
jrwrenyou read docs?!?!  :p00:22
cmaloneyjrwren: I didn't want to say "have Stack Overflow open"00:25
gamerchick02well, i use a single monitor at home and it works fine, especially on win10 now with multiple desktops. :)00:46
gamerchick02i love multiple desktops. more than i probably should...00:46
gamerchick02i just get grumpy when someone insists that i need to do my work the same way they do their work. uhm, no. if i find a second monitor to be useful, i'll use it.00:47
gamerchick02so. put it this way, if you force me into something, i'll be very resistant to it, but if you let me come to my own conclusions, i'll be more interested in doing it a different way.00:47
gamerchick02ok i'm out. gonna lay on the couch and veg. this stupid cold is killing me. see everyone tomorrow night!! :)00:48
Scary_GuyMy friend's old setup from when he had his apartment http://www.realtimesoft.com/multimon/gallery_browse.asp?ID=421&date=desc&nummon=true&mon=desc07:23
Scary_GuyI only have three right now, down from five07:24
Scary_GuyI have one monitor dedicated to IRC and another with ncmpcpp and htop, then the main bigscreen for movies, games, and whatnot07:26
Scary_Guyalso i3wm works amazing for productivity.  especially using mate and just replacing marco with it07:28
Scary_Guythe only thing I hate is sorting out any conflicting keyboard shortcuts07:29
cmaloneyI'm finding the You Don't Know JavaScript books are awesome for understanding what the hell JavaScript is doing15:50
rick_hhah, fun stuff15:51
cmaloneyespecially the book on this and Object Oriented15:51
cmaloneyBasically every problem I've had with JavaScript is how folks try to use it and get it wrong. :)15:51
cmaloneylike trying to treat "this" as "self"15:51
cmaloneyYou can do it, but eventually it will surprise you15:52
cmaloneybecause they're not quite the same15:52
jrwrennot at all the same thing, IMO15:53
jrwrenbut... I'm insane15:53
cmaloneyWel, I watched a HTML5 Game Development video15:53
cmaloneyand he explained that `this` could lead to gotchas15:54
cmaloneybecause of where it is in the stack15:54
cmaloneyand I'm thinking "you're doing it wrong"15:54
cmaloneyhe basically made a global "class" that he passed around15:54
jrwrenoh! so... you were waiting for it to surprise him?15:58
cmaloneyWEll, he pointed it out to his "class"16:00
cmaloney(about four developers)16:00
cmaloneyand mentioned how it could get you into trouble16:00
cmaloneywhich made me wonder why he used `this` at all.16:00
jrwrenah, I see.16:02
jrwrenwell, when a method is defined on an object and you want to access that object, this is how you do that, right?16:02
cmaloneyFrom what I've seen it's a huge "it depends"16:03
cmaloneyI'm not sure I 100% understandit16:03
jrwrencmaloney: effective javascript is a good book which gives it good treatment.16:04
cmaloneyBecause the example he (the video) showed had an instance where the browser was the last thing on the stack16:04
cmaloneyI swear I have more books on JavaScript than I did for Perl / Python16:05
cmaloneyand unfortunately a lot of them are from 2012 / 201316:05
jrwrenpart of that, I think, is that there are a lot of bad javascript books.16:05
cmaloneyoh no doubt16:05
jrwreni had a thought about perl this morning. Is there such a thing as a linux without perl?16:06
jrwrenI cannot htink of a linux distro without it. I think even android uses it.16:06
cmaloneyI think it's still in use16:06
cmaloneyfor those who don't want to dip into awk16:06
cmaloneyor want to combine awk and sed. :)16:07
jrwrencmaloney: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1611/meeting/22721/meetupcom-for-loco-teams/ is happening now.16:07
jrwren<3 awk16:08
cmaloneyI'm tethered right now so I'm loathe to stream video16:08
jrwrenah, well it will be recorded and on youtube. I'll probably watch it later.16:09
cmaloneyIt's been one way that we've kept MUG growing16:09
cmaloneyI think we get at least one or two folks who pop in for a meeting16:10
cmaloneyretention is kind of a PITA though16:10
shakes808hello eveyone,  I wanted to know if anyone has run into this issue.  I have a stored proc that I can call within SQL Management Studio but when I run it in my ASP.NET C# web app it doesn't seem to execute correctly.  I have a bunch of PRINTs in the stored proc and I see that the final query that is being generated is not complete.  What would cause it to work in SQL Management Studio but not through the call of the site?16:52
cmaloneyDifferent engines? Not sure16:58
cmaloneyMay want to see how ASP.NET C# calls stored procs16:59
cmaloneyand if there's some strangeness in what it does to make the call16:59
cmaloneyAlso: are you passing the query over or are you doing some form of execution on the database itself?17:00
jrwreni didnt' even know you could PRINT in a stored proc and expect to get those results.17:02
jrwrenshakes808: is the query timing out? is it long and slow and webpage execution is timing out and dropping the sql connection and causing the sproc to time out?17:03
shakes808cmaloney: I am calling this stored proc like all the others that I have called in the past.   Creating the sql object and the parameter objects to to pass to it and then invoking it.17:03
shakes808jrwren: When the stored proc errors out, it will print the PRINTs and then the error.   It is a way to debug it since you don't have access to debug the query outside of SQL Management Studio.  It is at least a way to give yourself cookie crumbs :)17:05
cmaloneyDid you try removing the prints to see if the error shows up sooner?17:05
shakes808jrwren: and it isn't timing out because the PRINTs coming after the query is built continue and I get to the last PRINT17:05
cmaloneyIt might be dumping the buffer when the query ends17:06
shakes808cmaloney: I did not do that, but if I do that, then I won't know where it is erroring out.  That is the only way to figure out where it is in the stored proc17:06
cmaloneyThat's not the only place. :)17:06
cmaloneycreate a temp table and insert into it where you are17:06
cmaloneyand then select from that table to see where it ends17:07
cmaloney(has to be more permanent than a "temp" table, but you get the idea17:07
shakes808cmaloney: alright, I will remove all the PRINT statements and see what happens.17:07
jrwrenshakes808: it isn't timing out in asp.net, but its not completing? sounds like a fun issue to debug. I'm jealous.17:08
cmaloneyjealous isn't the word that comes to mind17:08
shakes808jrwren: You are more than welcome to come by and help!   Been trying to figure this out for a day and a half now17:09
jrwrenenvious then.17:11
jrwrenI wouldn't want to deprive shakes808 of the fun.17:11
shakes808jrwren: HAHAHA, thanks!17:11

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