
Scary_Guyhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OExk2pnM7Cs just something I saw09:11
cmaloneyGood morning12:18
cmaloneyHow's the day so far?12:38
Scary_Guyrecent Robocraft update nerfed the power cube so it takes up an item slot and has a two minute cooldown time rather than just faster energy generation.12:39
Scary_GuyI just got it three days ago, just sold it 10 minutes ago12:40
Scary_Guyother than stupid stuff that doesn't really matter, pretty well12:40
Scary_Guyanyway off to bed, later12:49
cmaloneyI'm not familiar with that game12:55
cmaloney(got here from reading a blog post by Steve Yegge where he mentioned "Kotlin" which I'd never heard of before.13:26
brousch__cmaloney: Quite a bit of Kotlin going around GR17:16
cmaloneyApparently I'm not in the circles that focus on JVM languages. :)17:17
brousch__Blue Medora is using it a lot, and we have a decent size Android app in Kotlin. I chose to go with Java for the app I'm working on so I can learn proper Android17:18
jrwrensteve yegge has a new post?18:28
cmaloneyjrwren: Yep19:08

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