
qwebirc21175Eben though I install a fresh version of 14.04 mcc takes forever to start and when I try to update the repos the flyout partially opens and just sits there.  Does anyone have an idea what is going on ?22:57
qwebirc21175By the way sorry to hear that Mythbuntu is  getting no further updates.  Was same with Kmoppix22:58
tgm488314.04? Did you post this question on the forums too?22:59
qwebirc21175no I did not22:59
tgm4883hmm, ok22:59
qwebirc21175I have searched for an answer there but there is nothing I can find22:59
tgm488314.04 should work I think. I wonder if it's trying to refresh the db list23:00
tgm4883refreshing the mythtv updates list would hang I think23:00
qwebirc21175I have done that several times. Erased the disk, started with 14.04 LTS23:01
tgm4883Yea that's not something... Any reason you aren't going to 16.04?23:01
qwebirc21175also get the same response if I try to do this from a DVD in the Try mode23:01
qwebirc21175 suspect some kind of access problem23:01
qwebirc21175as in the repos it is trying to get to are someplace else23:02
tgm4883Any reason you aren't going to 16.04?23:02
qwebirc21175experience shows provocative maintennce is asking for trouble ;)23:02
tgm4883hmm, ok23:03
qwebirc21175also comments about 16.04 show problems23:03
qwebirc21175and reduced quality so concerned about upgrading until stabilizes23:03
tgm4883well the refresh button isn't working because I moved the location that was hosting that db file23:03
qwebirc21175well that might be it ;)23:03
tgm4883There's a file you can edit to point it at the right location23:04
qwebirc21175is there a place to change the location in the mcc script ?23:04
tgm4883Let me look it up23:04
qwebirc21175ta very much23:04
qwebirc21175Hey TGM thanks for what you have done for community with this system23:05
qwebirc21175sorry to hear it has become too much of a burden (assuming you are one of the last 2 developers) never easy to figure out  in a place where you might be talking with Putin ;)23:06
qwebirc21175place == Internet23:07
qwebirc21175Oh you are Thomas Mashos23:07
tgm4883heh, yea23:13
tgm4883Sorry, let me look at up in a few minutes, finishing something else currently23:14
qwebirc21175Missis is calling, will leave chat open if that is OK23:14
tgm4883off the top of my head, I think /usr/share/mythbuntu/plugins/py/  is that a directory?23:14
qwebirc21175not on my machine23:15
qwebirc21175it is /usr/share/mythbuntu/plugins/python23:15
tgm4883ah yea23:15
tgm4883what files are in there?23:15
qwebirc21175log_grabber.py          mythexport.py          services.py mysql_configuration.py  plugins.py             startup_behavior.py mythbuntu-bare.py       proprietary_codecs.py  system_roles.py mythbuntu_repos.py      remote.py23:15
tgm4883edit that, look for a line that has repos.db in it23:16
tgm4883should be a URL23:16
qwebirc21175#shutil.copy("/usr/share/mythbuntu/repos.db", self.USERHOME+"/.mythbuntu/")23:17
qwebirc21175only occurence23:17
tgm4883ok, let me dig into it, give me a few minutes23:17
qwebirc21175do you think it is in the mcc script ?23:17
tgm4883no, it should be there I think23:18
qwebirc21175OK. Get a beer - diffing gets easier ;)23:18
tgm4883unless I pulled it out into a conf file23:18
qwebirc21175clearly I already got mine23:18
tgm4883qwebirc21175: actually, can you do 'cat /usr/share/mythbuntu/plugins/python/mythbuntu_repos.py | nc termbin.com 9999'23:21
tgm4883that will make it easier, it will give you a link so I can see the exact version of the file you have23:21
tgm4883There it is23:23
tgm4883That needs updated23:23
tgm4883about 3/4 way down23:23
qwebirc21175Sorry Tom, what am I updating ?23:23
qwebirc21175you mean in this file /usr/share/mythbuntu/plugins/python/mythbuntu_repos.py23:24
tgm4883that file needs updated23:24
tgm4883It should be this instead23:24
qwebirc21175oh I see now23:25
qwebirc21175I should replace the url23:25
qwebirc21175got it23:25
