
perlaHi. I am new to Xubuntu. I don't know why the software application appears empty.01:15
bazhangis this a just installed situation01:16
perlaYes, bazhang.01:17
bazhanghave you run apt update and apt upgrade yet01:17
perlaNot yet.01:17
bazhangthen do that01:17
perlaWhile that gets done, bazhang, it occurs to me that the list shouldn't be empty, anyways. Should it?01:19
bazhangdid you have online upgrades whil installing or do it later01:20
perlaI think I chose to install the updates on the fly.01:21
bazhangwell if there is currently a process running with respect to apt update and apt upgrade then its notempty01:22
perlaI will find out about that as soon as apt upgrade finishes.01:22
perlaBy the way, how can I activate the suspension when the lid is closed?01:23
bazhangthats going to happen as a matter of fact01:25
perlaI hope so.01:25
bazhangdid you want the computer to still be on an running when the lid is down01:25
bazhangwhat an odd question01:25
perlaPerhaps it is because I already tried it.01:26
perlaBut with the live CD.01:26
bazhangif the lid is closed, how were you able to ascertain the system was still up and running01:29
bazhangwas it the live cd spinning in the optical drive sound01:30
perlaBecause there's always a lag, bazhang. That's pretty obvious.01:32
bazhangon the live cd?01:33
perlaOn any laptop whose lid you lift.01:35
bazhanghas the apt update and apt upgrade process finished yet01:36
perlaNot yet.01:36
bazhangis it at the processing packages state yet01:36
bazhangshould be bery soon01:37
bazhangand very01:37
perlaDone. Now what?01:37
bazhangapt-cache search packagename01:39
perlaThat has nothing to do with the graphical app.01:39
bazhangif you have not done so, you will presumably want to play videos music youtube etc01:40
perlaI want to be able to install software from the graphical app. I it still useless now.01:41
bazhangthe apt-cache search has everything to do with the graphical app01:41
bazhangthe first step in troubleshooting it is to close it01:42
perlaYes, bazhang, but I want the front end to work. I don't care about CLI commands since this machine is for someone who isn't acquainted with them.01:42
bazhangso lets proceed as the method I am suggesting now01:43
perlaI'm installing Synaptic now, but OK.01:44
bazhangyou want to fix it so they can use it via the gui01:44
bazhangsynapic is completely unneeded01:44
perlaShouldn't be broken, for starters,01:44
perlaI'm open to options that don't entail the CLI.01:45
bazhangyou never did the initial update and upgrade01:45
perlaI already completed it.01:45
bazhangthats not broken, thats the nature of things01:45
bazhangclose the graphical app as you put it01:45
bazhangdont bother with synaptic01:45
bazhangdid you want the graphical app to be populated with such items that allow for mp3 playback videos yt and such, or have them already for the user as they start out01:47
perlaIt is populated, but when I click on anything, I only get the spinning wheel.01:48
bazhangit should be shut now01:48
perlaIt is.01:48
bazhangso did you want to set it up for them ready out of the box to go with those things, or leave it for them to do it01:49
perlaI expect that when I install a fresh distro all its components are working.01:50
bazhangdue to certain copyright restrictions a single metapackage will have to be installed01:52
bazhangyou can do it now, or leave them to do it01:52
perlaIt should be working now.01:52
bazhangits not going to be without that01:53
perlaYou're not being of much help so far.01:53
bazhangyou have some mighty odd expectations on what a fresh xubuntu install is like01:54
bazhangdrivers and such are not going to installed by themselves01:54
perlaAny decent distro would install working stuff. I don't know about Xubuntu.01:54
bazhangperhaps your only experience is with MINT or the like01:55
perlaThat is irrelevant, bazhang. I want solutions.01:55
bazhangstate your needs to the channel01:56
bazhangI have to go elsewhere01:56
perlaI did so half an hour ago.01:56
bazhanggood luck01:56
perlaIf you can't offer real help then there's no point in making me waste my time.01:57
MissyVixeni wanted to ask if people have experianced odd issues of Xubuntu 16 installing fine, and booting, until its first update. At which point Grub Fails to load any os and just outputs "grub grub grub" at the top of the display?02:17
=== dreamon_ is now known as dreamon
FireStriker_Um I need help12:21
FireStriker_How do you force close a program12:22
sorokinvicvia menu > system > task manager12:26
FireStriker_Can't enter the menu12:26
FireStriker_Stuck in a game12:26
sorokinvicpress ctrl + alt + f1 -- goes to text console, then login and type ps -ef | fgrep -i name_of_game, this gives list of processeses named like your game, pick game pid (2nd column), and type kill -9 pid. Or just restart whole X system (but this could lose any data you had in open editors / browsers,etc) -- sudo /etc/init.d/lightdm restart12:29
sorokinvicto return to X, press ctrl + alt + f712:29
FireStriker_That did something12:36
xubuntu50ihi. How do configure connexion of users but on a domain, not on localhost ?13:57
p00l3I was here 29 october with missing key input issue. Now finally i found the reason. Single key keyboard shortcut was made for terminal(dead_caron) which disabled รค key(keycode 48 where in(xmodmap -pk) long line also dead_caron was implemented. I can't make single key shortcut in xubuntu?14:19
xubuntu92wanyone there?18:23
shewfigHi, I just did a 'sudo apt upgrade', upgraded apt, and now I'm getting sig error when doing a 'sudo apt update', even after a reboot.21:20
shewfigversion 16.0421:21
shewfigI'm getting signature errors from archive.ubuntu.com, anyone else seeing this?21:35
kraaijmakerswhat version of nvidia driver is recommended to use with Xubuntu and NVIDIA GTX980?I've had some different distro's and maybe one of you know the recommended version? Or should I just install the one from ubuntu-drivers?23:45
knomejust use what's available23:46
kraaijmakersOK, you don't recommend adding the ubuntu graphics PPA?23:46
knomeif the version from the regular repository works without problems. why would you use something else?23:47
kraaijmakersApparantly it's a quite recent one from the regular repository nowadays :o23:48
kraaijmakersThanks ;)23:48

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