
Quicken2kWhat should I do after installing Ubuntu?00:00
Quicken2kI mean like codecs and Such.00:01
OerHeksinstall restricted extras, enable dvd playback and go00:03
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/media.html  - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats00:03
Bashing-omcash: Only way to tell that I know of is use the system and see if it still freezes up .. and is this system with nVidia graphics ? seems the warning is in that respect .00:03
cashYes it is a nvidia system00:04
cashbut, i may have to add this parameter on each boot till it crashes right?00:04
Bashing-omcash: Well .. if the system is stable with this boot pparameter, and no freezed THEN we make it permanent by editing the grub config file . as to the bug: see: https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?t=178056 as a refernce . still I be looking .00:07
DylanBashom-om: Alrighty, I just finished the sudo apt-get upgrade.00:09
DylanWhat's the next step?00:09
Bashing-omDylan: And it finished clean ? And you want to release upgrade from 14.04 to 16.04, yes ?00:10
DylanHow do I know that it finished clean?00:11
Bashing-omDylan: No errors and now 'sudo apt update ' has " 0 0 0 0 " . next with " grep Prompt= /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades " do you see " Prompt=lts " ?00:12
cyberspectreIs it a bad idea to have a 'Games' partition formatted NTFS and shared between Ubuntu and Windows?00:12
Bashing-omDylan: Ouch that is ' sudo apt upgrade ' shows " 0 0 0 0 " **00:13
DylanBashing-om: Er... I didn't understand what you meant by that?00:13
Bashing-omDylan: K, where Am i loosing you ?00:13
cashBashing-om thank you.  I will boot with this param for the next week or so and decide if i need to make it permenant00:13
DylanOh, I think I got it now.00:14
Dylan0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 786 not upgraded.00:14
Bashing-omcash: For now we want to make sure the correct nvidia driver is loaded . what is ? show ' sudo lshw -C display ' .00:15
cashBashing-om http://pastebin.com/cgi096Z4 is the output of  sudo lshw -C display00:16
cashits a a geforce 9400m and im using the 340.98 driver00:16
Bashing-omDylan: Well, then not reay to release up grade .. 786 !!! .. wow .. this ststem not updated since medibuntu went out ? .. OK .. once more ' sudo apt update l sudo apt upgrade' and show these in a pastbin . see if we can find the fault .00:16
DylanBashing-om: I just got a message from the Software Updater that: Not all upgrades can be installed.00:16
Dylan"sudo apt update l sudo apt ugrade"?00:17
Dylanthat's an L, right?00:17
reisiocyberspectre: in order to achieve what, exactly?00:17
cashthe 304.131 driver was better with no screen tearing but after it went to 304.132 i could not login.  Nvidia.com says 340.98 is the proper driver for Geforce 9400m00:17
ubuntu-matewhts up00:17
DylanBashing-om: By the way, I really appreciate the time you're taking to help me.00:18
DylanI don't know why you guys take the time to hang out in this chat just to help people, but it really rocks.00:18
cyberspectrereisio, I'd like to put all my Steam games — Ubuntu and Windows — on one partition00:19
Bashing-omcash: We want the 340 driver for that card .. real old, huh ? .. what is installed ? show ' dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia ' .00:19
Bashing-omDylan: It is open source here ... bread on the water .00:19
reisiocyberspectre: why?00:20
DylanBashing-om: Indeed, I still appreciate your volunteering.00:20
reisioubuntulog: stuff, things00:20
DylanBashing-om: So just to be clear, I want to run the command "sudo apt-get update l sudo apt upgrade"?00:20
Dylanand that letter in the middle is an L?00:20
cashBashing-om http://pastebin.com/7Z232AQX is output from dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia00:20
reisioDylan: it's a ';'00:20
cyberspectrereisio, well for one, it's organized. But mainly because a Windows computer on my network runs games off of this computer's hard drive00:21
Bashing-omDylan: Naw typo on my part .. moving faster than brain keeps up with .. run ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ' and show them in a pastebin .00:21
reisiocyberspectre: if it works at all, it'll probably work well enough00:21
DylanThought so. :D00:21
Bashing-omcash: Yep. correct driver is loaded .. I do not know what else we can do at this time .. still think'n .00:23
cashOk thanks00:23
cashBashing-om could it be a ram problem?00:23
cashThat freezes the system 1 time every 2 days or so00:23
cashI reboot a lot since i bring this computer places00:24
DylanBashing-om: http://pastebin.com/U3VZ5i4C00:24
Bashing-omcash: You in a rudh to leave the channel ? .. hang in and I see what I come up with . There are ways to check the ram with memtest . but right off hand I do not recall the how .. it is not native to the install !00:24
cashnah im here00:25
cashBashing-om i cant do memtest86+ im UEFI booting00:25
cashI can hang out00:25
cashI am running 800mhz ram but the computer came with 667 mhz ram, i am not sure if this is an issue because dmesg | grep -i Memory shows the ram correct amount (6 gigs) and correct speed (800mhz)00:26
=== Henric_ is now known as Henric
cashBashing-om other people on the internet run 800mhz ram on this computer (macbook 5,2 early 2009 model) and say it works, and my experience is without issue.  Just have this one freezing issue where the system is totally unresponsive and only a hard reboot fixes it00:27
Bashing-omDylan: Uh Huh, ya jumped the gun " security.ubuntu.com xenial-security/security " . I do not know that we can fix this install now .. all we can do is try .. ya got backups of your data in the event there is no fixing ?00:27
DylanYea I got a backup from a few days ago.00:27
Bashing-omcash: And if ya run a google search on the error .. ya see it is in respect to the nvidia driver .. have yet to see it as ram related .00:28
cashok cool00:29
cashbut those errors online are from resume/suspend00:29
cashat least thats all i see00:30
Bashing-omDylan: OK, we start ny verifying your sources list file . pastebin ' cat -n /etc/apt/sources.list ; tail -v -n +1 /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*  ' We do not want to beat on dead 'precise' horses !00:30
Bashing-omcash: Yeah, most of what I see are in regard to hibernation .00:31
DylanBashing-om: http://pastebin.com/nBye2Rgi00:32
Bashing-omDylan: Still look'n - this one is dead " http://ppa.launchpad.net/dajhorn/skype-call-recorder/ubuntu " . need to remove it .00:37
DylanHow do I do that?00:37
hemlpeaseIs it normal for Firefox to take 90 - 100 percent cpu to view a webpage like news.com or slashdot?00:37
superguest Can someone on Xenial verify me with that Kdenlive's Project->Generators is disabled?00:38
BazookaToothhemlpease: no. might be an addon.00:38
DylanBashing-om: Also, are you or anyone else going to be around later? I have to go somewhere for dinner.00:38
hemlpeaseThis is a new install of 16.1000:39
Bashing-omDylan: Someone is alsways here .. this is a never-ending story line . Also what is your prefered desk top " gnome3-team/gnome3/ " ??00:40
hemlpeaseon 16.04 same setup it it worked fine... now firefox is chewing up cpu constantly... even with addons disabled.00:40
DylanGnome definitely. Are there different varieties of Gnome?00:40
reisionot exactly00:41
hemlpeaseUsing thunderbird does the very same thing.. chews up cpu.00:41
reisiothere's GNOME 3 (current), GNOME 2 (old/dead), MATE (GNOME 2, struggling), Xfce (GNOME clone, arguably)00:41
hemlpeasethis is very strange.00:41
DylanBashing-om: Alright, is there anything I should do before I head out and pick up on this later?00:42
AnthaasHi guys - Im being asked to cover a first year session tomorrow helping them learn BASH, but I have a question00:42
reisio'chews up cpu' is not a scientific measurement00:42
reisioAnthaas: k00:42
AnthaasThe person who wrote the material wants them to make use of the test command in BASH, and his examples don't make clear when to use test in a script instead of an if statement?00:42
hemlpeasereisio ... thunderbird is at 59.9 % cpu and firefox has 30 % cpu00:42
reisiohemlpease: according to what00:43
AnthaasLike I understand you can test some condition, and the test will have its exit status set depending on the truth of the expression, but when would you use test over if?00:43
reisioAnthaas: 'test' over 'if' you mean?00:43
reisioAnthaas: entirely personal preference, IMO00:43
reisioAnthaas: #bash might have things to say about formality & performance, however00:44
AnthaasAhhh thanks00:44
reisiobeing able to do test -e foo && echo bar vs if [ -e foo]; then bar is one of the lovely flexibilities of ba/sh, IMO00:44
reisioyou will find bash purists, who only use pure sh and never use coreutils & the like00:44
reisioand I think those people are wasting their own time :p00:44
reisioif your goal is to use only bash, hooray for you; my goal is to get things done00:45
DylanBashing-om: Oops, I'm an hour ahead of when I thought I was. I still have an hour to work on this.00:46
Bashing-omDylan: K .. we want to remove one PPA .. and enable at least 2 others - and then try and clean things up and get the package manager in a hppay state .00:47
DylanBashing-om: So yes, let's go with Gnome 3.00:47
aFeijohi folks00:48
DylanBashing-om: Great. I'm ready!00:48
DylanHi aFeijo.00:49
cyberspectreSo I deleted all partitions off my drive except the /home partition, which is designated /dev/sda2 and was all the way to the right. I realized that to relabel /dev/sda2, you'd need to rewrite the partition table (wipe all data). So I'm using gparted (on a live USB) to move sda2 to the middle, and create new partitions at the left and right of sda2. Will those partitions be sda1 and sda3 automatically?00:50
DylanBashing-om: So how do I remove that first PPA?00:51
Bashing-omDylan: It is safe as is .. we leave it for now .. there maybe a whole bunch of PPAs you will want to remove later . for now enable the gnome-3 PPA . what is your favorite text editor ?00:52
RipmeHey guys i accidently disabled the menubar how do i get it back ? XD00:56
RipmeAll i can see is my desktop background nothing else00:56
Bashing-omDylan: OK, ' sudo -H gedit /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gnome3-team-gnome3-precise.list ' that opens the file  ( uppercase H here as this is a GUI ) with elevated priviledges , remove the '#" character at the start of line " # deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/gnome3-team/gnome3/ubuntu ........." save the file .. and we do the same for google-chrome if that is the browser of choice .00:56
DylanBashing-om: Just did it for the Gnome file. How do I access the chrome file?00:59
Dylanfi le00:59
Dylanf ile00:59
DylanThere we go.00:59
DylanI can trick it that way.00:59
Bashing-omDylan: ' sudo -H gedit /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list ' .01:00
DylanBashing-om: This one? deb [arch=amd64] http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/ stable main01:01
Bashing-omDylan: Yep .. that the one .01:01
DylanBashing-om: done!01:02
aFeijoif I use exit 1 in my bash script, it not only exit the script but it also close the screen section! why?01:04
cashBashing-om Im going to try suspend/resume a few times.  Might log me out of the chat.01:05
cashwant to see if the boot param means anything01:06
Bashing-omDylan: OK.. let's bite the bullet and see what happens . run ' sudo apt-get autoclean ; sudo apt-get autoremove ; sudo apt-get clean ; sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ; sudo apt full-upgrade ; sudo apt -f install ; sudo dpkg --configure -a ' . depending on what errors if any is what we do .01:07
Bashing-omcash: K .. if ya happen to reboot, will have to reset the boot parameter of osi= .01:07
TK9115Anyone active? In need of support with my raspberry pi01:08
jack_rip_vimoh, I am not good at that stuff01:09
TK9115@Jack do you know linux?01:10
deadimmortalhaven't tried one01:10
DylanBashing-om: Heeeeere I go...01:10
jack_rip_vimI am using linux01:10
jack_rip_vimbut diferent distros01:11
DylanBashing-om: It's asking me if I want to continue, and it will free 488 MB of space. We going forward with this?01:11
Hawkerzdon't raspberry pis run a different distro?01:12
HawkerzI'm sure they have their own support channel01:12
jack_rip_vimbut I havent had a pi01:12
Hawkerzthis isn't the place for raspbian related questions though, is what I'm saying01:13
deadimmortalAnybody here tried Ubuntu 16.04 on an AMD processor with Radeon HD 8470D graphics?01:14
DylanBashing-om: Screw it. I went for it.01:14
ubottuARM is a specific (RISC) processor architecture used in a variety of applications such as handhelds and networkdevices. For more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM . For ARM specific support, stop by the #ubuntu-arm channel.01:15
deadimmortalmy screen resolution is a mess... :(01:16
TK9115Yes pis do use and can runns sevral different ditros but I ubuntuMATE on this one01:16
TK9115welcome back01:18
Bashing-omcash: still doing fine ?01:18
cashyeah but usually i have no problems with resume/suspend01:18
cashits just once every day or so everything dies01:19
cashand i reboot01:19
cashand then its ok01:19
cashalso i daily shutdown and restart01:19
cashbecause this is a laptop i bring places01:19
cashBut one thing is bizzare.  Lots of graphics tearing with this "recommended driver".  Very odd.  All default settings01:22
DylanBashing-om: Progress around 60%...01:24
Amm0n|cash, why don't you use hibernate? no powerconsumption + secure if you use swap encryption01:25
Bashing-omcash: maybe see: https://launchpad.net/~mc3man/+archive/ubuntu/tearfree-test .01:26
DylanBashing-om: I'm going to have to leave for dinner here in a minute, what should I say to the next guy where I'm at in order to pick up from where we left off?01:26
Bashing-omDylan: i be here fot a spell yet .01:28
cashThanks so I should add Option "TearFree" "True" to nvida xconfig?01:28
DylanBashing-om: Thanks man. It might be a good 4 hours or so before I'm back.01:28
Bashing-omcash: hybrid ?01:29
cashumm i dont think so.  only nvidia card01:29
cash2009 macbook01:29
cashcore 2 duo01:29
Bashing-omcash: " reducing tearing on nvidia optimus " do not see it applues here .01:31
ash_workzwhat does T stat mean in ps aux?01:31
ash_workzoh stopped01:31
cashok is that because i have geforce and not optimus?01:32
Bashing-omcash: optimus is of the hybrid architectures .01:39
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cashIll try tear free in xconfig and reboot01:40
cashBashing-om Im back01:42
cashused tearfree option in xconfig....01:42
cashlet me do some tests01:42
cashStill apears to tear, but less than before01:43
cashits used to be the bottom inch of the screen, but now its only the bottom half inch01:43
ash_workzhow do you like... hold a process open on a server?01:57
ash_workzlike, right now, I am running a PHP script, but if I close the terminal or anything, it's gonna stop01:58
andyworkash_workz: you can use "screen"01:59
ash_workzI don't think the process was running with screen before02:00
Random832ash_workz: most solutions for this sort of thing require you to have done it before starting the process02:01
andyworkash_workz: after you start a terminal, type "screen", and then any command that may not complete instantly02:02
ash_workzRandom832: well, I can stop and restart the process with something02:02
andyworkthen you can close the terminal, and the command keeps working in the background02:02
Random832i mean, if you suspend, bg, and then "disown", and then close the shell, it'll *probably* not notice when you close the terminal, but there's no guarantee02:02
ash_workzI guess02:02
ash_workzI'll just use screen02:03
ash_workzscreen is not echoing to the log02:04
ash_workzit's echoing to the screen02:04
leahroyhello guys...02:05
ash_workzI mean, do I need to start screen in a different fashion02:06
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ash_workzshould I just start a screen terminal and then run the command?02:06
leahroyI don't know if I'm in the right place to ask for help.. please point me in the right direction if so. PROBLEM: my remastered ubuntu boots well inside virtualbox but not on live hardware. It just boots endlessly.. endless login loop. Any ideas? TIA02:08
leahroyUBUNTU 16.04 LTS, PinguyBuilder (latest), VirtualBox (latest) thanks02:10
coppzhi guys something complicated that im hoping someone can help with. Im trying to run Manjaro instead of Ubuntu but I have no USB. I installed Unetbootin and tried booting from my HD but it just goes straight onto Ubuntu and no option for Manjaro install. Something im doing wrong?02:11
kk4ewtman unetbootin02:12
coppzI have tried read my message fully.02:12
coppzany help?02:14
leahroyWon't allow me to hijack the login process as suggested on online help out there, but keeps rebooting and resetting the screen even though I am already logged on the third terminal (Ctrl+Alt+F3). Any ideas? Thanks02:15
coppz hi guys something complicated that im hoping someone can help with. Im trying to run Manjaro instead of Ubuntu but I have no USB. I installed Unetbootin and tried booting from my HD but it just goes straight onto Ubuntu and no option for Manjaro install. Something im doing wrong?02:21
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krabadorcoppz, no usb on what hardware?02:23
hdkfanhey, I recently set up ubuntu on a new razer blade (2016, 14" model) and was wondering if anyone else has attempted this.  in general the installation went pretty smoothly, but I ran into a few issues with the nvidia driver02:40
sideup66hey room, does anyone know how to get wine 1.99 in ubuntu xenial02:43
sideup66i trid adding the repo but cannot find the installer02:44
bazhangsideup66, from a PPA?02:45
bazhangsideup66, or the #winehq channel02:45
sideup66i suppose so? im trying to install office 2013 in wine02:45
sideup66i added the repo in apt and installed from there02:46
stan_man_canSo I wrote an appliation and I need to make sure it’s always running. Aka if it dies or something it needs to re launch. ANy way to do that?02:46
sideup66but dont see the new version, and see it was tested and working in 1.9902:46
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th3ros@sideup66 you have to add the repo then update apt and install the latest, apt supports 1.6.2 currently from what i can see02:47
sideup66which repo?02:47
sideup66when i installed th3ros this is the guide I used https://wiki.winehq.org/Ubuntu02:48
hdkfanhas anyone experience an issue with an nvidia + intel gpu laptop where the laptop monitor has sluggish performance (sluggish mouse and UI movement) but no problem using an external monitor?  I think this is due to the way the gpus are wired, but if the intel gpu is connected to the internal display I'm not sure why there would be performance issues as it should be able to handle rendering on there02:50
sideup66is there something im missing????02:50
th3rosdid you check to see if wine supports office, also libreoffice works just fine02:50
hdkfanI've tried offloading rendering from the intel gpu to nvidia, and that works to clear up the performance issues on the internal display, but then the external display stops working :P02:50
sideup66yes, the installer entry is here: https://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=2632302:52
sideup66also the3the reason im trying to install it is because there are programs/features in it i do like that linux seems to have no solid equivilant02:52
th3rosdid you verify the version after the version of wine after the update?02:53
sideup66yes, it was 1.9.202:55
sideup66correction: 1.9.2202:55
th3rosok, so im not sure what you're question is then02:57
th3rosis it a problem with installing wine, or installing office while using wine?02:57
leahroyany one? :)02:58
sideup66yes, according to the wiki th3ros you need wine version 1.99 for it to work03:00
sideup66and im asking how to get that specific version as it seems the repo wont give it to me03:00
th3rosyou have to specify which version you want as stated in the wiki03:01
th3rosto list all packages for wine you can use $ sudo apt search wine | grep wine03:01
th3rosso if you installed the devel packages for instance, you already have the latest version of wine03:02
th3rosyou can verify that with $ wine --version03:03
sideup66hmmm then that is interesting because it only shows up to 1.9.603:03
sideup66that is the absolute newest package03:03
th3ros1.9.22 is the latest package03:03
sideup66then the wiki is wrong then03:04
th3rosall you have to do is add the repository, update the packages, and install the devel package (winehq-devel) and it will give you 1.9.2203:04
sideup66or the entry im looking at03:04
sideup66because that guy shows wine version 1.9.903:04
th3rosit doesnt matter as long as you have >= 1.9.1403:05
sideup66then something still isnt right03:05
cashBashing-om you are right Option "TearFree" "True" did nothing for me03:06
cashi was wrong to question your wisdom03:06
th3rosthe best thing you can do is retrace your steps and see where you went wrong... the way i did it to install the latest was to ONLY add the repo "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:wine/wine-builds" then update "sudo apt update" and then i installed sudo apt install --install-recommends winehq-devel" and i had the latest with no issues03:07
Bashing-omcash: Well .. Not at all the wisest around .. but I do have a bit a being about .03:07
sideup66right it did install wine right03:08
th3rosif you followed the steps in the wiki03:08
cashSO Bashing-om03:08
th3rosi already had 32 bit enabled, so i wasnt worried about the first step03:09
cashI will descibe something else you may have encountered03:09
th3rosuse apt to make sure you have the right packages installed, you can use "sudo apt list | grep wine" to see what was installed, it should output a list of packages and the ones installed will say so03:09
cashcompletely frozen system on resume from suspend, results on a blinking cursor each subsequent boot, and even recovery kernels boot to this blinking cursor.... this is with the 9400m and the Nouveau Driver03:10
