
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uos-community to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1611/community/ - http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2016/11/15/%23ubuntu-uos-community.html
mhall119nacc: do you know how to setup the hangout for your session?17:49
mhall119if not, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS/Sessions has the step-by-step instructions17:49
naccmhall119: i *think* it should be setup now17:50
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uos-community to: Track: Community | Git-based Ubuntu development workflow | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1611/meeting/22710/git-based-merge-workflow/
naccthanks to rbasak :)17:50
dholbachnice work!17:50
mhall119nacc: the video doesn't allow embedding17:50
mhall119rbasak: ^^ can you edit the video settings?17:51
rbasakWhere would I do that?17:51
mhall119not sure after it's created17:52
Dizietnacc: Could you invite me to the video hangout (Ian Jackson, I created b83m6t@fyvzl.net for this)17:52
naccDiziet: sure, give me one second17:52
rbasakDiziet: try going to https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/ytl/yq07F04I9D_f6YnWIxoB7HycyY363CimE_hAfjF8Ptc=?hl=en_GB&authuser=017:52
mhall119rbasak: when you set it up , in Advanced settings,there's an option for "Allow embedding" towards the bottom17:52
mhall119you might have to create a new video to change that though17:53
rbasakmhall119: in that case, do I need to quit...right.17:53
rbasakDiziet: so that won't work. One moment.17:53
naccwe'll be ready in just a sec :)17:53
rbasakmhall119: it says "You can't embed live streams."17:54
rbasakAnd the checkbox is disabled.17:54
mhall119huh....not sure why that is, it's enabled for my account17:55
nacc"ou will need to have a Verified YouTube profile before you can start an On-Air Hangout." ?17:55
rbasakThe help page says that my channel has to be verified.17:55
rbasakRight. I thought I already did that with a phone call. Or was that just the account?17:55
mhall119not sure, they've changed so much about on-air hangouts lately17:55
mhall119I can host this next one if you'd like17:55
mhall119ok, updated the summit page, https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/ytl/FfvzFcwTgW8qXQc2vOX5pYOQS51NOMYubPQfO1XGCfU=?hl=en_US&authuser=0 is the new hangout17:58
naccmhall119: thank you!17:58
mhall119getting everyone setup on the hangout, we'll be starting soon18:00
slangasekbarry: view-only link, so you have that at least: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bD45uJ8q2dk18:02
CoderEuropeWill @jcastro be joining us ?18:02
smoser http://pad.ubuntu.com/uos-1611-git-based-merge-workflow18:02
smoser^ has all relevant links now18:02
slangasekhuh, hangout toolbox completely broken for me, no way to put my name on anymore18:04
mhall119slangasek: running chromium?18:07
mhall119it breaks there sometimes18:07
mhall119QUESTION: Does Debian keep their package sources in Git now too?18:10
barryfwiw, git-dpm is essentially abandonware18:10
naccbarry: good to know18:10
slangasekmhall119: firefox18:10
mhall119hmmm, works for me in FF (today anyway)18:10
DizietMy angle is mostly that I'm trying to talk people into using patches-applied trees.18:11
naccmhall119: it's a maintainer's choice, aiui -- the choice of how to do it, is up to them18:11
mhall119ah, ok, so nothing uniform18:11
naccmhall119: right, and not enforced to be one particular VCS by any means18:12
mhall119it does, thanks rbasak18:12
barryi have a very dumb script which does a git-dpm import-dsc + chdists to do git dev of a pure ubuntu update, but this work is much better for merges than anything else i've used.  what i'm interested in is moving this more toward a git-based replacement for udd.  i.e. automatic imports, publicly available repo urls, with long term dream of push(+tag?) == upload18:12
CoderEuropeQUESTION: I doubt that I am not alone in not knowing all of the issues connected with this project - But my question is WHAT about translations and how can we better integrate them/tose in your project ? #Noob question.18:13
mhall119oh, nice one Diziet18:13
CoderEuropesans tose/tose18:13
CoderEuropesans tose/those18:13
barryaside: d/patches management is pretty crucial imho (i.e. 3.0 quilt <-> git), which when it works in git-dpm is pretty easy and when it doesn't is very painful.  similarly gbp-pq18:15
Dizietbarry: Yes.  That's where most of the code in dgit is.18:16
rbasakAs an example, you can "git clone https://git.launchpad.net/~usd-import-team/ubuntu/+source/dovecot" and take a look at the tree in "gitk --all"18:16
barryDiziet: ack. that's where all the "fun" is :)18:16
CoderEuropeIs ack @sil on this channel ?18:16
popeyhe is afk18:17
