Too many places match Alaska, USA: Anchorage; Barrow; Cantwell; Dutch Harbor; Fairbanks; Haines; Juneau; Ketchikan; Kodiak; Kotzebue; McGrath; Nome; Old Salmon Village; Petersburg; Seward; Sitka; Skagway; Talkeetna; Trapper Creek; Valdez; Wrangell and Yakutat18:18
pavlushkau-la-la: weather in Cantwell, Alaska18:21
u-la-lapavlushka: In Denali Park, Alaska at 9:16 AM AKST on November 14, 2016: 2°C; Humidity: 70%; Wind: SSW at 6 km/h; Conditions: Overcast; Sunrise/set: 9:17 AM AKST/4:02 PM AKST; Moonrise/set: 5:03 PM AKST/8:54 AM AKST18:21
praisethemoonAcidNinjaFWHR, hey!19:03
AcidNinjaFWHRhey dude19:04
AcidNinjaFWHRDon't be sad, your time will come.19:05
elachecheAcidNinjaFWHR: Thisis the best I can get @work right now https://www.speedtest.net/result/5798059353.png19:08
elachecheDon't ask me about the 50Mb/s Upload thing, no one seems to understand that x) Since I migrated my FW/GW to pfSense I can't get less than 30Mb/s in upload.. It's supposed to be 20Mb/s.. x) I used to use endianFW, it was 20Mb/s..19:09
AcidNinjaFWHRIt's already good.19:10
AcidNinjaFWHRI just got this fiber installed, I had 9Mb/s download and about 1Mb upload..... with ADSL219:10
AcidNinjaFWHRand I've had bad connections since 1999 :(19:11
AcidNinjaFWHRfor me it's quite a revenge :D19:11
AcidNinjaFWHRNow i'm gonna get all blurayz in the world hahahahahahaha19:11
elachecheI still have 4Mb/s ADSL @home.. Of course 4Mb/s is what in the contract -_- But, I'll migrate to the new 4G offer from ooderoo, or if Orange have a better plan I'll try that too..19:12
elachecheSalam amine :)19:16
elachecheWelcome to #ubuntu-tn :)19:16
elachecheSorry, but I got to go.. I'll be around again in an hour or two..19:18
* elacheche brb19:18
elachechepraisethemoon: afra7li b amine x)19:18
=== SalahMessaoud is now known as Drupalizer
=== Drupalizer is now known as m0z4rt
aminesalam everyone19:32
aminesorry was playing WoW :p19:32
praisethemoonamine, o/19:38
praisethemoonhow is going son19:38
amineand you?19:42
praisethemoon_amine, i'm good too.19:43
praisethemoon_You play league of legends?19:43
praisethemoon_AcidNinjaFWHR, how is william doing? :)19:44
AcidNinjaFWHRfine thanks19:44
praisethemoon_I have bad internet @ home :(19:44
AcidNinjaFWHRHe's growing up19:44
praisethemoon_i bet he is :)19:44
praisethemoon_can he python yet?19:44
AcidNinjaFWHRI just tried a 4GB movie, i got it in 5 mins19:44
praisethemoon_check praisethemoon.org19:45
AcidNinjaFWHRHe can't python no19:45
praisethemoon_hehe ^^19:45
AcidNinjaFWHRwho is your hoster ?19:45
AcidNinjaFWHROhh let me guess19:46
AcidNinjaFWHRarchost ? xD19:46
amineI dont play leage of legends, I used to play dota2 but with the toxic community I just left19:47
amineI play WoW from time to time or after a long day at work19:47
praisethemoon_amine, close enough xD19:47
praisethemoon_sorry, meant AcidNinjaFWHR19:48
praisethemoon_it's webhost.tn :319:48
praisethemoon_amine, oh I see xD19:48
praisethemoon_I kinda quit playing league long time ago19:48
praisethemoon_like 2 days i guess19:48
praisethemoon_right pavlushka?19:48
praisethemoon_u-la-la, ddg league of legends19:48
praisethemoon_so amine what do you do in life?19:49
u-la-lapraisethemoon_: League of Legends Meanings :: League of Legends Category :: Multiplayer online battle arena games :: Multiplayer-only video games :: Science fantasy video games19:49
praisethemoon_u-la-la, good boy.19:49
u-la-lapraisethemoon_: thankyou!19:49
praisethemoon_What kind of job?19:49