cashBashing-om the only solution i found was to pull the hard drive and reinstall/wipe on a diff machine.  insalling fresh ubuntu from a dvd or usb doesnt work once i hit this bug03:10
cashits like a death bug03:10
th3roswinehq and the devel packages should be what you see and it will tell you the version numbers as well03:11
sideup66thats what i think03:11
sideup66or the wiki is wrong lol03:11
Bashing-omcash: swap partition intact amd large enough ? Any hints in the .xsession-errors log file in your /home ?03:12
cashyes swap was same as ram03:12
cash.xsession-errors i did not check.  its with this same machine and im terrified of using nouveau driver on it03:12
cashbecause the bug happened about 5 or 6 times, resulting in the drive needing to be pulled each time03:13
cashI think i even stripped the screws on the drive caddy i was so mad03:13
th3rossideup66: idk lol but i do know that i followed the docs you gave me and it installed fine, i already had the stable release, but used it for dev work mainly03:13
Bashing-omcash: No Mac exprience, so what ever I can say would be rather generic .03:14
sideup66i get that03:14
sideup66but im saying in that version when i tested well to install office03:14
th3rosthats a different story, wine can be a hit or miss with certain apps03:14
cashbashing-om thats ok this system is 64 bit and uses parts found in other computers03:14
cashwhat do you do if you cant boot a recovery kernel03:15
sideup66hence my confusion with the guide03:15
casheven to the recovery menu03:15
cashi couldnt even get to the part where it loads the kernel03:15
sideup66how did the one user install wine into a version that doesnt exist??????03:15
sideup66or office into03:15
th3rosi dont use office personally03:15
cashBashing-om could grub have become corrupted?  Its like the kernel never loaded03:16
th3rosi use open or libre instead03:16
sideup66i know, i would use libre03:16
cashI could get into Grub and select things, but not much more03:16
th3rosthey do have subtle differences, best to look in to it if you havent already... im sure you can get office to work with a bit of tinkering, itll just require you to put a bit of effort to retrace your steps and correct the issue03:17
sideup66but oneonte welll....nothing replaces it =\ linux impliments i saw were lacklusgter and broken to say the least03:17
stan_man_canWhats the best way to make sure an application is always running in the background? It needs to launch when the system boots, and if it dies i need it to relaunch03:17
hipcat /network list03:17
th3rosthe commands i gave should help you out to do just that, apt list only shows me the two versions, the stable and latest dev release03:18
Bashing-omcash: Suspected grub corruption as it does happen, then try and boot up from a grub boot prompt . see what the system screams and hollers about .03:18
cashGot it03:18
th3rossideup66: good luck, i have a arch install project im about to dive in to03:18
cashI may try and break this machine again so I can have an active instance of the problem and work on fixing it03:19
cashbut its fine now on the nvidia driver so i guess I wont03:19
sideup66thanks, i may write it off03:19
Bashing-omcash: Boting a Mac and it EFI .. I have no experience here .. it is different than that I do .03:19
sideup66too broken and just too many issues, plus have stuff to do03:19
cashyeah but i had this issue in BIOS mode too on this mac03:19
cashso i believe it is a generic issue03:19
cashi thought the EFI install would fix it but it didnt03:20
JPGainsboroughstan_man_can: I have not tried it, one idea I had was just make a shell script and run the program in an infinite while loop, the program when run should block the script, if the program stops running the while loop will iterate and run it again03:21
JPGainsboroughprobably are other ways03:21
JPGainsboroughthis will not work if the program becomes a daemon03:21
leahroyOKay... some other time I suppose. gtg. thank you guys. bfn03:21
Countess_Bathorycash are you referring to installing ubuntu in UEFI and when it boots you getting stuck at shell ?03:22
stan_man_canJPGainsborough: whats a daemon?03:22
stan_man_cana daemon would be fine03:23
stan_man_canit’s essentially a web server03:23
JPGainsboroughdaemon can mean where the program goes into the background ,03:23
JPGainsboroughso like when you type a command, some commands will not return until the program exits, some commands might exit immediately but the program continues running in background03:23
cashCountness_Bathory no this is a bug where after a resume, on the Nouveau driver with nvidia card, the system freezes. Each boot after the system boots to a blinking cursor --- even the recover kernel doesnt boot past a blinking cursor03:24
stan_man_canJPGainsborough: I just need it to run like a typical webserver does03:24
stan_man_canlike nginx for example03:24
JPGainsboroughi mean, they might detach immediately from the command line03:24
Countess_Bathoryah k then ;)03:24
cashCountness_Bathory if you have any suggestions i wanna hear em03:25
cashBashing-om I think it might be an issue with Grub to be honest03:25
Bashing-omcash: Little knowledge of booting a MAc .. The rEFInd bootloader  used on your system ?03:27
prometIs there a way to have apt automatically install suggested and recommended packages along with "primary" packages in a single command?03:27
cashBashing-om no i use the stock boot loader.  Ubuntu is only os03:27
cashlol I dont even know how to install rEFInd03:28
cashim such a noob - this computer was reimaged with ubuntu as a joke 4 years ago but now its become my pet project and i actually use it for work (have a similar setup on 2 other laptops since this one is on the fritz)03:29
JPGainsboroughstan_man_can: there is also a program called monit that can restart a process, and systemd has a Restart=always option in its service files03:34
stan_man_canJPGainsborough: i feel like systemd is the way to go about it03:38
JPGainsboroughstan_man_can: I think so03:49
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_omega_promet: recommends are installed by default with 'sudo apt-get install package'. so to also install suggests you can use '--install-suggests'. So 'sudo apt-get install --install-suggests package' should be what you are looking for03:49
_omega_also dont forget: man apt-get03:52
icedwaterHello, how is it I can't get the timezone right on my new Ubuntu 16.04 install? I've tried to dpkg-reconfigure tz-data but I'm still stuck in the past. Not long enough ago to reverse the US election results though, sorry...03:59
Bashing-omicedwater: Dual booting with Windows ? As Windows may have control of the hardware clock .04:00
icedwaterBashing-om: I am dual-booting, but I used to have it set all right on Ubuntu 12.04. I installed 16.04 on a separate partition so that I could hand stuff over easily, but there's still some settling issues.04:01
icedwaterWould a reboot into Windows, then back into Linux, help?04:01
Bashing-omicedwater: Try ' timedatectl set-local-rtc 1 ' . More info here: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/xenial/man1/timedatectl.1.html .04:04
icedwaterBashing-om: thanks, I'm reading the man page first.04:09
Bashing-omicedwater: Always a good thing to do . Reading is good .04:10
icedwaterBashing-om: in any case, I've set ntp to on, but I can't find the option to activate sync. The command you suggested shows me a warning that the RTC time is never updated and requires external sync, but didn't stop me from changing it04:12
Bashing-omicedwater: Mind ya I too am struggleing to learn systemd . does ' timedatectl ' give amy hints ?04:16
icedwaterBashing-om: For future reference, what worked for me was to force the system clock to get its value from the RTC by passing the --adjust-system-clock parameter *when calling set-local-rtc*04:17
icedwaterSo the command for me was `timedatectl --adjust-system-clock set-local-rtc 0` where I get the feeling 0 or 1 doesn't matter. This isn't a permanent solution, though, as I think it will hiccup again should I reboot.04:18
Bashing-omicedwater: Noted .. there is also04:20
centricubanedropbox issues on mate ... any ideas04:20
Bashing-om16.04 bug,do -> sudo dpkg-reconfigure ntp to set the system clock.04:20
icedwaterntp, huh, OK04:26
icedwatercentricubane needs to learn that IRC is typically on in the background at work :p04:26
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promet_omega_, thanks a mil!04:35
ZiberiusI use an ubuntu based distribution04:46
Ziberiusand have a problem with sound, If i connect a headphone I have to manually set the headphone as output04:46
Ziberiusand vice versa04:46
Bashing-om!flavors | Ziberius04:47
ubottuZiberius: Recognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. The current list is: !Edubuntu, !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, Ubuntu !Kylin, !Lubuntu, !Mythbuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, !Xubuntu, and Ubuntu !MATE04:47
ubottuRecognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. The current list is: !Edubuntu, !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, Ubuntu !Kylin, !Lubuntu, !Mythbuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, !Xubuntu, and Ubuntu !MATE04:48
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eukalyptusis there way to harden ubuntu?05:04
malkaunswhat does "harden" mean to you??05:16
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centricubanecan someone tell me why dropbox started playing lately05:46
centricubanejust a crossed icon on mate panel05:46
jack_rip_vimstart delay?05:46
centricubanenope just sits there05:46
darthho0hey how do I connect via ssh? find ip addr of host, start and stop the sshd on 14.04 etc?05:47
centricubanedoes not show up05:47
jack_rip_vimdarthho0 ssh ipaddr05:48
jack_rip_vimcentricubane: idk, do you use it ok at the other day?05:48
centricubaneno started happening lately05:48
centricubanewas working fine. i reinstalled / removed /purged but still not working05:49
darthho0jack_rip_vim, how do I find the ipaddr?05:49
centricubaneinfact i was fed up hence uninstalled.05:49
jack_rip_vimdarthho0: ping the host05:49
jack_rip_vimcentricubane:  try reinstall it05:49
centricubanedone already05:49
centricubanestill nogo05:49
jack_rip_vimhmm, do you lost some packages?05:50
centricubanedon't think so... all updated05:50
centricubaneupdate / upgrade all done05:50
darthho0jack_rip_vim how do I ping the host?05:51
darthho0jack_rip_vim I have the computer I'm on that i wanna figure otu the ip addr... i use ifconfig and use wlan0 but that only works if I'm connected to my home wifi05:51
darthho0print("hello back")05:52
jack_rip_vimdarthho0:  run ping host at shell05:53
darthho0jack_rip_vim, it says unknown host host05:53
chris403i don't want to go to school anymore05:53
Karthyping host will give a could not resolve error05:53
darthho0should I ping my ipaddr?05:53
KarthyWhy do you want to ping that05:54
darthho0chris403, drop out and build a tech company... its trendy05:54
darthho0i'm connected to a wireless router05:55
CountryfiedLinuxHow do I install Ubuntu without installing grub?05:55
Karthyok? What's your problem darthho005:55
darthho0Karthy, i want to connect my iphone to computer via ssh05:56
chris403yes, i have recently been introduced to linux world and i am sad that i was not introduced earlier05:56
CountryfiedLinuxIt had a kernel panic when I dual-booted with Manjaro. Ubuntu would boot but Manjaro had a kernel panic.05:56
darthho0i have my inet addr from ifconfig but that only works if I'm connected via wifi on iphone... meaning local ip addr05:56
darthho0I need the public ip addr so I can connect outside of my wifi05:56
Karthydarthho0 is it jailbroken find your iPhones ip and connect using putty05:57
centricubanetry ipleak.com05:57
KarthyOh outside wifi you need to port forward05:57
darthho0no it's not jailbroken05:57
darthho0i'm trying to connect my iphone to my computer... not the other way around05:57
darthho0i'm using serverauditor...05:57
KarthyOh ok05:57
KarthySo dartho0 use ur pc ip and connect from outside05:58
darthho0on my 4g it doesn't work only on wifi05:59
darthho0i'm connected via wifi on my linux box05:59
darthho0i don't know much about wireless but i think the router has an ip addr... and gives a local one to my linux box meaning outside wifi it's not seen05:59
CountryfiedLinuxHow do I install Ubuntu without installing the bootloader? Installing alongside Manjaro made Manjaro panic attack. Ubuntu booted fine though.06:00
Karthyyou need to port forward and use public ip of your pc06:00
darthho0CountryfiedLinux, ubuntu is stupid... so u have to tell it to not install grub06:00
darthho0karthy i don't know much about internet... wtf is port forward?06:01
CountryfiedLinuxdarthho0: How do I do that?06:01
darthho0and what does ipaddr have to do with a port?06:01
jack_rip_vimdarthho0:  ping www.example.com didnt work?06:02
lotuspsychjedarthho0: dont tell things like that here in main06:02
darthho0umm why would I ping a dot com06:02
darthho0jack_rip_vim, i'm not trying to hack a web server.. i'm trying to connect to my own computer06:02
jack_rip_vimok, I got it06:03
lotuspsychjethere is ##networking channel to discuss network issues06:03
darthho0ok i'll go there06:03
jack_rip_vimyou should open 23 port at first at your computer06:03
jack_rip_vimdarthho0:  then ifconfig to get the ip at that computer, then ssh to there06:04
DylanBashing-om: Hey, you still here?06:06
DylanAnyone kicking around here, for that matter?06:07
cfhowlettDylan, ubuntu is never empty.  less time wasteful = ask  your ubuntu support question06:08
lotuspsychjekarthy: can we help you?06:08
Dylancfhowlett: I was on a few hours ago and had someone helping me through upgrading from 14.04 to 16.04. I had to leave early and I'm back and I want to pick up where I left off.06:08
Dylancfhowlett: There's some sort of issue that's preventing me from upgrading.06:09
cfhowlettDylan, assume we know nothing of the previous conversation.  what are the current details and specs?06:09
DylanExactly. How do I get you the details and specs you need?06:09
MKHm, my Software Updater froze while configuring a package. How should I move forward? Kill the software updater?06:09
cfhowlettDylan, first one: any error messages?06:10
lotuspsychjeMK: wich package?06:10
DylanWith which command(s)?06:10
Blue1I am having trouble installing snap on my 16.04 system.06:10
DylanI'm barely a non-illiterate Ubunter.06:10
cfhowlettDylan, :)06:10
Blue1Dylan: YaY06:10
lotuspsychjeMK: if it freezes, you cant do anything else then kill right,06:11
DylanO.o was that a sarcastic response or not?06:11
cfhowlettno worries, we'll take it slow; are you updating with terminal commands or the pretty gui pictures?06:11
DylanTerminal commands.06:11
MKlotuspsychje: just wanted to make sure it was safe to do. It seems to have installed everything else correctly at least.06:11
lotuspsychjeBlue1: snaps can be installed from terminal or ubuntu software on 16.0406:11
cfhowlettDylan, great.  are those commands still running?06:11
DylanHere's the last one I ran:06:11
Blue1lotuspsychje: yup I get an error06:11
Dylan"sudo apt-get autoclean ; sudo apt-get autoremove ; sudo apt-get clean ; sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ; sudo apt full-upgrade ; sudo apt -f install ; sudo dpkg --configure -a"06:12
Blue1lotuspsychje: dpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/snapd_2.16ubuntu3_amd64.deb (--unpack):06:12
DylanResult was: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 778 not upgraded.06:12
cfhowlettDylan, OK that command will NOT move you from 14.04 >>> 16.0406:12
lotuspsychjeMK: breaking an update is never real safe, always make backups and try to update system after the break?06:12
cfhowlettDylan, normal.06:12
cfhowlettdo this:   lsb_release -a06:12
lotuspsychje!info snapd | Blue106:12
DylanIndeed. The last guy was trying to help fix the situation with this sorta stuff.06:12
ubottuBlue1: snapd (source: snapd): Tool to interact with Ubuntu Core Snappy.. In component main, is optional. Version 2.16+16.10ubuntu1.2 (yakkety), package size 5000 kB, installed size 25704 kB06:12
Blue1lotuspsychje: I can't get it to install -- error above06:13
MKyeah I am diligent with backups. I'll just kill it now and try a few things06:13
Dylancfhowlett: No LSB modules are available.06:13
DylanDistributor ID:Ubuntu06:13
DylanDescription:Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS06:13
cfhowlettDylan, so you are now on 16.04 and fully updated/upgraded.  nicely done.06:14
DylanNothing changed.06:14
cfhowlettDylan, what do you expect to see differently?06:14
lotuspsychjeMK: try sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade after break perhaps?06:15
DylanThe last times I've upgraded the Gnome interface always changed a little bit.06:15
lotuspsychjeMK: wgen dpkg breaks, it might spit out an error to --configure06:15
cfhowlettDylan, gnome?  ubuntu uses unity, not gnome ...06:15
DylanI always switched back to Gnome.06:15
DylanI remember when Unity came out and I didn't like it.06:16
MKfirst thing I did was sudo dpkg --configure -a and it gave no errors, I assume that's a good sign06:16
cfhowlettDylan, but you are indeed using 16.04.1, and gnome is present ....06:16
Blue1!paste | blue106:17
ubottuBlue1, please see my private message06:17
DylanWell sheeeeeit. I was expecting more fireworks.06:17
DylanNow let's see if I can do the thing I wanted to do in the first place that prompted me to want to upgrade.06:17
lotuspsychjeMK: yeah, it might passed :p06:17
cfhowlettDylan, Clay Davis aside, you MIGHT want to try the official Ubuntu-Gnome flavor instead of post-installing gnome on plain vanilla ubuntu06:18
cfhowlett!flavors | Dylan06:18
ubottuDylan: Recognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. The current list is: !Edubuntu, !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, Ubuntu !Kylin, !Lubuntu, !Mythbuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, !Xubuntu, and Ubuntu !MATE06:18
Blue1lotuspsychje: these are the errors.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/23474364/  note that I purged everything.  Removed those files, and tried the re-install.06:18
cfhowlettalso !ops + need to add Budgie to the flavors list06:18
Dylancfhowlett: How do I figure out which Gnome I have? The guy before helped me active Gnome306:18
cfhowlettDylan, wait 1 ...06:19
cfhowlett!gnome | Dylan06:19
ubottuDylan: GNOME was the default desktop environment on Ubuntu up to 10.10. To install the GNOME Shell, type [ sudo apt-get install gnome-shell ] in a !terminal. For the GNOME-based !flavor of Ubuntu, see !ubuntu-gnome06:19
lotuspsychjeBlue1: hmmm, weird behaviour..did you add ppa's or anything, install snapd manual before?06:19
Blue1lotuspsychje: I don't think so.  But removing those before install should have cleaned it, no?06:20
Dylancfhowlett: How do I know if I have the official one or not?06:20
dude42Good day. I am trying to install Ubuntu 16.04 on a 4GiB harddrive. I want to create a single partition with a btrfs filesystem. When I try to write the changes to disk, I see an error in the installer: The file system creation in partition #1 of Virtual disk 1, partition #1 (xvda1) failed.06:20
Dylancfhowlett: The last time I messed with all this stuff was like two and a half years ago, so I don't remember what I did.06:20
lotuspsychje!btrfs | dude4206:20
ubottudude42: Btrfs is a filesystem available for Ubuntu. It is not recommended by default, and should not be used for important data. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/btrfs06:20
cfhowlettDylan, apt show gnome-shell06:21
MKok, ran updates again in terminal and nothing broke. Must have been a fluke06:21
lotuspsychjeBlue1: normal behaviour of purging should clean stuff yes, perhaps try a manual remove that /usr/share/man/man1/snap.1.gz after purge?06:21
lotuspsychje!yay | MK06:21
ubottuMK: Glad you made it! :-)06:21
Blue1lotuspsychje: I did.06:21
cfhowlettDylan, current release = 3.18.5-ubuntu0.2                  dpgk -l |grep gnome-shell              will display your install06:22
lotuspsychjeBlue1: how about checking /var/cache/apt/archives/snapd_2.16ubuntu3_amd64.deb ?06:22
Blue1lotuspsychje: I nuked both files, after purging, and before re-install.06:23
Bashing-omDylan: Yeah, I be here ,, I did wander off .06:23
lotuspsychjeBlue1: ok, here's what you could try, after the purge clean system with bleachbit06:23
Dylancfhowlett: Version: 3.18.5-0ubuntu0.206:23
lotuspsychje!info bleachbit | Blue106:23
ubottuBlue1: bleachbit (source: bleachbit): delete unnecessary files from the system. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.12-1 (yakkety), package size 291 kB, installed size 1853 kB06:23
Blue1lotuspsychje: :-)06:23
DylanBashing-om: Apparently my system upgraded to 16.04!06:23
cfhowlettDylan, so there you have it = fully installed and available.  again, the official ubuntu-gnome has more bells and whistles than ubuntu+gnome.  You can add that to your system without a complete reinstall06:24
Dylancfhowlett: How do I go about doing that?06:24
Blue1lotuspsychje: looking at the man for bleachbit06:25
lotuspsychjeBlue1: you can just run bleachbit in root GUI icon and clean system06:25
icedwaterAlex: yeah, asked on #ubuntu and that was the first response too. Fixed with timedatectl --adjust-system-clock set-local-rtc 006:26
cfhowlettDylan, apt-get install -s ubuntu-gnome-desktop will simulate the process.     sudo apt install ubuntu-gnome-desktop will execute              then logout, choose your session and login06:26
DylanWhat would I need to simulate the process for?06:26
cfhowlettDylan, so you can see what's about to happen and choose wisely06:26
Blue1lotuspsychje: bleachbit:  segmentation fault -- thanks I am done for the night.  I apprecate all your help06:27
lotuspsychjeBlue1: wich ubuntu version are you on again?06:28
Blue1lotuspsychje: 16.04 (64 bit)06:28
lotuspsychjeBlue1: system up to date to latest?06:28
Blue1lotuspsychje: yes06:28
ObrienDavethere has been a point release06:29