CoderEuropepopey, thanks-you.18:17
Dizietwarning: remote HEAD refers to nonexistent ref, unable to checkout.18:17
rbasakDiziet: that's fine, ignore.18:17
rbasakThat's because there is no master branch.18:17
Dizietgit checkout ubuntu/zesty   <- fixed it18:18
slangaseknacc, rbasak: where do I file bug reports? ;)  Because there should be a trunk which is the Ubuntu development trunk, and ubuntu/rel branches should only be needed for SRU18:19
rbasakslangasek: https://launchpad.net/usd-importer18:20
rbasakslangasek: there is an "ubuntu/devel" tip maintained that is the Ubuntu development trunk.18:20
rbasakPerhaps HEAD should point to that.18:20
rbasakWe'd probably need an LP API if there isn't one already to make HEAD point to the right thing. That's more than just the "git push" that the importer does today.18:21
Dizietchangelog merge conflicts> devscripts has a mergechangelogs tool which often DTRT18:21
rbasakDiziet: yes, we use dpkg-mergechangelogs extensively in our workflow.18:21
rbasakIt does get very painful when we cherry-pick individual bugfixes though. The right thing doesn't happen in debian/changelog.18:22
rbasakSo instead we keep changes to debian/changelog in their own commits.18:22
rbasakAnd write debian/changelog basically only straight before upload.18:22
rbasakVery similar to git-dch.18:22
DizietHmm.  Yes, I can see why you might do that.18:22
rbasakUh, gbp dch.18:22
CoderEuropemhall119 Does www.packages.ubuntu.com include the Soutce file and license usually (incl. git repos) ?18:23
CoderEurope**sans Soutce/Source18:23
mhall119CoderEurope: I'm not familiar with packages.ubuntu.com, sorry18:24
naccslangasek: https://bugs.launchpad.net/usd-importer18:24
slangaseknacc: yep - already added to the pad, thanks :)18:25
naccslangasek: thank you!18:25
mhall119is this "dgit" or "dget"?18:27
slangasekmhall119: dgit18:27
barryDiziet: QUESTION: with a patches-applied tree, how do you extract the patches applied to pristine upstream, e.g. to submit patches upstream, drop patches once applied upstream, etc.?18:28
slangaseknacc, rbasak: you described usd-importer as "not doing a git merge"; that makes a certain amount of sense given that we don't have import branches tracking the full Debian history today; is this a fundamental design decision?  i.e. if we had rich history branches for Debian, would you be opposed to switching to merge?18:28
naccslangasek: it's not actually that it doens't do merges18:29
naccslangasek: the importer does a lot of merges :)18:29
naccslangasek: just 'ubuntu merges' aren't 'git merges'18:29
slangaseknacc: ok, well - for UDD, ubuntu merges /are/ git merges ;)18:29
slangasekbzr merges18:29
slangasek(sorry, my brain autoreplaced bzr with git on the fly)18:29
naccinteresting, I'd need to look at that in more detail -- there's no hard requirement, in and of itself, that they not be git-merges18:30
naccslangasek: merge of the old ubuntu with the new debian?18:30
naccslangasek: ok, that's what the importer will do, as well18:30
slangasekok :)18:30
naccslangasek: there are up to 3 parents for any given publish: publishing parent (per Launchpad and the series history), changelog parent (from that publish's debian/changelog) and upload parent (in case a user pushed an upload tag to the repository representing their upload to the archive)18:32
naccslangasek: that's a relatively low level detail, but I think answers your question more completely18:33
* slangasek nods18:33
barryany chance it's on gmane? ;)18:41
nacchttp://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/vcs-pkg-discuss/2016-November/000909.html also, as a direct link18:43
CoderEuropemhall119 : QUESTIOn (duplicate) earlier: .... the issues connected with this project - But my question is WHAT about translations and how can we better integrate them/those in your project ?18:47
mhall119^^ for rbasak or nacc  I think18:47
naccCoderEurope: thank you for the question -- sorry, the current topic is quite involved18:48
CoderEuropeno prob/lem18:48
naccCoderEurope: I personally don't know much about translations; but if they are just changes to debian/, it's sort of orthogonal to our project. Or maybe parallel :) That is, you can commit to the imported tree to add translations and ask that those changes get merged in order to upload them. It's not a focus of the workflows (yet), but it seems like translations could be one future documented18:49
nacc(common) workflow.18:49
-udsbotu:#ubuntu-uos-community- 5 minutes left in this session!18:49
CoderEuropenacc, Thank-you you need to tell users 'Where' to file bugs too .. give a screenshare maybe of the launchpad page ?18:50
-udsbotu:#ubuntu-uos-community- 4 minutes left in this session!18:50