amineu-la-la reminds me of chuck norris we have at work xD19:49
amineembedded software engineer19:50
u-la-laamine: One learns a new thing every day19:50
praisethemoon_u-la-la, nice response!19:50
amineworking on openwrt most of the time19:50
u-la-lapraisethemoon_: Sorry...19:50
praisethemoon_amine, i'm R&D software engineer19:50
praisethemoon_Where do you work?19:50
aminethe company? it was Ocedo and then we got bought by Riverbed19:51
praisethemoon_You got a salary increase? :D19:51
amineKarlsruhe, Germany19:51
praisethemoon_Oh okay xD19:51
praisethemoon_thought you would be here in Tunisia19:51
praisethemoon_good for you xD19:51
praisethemoon_glad to see you're still keeping in touch :)19:52
aminewell, I always wanted to work on something related to the Linux kernel19:52
praisethemoon_AcidNinjaFWHR, stop playing MTA already ..19:52
aminesadly not so many comapnies in Tunisia that do that19:52
praisethemoon_true :/19:52
* pavlushka enjoying the view19:52
praisethemoon_pavlushka, <319:52
AcidNinjaFWHRI don't praisethemoon_19:52
praisethemoon_I know you don't ..19:53
AcidNinjaFWHRbut hey thanks for the idea19:53
praisethemoon_I just wanted to remind you for the good old days19:53
AcidNinjaFWHRToo bad younis became a jerk :(19:53
amineso what are you exactly working on?19:53
AcidNinjaFWHRAt least, you're still cool praisethemoon_ :D19:53
praisethemoon_My company has a custom ECM platform, i work on enhancing their information retreival system19:54
praisethemoon_I've been working for 3 months :319:54
praisethemoon_this is my first job19:54
praisethemoon_but at night, i do all sort of creepy things19:54
praisethemoon_machine learning19:54
praisethemoon_computer vision19:54
praisethemoon_Game development19:55
praisethemoon_currently interested in IoT as well19:55
amineOh I did some game dev in the past mostly using C++19:56
amineoh I miss C++19:56
praisethemoon_C++ is horrible :(19:56
praisethemoon_elacheche, tell him!19:57
praisethemoon_AcidNinjaFWHR, he told me he had some trouble with you19:57
praisethemoon_But i really think it's just because he's still young19:57
praisethemoon_he make mistakes, stupid mistakes19:57
praisethemoon_Don't you think?19:58
praisethemoon_amine, i'm writing my own language \o/19:58
aminefor what purpose?19:59
praisethemoon_A lot ..20:00
praisethemoon_1. Fun20:00
praisethemoon_2. Solve Real Life Issues20:00
praisethemoon_3. Human Evolution20:00
praisethemoon_wait what?20:00
praisethemoon_u-la-la, ddg human evolution20:00
u-la-lapraisethemoon_: Human evolution The evolutionary process leading up to the appearance of modern humans. :: The Evolution of Man The fourth studio album by British recording artist Example. :: Descent of Man A book on evolutionary theory by English naturalist Charles Darwin, first published in 1871. :: Human evolution (origins of society and culture) The evolutionary emergence of modern human anatomy in association with modern cogniti20:00
elachecheHey again folks! :) amine having fun in hre!21:32
amineyes, now Im having "fun" with openwrt21:35
elachecheGreat :D21:38
elachecheo/ praisethemoon_21:39
praisethemoon_elacheche, \o21:40
praisethemoon_i can't change my nick :(21:40
praisethemoon_i'll relog21:40
praisethemoonGUESS WHOS BACK pavlushka21:41
elachecheShame on you WinBugs user -_-21:41
pavlushkapraisethemoon: Windows I guess :p21:42
praisethemoonyeah :'(21:43
praisethemoonu-la-la, ddg windows21:43
u-la-lapraisethemoon: The tubes are clogged!21:43

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