lotuspsychjeBlue1: how about a good old reboot and try bleachbit again06:29
Blue1ObrienDave: Linux Willy 4.4.0-47-generic #68-Ubuntu SMP Wed Oct 26 19:39:52 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux06:29
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Bashing-omDylan: "Bashing-om: Apparently my system upgraded to 16.04!" Yeah, recall at the start of our relations I remarked " you jumped the gun " ?06:29
Blue1ObrienDave: yes, I did an /etc/issue:  Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS06:30
ObrienDaveBlue1, please paste the output of      cat /etc/issue06:30
DylanOhhhh that's why you said that.06:30
DylanBashing-om: So what was all that stuff we were going through after I jumped the gun?06:30
Blue1ObrienDave: had a problem with myfrontend earlier - (database schema) fixed that (14.04 system) -- works as advertised.  but I can't get this to work on my 16.04 system.  Stumped.06:31
Bashing-omDylan: trying to get the sytem stable as 16.04 . 786 updates remaining ....06:31
Blue1ObrienDave: trying to enable hotfix06:31
DylanGot it! Okay, can we pick up from there?06:31
ObrienDaveBlue1, beyond me :)06:32
Blue1ObrienDave: me too - off to bed.  Thank you, for your time.06:32
Bashing-omDylan: Yeah, did you complete the sequence ? .. and what have we now from ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ' ?06:32
DylanI did complete that sequence. Let me run that command...06:32
DylanBashing-om: Unngh... I started downloading something else in the meantime using the Terminal. Is it safe to close that terminal to stop it or should I let the download install itself?06:34
cfhowlettDylan, you can open a new tab in the terminal and leave that process running06:34
DylanThat's what I did.06:35
cfhowlettfile > new tab06:35
DylanHere's what I got:06:35
Bashing-omDylan: Let it complete . we can have only one instance of the package manager active at any given time .06:35
DylanBalls. Progress is at 50%.06:36
DylanI feel like a little kid pushing buttons every time I come into this chatroom. :P06:36
ObrienDaveand you do a right fine job LOL06:37
Bashing-omDylan: we wait " , is another process using it? " ... as presently it is occupied .06:37
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DylanSo I've been using Ubuntu over 5 years now, and every time I have to open up the hood to get into the terminal I realize I've forgotten everything I had learned about it from before.06:39
cfhowlettDylan, easy solution = stop using the gui and always default to terminal for system admin06:39
ObrienDavewelcome to the club ;P06:39
DylanThe GUI for what? The whole thing?06:40
cfhowlettDylan, never touch the gui for system administration.06:40
cfhowlettno need06:40
DylanOh ja, I follow you now.06:40
Bashing-omDylan: Takes a bit .. but mostly .. the terminal is faster and easier .06:41
ObrienDaveI gave up command line with W95 ;P06:41
DylanSo while I'm waiting for this thing to download, do any of you guys have any experiencing making video and audio with software available on Ubuntun?06:42
cfhowlettDylan, yes.  ubuntustudio is great for that06:42
cfhowlettalso #opensourcemusicans is your music making channel06:42
DylanI've started making Youtube videos via Audacity (just using pictures over the audio), but I want to record my desktop for the next one.06:43
Bashing-omyeah yeah .. but ObrienDave is known to be a glutton for punishment :) He has earned all his grey hairs .06:43
DylanI won't be recording any music, just making podcast-style stuff.06:43
cfhowlettDylan, multiple desktop recorders in the software center06:43
elias_acfhowlett: In which network is that channel?06:43
ObrienDaveBashing-om, LOL thanks ;P06:43
dude42lotuspsychje, I have read the link you referred to, but I would like to use btrfs regardless. However the installer is failing to create the file system ? The error message is not very descriptive.06:43
DylanRight, I have a desktop recorder.06:43
cfhowlettelias_a, freeenode IIRC06:43
elias_acfhowlett: Ty06:43
cfhowlettelias_a, or not ... lemme research06:44
DylanThis is the question: What is a good method for extracting audio from something recorded on the Desktop, so I can bring it over to Audacity to edit it the way I want, then bring it back to a video editor so I can bring the two back together with the updated audio?06:44
cfhowlettDylan, ffmpeg06:44
DylanSo I've been using RecordMyDesktop --> FFmpeg --> Audacity --> Kdenlive06:44
cfhowlettDylan, it's the do it all, swiss army knife command line tool for media manipulation06:44
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DylanThe original reason I came on here today is because I couldn't get FFmpeg to work with 14.04.06:45
cfhowlettelias_a, there is an IRC channel but start here: http://opensourcemusician.com/index.php/Main_Page06:45
elias_aDylan: Interesting. How/why do you edit the audio?06:45
DylanMake it sound better.06:45
cfhowlettDylan, it was removed and replaced with avconv.  in 16.04 it has returned06:45
DylanNoise removal, compression, treble and bass boost, normalize, and hard limiter.06:46
elias_acfhowlett: Ok. Thanks.06:46
cfhowletthappy2help! elias_a06:46
Dylan(Watched a youtube video with a guy who explained how to use those things.)06:46
DylanOkay! Download complete!06:46
elias_aDylan: Wouldn't it be easier to do that while recording?06:46
DylanI have no idea. Can you do that?06:46
cfhowlettDylan, elias_a y'all really should check out ubuntustudio forums and IRC channels06:47
elias_aDylan: Yes. Take the signal through the mixer progam with the desired freq corrections and effects.06:48
elias_acfhowlett: I'm already there. :)06:48
DylanI wonder if my laptop can even handle that. The thing is getting pretty old and was never that fancy to begin with.06:48
DylanI crash audacity pretty frequently.06:48
ObrienDavedylan, that's what the low-latency kernel is for06:48
cfhowlettDylan, if not consider an external interface; I used the audiobox studio one06:48
DylanAdvice from all angles, here.06:49
cfhowlettDylan, elias_a see the music and audio production workflows http://www.slackermedia.info/workflows/06:49
DylanSo elias_a, how do you do noise removal during a recording of something?06:50
cfhowlettDylan, I've seen using a floor in audacity but noise removal ?? not so much06:51
DylanThat's what I was thinking.06:52
DylanSo I still gotta bring the audio back through Audacity so I can edit it, before muxing it back with the original video.06:53
dude42Hi. I typed a question earlier, but didn't really get an answer as to why the btrfs filesystem creation failed during installation. So I'm going to paste my question again. I'm not spamming :)06:53
dude42Good day. I am trying to install Ubuntu 16.04 on a 4GiB harddrive. I want to create a single partition with a btrfs filesystem. When I try to write the changes to disk, I see an error in the installer: The file system creation in partition #1 of Virtual disk 1, partition #1 (xvda1) failed.06:53
cfhowlettdude42, 4 gb HDD?  they make those?06:54
dude42haha it's a virtual drive06:54
dude42for a VM06:54
cfhowlettnot going to happen.  4gb is too small06:54
dude42Ubuntu 10.04 worked fine on it06:54
dude42no GUI06:54
cfhowlett6 years ago is prehistoric06:54
dude42just some basic packages06:54
cfhowlett!mini | dude4206:54
ubottudude42: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD06:54
deadimmortaldude42: i think the minimum system requirements for Ubuntu 16.04 is 5 GB of hard drive space.06:54
Bashing-omdude42: release 14.04 added a Million lines to the code base . And still growing .06:55
cfhowlettDylan, confirmed: #opensourcemusicians is on freenode06:55
deadimmortaloh, i see06:55
dude42hmmmm ok thanks06:55
Dylancfhowlett: Thankya Sir. And that's a good place to go for advice on recording software and how to use it?06:56
DylanBashing-om: Just an update, I ran the sequence again and it's currently unpacking all the stuff it downloaded.06:57
cfhowlettDylan, for audio, yes06:57
cfhowlettnote that there is an audacity irc and mailing list06:57
dude42cfhowlett, I just read section 3.4 of the Ubuntu 16.04 installation guide and the recommend 2 GB of disk space for a system without a desktop06:57
dude42I have double that06:58
DylanSpeaking of these IIRCs, do you guys who hang around in here and help people do it just for fun or what?06:58
dude42why isn't btrfs filesystem creation succeeding ?06:58
aus_malIt's the spirit of open-source06:58
cfhowlettdude42, lubuntu and xubuntu are very low system demand OS's.  suggest your try those06:58
elias_aDylan: As for me, that's the reason.06:58
DylanI understand that it's the spirit of OpenSource, but what about paying the rent?06:58
afekryحد هنا بيتكلم عربى ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟06:59
aus_malfree time06:59
cfhowlettDylan, self-serving philanthropy.  I learn a lot by trying to brain fix problems06:59
aus_malsorry, can anyone tell me if it's possible to set up bridge networking in KVM post-installation? thanks.06:59
dude42lubuntu and xubuntu just change the desktop ?06:59
DylanAgain, I get it, but it still seems like a lot of time to dedicate.06:59
dude42I have no desktop06:59
aus_malpure choice06:59
dude42I just need btrfs to install06:59
afekryحد هنا بيتكلم عربى ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟07:00
lotuspsychje!arabic | afekry07:00
ubottuafekry: For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية07:00
DylanHello Arabic dude.07:00
cfhowlettafekry, ask your ubuntu question07:00
Bashing-omDylan: comroddery .. for one .. and who knows I may learn some great thing today about this wonderful operating system . It is open source at it's best .07:01
AndroUserIts there any distro base on ubuntu that can run in 128mb of ram?07:01
cfhowlettAndroUser, puppy linux, if that's still a thing07:01
DylanBashing-om: I feel like there's untapped potential with you guys here.07:01
cfhowlettdamn small linux07:01
elias_aDylan: I see it also this way: giving support also maintains your own skills which is the needed for making the living.07:01
AndroUserYes thanks guys😊07:02
DylanIf you guys don't mind me asking, what do you do for a living?07:02
Bashing-omDylan: Me retired .. communications network controller .07:03
elias_aDylan: Seeking for a job at the moment. Teacher and a computer learning specialist.07:04
AndroUserI am teacher.teaching voip using distro base on ubuntu.linux briker😊07:06
alkisgAndroUser: what are you planning to run on 128 mb ram? a desktop? or some server?07:07
AndroUser😉fir desktop gui😊07:07
DylanTrying to get an idea of the Ubuntu demographic.07:07
alkisgAndroUser: many distros can run on 128 mb ram, but no decent browser can... do reconsider :)07:07
AndroUser😉need demo for old computer😊07:07
alkisgWe throw away computers with 256 mb ram here... :)07:08
Seveasas yo should.07:08
AndroUser😉ubuntu now need 1gig of ram07:09
lotuspsychjenever throw away working hardware==> second life with linux07:09
alkisgI'm running ubuntu 16.04 with 160 mb ram, but of course it can't do much...07:09
Seveaslotuspsychje: don't waste time on old crap. Time is more precious than old computer junk.07:09
lotuspsychjeSeveas: it can always serve for something07:10
Seveasmaybe a doorstop07:10
lotuspsychjelubuntu calculator pc07:10
elias_alotuspsychje: Where do you live?07:10
Seveaswaste of electricity07:10
AndroUserToday computer using arm snapdragon😊07:12
Bashing-omDylan: We caught up and able to see ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ' outputs ?07:17
DylanBashing-om: Nope. We're at 60%.07:18
DylanApparently there was a lot of crap in here to clean out.07:19
Bashing-omDylan: Patience may be a virtue. but my eyes are beginning to fail . May have to take my recouperation period horizontally soon .07:20
DylanYea man, don't stay up on my account.07:20
DylanI really appreciate you helping me so far.07:20
elias_aDylan: Use SMART to check your HDD if you have not done so yet.07:21
cfhowlettDylan, I run this regularly ... sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade && sudo apt autoremove && sudo apt-get clean07:21
DylanElias: What?07:21
elias_aDylan: If you have a spinning HDD slowness might be a sign of HDD failure.07:21
Dylancfhowlett: Is that just a "cleaning service"?07:21
cfhowlettDylan, update all packages, clear out old packages and empty the download cache07:22
Dylanelias: Ahhh gotcha. That's a good idea. This computer is getting old.07:22
cfhowlettall the more reason07:22
elias_aDylan: SMART is a protocol for reporting various health things about HDDs.07:22
DylanCan I just type that into the terminal?07:22
cfhowlettDylan, yep07:23
elias_aDylan: Use the graphical Disks utility. There you see an entry for SMART.07:23
elias_aDylan: IMHO that's the easiest way to use it.07:23
DylanGraphical disks utility...07:23
elias_aWell, the utility called Disks.07:24
DylanThere we go.07:24
elias_aWhich has a GUI.07:24
DylanFound it.07:24
DylanShould I wait for this sequence to finish before doing something with it?07:24
DylanWoa! Sequence did something. Hold on.07:25
elias_aYes if the computer is slow.07:25
DylanWhat do I want to do here?07:25
elias_aMulti-tasking is good in Linux but it still takes time to do the actual things.07:26
cfhowlettDylan, last time I saw that, I defaulted the package maintainer version07:26
DylanSounds good to me.07:27
DylanBashing-om: We're at 92%07:29
DylanAssuming you're still awake.07:29
Bashing-omDylan: I give fair warnning before I bail .07:30
elias_aDylan: Still awake? There are people all around the globe here. :D07:31
DylanBashing-om already mentioned that he was getting sleepy. :P07:32
elias_aOh... It is 09:32 here. :)07:32
DylanJa, ich habe von Ubuntu gelernt, als ich in Österreich war.07:32
elias_aDylan: How's that? In what connection did you get to know Ubuntu in Austria?07:33
DylanVom Internet.07:33
DylanUnd ich habe eine Freundin getroffen, die auch Ubuntu benutzt hat.07:34
DylanAnyway, sequence is finished!07:34
elias_aDylan: Let's stick to English on this chan even though I like using my rusty German. :P07:34
DylanI need to practice mine, too.07:35
DylanI spent a year learning it in Vienna and it drives me nuts when I know I'm slowly forgetting it.07:35
DylanOkay, so this sequence finished. What am I looking for?07:35
Bashing-omDylan: We need to know that the package manager is consistent . show ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ' .07:37
Dylan0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 144 not upgraded.07:37
DylanI guess that's progress?07:38
Bashing-omDylan: well down from 786 ... show the complete output. let's see what there is to do .07:39
DylanOn it...07:39
cfhowlettDylan, line 115 ...07:40
DylanAlright. sudo apt autoremove, then?07:41
cfhowlettDylan, that would be my advice + sudo apt dist-upgrade to see if we can get those "held back"07:42
DylanBashing-om: Any commentary before I do that?07:42
Bashing-omDylan: + 10 .. dooooo it .07:43
* cfhowlett says this ^^^ in Emperor Palpatine's voice 07:45
elias_acfhowlett, Bashing-om You guys are getting some real balls here. :P07:46
DylanReal balls for doing what?07:46
SynfulAckDo some major kernel changes require a reboot?07:47
cfhowlettSynfulAck, I've not seen that in years ...07:48
cfhowlettbut I suppose if you tried the non-main line kernels ...07:48
DylanWorking on the dist-upgrade now...07:52
cfhowlettDylan, ack!  old command.  should be sudo apt full-upgrade07:52
Bashing-omDylan: And the moment of truth will soon arrive .07:52
DylanToo late. It's going through it.07:53
cfhowlettapt-get dist-upgrade    is the previous version, Dylan07:53
DylanToo late. I done did it.07:53
elias_aDylan: Honorary balls of giving good support. :)07:53
DylanHoly balls this stuff takes forever.08:00
DylanAll I wanted to do was record a video for youtube.08:01
Bashing-omWell .. look at the lessons learned . ( keep the system updated )08:01
cfhowlettDylan, just like a car ... I only wanted to drive to 7-11, but my transmission fell out cuz I never changed the oil ...08:02
vamadirBlack screen with after bumblebee installed. Making step by step from wiki ubuntu08:03
vamadirubuntu 16.0408:03
Bashing-omvamadir: Why bumblebee ? Depreciated in favor of nvidia-prime .08:04
vamadirBashing-om; I did not ask WHAT ISBETER. I Have problem with bumblebee08:05
cfhowlettvamadir, "deprecated" = poorly supported.08:06
cfhowlettif at all08:06
vamadirBashing-om, its same like . I have problem with ferarry, you saide me buy audi08:07
Guest97591How can a partition be recovered after overwriting the boot sector?08:08
cfhowlett!testdisk | Guest97591 possibly08:08
Bashing-omvamadir: While true ; I have no great knowledge of BumbleBee; not many do . Maybe ask in BumbleBee PPA for support if no joy here .08:10
elias_aGuest97591: Can you see the other partitions on the disk if you boot the machine with a live Ubuntu?08:10
DylanAlright, dist-upgrade is finished.08:10
DylanWhat's the next step?08:10
vamadirBashing-om, thanks08:10
Guest97591The boot partition was recreated on the first 500mb.08:10
Guest97591It is what is visible.08:10
elias_aGuest97591: What exactly is it that you've done?08:11
Guest97591gparted does not find the unvisible partitions08:12
Guest97591What is !testdisk?08:12
DylanBashing-om: What's to do next?08:12
Bashing-omDylan: The same again .. resync the data bases ' sudo apt update ' ... and see what there is now to be done ; ' sudo apt upgrade ' .08:12
alkisgGuest97591: there's a program called "testdisk" that can recover deleted partitions, google "testdisk ubuntu"08:12
cfhowlettGuest97591, testdisk is a recovery program that *might* be able to recover08:12
elias_aGuest97591: If you have 500 mb partition we are not talking about boot sector but boot partition.08:13
alkisgI think he means MBR, master boot record08:13
DylanWant me to paste what I got from apt update or just do apt upgrade?08:13
elias_aalkisg: Probably but why does he see a 500 mb partition, then?08:13
Bashing-omDylan: Both may be informative .08:14
alkisgBecause he added the new boot partition08:14
cfhowlettGuest97591, try sudo gdisk -l08:14
DylanBashing-om: Here's what I got http://pastebin.com/R014J5WS08:14
Guest97591This system is not running ubuntu check for the package dependencies of testdisk cfhowlett08:15
Dylan0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.!!!!08:15
Guest97591 08:15
elias_aalkisg: Exactly. And that's why Guest97591 needs to know what is the differerence between "boot sector" and boot partition before he proceeds. :)08:15
elias_aDylan: Congratulations!08:16
DylanWoooo! So am I fixed at this point?08:16
Guest97591What is the quickest way to download the testdisk debs from another machine?08:17
vamadirUbuntu 16.04 clean installed. Black screen after bumblebee installed. Making step by step from wiki ubuntu. PLS don`t say me use nvidia-prime.08:17
elias_aGuest97591: If you are trying to save data on the disk stop using the disk _now_.08:17
Dylanand elias: How do I operate this disks utility?08:17
Guest97591Is there some graphical representation of the hard drive I can use these eyes to find the partitions.08:18
cfhowlettvamadir, this is the PPA?08:18
elias_aGuest97591: If you have messed around with partitions and you want to rescue the data, do not use the presumably new OS on that very same disk.08:18
elias_aGuest97591: Download using a different machine a bootable rescue tools disk and boot the computer with that.08:19
vamadircfhowlett, this is OFFICIAL Ubuntu IRC CHANEL08:19
Bashing-omDylan: Yepper ;ook'n good .. when you are sure all is in good order .. ya will want to remove 50unattended-upgrades.ucf-old form the /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ . And next up is to review all your OLD OLD PPAs and see which you want to restore - if they are still supported in 16.04 .08:20
cfhowlettvamadir, not even close to what I asked.  DID you install bumblebee from the PPA?08:20
Guest97591cfhowlett: link the testdisk debs08:20
vamadircfhowlett, try from PPA and from def repo08:20
vamadircfhowlett, same result08:21
cfhowlettGuest97591, are you currently boooted into the machine?08:21
DylanBsahing-om: How do I remove that thing, and how to I review all the old PPAs?08:21
elias_aGuest97591: There's no way you can rescue the data if you are running the OS on the same disk you are trying to rescue.08:21
elias_aDylan: Here the basics: https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/disk-check.html08:22
Guest97591 08:23
Guest97591anything else more than testdisk?08:24
Bashing-omDylan: The list : ' tail -v -n +1 /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* ' . Paste it and I give ya an exanple of how to check if supported .08:24
=== dan__ is now known as Guest76066
ducasseGuest97591: testdisk is your best hope08:25
alkisgGuest97591: no, really, testdisk is the best there is08:25
Guest97591 testdisk is found08:25
Guest97591anything with a visual to give the scanner hints on what to recover?08:27
alkisgGuest97591: testdisk has a console-based *visual* user interface08:28
alkisgYou get a menu and a list of possible partitions etc08:28
elias_aI am still not sure if Guest97591 is about to run testdisk while haveing booted from the same disk he is trying to fix.08:29
alkisgWe won't know until he answers; let's hope he's using a live cd...08:30
Bashing-omDylan: Yhe 1st one on the list '# deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/atareao/updf/ubuntu xenial main #" take the URL to your browser " http://ppa.launchpad.net/atareao/updf/ubuntu " -> click on dists/ . And you see that xenial is not on the report . NOT supported in xenial . Do the same for all the PPAs that you may want .08:31
elias_aalkisg: My impression is that he/she is not.08:31
cfhowlettGuest97591, we asked repeatedly: ARE YOU currently booted into the system you are trying to recover from?08:32
DylanBashing-om: Sorry I didn't understand that. What am I doing with those links?08:32
Bashing-omDylan: paste into your browser this URL " http://ppa.launchpad.net/atareao/updf/ubuntu " . and go to that site .08:34
DylanOkay, I clicked on dists.08:35
Bashing-omDylan: And you do not see that xenial is supported . so no support for that PPA .08:36