barryslangasek: please no!  having separate patches on top of upstream (whether directly represented or generated) is imho, very important for any interactions with upstream18:50
slangasekbarry: but they're represented as git commits18:51
slangasekwhich is long-term better for us all18:51
naccCoderEurope: yes, will do. I think it's in the pad and I'll add it to the summit description18:51
CoderEuropenacc, right-oh18:51
-udsbotu:#ubuntu-uos-community- 3 minutes left in this session!18:51
barryslangasek: yes, if those aren't squashed, *and* they're easily derived from upstream, then that's okay18:52
-udsbotu:#ubuntu-uos-community- 2 minutes left in this session!18:52
slangasekbarry: so patches in debian/patches inherited from Debian, and imported into Ubuntu via dgit, would be squashed; but we're not responsible for those in Ubuntu18:52
slangasekbarry: but Ubuntu patches would not have their commits squashed18:53
-udsbotu:#ubuntu-uos-community- 1 minute left in this session!18:53
barryslangasek: but there's often a lot of overlap between "responsible in ubuntu" and "responsible in debian".  but if otoh i could look at the debian unsquashed view of the world then maybe it's okay, but it feels more complicated18:54
-udsbotu:#ubuntu-uos-community- This session has ended.18:54
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uos-community to: Track: Community | UbuCon Europe organization | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1611/meeting/22715/ubucon-europe/
naccSo the git-based merge workflow is going to switch to a second hangout, URL forthcoming18:56
lynorianGood idea18:57
naccwe will make sure to capture that recording, as well, and it will be included in the UOS page/pad etc18:57
barrygmane.comp.package.vcs-pkg fwiw18:58
rbasakgit workflow continuation hangout URL: https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/ytl/ItUlmFSFjrFhFGzkE9LNt5tbVR32v8C9B3zsg-YK8zQ=?hl=en_GB&authuser=018:58
rbasakIs there an IRC channel to which we can move as well?18:58
mhall119you can use #ubuntu-uos-overflow18:59
slangasekbarry: well basically, it means if you have a Debian branch where you're maintaining, your workflow there doesn't change; and dgit's synthesized branches /for Debian/ don't change; but the dgit imported branches /for Ubuntu/ would flatten debian/patches for convenience18:59
dholbachhey svij18:59
svijhey dholbach18:59
svijI'm checking if i'm doing everyhing correct…19:00
slangasekbarry: and furthermore, if you adopted a dgit workflow in Debian, you would still have commit-per-patch view that merges through into Ubuntu19:00
dholbachdo you have the broadcast url too?19:00
svijif I find that…19:01
mhall119svij: "Links" in the bottom right corner of the hangout screen19:01
mhall119if it's an on-air hangout19:02
svijdholbach will set it up again19:02
svijsince I'm too dumb for that :D19:02
dholbach2 more secs19:02
dholbachhttps://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/ytl/6Cyqdfp7edHoROiXxoyfCoMCWPiSjyZ-ggQazNz2UIo= for everyone who wants to join in19:03
mhall119svij: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS/Sessions19:03
dholbachhttp://youtu.be/RJWSxDUVMBE broadcast19:03
cm-tHeya !!19:04
kristbaumOnline yet?19:04
dholbachmhall119, you joining?19:04
dholbachor who else are we waiting for?19:04
mhall119google say's I'm already there....and alone19:04
svijmhall119: https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/ytl/6Cyqdfp7edHoROiXxoyfCoMCWPiSjyZ-ggQazNz2UIo= this one?19:05
dholbachwe had to update the links19:05
svijoh right19:05
cm-ti can't join hangout, will follow by listening and replying here if needed :)19:05
dholbachwe'll be right there19:05
mhall119dholbach: says I'mnot authorized now :(19:05
* cm-t is in weekly board loco team19:06
dholbachmhall119, https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/ytl/6Cyqdfp7edHoROiXxoyfCoMCWPiSjyZ-ggQazNz2UIo=?authuser=1 maybe?19:06
dholbachI'm not sure what to do19:06
dholbachthe others could join19:06
dholbachmaybe wrong account or something?19:06
mhall119if I use authuser=1 or =2 it lets me in, but I'm alone19:06
cm-ton the summit site it says it will start soon19:06
svijcm-t: not live yet19:06
dholbachare you sure it's the right link?19:06
dholbachwe're 419:06
CoderEuropeEtherpad (nothing in it) http://pad.ubuntu.com/uos-1611-ubucon-europe19:07
dholbach \o/19:07
kristbaum\o/ working19:08
Mister_Qkristbaum o/19:08
kristbaumMister_Q: o/19:08
* flexiondotorg is coming too :-)19:08
* Mister_Q waves from a company event and can't be in the hangout unfortunately19:09
svijguided tour through this: https://www.zollverein.de/angebote/ueber-kohle-und-kumpel19:10
lynorianI have no microphone or webcam though on this desktop19:10
kristbaumsvij: where would one apply for a place to the trip?19:11
kristbaumto the Coalmines ;)19:11
