
=== TheRedQueen is now known as Drone`
drabwxl: fwiw if you recall I was asking about some weird behavior of fcitx the other day02:36
drabwxl: I don't know wht the bug exactly is, but I tracked down the issue to fcitx-ui-qimpanel02:36
drabwxl: that was getting installed to support sogou pinyin, a very popular chinese input system02:37
drabonce I get rid of that, the weird behavior stops happening, at least frequency has done down as for the time being has not happened again02:38
drabqimpanel is qt based and it would override the gtk2 classic menu (the default one after a fresh install)02:38
drab(a fresh install works just fine even after adding fcitx-pinyin)02:39
=== test is now known as Guest73179
ken8521anyone hoe?07:05
hateball!ask | ken852107:09
ubottuken8521: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience07:09
ken8521hateball: didn't know if anyone was awake... and didn't want to be bothersome..lol07:11
ken8521question... when using lxde... the max desktop default icon size, is 96x96... is there a way to change this to be larger. [07:03] <ken8521> (it's going to be for a media center PC, w/ a 48in display)07:11
ken8521hateball: there you go.. : )07:11
ken8521i'm sure there's a way, it's a matter of knowing what to change.07:12
ken8521i'm hoping it's as simple as adding a line to the .desktop file07:12
hateballken8521: Well I do not know, but now the question is out so chances are someone will!07:13
ken8521yeah.. i can change the size of the icon, and then link the icon in the .desktop file... but it always reverts to the size of 96x96... i'm wishing it would stay the size of the rewsized icon.. if that makes sense07:14
=== Seeker is now known as Guest19326
tcouploadis there anyone?15:55
tcouploadi open a link in a email and the result was 3 commands like "/bin/bash -ilc command env"15:56
tcouploadto stop them need to use sudo...15:57
tcouploadin a research i saw the bash options i(interactive) and c(read from) so after stop them i change my pass15:58
tcouploadbut i need help to understant the "command env" part!!15:59
wxldrab: i'd file a bug simply explaining that16:56
wxldrab: remember many users don't use chinese, so making really clear instructions to reproduce is essential16:57
lxleuserhello, anybody online here?18:42
lxleuserI installed lxle today. But there is no audio. Can anybody help me with this?18:43
wxllxleuser: you will need to contact lxle for support with their os. it is NOT lubuntu.18:43

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