DylanGot it. So that's how I figure out to remove the PPA?08:37
Bashing-omDylan: Well .. maybe just leave commented out .. the PPA maintainer MAY carch up with xenial . Case in point see : ' http://ppa.launchpad.net/bitcoin/bitcoin/ubuntu/dists/ ' from your list .08:39
DylanGot it.08:39
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DylanAlright guys, I need to go to bed.08:39
DylanBeen a long day working this out.08:39
Dylanthanks so much for your help.08:39
Bashing-omDylan: Hey .. I doing coffee now .. I am good for the long haul :)08:40
DylanGot a wife waiting for me to come to bed. :) Thanks again! I'll probably be on soon needing more help.08:41
Bashing-omDylan: :) Have a good rest . later .08:41
ConsoleFxneed a tiny help regarding a shellscript08:46
ConsoleFxI am unable to join these 2 variables along with the incremental ID values which are present in the text document :(08:46
ConsoleFxi have pasted my code snippet here: http://dpaste.com/18TG49X08:46
elias_aBashing-om: That is quite correct. If he is lucky he surely has a good rest - a bit later. :P08:47
CIclopsHi, I'm running 14.04 LTS 4.4.0-45-generic #66~14.04.1-Ubuntu and getting a "WARNING: Security updates for your current Hardware Enablement Stack ended on 2016-08-04" message. I installed linux-generic-lts-xenial and removed the vivid stuff. Not seen any updates for 10 days, is this okay?08:49
nishant_99i need help08:50
smichehow can I run unity in low graphics mode? ubuntu 16.04 here08:51
Bashing-om!info linux-image-generic | CIclops08:54
ubottuCIclops: linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (yakkety), package size 2 kB, installed size 12 kB08:54
CIclopsBashing-om, thanks, why do I keep getting the warning message and no updates?09:00
Bashing-omCIclops: Not sure what to make of the 4.7 kernel. but as it is EOL . run ' sudo apt-get install --install-recommends linux-generic-lts-xenial libgl1-mesa-glx-lts-xcenial xserver-xorg-lts-xenial linux-image-generic-lts-xenial ' to bring in xenial's kernel and the supporting X stack .09:02
ducasseCIclops: are you still getting the message?09:02
Bashing-om4.4 kernel**09:03
Bashing-omCIclops: If you are also running multi arch ( i386 and amd64 on amd64 ) we will want to get deeper involved .09:06
CIclopsducasse, yes every time I check for updates09:06
ducasseCIclops: then you probably need the x packages Bashing-om listed.09:07
CIclopsBashing-om, how can I tell?09:08
Bashing-omCIclops: I like ' dpkg --get-selections|grep libgl1-mesa ' . Id all you see is " XXXX:amd64 " then i386 is not a factor .09:12
CIclopsBashing-om, i see amd64 and i38609:13
crazyoldworldis there a desktop for snappy?09:15
Bashing-omCIclops: Deeper then is ' sudo apt-get install --install-recommends linux-generic-lts-xenial xserver-xorg-core-lts-xenial xserver-xorg-lts-xenial xserver-xorg-video-all-lts-xenial xserver-xorg-input-all-lts-xenial libwayland-egl1-mesa-lts-xenial libgl1-mesa-glx-lts-xenial libgl1-mesa-glx-lts-xenial:i386 libglapi-mesa-lts-xenial:i386 '. To cover all the bases .09:16
crazyoldworldBashing-om, do you know09:18
Bashing-omcrazyoldworld: No, not I .. have not investigated snappy to this time .. maybe ask in the #snappy channel for a faster response ?09:19
=== jatt is now known as Guest51241
fabricesegj ai un souci avec mon scanner que j arrive pas afaire reconaitre09:22
sifosifosifo999English please😉09:22
Bashing-om!fr | fabriceseg09:22
ubottufabriceseg: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.09:22
fabricesegsorry but i dont arrive to connect to ubuntu .fr09:25
CIclopsBashing-om, okay ... running your command09:25
sifosifosifo999question old one why ubuntu did nit include the non free coden and non free codec built in?09:25
Bashing-omCIclops: :) .. All will be good .09:25
sifosifosifo999Non free driver09:25
crazyoldworldhow the freak do you use snappy09:27
Bashing-omsifosifosifo999: Well .. the foundation is open source .. with the option - at your discretion to install and use proprietary software .09:27
crazyoldworldhi hi hi member09:28
membercrazyoldworld where you from09:28
sifosifosifo999I see its againt the open source filosophy😉 thanks09:28
memberand how can i help you09:28
crazyoldworldit really doesnt require that09:29
Bashing-omcrazyoldworld: Maybe of some help : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2321161 ; http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2327088 .09:29
CIclopsBashing-om, okay it finished :)09:30
CIclopsno warning message .. yay09:30
Bashing-omCIclops: I would run at this time ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ' and if all clean reboot to see the effect .09:31
crazyoldworldit doesnt say how to put desktop on my snappy os09:31
gyula73van itt valaki?09:33
sifosifosifo999Can ubuntu run apk? How to do it?09:34
octopus_hi there09:38
ikevinsifosifosifo999, you need an android emulator09:39
b100si have ubuntu 14.04 and chromium 53 on that. how can i update it up to 54 ?09:39
cqsI think you can update it through the app once one is available09:39
octopus_anyone good at setting up audio keys on a laptop with openbox ?09:39
sifosifosifo999Ikevin, so ubuntu cant run apk directly witout emu software?09:40
sifosifosifo999Ok thanks09:42
radikrm -rf /09:49
CIclopsBashing-om, many thanks! everything is working fine ... does apt upgrade install 16.04?10:00
fabricesegi would like to connect to ubuntu.fr but i think there is nobody on this channel10:04
fabricesegso i m not sure to be on the right channel10:05
CIclopsbonjour fabrice10:05
Bashing-omCIclops: No .. apt upgrade only upgrades instaled packages .. might now run ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ' just to insure the package management system is in a consistent state .10:06
CIclopsBashing .. ok thanks ... will do10:06
fabricesegbonjour ciclops10:06
Bashing-omfabriceseg: So long as you can communicate in English, you are welcome to ask your ubuntu support question here .10:07
fabricesegok i understand but i m connected to ubuntu .fr but i m not sure because there is just 2 personne connected on this channel10:08
Bashing-omfabriceseg: Do not know what I can say .. At this time of the day in France I would also expect more people to be active on the channel .10:14
ducassefabriceseg: it should be #ubuntu-fr, not #ubuntu.fr10:14
=== mming1 is now known as mming
ZephirusI have a question how do you cd a dir with () example "cd Gomez vs. Tavarès (2007)" i do "cd Gomez\ vs.\ Tavarès\ (2007)" and gives mes a syntax error with the (10:16
gopalhidup  untukmu mati tanpamu10:16
tomtom_Hi, I am trying to install software from the software store in Ubuntu Gnome, it is prompting me for the single sign on account info as it is a snap package (FreeCad). I have entered my correct password but it keeps telling me that the password is incorrect.10:18
tomtom_I have logged into the login.ubuntu.com with the same password without issue and just to be sure I reset the password and tried but it will not log me in on the software store.10:18
tomtom_Anyone else with similar issues?10:18
Zephirusmaybe your account was compromised?10:20
Zephirustomtom_ maybe your account was compromised?10:20
ducasseZephirus: escape the parens as well, or use tab expansion.10:21
Zephirusok thank you so much ducasse10:21
tomtom_compromised how? I have no indication that is was. I can log into the web site for ubuntu one without issue, it just appears the the software store cannot connect using the same credentials.10:22
Zephirusthen i don't know10:23
anisHello everyone. Does anybody know where i can ask for help about driver issues (already spent days crawling stack overflow, askubuntu, forums, blogs, etc) ? Am i in the right place to ask this kind of question ?10:26
ducassetomtom_: are you in the sudo, admin or wheel groups?10:28
tomtom_I am in sudo only10:28
ducassetomtom_: should be enough.10:29
ducassetomtom_: try 'snap login' in a terminal10:29
tomtom_login sucess at command line, I needed sudo to login to snap on the command line but software centre never prompted me to go up before asking me for my one login so that may be an issue10:31
tomtom_I have installed freecad via apt at this stage but I might probe around and file a bug report if that is the issue10:31
tomtom_cheers ducasse10:31
tomtom_on a side note, anyone have any idea when 16.10 would be added as a release for the piplight ppa10:32
ducassetomtom_: ask the maintainer10:32
tomtom_cheers for the help10:32
Bashing-omanis: You are welcome to ask here about drivers . What driver and hardware in what context ?10:34
anisBashing-om thank you so much for replying. wifi driver for realtek rtl8723be, on ubuntu 16.04. On an HP Pavilion 15-ab251nf laptop10:36
anisthere are plenty of issues and solutions for this device, but none worked for me10:37
Xinglinghow do i reinstall ubuntu`s DM using ubuntu live cd"10:38
anisBashing-om the wifi drops after a few minutes, and i have to reboot the computer10:38
Bashing-omanis: Await others to advise , I have no WIFI experience to offer .10:39
anisBashing-om Thank you10:39
Xinglinghow do i reinstall ubuntu`s DM using ubuntu live cd10:40
Bashing-omanis: Sorry I am of no help . Others here to help ya . If no response ask again in @ 20 minutes or so .10:41
anisBashing-om: Ok. Thanks for replying anyway.10:42
Bashing-omanis: :)10:43
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sammaniam use backbox11:01
ducasse!backbox | samman11:02
ubottusamman: Backbox Linux is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu and is thus not supported in #ubuntu. Please use #backbox on irc.autistici.org or https://forum.backbox.org/ for help with it.11:02
sammanada orang indonesia disini11:02
bvkanybody interested in python ?!11:04
sammanindonesia mana nih11:06
mmingme,but i am fresh...11:07
anisHello everybody. Anyone willing to help me on a driver issue with wireless device ?11:08
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sammanwhere are you11:09
=== CzechWonder is now known as BeMyShelter
sammanwine canot instal on backbox11:09
hateballanis: ask the real question and find out11:10
anishateball thanks for replying. I'm on an HP Pavilion 15-ab251nf laptop with a realtek rtl8723be wireless chipset, on ubuntu 16.04. I've implemented every solution i found on the web but none seems to match my situation. After a few minutes (3-4 min) the wifi disconnects, the access points disappear from the list of access points and i can't connect11:14
anisanymore. The only thing i can do is to reboot.11:14
anisI'm using this driver : https://github.com/lwfinger/rtlwifi_new/tree/rock.new_btcoex, and i've tried every possible combination for the driver parameters (fwlps, swlps, ant_sel, diable_watchdog, ips, msi)11:16
hateballanis: My experience with realtek chipsets has led me to never ever use them again11:16
hateballBut perhaps someone here may know how to get it working!11:16
anishateball: if i knew i 'd have so many problem's i would have chosen another computer11:17
anishateball i don't want to resort to use an external wifi dongle. I hope somebody can help me on this11:18
hateballanis: I googled a little which suggested using this module option "ant_sel=2" have you tried that?11:19
anishateball i came on this IRC because i thought th'at where the experts are :)11:19
ducasseanis: i'll second hateball - especially newer realtek wifi chipsets are atrocious, save yourself a lot of hassle and get something better.11:20
anishateball thanks for this suggestion. indeed i've set the ant_sel=2 parameter. without it the wifi is not using the correct antenna11:20
anisducasse. Thanks for replying. I don't have a choice unfortunately.11:21
hateballanis: depending on the laptops bios (HP likes to lock it down) you may be able to find a cheap internal chip to replace the realtek one11:21
hateballother than that you are at the mercy of whoever tries making a working realtek driver11:21
anisdo you think i'm wasting my time tring to find a software solution to that ?11:21
hateballanis: Like I said, I at least found for myself that I was wasting time that way... but we all have different sized wallets etc :)11:22
hateballanis: No idea if there are any improvements in a later kernel, you could try a mainline kernel and see if things work better then11:23
aniswhat do you mean by mainline kernel ? which one of them ?11:24
ubottuThe kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds11:24
anishateball you think i could install the "v4.9-rc5" mainline build for instance , and try with it  ?11:28
hateballanis: That's what I mean yes11:29
anisi'm so upset that everybody seem to have solved their problem with the rtl8723be using the rtlwifi_new driver with parameters, except me :)11:29
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anisthese kernels are stable ? they can be used safely ?11:31
Tommy_i have some questin about ubuntu11:31
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Guest90325i have some questin about ubuntu11:31
Bashing-omGuest81250: So, ask ,, and see what .11:32
hateballanis: like the wiki says, they are for testing11:32
hateballanis: your computer is unlikely to explode by trying it11:32
anishateball: in case i choose to buy a usb wifi adapter, what do i need to check before buying ?11:33
Micklyi have some question about ubuntu11:33
anishateball :)11:33
freakyyMickly: just ask11:33
MicklyHi Freaky11:33
Micklyi 'm new in ubuntu11:33
Micklyis there any advice for me11:33
freakyyMickly: wait11:33
Micklyand which firwall can use in ubuntu 1411:34
hateballanis: well, googling $chipset + linux tends to show what to avoid11:34
freakyyhow about this: sphenxes02 (~sphenxes@81-5-248-3.hdsl.highway.telekom.at) has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) gubuntu.co.uk/2016/10/things-to-do-after-installing-ubuntu-16-10?utm_source=slideshow11:34
Bashing-om!manual | Mickly11:34
ubottuMickly: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/11:34
freakyyand firewall wait11:35
hateballanis: usually these cheap wifi sticks use realtek chipsets11:35
freakyyjsut press windows key and type in firewall11:35
anishateball do you have something to recommend ?11:35
freakyyit should show u some firewall but i cant remember what its called11:35
hateballanis: not really, I only really use intel or broadcom things, and I dunno if those come in the USB variety11:36
anishateball Ok. I get it. Thank you very much for your help and time. :)11:37
MicklyThank you guys Bashung-om ubottu & freakyy11:37
anishateball i'll try recent kernel build, if it doesn't work i'll buy a "non realtek" wifi dongle.11:37
freakyyMickly: no problem did it work with firewall?11:37
hateballanis: good luck :)11:38
Micklyfreaky actually already using mac , i didn't install Ubuntu yet,11:38
anishateball thanks :)11:38
Micklyim'm going to turn off and using double boot into ubuntu11:38
Micklyubuntu 14.06 is better or 16.0111:39
Mickly16.01 hast good security due to its new version11:40
Micklyor its better using 14.0611:40
freakyyMickly: then come back here in case u need help with ur firewall, theres a nice tool for configuring the firewall :)11:42
freakyyits really easy11:42
freakyyok so ill restart my laptop now11:42
effbiaihi, how can i check if a repository is working/available or not? it's added in sources.list.d/myrepo.list - but i want to check if apt is actually checking this repo or not or if apt gets a 404, 503 or something in return11:44
Micklyok tanx freakyy11:44
BlauskaerMeffbiai: If you do a apt-get update it will display an error message for each repo that returns 404/50311:51
BlauskaerMI will also print all repos that are updated11:51
jashdjI installed kpcli for working with KeePassX using terminal. I have installed libcapture-tiny-perl and xclip both, but I continue getting the error that Clipboard and Capture::Tiny modules are required to copy password to clipboard12:03
CyclohexaneIf I install Python 2.7 from source on an Ubuntu machine and the copy the dir to another machine, what could go wrong (missing dependencies etc)?12:08
ubottufurvio: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».12:13
=== Harry_ is now known as Harry
ThePendulummeh, stuck between a rock and a hard place12:15
ThePendulummy 15.10 installation only shows a purple blank screen and I can´t upgrade to 16.04 or 16.10 because I can no longer use fglrx12:16
tomreynif it only shows a purple blank screen now, what will get worse when you upgrade?12:17
bastinsa va tonreyn12:19
tomreynvery well, thanks12:19
ThePendulumtomreyn, lol, touché12:19
tomreynThePendulum: have you tried the 16.04 live cd to see whether you can get along with the performance the radeon driver would offer?12:20
tomreyni've been using it with a chipset no longer supported by proprietary drivers for some years now and am happy with it.12:21
ThePendulumtomreyn, the performance is fine, but it´d be nice to get it on /both/ my screens :P one only works at a lower resolution, otherwise it reports a timing issue12:23
tomreynThePendulum: also, running known vulnerable software on a computer (especially a desktop computer) connected to the internet is a bad idea.12:23
FireStriker_How do you force close a program12:23
tomreynhmm i see, that's a bummer. but is this still an issue?12:24
ThePendulumtomreyn, I doubt much changed in the past month, but I could give the latest updates a try12:24
tomreynoh past month, ok12:24
ThePendulumtomreyn, yeah, I´ve been probing since 16.04, no luck12:25
jashdjI updated my linux kernel to 4.8.6 to see if I can get my Radeon card to work with 16.04 (it's an integrated card and lspci only shows Intel VGA driver always). Now I cannot start X because it crashes past the login screen and I keep on coming back to that12:25
tomreynFireStriker_: first you identify its process id (in the 'ps auxw' output or using 'pidof <executable_name>'), then you use 'kill -9 <pid>', with sudo if it's not your process.12:26
jashdjI get the error `amd_sched_job failed to run job` in my syslog12:26
FatedHi.  I've got an issue with 16.04 desktop and screen blanking. I've got a twin monitor setup that we use VNC to access, it just displays stats.  Prior to the 16.04, the screens stayed on, everything was fine.  Now, despite everything I've done, the screens blank and we lose VNC access after a minute or two idle.12:27
FireStriker_ Um ... I need something like alt f4 for Linux12:27
Mathisenxkill maybe ?12:28
puffinzIts 630 am, wow. It's been a long night.12:29
tomreynjashdj: which amd graphics chipset (PCI ID) do you have there?12:31
tomreynFireStriker_: alt-f4 should work, or xkill, as Math1sen suggested12:32
jashdjtomreyn: Radeon R7 M36012:33
tomreynalso clicking on the X button of the application multipel times should work12:33
jashdjI should have mentioned that before. Sorry12:33
giampieroi am new here12:34
ConsoleFxI have few thousand of files which has some similar characterstics and I would like to move those matching filenames into their separate directories individually. Need a bit of help on how to achieve the same in an easier way.12:34
ConsoleFxthis would give an overall idea, http://dpaste.com/12KDX9C12:34
ConsoleFxany hints please?12:34
hateballConsoleFx: a simple for-loop12:35
tomreynjashdj: can you get the [nnnn:nnnn] ID from 'sudo lspci -knnv | grep VGA' ?12:36
tomreynn being numbers12:36
puffinzI've been so busy with life stuff lately, kind of lost track of development these days.12:36
tomreyn... or characters a-f12:36
tomreynpuffinz: if you're looking for a social channel, please try #ubuntu-offtopic .12:37
hateballConsoleFx: well, two loops. one to create dirs, one to move the file12:37
tomreynpuffinz: this one is really just for support questions + ansdwers12:37
jashdjIt is 8086:1916 but the card detected is `Intel Corporation HD Graphics 520`, which is integrated graphics12:37
ConsoleFxhateball, u mean shellscript and with some loop support?12:38
tomreynjashdj: yes that's an intel chipset, the one integrated into your CPU, iwould think12:39
tomreynjashdj: do you have anothe rone then?12:39
tomreynpuffinz: no worries ;)12:40
hateballConsoleFx: something like "for i in $(ls|sed 's/-file*.*) do ; echo $i"12:40
hateballConsoleFx: something like "for i in $(ls|sed 's/-file*.*) do ; echo $i; done"12:40
hateballtrigger happy12:41
hateballConsoleFx: replace echo with mkdir12:41
hateballwhat the...12:41
tomreynthat sed is incomplete12:41
hateballConsoleFx: "for i in $(ls|sed 's/-file*.*//g') do ; echo $i; done" I am too tired12:41
hateballtomreyn: yes12:41
ConsoleFxhateball, hehe :P12:41
ConsoleFxoo this would suffice enough :)12:42
ConsoleFxgot the hint :)12:42
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ConsoleFxthanks man! :)12:42
hateballConsoleFx: and do a similiar operation to move the files12:42
ConsoleFxhateball, sure!12:43
hateballConsoleFx: anyhow, there are many (probably better ways also) to achieve what you want, but now you have a starting point at least12:43
ConsoleFxi will take it from here :)12:43
tomreyne* in a regular expression means 0 or more times the character 'e'12:43
ConsoleFxhateball, btw just curious... any 3rd party commands are there which does these type of things12:43
effbiaiBlauskaerM: thanks!12:44
hateballConsoleFx: Like some program which you could feed parameters? I dont think so12:44
ConsoleFxhateball, aah okay12:44
ConsoleFxno probs12:44
ConsoleFxthis is also good enough to get my things done12:45
ConsoleFxappreciate ur help :)12:45
hateballConsoleFx: Well there could well be, I am just not aware of any12:45
tomreynthere is 'mmv' but i don't know whether it can handle this12:45
hateballAlso my brain is fried, take it for what it is :D12:45
ConsoleFxtomreyn, mmv?12:45
tomreyn!info mmv12:45
ubottummv (source: mmv): Move/Copy/Append/Link multiple files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.01b-19 (yakkety), package size 25 kB, installed size 66 kB12:45
BluesKajHiyas all12:45
jashdjtomreyn: yes, but it never showed up12:46
jashdjnot before, not after installing another kernel image12:46
ConsoleFxtomreyn, damn.. never heard of this mmv command .. looks quite useful! :)12:46
tomreynjashdj: hmm that's a bummer, maybe your hardware is just not supported then. i assume this is some laptop? do you want to tell us the precise model number?12:48
