
=== mike_ is now known as Guest96232
geoffreyHi guys02:41
geoffreyI have a question with gnome 202:41
geoffreyI'm using mate on a thinkpad at 1080p02:42
geoffreyand the icons and everything are just to small on this small screen02:42
geoffreyis there a way to make the icons and text larger without dropping the resolution02:42
sepjihi guys03:18
=== ubuntu-mate is now known as afdsfsadf
afdsfsadfcan i uninstall mate-panel package?03:56
kosmasHello, I have a question. Anyone here?14:27
=== scottt is now known as Guest92608
=== scottt is now known as Guest15953
=== ubuntu-mate is now known as asfasfasf
asfasfasfhi. do i need check swap partition on bad-blocks?19:01
NikLPheyo, ages ago I updated my 14.xx to 16.04 and my sound settings and everything associated with audio completely disappeared and now I can't alter anything apart from vol up/down which is a bit of PITA, any ideas how I can get that back without reinstalling the whole damn OS which I'm on the verge of doing?19:06
NikLPI don't know *anything* about audio in ubuntu/linux and am very scared of pulseaudio as every time I look at anything to do with it I hear bad things about stuff breaking19:07
NikLPaside: also if anyone has clues about how a beginner might start with Ardour DAW (which makes heavy mention of JACK, which is going to mess up PA...) I'm all ears. Though I'm always logged in, I'm not here for that much longer this evening.19:08
asfasfasf<NikLP> try #ubuntu.19:11
sdfksdfkI just installed ubuntu mate20:25
sdfksdfkand the performance hit is MASSIVE20:25
sdfksdfkThis is coming from windows 720:25
swift110hey all20:29
=== DarkPsydeLord is now known as WhitePsydeLord
=== WhitePsydeLord is now known as DarkPsydeLord

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