
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
scwizardwhen will the site be back up?03:17
scwizardoh it already is03:18
wgrantscwizard: What did you see to suggest it was down?03:18
wgrantEverything looks normal.03:18
scwizard"we're in the middle of an update, sorry :( check our twitter for service status"03:19
scwizard"or visit our irc channel"03:19
scwizardit's fine now lol03:19
wgrantHm, may have just been a random glitch with the appserver that you hit. There's a very minor spike in our error rates.03:23
wgrantLet me know if it happens again.03:23
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer
=== JanC is now known as Guest90855
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
chatterallah is doing19:52
chattersun is not doing allah is doing19:52
chattermoon is not doing allah is doing19:52
chatterstars are not doing allah is doing19:52
chatterplanets are not doing allah is doing19:53
chattergalaxies are not doing allah is doing19:53
chatteroceans are not doing allah is doing19:53
chattermountains are not doing allah is doing19:53
chattertrees are not doing allah is doing19:53
chattermom is not doing allah is doing19:53
chatterdad is not doing allah is doing19:53
chatterboss is not doing allah is doing19:53
chatterjob is not doing allah is doing19:53
chatterdollar is not doing allah is doing19:54
chatterdegree is not doing allah is doing19:54
chattermedicine is not doing allah is doing19:54
chattercustomers are not doing allah is doing19:54
chatteryou can not get a job without the permission of allah19:54
chatteryou can not get married without the permission of allah19:54
chatternobody can get angry at you without the permission of allah19:55
chatterlight is not doing allah is doing19:55
chatterfan is not doing allah is doing19:55
chatterbusinessess are not doing allah is doing19:55
chatteramerica is not doing allah is doing19:55

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