tomreynC0nsoleFx: enjoy ;)12:48
tomreynjashdj: maybe run "update-pciids" and then run lspci (with the parameters + filtering provided before) again12:50
tomreynor just show the entire output unfiltered12:50
ThePendulumguess it´s time to burn a ubuntu 14.04 flashdrive and wait it out12:51
Guest26Hi, has anybody come across issues with 16.04 desktop blanking screens / sleeping / being a pain in the bum even when you've explicitly told it not to?12:54
tomreynjashdj: i assume you did try the 'additional drivers' search already, right?12:54
jashdjtomreyn: AFK currently. I will see and reply12:54
freakyyhi all. can someone helpe me? I wanna set up a live streaming media server (rtmp-server) which supports authentication and is open source or free to use. can someone help me with that?12:55
tomreynfreakyy: i would assume you can achieve this with avcons, ffmpeg or vlc. some of those projects have separate channels here on freenode.12:56
tomreynalso this is suggested by 'apt-cache search rtmp' on 16.04:12:57
tomreyn!info crtmpserver12:57
ubottucrtmpserver (source: crtmpserver): High performance RTMP/RTSP streaming server. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0~dfsg-5.2 (yakkety), package size 24 kB, installed size 93 kB12:57
tomreynGuest26: what have you done / tried already?12:58
Guest26tomreyn: disabled sleep in the unity settings.  Tried several of the workarounds suggested on the forum, installed caffeine...12:59
sevenhow I can leave channels?12:59
Guest26type /part12:59
tomreynGuest26: have you tried this: setterm -powersave off -blank 013:00
seventhanks guest2613:00
tomreynGuest26: restart X afterwards13:00
Guest26tomreyn:  I haven't.  Give me a second to try it - we access this box by VNC and every time the screen blanks VNC has a massive sad.13:02
Guest26(another "improvement' in 16.04)13:02
tomreynGuest26: to verify, check "cat /sys/module/kernel/parameters/consoleblank" afterwards13:03
Guest26tomreyn: cannot (un)set powersave mode: Inappropriate ioctl for device13:04
Guest26also, terminal xterm-256color does not support blank13:05
tomreynGuest26: you actually want X not to blank, not the console, right?13:06
tomreynGuest26: then it should be just: xset s off -dpms13:06
Guest26Ok.  I've set that - let's see if it blanks again.13:08
tomreynGuest26: if it works now, place said command into ~/.xinitrc to make it permanent13:16
tomreynGuest26: if it still doesn't work, add "xset s noblank" as well13:17
Guest26It's looking promising so far.13:18
mgregoireyo argel13:18
boxrick1Perhaps someone would be able to give me some assistance figuring out why the following system is not assigned DHCP addresses? https://gist.github.com/boxrick/7bcca88c59ad42649e7f19c8d76e0c6313:18
aperosalut connard13:21
didierpoce blo si taime ibra TV13:22
Guest26tomreyn: Thanks for your help, it really is appreciated.  I've been banging my head against the proverbial brick wall for the past couple of days on this.13:22
didieroh lunette!!13:22
tomreynGuest26: welcome13:22
tomreyn!fr | apero13:23
ubottuapero: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.13:23
=== lethu_ is now known as lethu
ThePendulumI'm in a live disc now. Anything I can try to try and fix the purple blank screen issue?13:45
tilerenderinghi, I installed Ubuntu Desktop 16.04 on my pc, which has Windows 10 installed already. Ubuntu asked me for running alongside Windows 10 while installing, or for a more customized version. I chose to install the boot manager at the primary (windows 10) partition and to use 2 entirely new partitions for ubuntu + swap. after rebooting, ubuntu would give me the option to boot different versions of Ubuntu. No entry for Windows.13:51
tilerenderingmoreover, which is totally “great”, I enjoy a resolution of 640x480 on a 2560x1080 display, and no matter what I try with xrandr/cvt I cant change the resolution to anything acceptable. Any idea how I get my Windows 10 back at least ?13:51
tilerenderingI think I ll keep Ubuntu in VMs...13:52
ikoniatilerendering: different version of ubuntus ?13:52
tilerenderingnot versions13:52
ikoniatilerendering: why is there different versions of ubuntu, there should only be one13:52
ikoniamodes ?13:52
tilerenderingnot versions13:52
ikoniawhat is a "mode" ?13:52
tilerenderingyes, recovery mode, etc.13:52
ikoniaahh the grub menu13:52
ikoniaso you just need to change the grub parameter hidde=013:52
tilerenderingikonia: exactly, and as I said, the windows boot option is missing13:53
ikoniarather than hidden=113:53
ikoniaso either use the Os-prober option to find it, or manually add it back in13:53
tilerenderingwhere and how can I do that?13:53
ikonia!grub2 | tilerendering13:53
ubottutilerendering: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub213:53
tilerenderingcan you give me a quick fix/hint for this without me having to browse through the whole grub manual?13:53
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ikoniatilerendering: it's not a manual, it's a nice walk through13:53
tilerenderingikonia: read it, I dont see a hint on how to make the windows boot option visble13:55
tilerenderingor on how to manually add a boot option13:55
tilerenderingbut you know what, thanks, I ll just read the manual instead of having a 20 line conversation for something as simple as that.13:55
ikoniatilerendering: it's not "invisiauble" it's not detected13:55
tilerenderingikonia: why13:56
ikoniawhich you can either populate with the os-prober option, or manually put it in13:56
ikoniatilerendering: many reasons, failure to detect, run at the wrong time, encrypted disk13:56
ikoniathings sometimes go wrong with OS detection13:56
ikoniaso you need to either re-run OS detection or if it will never find it, manually add it in13:56
tilerenderinghow do I start osprobe and will it directly affect my grub installation?13:56
ikoniatilerendering: it's an option within grub13:56
tilerenderinghow do I activate it13:57
ikoniait should be detailed in that doc I linked to13:57
ikonia(or ubottu linked to for me)13:57
tilerenderingI dont see it in that document, I see nothing related to os detection or adding a boot option in that document13:57
ikoniait's in there13:59
ikoniaif you actually read the docs and follow the links13:59
tilerenderingI dont see it. anyone else who can help?13:59
tilerenderingthanks anyway, ikonia13:59
ikoniahave you actually READ the document13:59
ikoniarather than just search for os-probe13:59
creattilerendering,  Try SystemRescueCD14:00
ikoniayou don't need that14:00
ikoniathat is not going to do anything14:00
ThePendulumnice, apparently Windows re-enabled fast startup, so I had to disable that and run fsck14:00
ThePendulumnow the purple screen is gune14:00
creatikonia, it helped me twice when I was messing about with BSD14:01
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ikoniacreat: right - so how is that going to help change grub settings on his currently installed grub that is configured on the ubuntu local file system14:02
creatNo it won't14:02
ikoniacreat: right, so it won't help him then will it14:02
creatIt will just install from scratch.14:02
ikoniacreat: but it will install the version that is NOT from ubuntu14:02
ikoniaonto the mbr14:02
creatDoesn't matter, this guy wants his Windows back14:03
ikoniatilerendering: got it yet /14:03
ikoniacreat: pretty sure it does matter14:03
ikoniaand re-installing grub won't fix it14:03
ikoniamore so if the config file has os prober disabled14:03
creatIt is enabled.14:03
ikoniacreat: how do you know ? can you see his config file ?14:03
creatBecause I used it.14:04
ikoniacreat: you've used his machine ?14:04
creatikonia pls14:04
ikoniatilerendering: sorry that was a question, "have you found it yet" ?14:04
creatIf you want full details of how I got my system back then I can write the wall of text.14:04
ikoniacreat: I don't, I'm pretty happy restoring a machine with a problem14:04
creatFreeBSD overwrites onto first 512KiB of a disk if you don't know what you're doing (which I didn't)14:06
ikoniayou're not using freebsd14:06
creatAnd Windows was gone from them.14:06
creats/from them/due to that14:06
ikoniaright, because the mbr was overwritten14:06
ikoniathat is not the same problem this chap has14:06
ikoniatilerendering: if you can't find it just shout14:07
=== ux is now known as uks
yanomeisn't there some trick for ssh on ubuntu for appending a hostname to an SSH hostname. like if i did `ssh myserver` they it would read/submit it as `ssh myserver.localdomain.org`14:29
yanomei'm trying to think there is a ~/.ssh/config that would allow that14:29
akikyanome: yes that's the file you do it in14:30
elias_aAny news about this Chromium problem? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/40588595/chromium-throws-neterr-certificate-transparency-required14:30
dunkI'm trying to resize an ubuntu guest on OSX. I used VBoxManage to resize and have booted into gparted. However, gparted won't allow the partition to grow. Am I missing something?14:34
ikoniadunk: depends on the disk layout14:34
dunkikonia: might be that the swap is in the way14:35
geirhagrow the extended one first14:35
user145783running 16.04, my laptop doesnt remember settings like screen brightness, trackpad disabled, sound volume, numlock and many stuffs. what makes?14:35
geirhapartitions must be contiguous14:36
dunkgeirha: right. that one actually has the option to grow right. But I can't seem to move it...14:36
dunkgeirha: seems to only let me expand it14:36
geirhadunk: Hm. Could you do a screenshot of the window where it won't let you move?14:38
yanomeakik: yes, I know, but do you happen to know what the syntax is to do a catch-all appending for hostnames?14:38
dunkgeirha: Actually, I can delete it. And then presumably re-create it at the end. Not sure how to make sure that the installed OS will know where to look though, in case it gets labelled differently.14:39
geirhathe swap will get a new UUID, so you'll have to update /etc/fstab at least14:40
freakyyi love ubuntu budgie :D14:40
geirhaFor hibernation you need to update another place, that I don't remember off-hand, but you probably don't care about hibernation in a VM14:40
dunkI should just make sure that it is disabled14:41
=== hctib is now known as bitch
JuJUBeeI need help finding out what is using all my bandwidth on my LTSP server.  Currently ONLY gateway server and LTSP server are on14:43
JuJUBeeMy ping times to google.com are over 1000014:44
JuJUBeeWhen I disconnect LTSP server ping times go to 15-2014:44
tomreynyanome: you could do it in a "Host *" stanza in ~/.ssh/config by placing "HostName %H.mydomain.org" there, or, for a cleaner but system wide / global way, edit /etc/resolve.conf or /etc/network/interfaces and put either the "domain" or "search" option there.14:46
tomreyn(prefixed by "dns-" if you place it in /etc/network/interfaces)14:47
yanometomreyn: ooh, could, I didn't know a %H existed for HostName, that's awesome14:47
danielthebaguedoes anyone know about dual boot and efi?14:47
tomreynyes, surely someone does. question answered. next!14:49
dunkgeirha: How do I find the new UUID?14:49
yanomedrats, `percent_expand: unknown key %H`14:49
danielthebagueI installed with secure boot disabled and not in legacy mode no when i reboot it still boots straight to windows!!14:49
yanomelooks like it is %h14:51
yanometomreyn: thanks!14:51
tomreynyes, lower case, oopsie14:51
akikyanome: Host shortname; next line Hostname fqdn14:51
moisalut y a t il un francias la dessus pour des tests14:52
Pici!fr | moi14:53
ubottumoi: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.14:53
tomreyndunk: blkid14:53
tomreyndunk: but if you moved the extended partition around, you should just create a new swap partition instead, and use that14:54
=== nihilNihil is now known as zsh_rulz
ededmanusomebody is here ??14:57
tomreynhello there14:57
tomreynyou and 1862 other people and bots are logged on14:58
ededmanui am new here. and my english is not good14:59
ededmanusomeone speak french here ??15:00
raubIf I want to encrypt the filesystem of a new install, what must I leave outside the encrypted partition?15:00
dunktomreyn: ta :-)15:00
tomreynededmanu: try the francophone channels15:00
tomreyn!fr | ededmanu15:00
ubottuededmanu: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.15:00
tomreynraub: how do you mean "leave outside the encrypted partition"?15:01
raubtomreyn: there has to be something outside it to do the authentication and decryting, right?15:02
tomreynraub: sure, how would you open a chest if the lock was only accessible from the inside15:02
tomreyn(unless by brute force, but this is a pretty stable chest ;) )15:03
raubtomreyn: hence the question15:03
tomreynraub: so you speak both about encrypted partition, which suggests a block device crypto layer such as dm-crypt-luks, but you also speak abotu ean encrypted file system, such as an encrypted home directory. which oine are you referring to?15:04
raubtomreyn: if you donot know, I will leave / and /boot outside, create encrypted partition, lvm it, and then put /var, /home, and so on inside it15:05
raubtomreyn: I don't know what ubuntu is using nowadays. Last tiem I did this was using cryptsetup15:05
tomreynright, cryptsetup is a frontend for dmcrypt-luks15:05
tomreynyou can encrypt / if you don't encrypt /boot15:06
tomreynthis is supported by the installer.15:06
raubtomreyn: excellent!  So, a 512MB /boot still suffices?15:06
tomreynit's also the default setup for an encrypted installation15:06
tomreyni would go for 1G for /boot nowadays15:07
raubtomreyn: good to know. I do nto want to use the default partition beause I plan on only populating 50GB off a 320GB disk for now15:07
tomreynnote that if it's a GPT partition you'll also need to have a separate biosboot / efi partition15:08
raubSave the rest for vms15:08
raubtomreyn: that is actually a good question (gpt)15:09
tomreynyou don't have to use gpt for a 320 GB disk. (but you may or may not want to.)15:10
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raubtomreyn: I'll say the installer was behaving like it wanted to use mbr. Unless gpt has extended partitions like mbr15:12
G3nka1hyper v or vmware on ubuntu ?15:12
raububuntu 16.0415:12
raubG3nka1: as in?15:13
tomreynraub: gpt does not know the concept of primary / extended partitions, luckily.15:13
raubG3nka1: what are you trying to do?15:13
raubtomreyn: then the desktop install wants to do mbr15:14
tomreynraub: IIRC the installer will default to ,sdos partition table unless you have disks > 2TB.15:14
SeventeenTrying again now that it's not the weekend:15:14
tomreyn* disks >= 2 TB15:14
SeventeenTIME HOSTNAME gnome-session[NUMBER]: CRITICAL: We failed, but the fail whale is dead. Sorry....15:14
SeventeenTIME HOSTNAME gnome-keyring-daemon[NUMBER]: couldn't set environment variable in session: The name org.gnome.SessionManager was not provided by any .service files15:14
G3nka1raub, https://www.opsview.com/lets-get-started15:14
SeventeenTIME HOSTNAME lightdm: pam_unix(lightdm:session): session closed for user USER15:14
raubtomreyn: Aha. Personally I could not care less. I can do gpt but will need to see where I can tell it to do the deed15:15
Seventeen^^^^^^^Has anyone seen these errors before? Anyone know where I can start to untangle that?15:15
raubG3nka1: you need to have a vmware or hyper v server in place. Those AFAIK are self-standing, with their own host OS15:16
tomreynraub: hmm i guess the desktop installer may not actually allow you to choose.15:16
raubG3nka1: you don't install ubuntu and then put them on the top15:16
raubtomreyn: SHame on me for trying the desktop install to install a desktop.15:16
G3nka1oh raub but I tried they bare version15:16
G3nka1they dont support 16.10, i always stop with these errors 2016-11-14 20:32:23 Installing packages: opsview opsview-core opsview-base opsview-perl opsview-web15:17
G3nka1.E: Unable to locate package opsview15:17
G3nka1E: Unable to locate package opsview-core15:17
G3nka1E: Unable to locate package opsview-base15:17
G3nka1 shows these repo arent there for 1615:17
beantaxiOn 14.04 ... a few months ago I set up some code of mine to run as a service. It worked, but I was blindly Googling. Trying to do the same now, and I am reading about SysV vs upstart vs systemd. My system has traces of all 3. Which should I use?15:17
raubG3nka1: AFAIK virtualbox and kvm can import a ovf15:17
tomreynraub: :) it's supposed to make things easy for the less advanced user. you can altternatively use mini.iso or the server iso (and just install the desktop package of your choice later)15:17
raubtomreyn: I have always done the server install. Just wanted to try something different ;)15:18
tomreynraub: or just go with the msdos partition table, which is most likely a fine choice.15:19
G3nka1raub, will I get into trouble running those vm  on ubuntu ?15:19
G3nka1I mean install on ubuntu ?15:19
raubG3nka1: it is a bloody vm. Install kvm or virtual box, import the ovf, and off you go15:19
raubvirtualbox is friendlier but the kvm gui is supposed to be ok15:20
tomreynG3nka1: please state what you are trying to do, since you have not.15:20
raubtomreyn: AFAIk he wants to install something called opsview monitor, and the site offers a ovf.15:21
tomreynthat's one possibility.15:21
tomreyn!pastebin Please also note this | G3nka115:22
ubottutomreyn: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:22
tomreyn!pastebin | G3nka115:22
ubottuG3nka1: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:22
tomreynbeantaxi: which ubuntu version are you on now?15:23
G3nka1tomreyn, I am trying to install opsview monitoring tool on my ubuntu 16.10, now there was this option of installing it directly but I am getting an "unable to locate package error" I believe this is because of my ubuntu version ( 16.10), so there is other option to use vm to run the tool, so I was asking if I can simply downlaod it and run it on my system ( just like running linux in vm on windows or something) !?15:23
tomreynG3nka1: okay, so raub guessed your goal correctly, and you could approach it as he discussed. is this system is going to have a graphical interface, you will probably want to use virtualbox, otherwise you will probably want to use qemu-kvm for the virtualization.15:25
G3nka1so first I got to install vmware on my system and import the ovf to it tomreyn ?15:25
G3nka1vmware on ubuntu 16.10 and run the opsview on vmware tomreyn if I am correct ?15:26
tomreynG3nka1: you will need a virtualuzation if you plan to use the appliance (OVF) approach. You could also use vmware-workstation if you prefer this virtualization over virtualbox or qemu-kvm.15:27
hhee1guys is it real to remove top panel in unity?15:28
hhee1or move it to bottom15:28
tomreynG3nka1: neither vmware solutions nor opsview are official ubuntu packages and thus neither are supported here. please seek vendor support if you are going to use these.15:28
G3nka1tomreyn, I have virtualization on my system, thanks for th help tomreyn raub15:29
freakyyhi all i got a question. i use gdm3 ... but when i logout, it keeps showing some graphic with lines on my screen like a background. i then have to move it up to get to the login prompt of gdm3. how can i remove or change the look of this screen?15:30
AlexKrugHi, guys! I've restarted my server and now I can't connect to it. Getting "debug1: connect to address x.x.x.x port 22: Connection refused". Could somebody help me, please?15:32
stan_man_canAlexKrug, did you install sshd?15:33
tomreynfreakyy: personally, i can't imagine what you are describing (and even if i could, would probably not know the answer). maybe you can take and show a photo of what you're seeing there,15:34
AlexKrugstan_man_can, of course. I was working with ssh on this server for 6 month15:34
AlexKrugNow I can't connect to it after restart15:34
raubtomreyn: I think I will switch to server install. The desktop one is getting to my nerves15:34
tomreynAlexKrug: your server is rejecting your tcp (ssh) connection15:34
tomreynAlexKrug: why this is, only someone able to acces sthe server will be able to find out.15:34
AlexKrugOk, thanks, tomreyn!15:35
raubAlexKrug: firewall? ssh running? ssh config? Check log files15:35
stan_man_cancheck to make sure the SSH server started, double check your firewalls,15:35
tomreynAlexKrug: if your server offers networked keyboard, video and mouse (KVM) or a networked serial console, you may still be able to login remotely.15:35
AlexKrugtomreyn, it doesn't. I can download server .vhd and mount locally.15:36
tomreynAlexKrug: if it's a VM you most likely have another way to access its console.15:37
AlexKrugtomreyn, no, its a server on Azure. No other way :)15:37
tomreynhmm i never used azure, but that'd be very very lame.15:37
raubIndeed. Everything else I've used had a way to setup aconsole. Someties even plain old text ones15:38
AlexKrugtomreyn, it is :) Once I've downloaded the server's vhd and ran it on vertual machine, what do I do next?15:38
tomreynAlexKrug: as discussed by others before, you review the logs and the configuration of opensshd and any firewalls or other software which might prevent access.15:39
tomreynmy guess is with openssh encountering an issue, since the connection was rejecte, not dropped, as a firewall would likely do it.15:39
raubtomreyn: don't forget netstat or lsof15:40
raubBut we might then confuse him more than he already is...15:40
tomreynso: sudo netstat -pan --inet; sudo lsof -i :2215:40
AlexKrugalright. than you very much, guys!15:41
raubAlexKrug: so what was it?15:41
AlexKrugraub, don't know. need to download the server first.15:41
tomreynAlexKrug: good luck, come back if you have more questions.15:42
AlexKrugtomreyn, thanks, bro!15:42
raubtomreyn: I sure wish there was something like lsof in windows...15:42
raubtomreyn: while I d/l server, I wonder if I partition the disk the way I want, including encryted stuff, I could then feed that to the desktop install15:44
tomreynAlexKrug: that's just a capture of the output, but it might already help identify the issue: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/boot-diagnostics-for-virtual-machines-v2/15:44
