
wrstha ha minasota, good night :)01:02
=== wrst_ is now known as wrst
=== bork__ is now known as Omnifrog
Omnifrogthe evening news is frighting04:10
wrstOmnifrog: I have been evening news free for several years now, makes you a lot happier :)13:26
[Ubik]I have a feeling some of those places use the same on-line ordering company. I've seen a couple of sites (I want to say Domino's and Pizza Hut) where the on-line ordering looked VERY similar.14:57
* minasota really doesn't like that it's dark by 1700...23:11
Unit193Don't Be Afraid of the Dark.23:12
minasotaHa, well, we have a good "night light" for now...23:13
minasotaOn a lighter note, a coyote decided to visit the neighborhood last night23:14
minasotaAt around 2 am23:14
minasotaTHAT was fun...23:14
Unit193Heh, indeed.  And wow that's fun then, cause much trouble?  Only really had to deal with 'coons.23:15
cyberangerminasota: One of Arnold's Engine tests scare it into town?23:15
minasotaUnit193: No, not really, just caused all every dog in 3 square miles to bark23:16
minasotaPlus, I've never liked the way they sound, it's a freaky kinda howl/cry23:17
minasotacyberanger: It was probably following the deer from out there... :)23:20
cyberangerYeah, they're a special high-ish pitch of a howl.23:20
Unit193Larger too.  'coons just get into stuff and have those beedy glowing eyes.23:20
minasotayeah, and coons don't stink like coyotes... vultures on four legs23:21
minasotaUnit193: but those glowing eyes make them easier to shoot...23:22
Unit193> City.23:22
minasotaMy neighbor has a registered wolf/dog... that went over well last night23:23
minasotaUnit193: if coons get into your trash, load a hot dog or two with some cayenne pepper etc...23:25
cyberangerOr cover a grenade in meat, replace the pin with bacon, sit back and wait.23:26
minasotalol, or that too23:26
cyberangerand when I say sit back, I mean BACK!!!!!!23:26
Unit193cyberanger: Preeeeety sure that'd be worse than a .22.23:27
Unit193minasota: Interestingly, never gotten into the trash.23:27
minasotaYou can get some pretty high powered air rifles that are quite23:28
cyberangerUnit193: I'd think it'd be better, make taking care of vermin a blast.23:29
* cyberanger is a punny guy, takes a bow.23:29
minasotahar har23:29
minasotaTrip wire around the perimeter connected to strategically placed claymores would work, too :D23:31
Unit193https://thefiringline.com/forums/showpost.php?s=269bf1280331f8600636e50f9b4c52c2&p=1074714&postcount=8 dang, so much for that idea...23:31
minasotaJust go all redneck Unit193, take an old oil filter and screw it on the end of your rifle23:32
Unit193Well, have a compound, but arrows aren't cheap sadly.23:34
Unit193Bah, now I want to go hit some targets. :(23:44

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