
pavlushkaMorning Kilos 03:43
Kiloshi pavlushka 05:13
zakihello pavlushka Kilos10:31
zakihow are you guys doing?10:31
Kiloshi zaki 10:32
Kilosim ok ty and you?10:33
zakiKilos: what are u doing now?10:33
zakii'm fine :) 10:33
Kilosgetting ready for bed10:33
zakihe he10:33
Kilos9.33pm here10:33
pavlushkaHey zaki !10:33
* pavlushka sending some bugs to Kilos Bed :p10:34
zakiKilos: how are u now? is everything oky there? how about your daughter? 10:34
zakipavlushka: hi10:34
zakipavlushka: what are u doing?10:34
Kiloswe are ok, she tripped and tore a tendon in her ankle so has to keep a brace on for 2 weeks then they will see if the tendon has reattached to the bone10:35
zakioh. :|10:36
pavlushkaWB zaki !17:32
zakihi pavlushka thnx17:32
zakipavlushka: https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/000813.htm17:37
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