AlexKrugtomreyn, gonna take a look now15:45
tomreynraub: i'm not really sure. there is preseeding, but first i don't know whether the desktop installation supports it (my guess is you would use the server installation for this as well), and then there is FAI, fully automated installation / installer.15:47
raubI am going to be lazy and do the server thingie and be done. I have not done preseeding in ages15:48
beantaxitomreyn: I'm on Ubuntu 14.04.15:48
tomreynraub: if this is for a single installation, the server installation is just fine.15:48
tomreynbeantaxi: use upstart then.15:49
tomreynyou should not have systemd there.15:49
raubYeah. Just want to get my desktop up today. Next time I can do smart things15:50
tomreynraub: have you done manual partitioning with the text graphics installer (which the ubuntu-server installation media uses) before?15:51
beantaxitomreyn: systemd is here ... well at least /usr/lib/systemd is here (http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/196166/how-to-find-out-if-a-system-uses-sysv-upstart-or-systemd-initsystem)15:52
beantaxitomreyn: Still use upstart?15:52
tomreynraub: if not, witht he multi layered setup you are planning to do, ti can be a bit cumbersome (and human error prone), so be prepared to do it more than once.15:52
tomreynbeantaxi: for ubuntu releases prior to 15.04, upstart is the default, and the one you should be using.15:54
tomreynbeantaxi: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SystemdForUpstartUsers15:54
OerHeksbeantaxi, do not look for the folder, use ' sudo stat /proc/1/exe ' to see what you use15:54
tomreynor: sudo readlink -f /proc/1/exe15:55
OerHekstomreyn +115:56
tomreynyeay, extra life!15:56
blackoutHi! Can someone help me troubleshooting a network problem on 14.04?15:58
OerHeks!cookie | tomreyn15:58
ubottutomreyn: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!15:58
beantaxitomreyn, OerHeks: Both report /sbin/init. Btw what did I just do? Some pid=1 magic?15:58
OerHeksblackout, ask, wait and see15:58
OerHeksbeantaxi, this line comes from your own url, not sure why the wrong answer is at top, stackoverflow is not my kind of tea16:00
KlausedSourcehey everyone, i edited the sudoers file with the command visudo and added the following line: "%rftadm ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL"16:01
KlausedSourcethere is no syntax error right?16:01
KlausedSourcesomehow it doesn't get applied16:01
blackoutI have a 100MBps VDSL connection, but when I test the speed on this Ubuntu PC I get only 10MBps16:01
KlausedSourcei want people in group rftadm to be able to do commands without password16:01
KlausedSourcebut users get prompted for passwords16:01
blackoutAnd on some networks the WLAN interface takes a few minutes to connect16:02
KlausedSourcei got a script which uses chown via sudo and that's why i need it to be passwordless16:02
tomreynbeantaxi: try this: cat /proc/1/comm16:02
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tomreynKlausedSource: logout, login, try again16:03
beantaxiOerHeks: Ha ... you'd have many friends on #bash. I confess, I just read the top answer.16:03
KlausedSourcetomreyn, i did16:03
KlausedSourcetomreyn, i use ssh, do i need to quit every session?16:04
beantaxiOerHeks, tomreyn: Following that second SO answer, /sbin/init --version reports upstart. But cat /proc/1/comm reports systemd?16:04
beantaxiSorry, my fault: I did that cat on the wrong host. It reports init16:05
tomreynblackout: i think you want a blank space after NOPASSWD:16:06
Guy1524hey guys, I modified the port of an ssh server in sshd_config, however now I am unable to connect to it16:07
Guy1524I do not have access to the pc16:07
tomreynKlausedSource: i think you want a blank space after NOPASSWD:16:07
tomreynblackout: sorry, that wasn't meant for you. have you checked whether your modem / router can actually realistically handle this much bandwidth? are your internal (LAN) network links fast enough? is your NIC connected with a gigabit or less?16:09
KlausedSourcetomreyn, ahh i'm currently rebooting the machine16:09
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tomreynGuy1524: looks like you locked yourself out.16:09
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KlausedSourcetomreyn, it still doesn't work even with blank space :(16:10
tomreynGuy1524: how are you connecting to the new port?16:10
Guy1524ssh -p(port) ip16:10
Guy1524I changed from 22 to 222216:10
Guest385python channel please16:10
tomreynbeantaxi: hmm i don't actualyl know how to reliably determine, i'm afraid. but base don what i read so far this suggests you are using intv16:11
tomreynbeantaxi: the default would be upstart on this release, and i still would recommend using this (although initv is supported, too, in terms of backward compatibility)16:12
KlausedSourcetomreyn, okay i think i found the solution16:12
blackouttomreyn: It is a Wireless N interface, and other PCs in my house reach 94MBps. I think it might be a driver problem16:12
tomreynKlausedSource: hmm, not sure then, what was it?16:12
KlausedSourcetomreyn, the user was also in the group sudo and the setting got overwritten16:13
tomreynKlausedSource: interesting, haven't run into this myself before.16:13
tdannecyI am going crazy. How do I start a new chat in finch in the terminal?16:14
Amm0nKlausedSource, did the users relog after you added them to a group?16:16
pavlushkaGuest385: #python16:16
black0utI just noticed that out of the 450 GB Partition I created for my partition I only have about 70 GB left though I have nothing on the Computer as of now.16:17
tomreynblackout: probably. i was just trying to figure out how to tell the link speed of a wireless lan connection on the temrinal, but couldn't do it quickly. you should be able to find this on the web, though.16:17
black0utMy processor is Core i5 Skylake 6300 if that helps.16:17
raubHow can I blow the partition from busybox? Besides just using dd to blow the partition table?16:17
barry_123disk utility16:18
raubpartman is not letting me delete the encrypted volume16:18
raubbarry_123: during a server install?16:18
=== blackhole is now known as Guest80030
barry_123during no16:19
black0utI just looked. My home is consuming just about 30 GB.16:19
black0utI seriously need guys.16:20
black0ut*help guys.16:20
barry_123i just joined dont know what ur trying to do blackout16:20
tomreyni think blackout != black0ut16:21
raubdd it is16:21
SonikkuAmericalol, "I seriously need guys" :) What's the issue blackout ?16:21
raubSonikkuAmerica: that could be the tag line for a club you know16:22
barry_123blackout = black0ut16:22
SonikkuAmericatomreyn: Confirmed. 2 different addresses16:22
black0utI have a freshly installed Ubuntu mate. And just i am using it I can see my home is consuming about 30 GB. Though I just have about 75 GB free out of 450 GB partition.16:22
SonikkuAmericaOh, your home folder...16:23
SonikkuAmericaWell, what might you have in there?16:23
black0utSorry that was my bad "I seriously need guys" I meant to say "I seriously need help guys"16:23
SonikkuAmericaThat's OK, it just looked funny :)16:23
blackoutbarry_123: I am not black0ut :)16:23
BluesKajbla you're not bad, just mistaken16:23
black0utYes blackout =! black0ut. Period16:24
BluesKajblack0ut, 6'16:24
SonikkuAmericaWhat does six feet have to do with anything16:24
barry_123now i dont know whats up and whats down16:24
tomreynblack0ut: please show the output of this command, run in a terminal, pasted to a pastebin: sudo df -h16:24
tomreyn!pastebin | black0ut16:24
ubottublack0ut: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:24
black0utAlso I think it could be a kernel issue with skylake prcessors.16:24
black0utFilesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on16:25
black0utudev            3.9G     0  3.9G   0% /dev16:25
black0uttmpfs           786M   82M  705M  11% /run16:25
black0uttmpfs           3.9G   81M  3.8G   3% /dev/shm16:25
black0uttmpfs           5.0M  4.0K  5.0M   1% /run/lock16:25
black0uttmpfs           3.9G     0  3.9G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup16:25
BluesKajblackout is your nick registered? if not please change it , this is annoying16:25
tomreynblack0ut: pleaser post the output to a pastebin. see what ubottu told you.16:26
black0utOkay. Wait.16:27
blackoutBluesKaj: My nick is registered, what's the problem?16:27
black0utI think this should work.16:28
SonikkuAmericablackout: Confusing nicks, is all16:28
BluesKajblackout, nm , black0ut should change his16:28
black0utAlright I will return as alpha. Is it okay with you all ?16:28
* tomreyn is happy with anything.16:29
=== for{} is now known as svfig
tomreynblack0ut: you have 386 GB available at /media/alpha/OS. Your home directory ( /home/* ) is on the root file system, though. and that's 80% full with 'only' 74 GB left.16:31
tomreynalpha: ^16:31
=== alpha is now known as Guest16051
tomreynGuest16051: ^16:31
Guest16051black0ut is  Guest16051 now.16:31
tomreynthe nickname "alpha" is already taken by seomeone else.16:31
Guest16051Yes thats why I am "alpha" as of now.16:32
tomreynyou can use the "/nick <newnick>" command to change your nickname, no need to reconnect.16:32
BluesKajit was obvious to me a nick like alpha would be registed to someone already16:32
BluesKajregistered even16:33
Guest16051new to IRC. thanks for helping a noobie like me.16:33
raubto xfs or not xfs. THat is the question16:33
tomreynyou can use the "/msg nickserv info <nickname>" command to chec whether a given nickname is already taken16:33
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FinalXwe use xfs for our big data; ext4 for root. i personally now only use zfs.16:33
FinalXand we're slowly moving towards zfs at work, too16:33
raubtomreyn: using the server install was much better: I setup the lvm inside the encrypted partition as I wanted16:33
hippybearall the cool nicks are already taken :(16:34
tomreynraub: cool, glad it worked out for you.16:34
Guest16051Yes, hippybear : I totally agree.16:34
* raub loves zfs. Didn't knwo ubuntu could do it16:34
raubtomreyn: next time I will automate this16:34
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tomreynraub: i thinkt he installer can't do it on /, yet. but in general this is said to work.16:35
tomreynit -> zfs16:35
FinalXinstaller can't, no, but https://github.com/zfsonlinux/zfs/wiki/Ubuntu-16.04-Root-on-ZFS16:36
Guest16051yes tomeryn : I know that. But what do you think is consuming the space ? Any ideas ?16:36
* BluesKaj thinks there are plenty of so called cool nicks, you just have to give it some thought first16:36
FinalXraub: read that, I do that for a lot of boxes now. works great.16:36
* hippybear doesn't care16:36
=== scott is now known as Guest4898
tomreynGuest16051: i actually liked your previous nickname better than the Guest... one, this makes tab completion difficult. You can use "sudo du -hsx /*" to get an idea of what is consuming space on /16:39
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samlhello,  is it okay to do dpkg -i foo.deb  without first  apt remove foo ?16:40
Guest16051Alright I will give you the output on pastebin.16:40
Guest4898hello :D16:40
hippybearsaml: did you already install through apt?16:40
tomreynsaml: unless you are fully aware of the implications of installing packages uding the dpkg -i command, you should not do it.16:40
hippybearwhat are the implications?16:41
samli'm trying to upgrade a .deb i downloaded from https://code.visualstudio.com/Download16:41
=== svfig is now known as Gollum
hippybearI have been using it for 17 years without knowing them16:41
tomreynis it compatible to your ubuntu release version?16:41
samlwhat are proper steps of upgrading a package that i originally installed from downloading .deb16:41
=== Gollum is now known as GollumGollum
Guest16051tomeryn : http://paste.ubuntu.com/23476359/16:42
samlif i do  dpkg -i foo.deb,  did i install it through apt hippybear ?16:42
hippybearsaml: no you installed it through dpkg, two totally different programs16:43
samlso how can i upgrade the package?16:43
hippybeardpkg -i package.deb will upgrade it16:43
tomreynsaml: to answer your original question, you can just "dpkg -i" the new package fine as long as both old and new package are properly done. i know, a very generic answer. but i do not know the package you are installing, and it is not an official ubuntu package.16:43
samlis it safer to do  apt remove foo && dpkg -i foo.deb?16:44
samlfor unofficial ubuntu package16:44
hippybearapt has no effect on dpkg16:44
tomreynno need to shout, hippybear ;)16:44
samldpkg -i foo.deb  will remove older files first?  will there be dangling files if foo.v1.deb  had /etc/foo.conf    but foo.v2.deb  does not have /etc/foo.conf anymore?16:45
hippybearbut also dont install VisualStudio16:45
hippybearuse atom16:45
samlatom is not web scale certified16:45
tomreynGuest16051: according to both the first and second run you pasted on the pastebin, you have 251GB allocated within /var - which is a lot more than usual.16:46
tomreynGuest16051: ... on a desktop16:46
=== anonymous is now known as Guest93572
Guest16051Yes even i found that interesting any suggestions ?16:46
tomreynGuest16051: you can look closer into this by using "sudo df -shx /var/*" ... and so on.16:47
elachecheHello guys.. Any news when we'll get an update for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/chromium-browser/+bug/1641380 ?16:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1641380 in chromium-browser (Ubuntu) "chromium-browser: ERR_CERTIFICATE_TRANSPARENCY_REQUIRED for Symantec certs" [Critical,Confirmed]16:47
hippybearhopefully after going through all this you can use that web scale certification (whatever the hell that is)16:47
Guest16051Alright will again give you a pastebin.16:47
Amm0nGuest16051, tomreyn  or you could use a tool like "ncdu" to investigate what's using your space16:48
tomreynelacheche: you'd probably need to discuss this with symantec, and possible google.16:48
Guest16051df: invalid option -- 's'16:49
tomreynAmm0n: i don't know this one, maybe you can guide Guest16051 at using it.16:49
akikGuest16051: the command to use is du, not df16:49
Guest16051Okay sorry my bad. thanks akik.16:50
Amm0nthere isn't much about it just install it with sudo apt install ncdu then use it with sudo ncdu / or just ncdu for your home16:50
beantaxitomreyn: Thank you. I will go with upstart.16:50
Guest16051tomreyn : http://paste.ubuntu.com/23476393/16:51
Guest562Does anyone copy?16:52
=== Guest562 is now known as aspire
=== aspire is now known as aspire_1400
tomreynGuest16051: so what strikes as special on this output you pasted now?16:52
tomreynGuest16051: whats pretty large there?16:52
Guest16051Amm0n based on what tomeryn could find was that my var is using very much disk space.16:53
tomreyn!ask | aspire_140016:53
ubottuaspire_1400: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:53
Guest16051specifically /var/logs16:53
tomreynGuest16051: right, based on what we did before, what would be the nex thting to do now?16:53
aspire_1400Guys does anyone read me/16:53
tomreyn*next thing16:54
tomreynaspire_1400: we do. mute and clear.16:54
aspire_1400Oh sorry16:54
hippybearalso not able to read...16:54
Guest16051Here is the pastebin tomeryn, Amm0n : http://paste.ubuntu.com/23476397/16:54
ad0ucusb mouse dead - happened b416:55
Guest16051tomeryn /var/logs is huge about 251 GB16:55
tomreynGuest16051: yes, so you may want to look into the directories and files in it to found out why.16:55
Guest16051What do you suggest to do that ?16:56
tomreynGuest16051: for directories, we did it before. so you should be able to do it yourself.16:56
Guest16051ALright will do it16:56
tomreynGuest16051: we first looked for directories in /, then for directories in /var/, now you want to look foir directories in /var/log/16:57
Guest16051okay. tomeryn.16:58
Guest16051Will ping as soon as I find something16:58
tomreynGuest16051: (only) *if* this will not show any large subdirectories in /var/log/ thne you will need to look at files in /var/log. use this command to do so: sudo ls -lh /var/log/16:58
Guest16051sudo du -shx /var/log*16:59
tomreynsudo du -shx /var/log/*16:59
Guest16051Tomreyn how will I figure out what to remove and also how did logs worth 251 GB landed on my computer in first place ? Any ideas ?17:00
tomreynGuest16051: first question: by identifying the largest directory / file, which you are currently doing. second question: no idea as of now, answer question 1 first.17:01
hippybear251G of logs means something somewhere fucked up pretty badly17:02
hippybearover and over and over and over17:02
hippybearer messed up17:02
FinalXlogs are there to be inspected17:02
hippybearmy bad17:02
hippybeardelicate 12 yr old ears here17:03
FinalXalso, maybe logrotate not configured17:03
hippybearsomething isnt configured correctly for sure and keeps trying to spin up17:03
hippybearread dem logs17:03
tomreynyes, something is not right, we know so much.17:03
raubupstart is still alive? I thought that 16.X switched to systemd17:03
hippybearI think so?17:04
dpreacherDifficult to read 251G file if short of resources17:04
hippybearnot difficult at all to cat file.txt17:04
hippybearless file.txt17:04
hippybearnano it17:04
dpreacherBut won't that take even longer as the file is being constantly written to17:05
wedgie_dont cat a 251G file to the terminal :p17:05
raubwedgie_: but, that is fun!17:05
wedgie_dpreacher: tail file.log to grab the most recent few lines17:05
Guest16051tomeryn : syslog and kern.log seems to be hogging a lot of space.17:05
tomreynraub: 15.04 and later switched to systemd by default. there was a certain demand to keep alternatives available, a wish which the developers attempted to ackowledge, although it is not easy, and possibly not reliable.17:05
Guest16051here's the pastebin. : http://paste.ubuntu.com/23476419/17:05
hippybearwedgie_: the log isnt 251G there are hundreds and hundreds of logs I assume17:06
dpreacherwedgie_ yea that's safer. :-)17:06
tomreynGuest16051: which command produced this output?17:06
Guest16051Amm0n's ncdu /var/log17:06
tomreyni see. i'm still not familiar with this software. maybe Amm0n can help you then.17:07
Guest16051i also did one with du -shx /var/log I can send if you would like17:07
tomreynor you could use the tools i suggested.17:07
Guest16051tomreyn, alright17:07
tomreynactually i can guess.17:07
tomreynsyslog and kern.log are indeed very large.17:08
tomreynand not rotated17:08
Guest16051yes. to my surprise yes they really are huge.17:08
tomreynyour log rotation seems ot be broken. is logrotate installed? dpkg -l logrotate17:09
wedgie_tail -n 30 /var/log/syslog    and pastebin that17:09
Guest16051What's rotated ? tomreyn17:09
tomreyn!info logrotate | Guest1605117:10
ubottuGuest16051: logrotate (source: logrotate): Log rotation utility. In component main, is important. Version 3.8.7-2ubuntu2 (yakkety), package size 37 kB, installed size 111 kB17:10
ad0ucfb 7317:10
Guest16051Wait tomreyn ubottu wedgie_ wait.17:11
tomreynGuest16051: this package will take the system logs, cut them off daily, and append a number to the end for th eolder logs, keeping the more recent logs in the original file.17:11
tomreynlogrotate is installe dby defrault, so in case you don't have it (the 'logrotate' line in the dpkg command does not start with 'ii') then you seem to have removed it manually.17:13
Guest16051tomreyn, wedgie_ ubottu17:13
Guest16051bash: !info: event not found tomreyn17:14
wedgie_time to google what that error means... never seen it before17:14
tomreynGuest16051: i did not mean to suggest thatyou should type "!info ... " into your terminal. this was a command to the "ubottu" bot we have here, to tell us about the logrotate package.17:15
Guest16051Wait I am installing logrotate17:15
tomreynGuest16051: was it not installed then?17:15
Guest16051tomreyn, It says its already installed17:16
Guest16051No it was installed already.17:16
tomreynGuest16051: is this a new installation?17:16
Guest16051What log rotate or distro ?17:17
tomreynGuest16051: distro. ubuntu.17:17
* hippybear palmfaces17:17
Guest16051Well kind of it was installed yesterday.17:17
tomreynGuest16051: was it kind of installed yesterday, or really?17:18
Guest16051Really installed yesterday17:18
tomreyni misread. that's new enough for me to count as "new".17:18
kostkonGuest16051, and you managed to amass 250gb in a day? wow17:19
tomreynso you only need to reboot, and maybe install all pending updates.17:19
Guest16051kostkon, I will take it as a compliment.17:20
tomreynGuest16051: which kernel version are you running there, and which ubuntu version? run this: lsb_release -sd; cat /proc/version17:20
kostkonGuest16051, please do :)17:20
Guest16051Its updated already.17:20
tomreynthis should only output 2 lines, if so you can paste here directly17:21
Guest16051I don't know but I found something on Linux Mint's page. Maybe this could help.17:21
Guest16051Search for "Freezes/Crashes with ASRock Skylake motherboards" tomreyn17:21
Guest16051Issue sounds similar.17:22
no_gravityHello! Are all Ubuntu users affected by the Chromium certificate bug?17:22
tomreynGuest16051: could be. not  unlikely if you have this hardware.17:23
FinalXno_gravity: still haven't seen anyone provide me with details to the contriary, but Symantec certificates created after a certain date are intentionally blocked by the developers because Symantec can not be trusted.17:23
tomreyn... and run a matching ubuntu releaser17:23
Guest16051I do have a Skylake processor if this helps.17:24
no_gravityFinalX: Funky. Some of the biggest websites are unusable because of this.17:24
tomreynGuest16051: what might help is to provide the output of the commands i provided earlier.17:24
Guest16051Which command sorry i might have skipped some windows here. tomreyn17:25
tomreyn<tomreyn> Guest16051: which kernel version are you running there, and which ubuntu version? run this: lsb_release -sd; cat /proc/version17:25
Southern_Gentlemno_gravity, yes symantic didnt follow the rules and lost their trust17:25
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no_gravitySouthern_Gentlem: I see.17:25
