=== JanC is now known as Guest76305 | ||
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC | ||
=== voldemort is now known as nchambers | ||
hopeshare | hi, how are you people? | 02:04 |
hopeshare | I'm trying to upload php files to the server of ubuntu, I have closed the ports of ftp, I think I have to use only git to upload the files to the server | 02:08 |
hopeshare | I have created ssh + key and I access the server using putty | 02:09 |
sarnold | git's a fine protocol but ssh also allows you to use e.g. rsync over ssh or sftp | 02:10 |
patdk-lap | hmm, generally you use git over ssh | 02:23 |
patdk-lap | or sftp, same diff | 02:23 |
patdk-lap | been so busy with stuff haven't been around | 02:24 |
sarnold | evening patdk-lap :) | 02:24 |
patdk-lap | got stuff at work going really well now :) | 02:25 |
patdk-lap | it's just the little things :) | 02:25 |
sarnold | nice :D | 02:25 |
patdk-lap | access control system, controls the front door | 02:25 |
patdk-lap | alarm system controls the front door | 02:25 |
patdk-lap | so business hours, and alarm is off, front doors unlock | 02:25 |
patdk-lap | now I just added the lights into the system | 02:26 |
patdk-lap | so the lights automatically turn on when that happens also | 02:26 |
patdk-lap | lights where on motion only, causing issues | 02:26 |
patdk-lap | the light switches are programmable to do anything, except stay on | 02:27 |
sarnold | hahaha | 02:27 |
patdk-lap | atleast no one can forget to turn on the lights now :) | 02:28 |
patdk-lap | they HAVE to turn the alarm off | 02:28 |
sarnold | maybe they like sending you nagios alerts? >:-> | 02:29 |
patdk-lap | you mean, submitting trouble tickets | 02:29 |
sarnold | hehe | 02:30 |
Javezim | My root partition was filling up, noticed there are a tonne of files under /var/lib/maas/boot-resources. Anyone know if these are safe to clear? | 02:32 |
sarnold | patdk-lap: how'd you hook it all up? | 02:33 |
sarnold | Javezim: I'd suggest looking through the maas interface for mechanisms to manage it first | 02:33 |
patdk-lap | door control system handles the door maglocks, alarm system attached to door system | 02:33 |
patdk-lap | door system controls a timer to unlock the doors, alarm system overrides it, if enabled | 02:34 |
patdk-lap | added a 12v relay to the maglocks, and that bypasses the 24v light switch to turn the lights on | 02:34 |
patdk-lap | lights running off this acuitycontrols pp20 system | 02:35 |
patdk-lap | or we can just think of it as the, 10k usd system to turn the lights on :) | 02:36 |
sarnold | but think of the money you'll save turning off the lights when no one is around! pennies per day! | 02:37 |
patdk-lap | ya, 35w led lights :) | 02:37 |
patdk-lap | good thing we don't pay for power :) | 02:37 |
patdk-lap | it's included in the rent | 02:37 |
Sircle | squid? https://pastebin.mozilla.org/8928670 | 04:23 |
cryptic_ | hello everyone, would someone like to lend me assistance? I'm setting up a web server on my personal desktop and keep running into minor problems such as when i load my forums onto my web server it wont send out the activation emails for users when they register or recover password. If someone could help me set it up that would be awesome! | 05:21 |
cryptic_ | anyone here? | 05:22 |
cryptic_ | hello everyone, would someone like to lend me assistance? I'm setting up a web server on my personal desktop and keep running into minor problems such as when i load my forums onto my web server it wont send out the activation emails for users when they register or recover password. If someone could help me set it up that would be awesome! | 05:24 |
cryptic_ | hello everyone, would someone like to lend me assistance? I'm setting up a web server on my personal desktop and keep running into minor problems such as when i load my forums onto my web server it wont send out the activation emails for users when they register or recover password. If someone could help me set it up that would be awesome! | 05:31 |
tarpman | !repeat | cryptic_ | 05:36 |
ubottu | cryptic_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ | 05:36 |
