[01:23] hmm... [03:47] What's up, Kilos [04:48] not much superfly , first day with decent sunshine [04:49] 30°c outside [04:49] but still the wind blows [04:49] hows things by you === chesedo- is now known as chesedo [10:56] Hello, a quick question.. resize2fs won't use the free space to enlarge the partition ONLINE, can parted resize do this ONLINE? Or it'll screw my system? [11:45] theShirbiny: === urbanslug is now known as zipper [16:33] elacheche, I'm here now, but i'll have to go anytime [16:34] elacheche, what are you trying to do? [16:34] resizing an lv? [16:35] I was trying to resize / online x) It's ok, I hospluged an other virtual disk and I'll use it instead of that [16:41] I have free space in vda.. resize2fs /dev/vda1 is supposed to grow that partition using the free space, but it won't do it.. I was thinking to do it manually using parted, but I wasn't sure my OS will not crash while doing it x) [18:24] elacheche, i'm back now if you need anything :D [23:03] Thanks theShirbiny x)