no_gravityWhat's the Ubuntu default browser these days?17:26
Guest16051Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS17:26
Guest16051Linux version 4.4.0-47-generic (buildd@lcy01-03) (gcc version 5.4.0 20160609 (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.2) ) #68-Ubuntu SMP Wed Oct 26 19:39:52 UTC 201617:26
crayonkunwon1, you there?17:26
tomreynno_gravity: i think firefox is installed by default on the desktop installation, and setup as the default graphical web browser.17:26
no_gravitytomreyn: I see.17:27
Southern_Gentlemand firefox is doing what is write by block sites with those certs17:27
tomreynGuest16051: thanks. indeed this is up to date (as you said, sorry, i just wanted to make sure and learn the release version, too).17:27
Southern_Gentlemnow its up to the sites owners to get things fixed17:27
Guest16051tomreyn, No problem.17:28
tomreynGuest16051: did you suspend and resume this system after you installed it?17:28
Guest16051Well not after the first install.17:28
tomreynGuest16051: after the last install?17:29
Guest16051I use a package called hibernation.17:29
tomreynGuest16051: how do you use it?17:30
Guest16051I hibernate my laptop there are issues with suspend and resuming with skylake.17:30
Guest16051In a terminal : sudo hibernate17:30
roryguest: bye17:30
tomreynGuest16051: so you did this after you last installed ubuntu?17:30
Guest16051Well not install but yes after 2 or 3 reboots.17:31
tomreynokay. i came across this very old bug report https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/125226617:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1252266 in linux (Ubuntu) "Corrupted low memory after resume from suspend after updating to saucy" [High,Confirmed]17:32
Guest16051tomreyn, Okay. So what does it say ?17:32
tomreynGuest16051: this bug report is probably not directly related to what you are seeing, since Ubuntu saucy is really old and no longer supported. but it suggests that these errors can be triggered by hibernating.17:33
tomreynGuest16051: 'thise errors' -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/23476489/17:34
Guest16051Okay so what do you suggest ? Also should I remove hibernate ?17:34
tomreynGuest16051: yes i would remove hibernate for now, unless you want to debug the issue, file bug reports, and work with the kernel developers to identify the root cause.17:35
covertbeginnerhi guys, i just installed ubuntu 16.04, when i click an icon on the menu bar, (say chrome) it will show up, but when I click it again it does not minimize, how can i get this functionality back?17:35
Guest16051but tomreyn how do I get back that memory ?17:35
tomreynGuest16051: also, i would suggest that you do not hubernate for now, but hustdown / power off and power on entirely.17:35
tomreynGuest16051: the next logrorate run will reduce the amount of disk space consumed. if you no longer hibernate: in a week, you should have all space available again.17:36
Guest16051Okay. What should I do of the logs ? Which are consuming 251 GB ?17:36
tomreynGuest16051: if you need more space right now you can force logrotate to run now.17:37
Guest16051Thanks tomreyn you have been an incredible help.17:37
tomreynthis can be done using: sudo logrotate --force17:37
Guest16051How can I do force logrotate tomreyn17:37
tomreynit wil not free all space but should free a good amount already.17:38
tomreynactually: run it twice17:39
Guest16051Also tomreyn can't i use functions like suspend etc ?17:39
roryguest: I can go all night.17:40
tomreynGuest16051: well my *guess* (it's really not more than that at this time) is that usingg hibernate corrupts the kernels' main menory, for unknown reasons (at this time). so my suggestion is not to use hibernation on this system until either this apparent kernel bug is fixed, or your hardware / firmware bug is fixed.17:40
Guest16051Okay. tomreyn should I also not use ubuntu supend ?17:41
tomreynGuest16051: it is possible that you can identify the root cause of these message which spill your system logs by reviewing and researching the logs you have available. i just don't have the time to guide you through this now.17:42
gurzafHi there, do you know about incompatibility issues with latest ubuntu versions and MacBook Pro Retina 13 inches late 2013?17:43
=== UrsaTempest is now known as BearStorm
Guest16051I can try.17:43
tomreynGuest16051: i would not recommend to use any suspend to disk or suspend to ram feature on this system in its current state.17:43
elias_aLogs consuming 251 GB in a system installed yesterday? Really hard to believe...17:45
Guest16051thanks tomreyn you have been a great help. Thanks for helping me out.17:45
gustavohmsilvahi everybody! Can I ask for help here? I'm trying to setup which app runs through a vpn (tun0) and which one doesn't (eth0)... The problem, is to do that, I need to first discover which user runs each software like deluge, vlc, mozilla firefox, google chrome, midori, etc... Which command can I use to do that?17:46
tomreynGuest16051: welcome, good luck.17:46
Guest16051elias_a, Life is interesting isn't it.17:47
tomreynGuest16051: this obviously should not happen on a fresh installation. and if you can spare the time it would be good for you to report a bug on it.17:49
=== BearStorm is now known as UrsaTempest
Guest16051ALRIGHT tomreyn I am reporting the now.17:49
tomreynGuest16051: if you still have hiubernate installed, run this: ubuntu-bug hibernate17:51
tomreynGuest16051: if you don't, run this: ubuntu-bug linux17:51
Guest16051Submitted. tomreyn17:52
tomreynGuest16051: very well. it didn't provide a URL, did it?17:53
tomreynhmm, no i think it doesn't.17:53
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Guest16051Nah. It din't tomreyn17:56
EriC^^Guest16051: what's your problem?17:57
Guest16051In a fresh install of Ubuntu Mate had logs of 251 GB. What's interesting is that it was installed yesterday. EriC^^17:58
EriC^^Guest16051: what did the logs show?17:58
tomreyn^ this17:59
=== scott is now known as Guest22310
Guest16051Though we have reached to a conclusion that it might be due to Hibernation feature I use18:00
gebruikerwhat kernel version ?18:00
tomreyn<Guest16051> Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS18:00
tomreyn<Guest16051> Linux version 4.4.0-47-generic (buildd@lcy01-03) (gcc version 5.4.0 20160609 (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.2) ) #68-Ubuntu SMP Wed Oct 2618:00
EriC^^Guest16051: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=18948318:00
gebruikeri suspect there is something fighting for the same memory18:00
EriC^^Guest16051: did you remove the space used by the logs?18:01
Guest160514.4 I guess gebruiker18:01
Guest16051I don't know how to do that EriC^^18:01
tomreyni suggested to run logrotate --force twice18:02
EriC^^Guest16051: type "ls -lh /var/log | nc termbin.com 9999"18:02
Guest16051Though I used sudo logrotate --force18:02
gebruikerfile a bug report18:02
Guest16051tomreyn, I did that already.18:03
EriC^^Guest16051: run the above command, it'll give you a link to the stuff pastebinned18:04
Guest16051gebruiker, Did that as well18:04
tomreynhmm log rotation did not work18:05
EriC^^are you sure you ran the logrotate command?18:05
gebruikerhave you tried the grub boot suggestion?18:05
Guest16051Yes I am sure.18:05
nicomach1sSo does Virtualbox not support 64 bit *buntu?18:05
gebruikerBug #32489418:06
Guest16051gebruiker, this what I typed. "sudo logrotate --force"18:06
ubottubug 324894 in linux (Ubuntu) ""Corrupted low memory at" kernel warning on resume" [Medium,Expired] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32489418:06
gebruikeradd this to grub boot options: memory_corruption_check_size=128K18:06
Guest16051in /etc/default/grub ?? gebruiker18:07
Guest16051Okay. At the end or anywhere ?18:08
gebruikeradd at the end off GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=" .... "18:08
VystyMorning everyone! I just upgraded from 14.04 to 16.04 and my system just went buggy as hell. Anyone here able to help walk me through trouble shooting and possibly getting it fixed?18:10
Guest16051Where there is a quiet splash or below GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT ?? Sorry for such noobie questions.18:10
EriC^^Guest16051: after quiet splash18:10
EriC^^Guest16051: also open another terminal and type "sudo logrotate --force /etc/logrotate.conf"18:10
gebruikeryes, and after you have done that, execute "sudo update-grub"18:10
gebruikerthen reboot18:10
EriC^^dont reboot yet, remove the excess logs while you're here18:11
Guest16051I was just about to press enter18:11
tomreyna better approach than attempting to work around the problem would be to start with a bios upgrade.18:12
VystyThe first issue that pops up when I start up my computer now, is while Ubuntu is loading up I get: [FAILED] Failed to start Load Kernel Modules.18:12
Guest16051How can I remove excess logs ? EriC^^  ?18:12
VystyI'm practically an Ubuntu illiterate, but I know enough that that doesn't sound good.18:13
EriC^^Guest16051: open another terminal and type "sudo logrotate --force /etc/logrotate.conf"18:13
tomreynEriC^^: the log lines will just keep coming. did you notice the frequency in which they're logged?18:13
EriC^^then type ls -lh /var/log{sys,kern.log} and make sure it says 0 for the size18:13
gebruikerWould be better to remove the logs after the reboot to see if it is stil looping after tailing it18:14
EriC^^Guest16051: nevermind the ls -lh command18:15
Guest16051Okay. Should I reboot ?18:16
tomreyni think it's a good idea.18:16
VystyHi, I don't mean to spam my issue, if no one is available to help that's fine. I upgraded from 14.04 to 16.04 last night and my system has become incredibly buggy. I have no access to a panel, and programs I open with the terminal are functioning poorly. Can anyone help me troubleshoot this?18:16
Guest16051The terminal seems stuck should I help him out of his misery ?18:16
|VAH|-BlueTuhi all18:17
tomreynGuest16051: how did you trigger the reboot?18:17
Guest16051I haven't yet.18:17
|VAH|-BlueTudoes anyone maybe now how can i install urban teroor on ubintu 16.1018:17
|VAH|-BlueTuti mean ubuntu18:17
tomreynGuest16051: use your window manager to initiate the reboot.18:18
VystyTesting... can anyone see my messages?18:20
tomreyn|VAH|-BlueTu: it's available in the unofficial playdeb.org repository18:20
v-yVysty: yes18:20
VystyGood, that's working.18:20
|VAH|-BlueTubut can u help me with something18:20
Guest16051Okay. So as soon as I do a reboot I will be offline. I will try reach back as Guest16051 on this channel as long as this issue is not resolved. tomreyn gebruiker EriC18:20
VystyAnyone able to guide me through troubleshooting my Ubuntu upgrade? Or should I try back later?18:21
|VAH|-BlueTui can18:21
|VAH|-BlueTui can Vysty18:22
VystyThank you.18:22
|VAH|-BlueTulets go on private chat18:22
VystyI upgraded from 14.04 to 16.04 last night and I woke up this morning to find it buggy as hell.18:22
VystySounds good.18:22
tomreyn!pm | Vysty18:23
ubottuVysty: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.18:23
tomreynbut as |VAH|-BlueTu already offered a private chat, ymmv18:23
tomreyni'm just pointing out that there are some factors to consider about receiving and providing support in private rather than on the channel.18:24
mikeymopdoes anyone use google cast with chromium?18:26
|VAH|-BlueTuok i have no idea what are u trying to say but okay18:26
mikeymopone day i read they were killing it, next day it's still alive. The extension bugged out my chromium on 16.04 so i'm not even sure anymore18:26
tomreynGuest16051: sudo logrotate --force /etc/logrotate.conf; sudo logrotate --force /etc/logrotate.conf18:26
mikeymophow can i ensure every trace of chromium is removed from my system18:29
tomreynmikeymop: was it installed as an ubuntu package?18:30
beantaxitomreyn: It is looking like if you use 'sudo service start foo' to start foo, and so forth, you have upstart. Sound right?18:32
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tomreynbeantaxi: ni don't think so. since on a systemd only system you have the 'service' command as well.18:35
ioriabeantaxi,  nope18:36
ioriabeantaxi,  if you want to know if you have systemd, try the systemctl command18:36
beantaxiioria: Aha! Nothing ... not even for man systemctl. But I do have it on my home workstation, which is 16.04, and I unless I am mistaken this is normal18:38
ioriabeantaxi,  somettime, if you do a do-release-upgrade from 14.04 to 16.04 , in grub options you'll have both18:39
ioriabeantaxi,  so, you can boot 16.04 with upstart18:39
Richard_CavellHello everyone.  I used to use ubuntu years ago when it used GNOME 2.  I really liked it.  Is there any possibility of using GNOME 2 with ubuntu now?18:44
Richard_CavellI am about to download an ubuntu to virtualize on my 21 inch iMac and I want to know what flavour I need18:44
Southern_GentlemRichard_Cavell, nope use mate which is a gnome2 clone18:44
ioriaubuntu-gnome. mate, gnome-flashback ...18:44
Richard_CavellCan anyone comment on the compatibility of the current 64-bit Ubuntu with a 2007 iMac?18:49
Richard_CavellWhat I want to do is C programming at the command line18:50
Richard_Cavellgcc, subversion18:50
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|VAH|-BlueTuVysty are u stil on18:54
Southern_GentlemRichard_Cavell, try it and see18:57
mikeymoptomreyn: yes I installed it iwth apt19:00
mikeymoptomreyn: i rm -rf'd the .config directory for chromium in my ~/19:00
mikeymophowever when i apt-purged and reinstalled it came back with the same broken google cast extension state19:00
mikeymop(the extension button is there, it isnt' listed in extensions and can't find my cast devices)19:00
mikeymopif i install the extension again in web store it appears in extensions but i cant enable/disable and if i reload the extensions page it disappears19:01
mikeymophwoever other extensions work fine19:01
mikeymopnever had chrome/ium so broken19:01
woodragwhen installing ubuntu i reached the last screen where i need to enter the username and the password.... I filled in the form but to continue button does not appear..... what am i doing wrong here?19:05
proqmy desktop running ubuntu 16.04 keeps freezing every time I compile code, and I have to hard reboot.  is there any possibility of a log file that can help diagnose which part of the system is at fault (power supply, CPU, RAM etc.?)19:08
Amm0nproq, journalctl -b19:09
OerHekswoodrag, spaces in username perhaps?19:09
woodragOerHeks: Nope19:10
OerHeksor not legal characters ?19:10
pvl1hi everyone. i set a netmask of in /etc/network/interfaces and my interfaces didnt come up. worked fine when i did it by hand...19:10
OerHeksa-z A-Z 0-9 and . _ -19:11
Amm0nproq, or "journalctl -p 3 -xb" if you want to filter for errors19:11
woodragOerHeks: All fiields are marked as Ok!19:12
|VAH|-BlueTudoes anyone know how can i install urban terror on ubuntu 16.1019:13
OerHekswoodrag, password length? 8 char19:13
woodragOerHeks: Yes19:14
woodragOerHeks: It says Strong Password19:15
woodragOerHeks: but no go ;-(19:15
OerHekswoodrag, no clue then :-(19:17
akikwoodrag: if you switch to a virtual console with ctrl+alt+f4 do you see some error message about your progress?19:18
woodragneed to restart19:19
woodraghold on19:19
akikwoodrag: i'm a bit baffled since i've never had a problem at that step19:19
akikit asks you for your name, username and password twice, and whether you want to use a password to login19:21
ubottujack5678: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:33
proqAmm0n: journalctl appears to be flushed when you reboot19:50
proqAmm0n: which makes it unable to help, as when the system freezes I can't switch to other virtual terminals to run the command.  the entire system goes down19:51
akikproq: you can ask journalctl to give logs from previous boots with -b19:52
akikproq: you can see if this is enabled with "journalctl --list-boots"19:53
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proqakik: ok, it is disabled.  how do I enable it?19:55
akikproq: here's the instructions https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-use-journalctl-to-view-and-manipulate-systemd-logs19:56
akikproq: "Past Boots"19:56
proqakik: thanks!19:56
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Amm0nproq, didn't think about this beeing disabled.. anyways you could check for error messages in /var/log/kern.log too20:01
woodragwhen installing ubuntu i reached the last screen where i need to enter the username and the password.... I filled in the form but to continue button does not appear..... what am i doing wrong here?20:02
Amm0nproq, if this isn't giving any clues there is also https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/CrashdumpRecipe?action=show&redirect=KernelTeam%2FCrashdumpRecipe20:03
akikwoodrag: test with a simple username and passwords20:03
akikwoodrag: the passwords must match20:03
woodragakik: no go20:04
woodragThe next button does not appear20:04
akikwoodrag: check the virtual console at ctrl+alt+f420:04
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PharaohHi! I had filed a bug - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1638526/comments/5    is it complete or is more info required?20:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1638526 in linux (Ubuntu) "Unable to install AMD Radeon HD 6950 driver " [Medium,Incomplete]20:05
woodragakik: its empty20:05
Amm0nproq, or you try to ssh from another machine into this system and run something like "tail -f /var/log/syslog". Then reproduce the error.20:06
akikwoodrag: is ctrl+alt+f5 empty too?20:06
Pharaohubottu: yes. Am I required to provide more info ?20:06
ubottuPharaoh: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:06
woodragakik: yep20:06
PharaohAnyone here who is intelligent .. :) :)20:06
woodragakik: i am trying to install on a small Acer Aspire ONE20:07
PharaohCan anyone help with Radeon 6950 on 16.10?20:07
akikwoodrag: does the installer see the machine's hdd/ssd?20:08
woodragakik: yep20:08
akikwoodrag: sorry i have no idea why it's stopping at that stage20:09
* www-bukolay-net hi20:09
woodragakik: No sweat! Thanx for your support!20:09
blue_cheesehi 220:10
GudduHow can i check if my Ubuntu Machine is part of a Windows Active Directory?20:11
=== larryprice_ is now known as larryprice
brother_mhey guys, can somebody tell me how to fix those random freezes while running steam games? i'm on 16.1020:21
CodeMouse92brother_m: I don't know how much I can really help, but I do know that your graphics driver is relevant :320:22
Amm0nproq, does it happen, compiling any code or just yours?20:22
CodeMouse92brother_m: That is to say, what is your graphics card and driver?20:22
brother_mit's a intel hd 300020:25
brother_mit just says "i915" driver20:25
=== guyz is now known as daynaskully
freakyyhi all. is there ap ossibility to have clamscan only scan with a fixed amount of threads/processes run at the same time?20:29
zuiss1does gparted encrypt a partition the way gnome-disks/gnome-disk utility can?20:36
=== GollumGollum is now known as Sonnentanz
dekoncan you play this video on ubuntu? http://www.bnn.ca/video/the-red-hat-story-what-s-driving-the-cloud~982461?hootPostID=050859214eb25556070a882316c03a7a?src=fridayfive1blog20:51
dekonflash is installed, yet it says i need flash to watch the video ...20:52
nicomach1sdekon: yes, I can. what browser are you using?20:52
dekonnicomach1s, firefox20:52
nicomach1sdekon: I don't think that firefox supports flash anymore.20:52
nicomach1sworks for me in Chrome and Chromium.20:53
PharaohHi! I had filed a bug - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1638526/comments/5    is it complete or is more info required? Can anyone help me with this?20:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1638526 in linux (Ubuntu) "Unable to install AMD Radeon HD 6950 driver " [Medium,Incomplete]20:53
nicomach1sI've also just had absolutely abysmal experiences with video playback in Firefox. It's the main reason I switched to Chromium.20:53
nicomach1sdekon: ^20:53
zuiss1nicomach1s: firefox does support flash still20:54
zuiss1that's silly to think it wouldn't20:54
zuiss1dekon: try "sudo update-flashplugin-nonfree --install" then restart firefox20:55
dekonnicomach1s: zuiss1  interesting is that this page is working fine: https://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/20:55
dekonzuiss1: nicomach1s : You have version 11,2,202,644 installed20:55
dekonzuiss1: ok, will try that20:55
PharaohCan anyone help with AMD / Intel CPU graphics drivers?20:56
nicomach1sPharaoh: what's the problem?20:56
bekksPharaoh: depends on the help you need.20:56
OerHeksPharaoh, are you sure your card is supported by AMDgpu?20:57
nicomach1swell, is it Intel or AMD? can't really be both.20:57
nicomach1sI guess it could, but I'd love to see that setup.20:57
kantlivelonganyone getting NET::ERR_CERTIFICATE_TRANSPARENCY_REQUIRED with chromium 34?20:57
PharaohHi Oerheks,nicomach1s,bekks: Yes the card is supported. ducasse asked me to file a bug which was confirmed. I posted some incomplete info initially and then updated the bug with the complete info. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/163852620:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1638526 in linux (Ubuntu) "Unable to install AMD Radeon HD 6950 driver " [Medium,Incomplete]20:58
nicomach1skantlivelong: I got that on one site yesterday.20:58
kantlivelongnicomach1s: im seeing on amazon20:58
nicomach1skantlivelong: didn't really think about it affecting any others. is it widespread?20:58
bekkskantlivelong: current chromium release is 54. Maybe you should just upgrade.20:58
kantlivelongbekks: oops i meant 5320:59
nicomach1syea I'm on 53 as well20:59
PharaohHi Oerheks,nicomach1s,bekks: I can neither select the CPU onboard graphics nor AMD - both are  unclaimed. The monitor is hard wired to the graphics card, can I still select the CPU on board adapter?20:59
nicomach1sPharaoh: lshw shows unclaimed?20:59
kantlivelongalso see it occur with chase.com21:00
kantlivelonghttps://sslmate.com/blog/post/ct_redaction_in_chrome_53 appears to be the issue21:00