RoyK | heh - three repeats in 10 minutes and then an exit | 05:55 |
RoyK | I guess (s)he may follow up telling friends how horrible IRC was | 05:56 |
=== amoralej|off is now known as amoralej | ||
Sircle | which one to install via dpgk -i ? https://pastebin.mozilla.org/8928716 | 09:10 |
_ruben | squid_3.5.12-1ubuntu7.2_amd64.deb and squid-common_3.5.12-1ubuntu7.2_all.deb most likely | 09:14 |
Sircle | https://pastebin.mozilla.org/8928726 clueless with squid. I want to reject POST calls in https or filter/moniter with rules. | 09:40 |
Sircle | _ruben: ^? | 09:40 |
ddellav | coreycb zul im looking at heat in CI | 13:12 |
zul | ddellav; ok | 13:32 |
zul | ddellav: what about the configuration stuff for glance,ceilometer,heat etc is that complete yet? | 13:42 |
ddellav | zul I'm re-auditing the rest of the core packages. Now that I know better what I'm looking for i'll get an accurate list together for which packages need the update. | 13:47 |
zul | ddellav: ok | 13:47 |
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zul | coreycb: ping does this look kosher for you? https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-archive/+bug/1642274 | 13:58 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1642274 in nova-lxd (Ubuntu Yakkety) "[SRU] newton nova-lxd 14.0.1 point release " [Undecided,New] | 13:58 |
dlloyd | is it possible to force apt to use tls 1.2? | 14:02 |
coreycb | zul, that looks fine. depending on your reviewer you may need a test plan. | 14:16 |
zul | coreycb:ill just add it then | 14:16 |
zul | coreycb: i presume we need to still preserve the requirements file for SRU | 14:30 |
coreycb | zul, not sure what you mean. have an example? | 14:32 |
zul | coreycb: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23485769/ | 14:32 |
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coreycb | zul, i'd consider that a bug on upstream nova-lxd | 14:33 |
coreycb | zul, if it's not in sync with g-r | 14:33 |
zul | coreycb: it is :) | 14:34 |
zul | coreycb: mitaka wasnt i dont think | 14:34 |
Bam_Bam | Where does the installer configure the http proxy settings? | 14:51 |
Bam_Bam | I would like to remove it | 14:51 |
Bam_Bam | it's not in /etc/environment | 14:52 |
zul | ddellav: since you are worknig on heat can you remove python-coverage as a build dep its not needed in our case | 15:53 |
ddellav | zul will do | 15:53 |
ddellav | zul I'm actually having issues building source packages in zesty since i upgraded so I'm fighting with that atm. I might have to rollback | 15:53 |
zul | ok | 15:54 |
ddellav | a reboot fixed it, yay | 15:56 |
hhee | guys, vim in ubuntu behavior quite strange when i edit conf files | 17:00 |
nacc | hhee: care to be more specific? | 17:01 |
hhee | for example, if i move cursor with arrow to end of line, it moved to right, except one character | 17:01 |
hhee | one character to end of line | 17:01 |
hhee | if i switched in insert mode i can move to end of line | 17:02 |
hhee | maybe it's locale set improperly? | 17:02 |
hhee | dunno how explaint it more clearly... | 17:03 |
hhee | strange issue | 17:03 |
nacc | hhee: i'm not sure i fully understand, but i don't have any similar issues here | 17:05 |
hhee | nacc, i cheched one more time, in my local ubuntu, there is same issue | 17:05 |
hhee | ....... i'll try to find out what's wrong | 17:05 |
rbasak | hhee: from your description it sounds like that's how vim is supposed to work. If you're not in insert mode, you can't move the cursor beyond the end of the line. | 17:07 |
hhee | rbasak, i can't move not for end of line, can move -1 character to end line. it's 1 character - strange. i know basic work in vim, and earlier didn't run into it :) | 17:09 |
hhee | maybe it's about locale | 17:09 |
hhee | how can isetup locale system-wide? | 17:09 |
hhee | got it, /etc/default/locale | 17:12 |
hhee | and when i for example type man man - man: can't set the locale; make sure $LC_* and $LANG are correct | 17:15 |
hhee | nacc, more clear explain. i have a file, LANG="en_US.UTF-8" sting there | 17:20 |