cm-tSpoiler: LeUbuntuPodcast will release within 24h a video promoting explaining UbuCon in english, from cuts at ubucon summit us interviews19:12
cm-ti hope it will bring maybe 1 or 2 more visitors ^^19:13
CoderEuropeQUESTION: Where can we buy camera stuff like sd cards in Essen City, Germany ?19:13
dholbachthere should be lots of places around19:14
dholbachand the Unperfekthaus is in the middle of the city center19:14
CoderEuropeQUESTION: What is the IRC channel for the Ubucon conference in 2016 ?19:15
dholbachnot sure if that's decided... svij: ^19:16
lynorianyeah I don't think IRC works that well at the confrence19:16
dholbachthere's always going to be some who hang out there :)19:18
kristbaumsvij: I'm there on Fryday, if I want to help out, should I just come to the Unperfekthaus?19:19
CoderEuropeQUESTION: What contingencies are there for people that become unwell ?19:20
dholbachthere's always one Patient Zero19:21
flexiondotorgCoderEurope, Eat your vegetables.19:21
dholbachveggies FTW19:21
CoderEuropeflexiondotorg: I am a carnivor ;)19:21
flexiondotorgCoderEurope, Are you coming?19:22
lynorianmmm veggies19:22
CoderEuropeI am perpetually broke.19:22
kristbaumSyncing the flu ;)19:22
kristbaumUgh, but it's so early :(19:23
* Mister_Q forces kristbaum to write a blogpost about coalmines and ubuntu on ubuntufun. de if he actually attends that social event :D19:23
* kristbaum will do it ;)19:23
kristbaumThanks ;)19:23
Mister_Qkristbaum haha19:24
lynorianI am lucky to have a laptop with both19:25
CoderEuropeQUESTION: Will there be hotdogs, if not what foodies shall there be available ?19:26
lynoriangood no stuart langridge dying from too much carls junior19:27
cm-tquestion: Beer 🍻🍺19:27
mhall119that's not a question, that's an answer19:27
kristbaumQUESTION: can you just enter an leave as you please, or does everyone get a braclett or something?19:27
flexiondotorgCoderEurope, I'm curious, if you're not going why are you asking these questions?19:27
CoderEuropeflexiondotorg: I am sorry but I have been to many cons also I own /r/ubucon so I have a slight interest/experience. Are you gaining me ?19:29
Mister_Qkristbaum http://misterq.me/nextcloud/index.php/s/fc9B1dr942jQfxt19:29
* lynorian is part of ubuntu- california team and want to see if any good ideas for this ubucon but can't really make it this time19:30
mhall119lynorian: are you in touch with richard gaskin or nathan haines about UbuCon in California?19:30
kristbaumMister_Q so everyone will run around with popeys nametag now :D19:30
lynorianI am in touch with nhianes a lot19:31
lynorianand some with richard gaskin19:31
svijnhaines will be attending19:31
CoderEuropeQUESTION: Will you be using something like #mediagoblin to show the slides/talk videos ?19:32
Mister_Qkristbaum you'll get your own namebadge dont worry ;) It's just that I was too lazy and popey's namebadge was the first that I've cut out yet19:32
cm-tPlease help spread the video we will release within 24h to promote ubucon europe 💞19:32
cm-tyou're in mhall119 :D19:32
cm-tdh u2 :)19:33
mhall119in what?19:33
cm-ta video we will release before tomorow to promote ubucon19:33
cm-tit's cuts from last ubucon summit passadena19:33
CoderEuropeQUESTION: So the talks shall just remain on YTube ? Whats the name of the channel ?19:33
kristbaumCoderEurope: IIRC they will be probably on a channel named Ubuntufun also19:34
svijMister_Q: ^19:34
Mister_QCoderEurope I will record a few talks and they'll go up on our ubuntufun youtube channel. Unfortunately I can not record every talk19:34
Mister_Qsvij ;)19:35
Mister_Qkristbaum never heard of that :D19:35
cm-tMaybe use ubucon europe g+ account?19:35
kristbaum\o/ till friday!19:35
Mister_QI have all the work with editing and filming them so they go up on our channel19:35
flexiondotorgsvij, Thanks for organising UbuCon Europe. Can't wait :-)19:35
cm-tSee you friday !!!!19:35
svijflexiondotorg: :)19:35
cm-tmister_q right :)19:36
flexiondotorgcm-t, Indeed.19:36
* Mister_Q goes back to the party, see you in essen \o/19:37
CoderEuropethanks guys.19:38
dholbachhaha :)19:38
* svij goes to update the friday social events on the webpage…19:39
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-udsbotu:#ubuntu-uos-community- 4 minutes left in this session!19:55
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-udsbotu:#ubuntu-uos-community- 1 minute left in this session!19:58
-udsbotu:#ubuntu-uos-community- This session has ended.19:59
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uos-community to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1611/community/ - http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2016/11/15/%23ubuntu-uos-community.html

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