nicomach1skantlivelong: looks like it might just be symantic SSL certs21:00
PharaohHi nicomach1s: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23410851/21:00
nicomach1sPharaoh: what version of Ubuntu?21:00
Pharaohnicomach1s: 16.1021:01
nicomach1sthen you just need to install the radeon driver21:01
nicomach1serr.. enable the radeon driver. for the HD 695021:01
Pharaoh nicomach1s: how do i do that?21:01
kantlivelongnicomach1s: found bugid https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/chromium-browser/+bug/164138021:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1641380 in chromium-browser (Ubuntu) "chromium-browser: ERR_CERTIFICATE_TRANSPARENCY_REQUIRED for Symantec certs" [Critical,Confirmed]21:02
nicomach1sPharaoh: it SHOULD be there by default...21:02
Pharaoh nicomach1s: that's what I thought. I don't know how to enable the driver?21:03
nicomach1sI don't remember how to do it from terminal, but you can go to System Settings -> Software & Updates -> Additional Drivers and it should be listed.21:05
Pharaoh nicomach1s:thank you!21:05
nicomach1sdouble check before thanking me. :)21:05
nicomach1sif it's not there, we'll have to get it installed.21:05
dekonzuiss1: i removed flashplugin-installer and installed adbobe-flashplugin21:05
dekonzuiss1: still cannot play that video in firefox21:05
nicomach1sdekon: might have some luck in #firefox21:06
dekonzuiss1: $ sudo update-flashplugin-nonfree --install21:06
dekonsudo: update-flashplugin-nonfree: command not found21:06
nicomach1sI've gotten some good help there before.21:06
nicomach1sbut keep asking here too.21:06
dekonnicomach1s: perhaps its just the website ... its working fine on cnn21:08
nicomach1sany add-ons that could be interfering?21:09
zuiss1maybe you should try  sudo apt-get install browser-plugin-freshplayer-pepperflash which will install pepperflash that firefox can use21:09
nicomach1szuiss1: firefox can use pepperflash? since when?21:09
zuiss1since years ago21:09
dekonnicomach1s: i have just adblock plus21:10
nicomach1sget rid of that.21:11
nicomach1suse uBlock Origin instead. much easier on your resources, and they don't take money for whitelisting.21:11
zuiss1disable it for that site and try refreshing the page to see if the video loads21:11
dekonnicomach1s: and Ubuntu Modification21:11
nicomach1snot to spread FUD, but it's solid advice.21:11
dekonzuiss1: ok21:11
zuiss1adblock plus isn't resource heavy anymore and hasn't been for a year. it's now about equal to ublock origin after they improved it21:12
zuiss1but i like ublock origin too21:12
nicomach1szuiss1: apparently I haven't read anything or talked to anyone in a year or more.21:12
dekonzuiss1: To watch video, you need an Adobe Flash Player Update.Please click to download. Get Adobe Flash player21:13
zuiss1dekon: must be a flash issue then. did you try pepperflash?21:13
dekonzuiss1: after i disabled abdblock plus on that page and reload the page21:13
dekonzuiss1: no, I did not21:13
dekonzuiss1: let me try21:13
zuiss1close firefox before you run the commands. they may not take effect otherwise21:13
dekonzuiss1: ok21:14
dekonzuiss1: it was trying to fetch chrome and it failed21:17
dekonzuiss1: https://wiki.debian.org/PepperFlashPlayer says it can be used only with chromium or chrome21:17
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dekonzuiss1: ERROR: failed to retrieve status information from google : W: GPG error: http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb stable Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY A040830F7FAC5991 NO_PUBKEY 1397BC53640DB55121:18
dekonW: The repository 'http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb stable Release' is not signed.21:18
squintyworks here with firefoz21:18
OerHekschrome comes with flash, pepperflash :-D21:18
OerHeksdekon,  chrome is 64 bit only21:19
zuiss1dekon: http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2015/10/ipepper-flash-for-firefox-ubuntu-15-10/21:19
dekonzuiss1: ha, funny, its working :)21:19
dekonzuiss1: update-alternatives: using /usr/lib/browser-plugin-freshplayer-pepperflash/libfreshwrapper-flashplayer.so to provide /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/flash-mozilla.so (flash-mozilla.so) in auto mode21:20
dekonzuiss1++ nicomach1s++21:21
dekonah, no bot for karma here? :)21:22
dekonzuiss1: nicomach1s thanks guys21:22
zuiss1no problem21:22
Bray90820So my CherryTrail surface 3 running ubuntu 16.10 freezes on high cpu load and I need to hard shutdown my system here are some error from when it froze while playing a bluray rip21:29
pcjunk002what's the difference between "normal" ubuntu 16.04 and ubuntu cinnamon 16.04?21:35
OerHekspcjunk002, gnome3/unity desktop <> cinnamon desktop21:36
pcjunk002OerHeks: what do you use / can you recommend? I'm completely new to linux21:37
OerHekspcjunk002, depends on your hardware, i use regular ubuntu21:37
Rochvellonmy favorite is at the moment XFCE21:38
ubottuRecognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. The current list is: !Edubuntu, !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, Ubuntu !Kylin, !Lubuntu, !Mythbuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, !Xubuntu, and Ubuntu !MATE21:38
OerHeksMythbuntu is gone b.t.w.21:39
squintyubuntu buggie21:39
squintybudgie   that is21:39
OerHeksThat one is new, indeed21:39
Bashing-ompcjunk002: 'buntu is all about choice. I have failrly good hardware and I still prefer xfce4 . You will not know 'til "you" try and see what you like .21:39
pcjunk002OerHeks: on what kind of hardware? is cinnamon more cpu/gpu intensive?21:39
OerHekspcjunk002, try it yourself, the iso has a live mode21:40
pcjunk002OerHeks: ok, thank you.21:40
pcjunk002why should I go for ubuntu and not debian?21:40
bekkspcjunk002: Thats your personal choice.21:40
pcjunk002what are the pros? tl;dr pls :)21:40
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pcjunk002why have you guys decided to use ubuntu and not debian?21:41
bekkspcjunk002: We dont know about your personal preferences, so you need to write your own tl;dr pro/con list.+21:41
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OerHeksi choose ubuntu, b'cause Mark is cute.21:41
PiciI like PPAs and the Ubuntu community.21:42
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stan_man_canHow can I see what service is bound to a port?21:49
bekksstan_man_can: by using sudo lsof -i21:49
taratorstan_man_can or you can use `sudo netstat -tulpen`21:53
stan_man_canbekks, do you need special permissions to bind to port 80?21:53
bekksstan_man_can: you nned to be root to bind to ports < 102421:53
stan_man_canbekks, ah21:53
stan_man_canso things like apache and nginx run as root..?21:54
bekksstan_man_can: you start them as root, the attach to the ports defined and then drop root permissions in favor of service user permissions.21:54
stan_man_canwell that seems a bit complicated21:55
bekksstan_man_can: thats secure. :)21:55
stan_man_canbekks, yeah21:55
stan_man_canI just need to figure out how to do it myself21:55
Random832the point is when you connect to port 80 you know that the person who owns the server is running that service, whereas if it's port 8081 you have no idea21:55
bekksstan_man_can: what are you actually trying to do?21:55
stan_man_canbekks, I wrote an API in GO21:56
taratorstan_man_can: But when you start apache with `sudo systemctl start apache2` the system should do this for you. No worry about "user-drop"21:57
stan_man_cantarator, I'm just trying to figure out how i'll accomplish something similar in my own app21:57
taratorstan_man_can: ahhh ok.21:58
bekksstan_man_can: you could investigate the apache or nginx source code.21:59
PharaohBack now! Where do I get proprietary drivers for AMD RADEON? don't see anything of that sort in software center22:00
stan_man_canbekks, I gotta run for a now but at least I have an idea of where I need to look next22:01
taratorstan_man_can: or if you want to run an api, you could use apache as a proxy. You can start your go app with port 8080 (or whatever) and use your Apache or nginx (running on port 80) as reverse proxy. All traffic that arrives on port 80 at your machine will be forwarded to your go-apps port 8080, if configured correctly.22:01
bekksPharaoh: is your card still supported by the proprietary drivers?22:01
Pharaohbekks: not sure. AMD asked me to download amdgpu-pro22:01
proqok, now I'm convinced that my power supply is not large enough for the power drain when I compile on ubuntu 16.04.  so I get no errors in the logs but the system freezes up22:01
bekksPharaoh: Did they send you an email or called you? :)22:01
bekksPharaoh: Which card do you have in detail?22:02
Pharaohbekks: AMD Radeon 6950.22:02
taratorThis is a common way used by webservers with multiple sites/api's behind the apache-server since only one port 80 is available per (virtual)network interface22:02
Pharaohbekks: i have details on the bug..22:02
bekksPharaoh: you need to install the radeon driver.22:03
Pharaohbekks: can you please guide me with that22:03
Pharaohbekks: amd gpu for the given card is buggy, does not install correctly, the bug was confirmed but it is incomplete.22:03
bekksPharaoh: I dont use AMD/ATI cards, I'm sorry. You need to ask someone else in how to install the radeon driver.22:04
ghaniPharaoh,  did u try installing "fglrx" ?22:04
Pharaohghani: I think fglrx is not supported by 16.10, I would be happy to be wrong22:05
bekks!fglrx | Pharaoh22:05
ubottuPharaoh: Open driver for AMD cards: amdgpu (cards >= GCN1.2 aka GCN 3rd gen), radeon (older cards). Closed drivers: amdgpu-pro (>= GCN1.2) fglrx (older cards, unsupported by AMD in 16.04+). For info on GCN levels, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_AMD_graphics_processing_units . For fglrx info, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/AMD22:05
nicomach1sI would not recommend fglrx... the radeon driver works so well for those HD 6000 series cards22:07
ghaniPharaoh: take a look here:22:07
ghanimay find a solution if ur card figures in this list !22:08
DocPlatypusI just upgraded to 16.04 from 14.04. I usually use GNOME Classic and my titlebar and GUI theme are all screwed up; I was using Crux. how do I reinstall the Crux theme in 16.04?22:08
Pharaohghani: thank you, i will give it a try22:08
ghaniPharaoh: never mind, give me ur Radeon ref, maybe I'll be helpful !22:09
OerHeksDocPlatypus, crux is not an official ubuntu, don't they have their own channel?22:10
nomius  /part22:10
DocPlatypusOerHeks: I'm running official Ubuntu 16.04, Crux is a GNOME theme that was present in 14.0422:10
OerHeksDocPlatypus,  unlikely crux 'theme' survives a distro upgrade22:12
OerHeksnever heard of it, btw22:12
DocPlatypusI expect this kind of thing from Microsoft when upgrading versions of Windows. I had hoped Ubuntu and others would be better than that22:13
xanguaProbably another gnome issue that Ubuntu is blamed for22:14
taratorDocPlatypus: nope, unfortunately the update doesn't work well on Ubuntu/Kubuntu. This is the reason why I stick with the LTS versions now. I had to fix my system after almost every update, which was really annoying.22:15
DocPlatypusI'm also noticing that the keyboard shortcuts for the context menu in GNOME Terminal no longer work. I used to be able to hit menu key, C to copy or menu key, P to paste. now I have to reach over, grab the mouse, point, and click22:15
xanguaAlso wasn't "gnome classic" removed?22:15
DocPlatypustarator: I also stick with the LTS versions. unfortunately some programs I need to run don't work with 14.04 any more22:15
DocPlatypusGNOME Classic and GNOME Flashback still exist in 16.0422:15
LTCDHi. I am using Linux Mint 64bit. My networked printer works fine using CUPS2.1.3. However, Simple Scanner does not work over a network. Is there any solution?22:16
DocPlatypusmodulo a few "improvements"22:16
bekks!mint | LTCD22:16
ubottuLTCD: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org22:16
OerHeks!mint | LTCD22:16
OerHeksmint has its own issues22:17
taratorDocPlatypus: I know, same here, but I live with it. In my opinion you're better of reinstalling your system instead of an upgrade. Maybe not that what you wanted to hear right now :-/ Good luck with fixing your system.22:17
DocPlatypusugh, the last thing I want to do right now is reinstall22:17
taratorDocPlatypus: try to fix it then! Maybe it's done quite quick.22:18
DeadDontDancesometimes, we must do things we dont wanna do22:18
OerHeksDocPlatypus, crux is part of gnome-themes? reinstall that?22:19
DocPlatypusthe thing that really ticks me off is that the old xchat got replaced by this xchat-gnome nonsense. it recognizes some of the old config but the colors, keyboard shortcuts, and all that are all screwed up22:20
OerHeksxchat is dead, hexchat is an updated fork22:20
DocPlatypusOerHeks: I supposedly still have those themes on here but they don't show up in gnome-tweak-tool22:20
DeadDontDancei never store config files for gui programs22:21
taratorWhen I get a new machine in a couple of years I will change the distro. Kubuntu 16.04 was really disappointing for me. KDE was/is that buggy, it's hardly usable on a production machine. Even the second screen on my laptop is not working correctly. The settings are lost every now and then and the taskbar sometimes disappears and then automagically reappears after some reboots. That really sucks!22:21
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Pharaohghani: sorry for the delay, here it is - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/163852622:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1638526 in linux (Ubuntu) "Unable to install AMD Radeon HD 6950 driver " [Medium,Incomplete]22:22
taratorI think Plasma 5 is the one to blame here. Sometimes I think the developers of plasma don't really use it for themselves to work.22:22
OerHeks!find supermoon22:25
ubottuFound: W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 15 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=supermoon&searchon=names&suite=yakkety&section=all22:25
Pharaohghani: you there?22:26
OerHeksPhthis is your culprit > trying to overwrite '/etc/OpenCL/vendors/amdocl64.icd', which is also in package fglrx-core 2:15.201-0ubuntu122:29
OerHeksPharaoh ^^22:29
OerHeksfglrx-core is not suitable for 16.10  .. also Hit:10 https://download.01.org/gfx/ubuntu/16.04/main makes me wonder..22:30
PharaohOerHeks: thanks.22:30
PharaohOerHeks:still some issue with amdgpu-pro ... Errors were encountered while processing:22:35
Pharaoh /tmp/apt-dpkg-install-eIXC19/31-libvdpau1_1.1.1-3ubuntu1_amd64.deb22:35
PharaohE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)22:35
bekksPharaoh: amdgpu-pro is the wrong driver...22:35
OerHeksthe pro driver comes on top of the amdgpu driver, no?22:35
OerHeksand the fglrx error makes me wonder..22:36
Amm0nyes, but his device is not supported with amdgpu22:36
nbastinis there some way to disable the console framebuffer on 16.04?22:36
Pharaoh<OerHeks>.<Bekks>: i used the amd site drop down based navigation to download amdgpu-pro22:37
bekksPharaoh: why are you trying to install the wrong driver for three times now?22:37
OerHeksPharaoh, you should have amdgpu standard with 16.10 ...22:37
inexhelp i tried installing an ubuntu-based distro but it warns me about something from the bootloader and then it just boots into windows22:37
bekksPharaoh: People told you to NOT do that but use the radeon driver instead.22:37
Pharaohbekks: sorry about that.22:38
Pharaohbekks: i have uninstalled everything now22:38
OerHeksoh, it is the wrong driver for that card? that was my 1st thought.22:38
OerHeksinex, ubuntu based? f22:39
Pharaoh<bekks>,<OerHeks>: I am quite confused. AMD site listed that driver for the graphics card for some reason.22:39
inexelementary os, its just that this place seems proper unlike #elementary22:39
bekksPharaoh: And you tried three times and you failed. How about just do what you have been told? :P22:40
OerHeksinex, elementary has its own issues22:40
inexbut its the same installer?22:40
Pharaoh<bekks>,<OerHeks>: How to enable the OS included/packaged driver?22:42
skipperio HexChat: 2.10.2 ** OS: Linux 4.4.0-47-generic x86_64 ** Distro: Ubuntu "xenial" 16.04 ** CPU: 4 x Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-3120M CPU @ 2.50GHz (GenuineIntel) @ 1.26GHz ** RAM: Physical: 4.7GiB, 72.8% free ** Disk: Total: 453.7GiB, 49.9% free ** VGA: Intel Corporation 3rd Gen Core processor Graphics Controller ** Sound: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel PCH ** Ethernet: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. CIe Gigabit Ethernet ** Uptime: 5h22:42
skipperio48m 19s **22:42
bekksPharaoh: I already told you you have to ask someone else... do you even read the answers you get?22:43
Amm0nPharaoh, check if there is a file containing "blacklist radeon" in the folder /etc/modprobe.d/ if there is one, delete it. Also delete /etc/X11/xorg.conf. Then install xserver-xorg-video-ati and try to reboot22:43
OerHeksPharaoh, normally you should have amdgpu standard with 16.10 ... or radeon, no need to install anything22:43
Pharaoh0erHeks: I did a fresh 16.10 install, and had to put in nomodeset else i got a black screen.. and lshw shows both devices unclaimed22:45
PharaohAmm0n: looking for blacklist Radeon22:46
bekksPharaoh: you NEED radeon, do not blacklist it...22:46
DocPlatypusOkay, now I have a real issue. the same USB Bluetooth interface that worked fine under 14.04, doesn't work at all under 16.04.22:46
bekksPharaoh: You dont read what people are telling you, do you?22:46
DocPlatypusI bring up the Bluetooth settings, and get "no Bluetooth found"22:47
DocPlatypusyet the light on the Bluetooth dongle I have lights up nearly solid for a good 5 seconds at a time, over and over again22:47
Pharaohbekks: I told Amm0n that I am trying to see if there is a radeon blacklist entry.22:47
Pharaohbekks: And, I don't see it22:48
dStructis it possible to have a menu on the launcher in Unity? 14.x22:48
pull_my_fingerDocPlatypus, tried to boot w/ that attached?22:48
DocPlatypuspull_my_finger: umm, it's been plugged in since boot. but has since been unplugged and replugged with no change22:48
Amm0nOerHeks, what do you mean by 16.10 has amdgpu standard?22:48
OerHeksAmm0n, if that card is suitable, amdgpu is installed standard22:49
pull_my_fingerDocPlatypus, tried lsub22:50
DocPlatypuspull_my_finger: Bus 006 Device 008: ID 0a12:0001 Cambridge Silicon Radio, Ltd Bluetooth Dongle (HCI mode)22:50
dStructI'm hoping I can make a sub-menu pop out from the launcher and have a selection of icons to choose from..22:50
Amm0nOerHeks, yes but that doesn't count for older hardware?22:50
DocPlatypusit's definitely being seen by the system. I get short blue flashes of the dongle light, which conveniently quit after "sudo service bluetooth stop" and resume on "...start"22:50
Amm0nOerHeks, by older i mean older than GCN 322:51
OerHeksAmm0n, older cards get the open radeon driver22:52
Bray90820So my CherryTrail surface 3 running ubuntu 16.10 freezes on high cpu load and I need to hard shutdown my system here are some error from when it froze while playing a bluray rip22:52
Amm0nOerHeks, ah, i was confused22:52
pull_my_fingerDocPlatypus, lsmod | grep bluetooth ?22:54
DocPlatypuspull_my_finger: I may have managed to fix it just by purging the old config files22:54
pull_my_fingerDocPlatypus, where were those?22:55
DocPlatypuspull_my_finger: partially fixed. I am typing this on the Bluetooth keyboard, but I still can't access the device configs.22:55
DocPlatypuspull_my_finger: libgnome-bluetooth11 package22:56
pull_my_fingerDocPlatypus, you really like bluetooth dont you?22:56
DocPlatypus(16.04 uses libgnome-bluetooth13)22:56
* pull_my_finger on countdown for sanity clause22:58
DocPlatypusand to answer your question... it does come in handy. a lot more convenient than screwing with a USB cable to move files to/from my phone and tablet22:59
pull_my_fingerDocPlatypus, ok22:59
zuiss1what benefits does ubuntu have over debian?23:16
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testingKaliI need some help...23:27
testingKalihi I have a question... why would /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward go back to 0 out of nowhere when running ettercap23:27
testingKaliis there a way to block the file from going back to 0?23:28
squarecirclewhats the way to watch h265 HEVC2 encoded videos on Ubuntu Xenial?23:28
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samuel__I'm trying to install windows from a usb rather dual boot by installing windows then ubuntu. anyways gparted wont allow me to manage flags23:43
samuel__the option is greyed out23:43
samuel__i tried running gparted from terminal as su still no luck23:44
Amm0nsamuel__, is the partition mounted?23:44
OerHekssamuel__, run gparted from live-iso23:44
samuel__tried it both mounted and unmounted23:44
samuel__so run live iso set boot flag back out and then add windows to the usb?23:45
OerHeks"add windows to usb"???23:47
samuel__running gparted from a live iso  presents the issue that the iso i wanna boot from is located on the installed ubuntu23:48
OerHekserr, you want to boot the windows iso tru grub?23:49
samuel__perhaps i can store it on a second usb then boot the ubuntu live set the flag and then add it23:49
OerHeksdunno, i am not going to think about that, we recommend to do windows 1st.23:50
samuel__also no not from grub just gotta create the bootable stick erase my partitions then install windows23:51
samuel__and installing windows first is what i intend to do23:51
samuel__furthermore you do it either way you just have to repair grub afterward23:52
samuel__any who gonna try my method thanks for the live tip.23:53
Amm0nsamuel__, maybe your ubuntu is missing dosfstools or ntfs-3g23:55
OerHeksntfs is present, exfat not23:56
samuel__ntfs-3g is up23:56
samuel__ill check dosfstools23:56
OerHeksI think etcher can make a bootable windows thingy http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/05/etcher-usb-image-burner-tool-linux-open-source23:56
samuel__dosfstools is up to date23:57

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