hhee | when i press "end" button, or $ or use arrow key to move to end of string | 17:20 |
hhee | i stop on LANG="en_US.UTF-8<HERE>" | 17:21 |
hhee | not on LANG="en_US.UTF-8"<HERE> | 17:21 |
hhee | and when i switched in INSERT mode, my text has begun inserted - LANG="en_US.UTF-8<HERE>" | 17:22 |
hhee | guys. sorry for intricacies explanations :) | 17:23 |
Sleepman1984 | а рускоязычны куда писать? | 17:27 |
hhee | Sleepman1984, try rusnet maybe? | 17:28 |
station1 | fergot the fix for: after i instaled phpVirtualBox with apache2 it starts localy but not after reboot how do i troubleshoot this cant find a tutorial | 17:34 |
yoink | maybe #vbox will know? | 17:39 |
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Sircle | can anyone tell me how exactly to filter https traffice in squid? | 19:16 |
tarpman | hhee: regarding your vim question: if you want to append after the last char on the line, press a. if you press i, that means you want to insert before the highlighted char | 19:19 |
tarpman | hhee: not being able to move the cursor past the end of the line in normal mode is expected, AFAIK it's always been that way | 19:19 |
sarnold | nitpick, a appends at the cursor location, A appends at the end of the line, A is the same as $a | 19:21 |
zul | coreycb: well crap http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23487014/ | 19:36 |
coreycb | zul, is that nova? | 19:37 |
zul | coreycb: ya | 19:37 |
zul | coreycb: im having been having problems here | 19:37 |
coreycb | zul, on ocata? | 19:37 |
zul | coreycb: well qemu issues | 19:38 |
coreycb | zul, ok i was wondering if it was from config file changes | 19:38 |
coreycb | in nova | 19:38 |
zul | coreycb: i dont think so | 19:39 |
zul | lemme try something | 19:39 |
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station1 | is there something like a distro with preinstaled vbox and something like phpVirtualBox | 19:46 |
zul | coreycb: only amd64 is failing i386 is ok | 19:47 |
sarnold | station1: does it have to be virtualbox? proxmox looks neat but I strongly doubt it works with vbox.. | 19:48 |
station1 | i have some vmdk i whant to run on it | 19:51 |
sarnold | qemu-img can convert many formats, perhaps it can convert yours too | 19:52 |
coreycb | zul, i'd try to recreate it manually | 19:54 |
zul | coreycb: trying to | 19:54 |
theGoat | so i am trying to install ubuntu 14.04 server on a machine with multiple drives in it. when i go to grub on /dev/sda, it errors out saying "fatal error", but it lets me install on sdb just fine. but when i boot, it just hangs on "GRUB Loading" | 20:11 |
zul | coreycb: btw the release team has started to push out stuff | 20:21 |
coreycb | zul, what sort of stuff? | 20:21 |
zul | coreycb: sorry b1 | 20:22 |
coreycb | zul, ah, that :) | 20:22 |
coreycb | ddellav, fyi ^ | 20:23 |
ddellav | zul coreycb ack | 20:24 |
ddellav | zul coreycb please review and push heat ci lp:~ddellav/ubuntu/+source/heat | 20:27 |
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ddellav | coreycb zul i guess i'll take cinder b1 | 20:31 |
hhee | tarpman, got it. thx. i know about press a, and then append. but quite strange | 20:36 |
ddellav | zul are we pulling python-coverage from every package or just heat? | 20:38 |
zul | ddellav: every | 20:38 |
ddellav | zul ack | 20:38 |
ddellav | zul coreycb also taking neutron | 20:40 |
coreycb | ddellav, heat pushed | 20:41 |
ddellav | coreycb thanks | 20:42 |
coreycb | ddellav, i'd leave coverage there unless it needs to be removed for some reason | 20:43 |
coreycb | BDs can be in universe so it should be ok | 20:43 |
ddellav | coreycb look | 20:45 |
ddellav | err ook | 20:45 |
ddellav | coreycb what if coverage is in BDI? | 20:50 |
coreycb | ddellav, should be the same | 20:50 |
ddellav | coreycb ok, so i'll leave it no matter where it is. | 20:50 |
coreycb | ddellav, ok | 20:51 |
ddellav | coreycb zul cinder b1 ready for review and push lp:~ddellav/ubuntu/+source/cinder it has a depwait in xenial on python-pyparsing (>= 2.0.7) | 21:24 |
ddellav | coreycb zul neutron b1 ready for review and push lp:~ddellav/ubuntu/+source/neutron it has deposit in xenial on python-coverage 4.0 | 21:28 |