tgm4883that will at least let the refresh finish23:25
qwebirc21175Ok thanks a lot Tom23:26
qwebirc21175starts fast but no repos button ;)23:29
tgm4883Maybe a typo in that file that you edited? Try starting 'mythbuntu-control-centre' from the command line23:30
tgm4883it will print errors to the terminal23:30
qwebirc21175File "/usr/lib/python3.4/configparser.py", line 754, in get     d = self._unify_values(section, vars)   File "/usr/lib/python3.4/configparser.py", line 1119, in _unify_values     raise NoSectionError(section) configparser.NoSectionError: No section: 'General' mythbuntu-control-centr23:32
qwebirc21175found it = stupid me.23:34
qwebirc21175missing single quote at end of url23:34
qwebirc21175lets see if that works23:34
qwebirc21175you were right about typo!23:34
tgm4883ha ok23:34
tgm4883I was like, that makes zero sense23:34
qwebirc21175still same error23:36
qwebirc21175File "/usr/lib/python3.4/configparser.py", line 1119, in _unify_values     raise NoSectionError(section) configparser.NoSectionError: No section: 'General'23:36
tgm4883can you paste the whole error?23:36
tgm4883what you pasted is saying that configparser.py can't handle what it was fed (configparser.py is a standard library in python). I need to know what was being fed into it23:37
tgm4883because I don't think the format of that db file changed23:37
qwebirc21175you have good instincts -- here you go23:37
qwebirc21175dash it23:38
qwebirc21175cant paste forsome reason probably line length23:38
qwebirc21175ARNING: Failed to set from config file. Setting defaults Traceback (most recent call last):   File "/usr/lib/python3.4/configparser.py", line 1116, in _unify_values     sectiondict = self._sections[section] KeyError: 'General'23:39
qwebirc21175During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:  Traceback (most recent call last):   File "/usr/share/mythbuntu/plugins/python/mythbuntu-bare.py", line 85, in captureState     self.changes['serverip'] = self.config.get("General", "serverip")   File "/usr/lib/python3.4/configparser.py", line 754, in get     d = self._unify_values(section, vars)   File "/usr/lib/python3.4/configparser.py", line 1119, in23:39
tgm4883yea we don't really care about -bare23:39
tgm4883any other errors?23:39
qwebirc21175let me try new window23:40
qwebirc21175(mythbuntu-control-centre:3940): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_widget_event: assertion 'WIDGET_REALIZED_FOR_EVENT (widget, event)' failed23:42
tgm4883Can you paste the 20 or so lines? other than the -bare error, none of this is relevent23:43
tgm4883there's still no -repos button on the right?23:43
qwebirc21175right but starts fast ;)23:44
tgm4883ok do this23:44
qwebirc21175ok starting from the top of errors23:44
tgm4883-bare doesn't work, so lets remove it23:44
qwebirc21175Traceback (most recent call last):   File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/MythbuntuControlCentre/plugin.py", line 56, in reload_plugins     __import__(plugin, None, None, [''])   File "/usr/share/mythbuntu/plugins/python/mythbuntu_repos.py", line 223     url = 'http://people.ubuntu.com/~tgm4883/repos.db'                                                      ^23:44
tgm4883yea, that's the line23:44
tgm4883why doesn't it like that line though...23:45
qwebirc21175it is catching an error - is this all about indentation ?23:45
tgm4883everything does need to be indented properly in python23:45
qwebirc21175I dont know python so could be23:45
tgm4883should use spaces, not tabs23:45
qwebirc21175OK rewrote line but still no repos button23:50
qwebirc21175I must have screwed  something up.  Let me take a copy of the file from the dvd and use that23:51
qwebirc21175Tom thanks a lot.  I very much appreciate this.  I wonder why others have not mentioned this23:51
qwebirc21175goodnight Irene ;)23:53
qwebirc21175Im leaving for a bit ..23:54

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