ddellav | zul coreycb taking neutron-fwaas and neutron-lbaas | 21:29 |
jge | hey all, I wanted to install Tomcat8 on Ubuntu 16.04 (server) but I would like the installation to live under /etc/tomcat8 | 21:32 |
jge | how could I do this? | 21:32 |
tarpman | jge: "the installation" ? | 21:32 |
tarpman | jge: or to put it differently, why exactly do you need something different than what "apt install tomcat8" does? | 21:34 |
genii | Would violate FHS | 21:35 |
genii | !fhs | 21:35 |
ubottu | An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview see also: man hier | 21:35 |
jge | because I've written a bunch of ansible playbooks recently but they use installation from source not from repos | 21:35 |
jge | tarpman: ^ | 21:35 |
tarpman | jge: I would expect such an installation to live in /usr/local or in /opt. /etc still sounds totally wrong | 21:36 |
jge | they took a long time to write, wouldnt like to rewrite playbooks | 21:36 |
genii | jge: The usual is either in /opt/programname or /usr/local hierarchy ( like /usr/local/bin , /usr/local/sbin and so on) | 21:37 |
jge | I guess my question is if it's possible to install to a single directory, instead of having it split between three | 21:38 |
tarpman | if you're installing tomcat from source, sounds like a question for #tomcat | 21:39 |
genii | Binaries are compartmentalized from config files for good reasons. As is explained in the !fhs link from the bot | 21:39 |
coreycb | ddellav, i'm about to upload your cinder. just adjusted the changelog to 'New upstream milestone for OpenStack Ocata.' | 21:44 |
ddellav | coreycb ok i'll make that change in the future | 21:44 |
jge | we install from source currently but im looking to change that to install straight from ubuntu's repos, I was just wondering if there was a way to have the installation live in a single directory as opposed to three | 21:44 |
jge | so I don't have to rewrite my ansible playbooks | 21:45 |
nacc | jge: if you installed from source originally and put it in /etc/, that was incorrect, per FHS | 21:45 |
nacc | jge: you cannot, trivially, put the installed binaries from a package in a different location | 21:45 |
coreycb | ddellav, we can probably also get away with just updating all (build-)depends when we release a milestone, and just update individual deps as needed during CI rotations | 21:49 |
jge | nacc: I see lots of installation that use a single directory when installing from source, including this digital ocean write up https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-apache-tomcat-8-on-ubuntu-16-04 | 21:49 |
jge | but like you said violates FHS | 21:49 |
nacc | jge: that guide seems ridiculous, given that tomcat8 is in ubuntu | 21:50 |
jge | there's a bunch of them online :( | 21:51 |
tarpman | ++ | 21:51 |
nacc | jge: the internet is, well, full of garbage :) | 21:51 |
jge | agree | 21:51 |
nacc | jge: but seriously, do you depend on something from the upstream tomcat8? | 21:51 |
ddellav | coreycb I'm not sure what you mean. Do you mean updating the dependency packages themselves or updating the versions in the d/control? | 21:51 |
nacc | jge: also that guide is specifically rolling out the binary release from upstream, not building anything | 21:52 |
coreycb | ddellav, just the versions in d/control | 21:52 |
jge | nacc: not really just easier to manage and deploy with ansible | 21:52 |
jge | I'll just rewrite our tomcat playbook, which is a pita | 21:53 |
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coreycb | ddellav, neutron pushed and uploaded | 21:58 |
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engineer-pearl | Hello. I'm trying to get SSL up and running, and I think I'm close, but I am having trouble with what I think is the last step: enabling it | 23:58 |
engineer-pearl | http://askubuntu.com/questions/511149/how-to-setup-ssl-https-for-your-site-on-ubuntu-linux-two-way-ssl is the guide I am using at this point, and currently my LoadModule isn't working | 23:58 |
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