
PhishyCentsanyone know how ot host a irc server of of their own computer00:15
ilkyeah ngircd01:27
ilkits pretty simple01:28
ilksudo apt-get install ngircd01:29
ilkthen start it....  "sudo ngircd"01:29
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu01:29
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teledynhow to disable show contents in moving windows?08:58
BluesKajHiyas all10:41
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t3chguyis it possible to change the function of the Suspend button in the logout/shutdown prompt to Hibernation? Thanks12:28
Walext3chguy: you should have both to-ram and to-disk buttons there...12:50
Walext3chguy: teledyn: also ask in #KDE12:51
YaiyanAre there any improvements to multiscreen support between 16.04 and 16.10?13:29
Yaiyan'cause support in 16.04 is pretty dire :(13:29
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R13oseHow do I upgrade kde plasma from 5.7.5 to 5.8.3?14:19
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R13osequiet today14:31
goodtimeany idea how i can upgrade this os14:38
goodtimeSysinfo for 'gilbert-Dell-System-Inspiron-N4110': Running inside KDE Plasma 5.5.5 on Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS (Xenial Xerus) powered by Linux 4.4.0-47-generic, CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2410M CPU @ 2.30GHz at 799/2900 MHz, RAM: 1546/5881 MB, Storage: 102/223 GB, 205 procs, 0.21h up14:38
goodtimei tryed to apt-get upgrade14:39
R13osegoodtime: did you try sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ?14:45
goodtimeahh ty14:46
goodtimeim updateing first14:46
goodtimeforgot the command14:46
R13oseany thoughts on my question?14:49
goodtimedidnt see it14:49
santa_goodtime: if you want to upgrade your current kubuntu 16.04, you can do apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade (or use the graphical package manager), if you want to upgrade your kubuntu to 16.10, see the release notes https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YakketyYak/ReleaseNotes/Kubuntu14:50
goodtimejust got here14:50
santa_R13ose: plasma 5.8.3 is being worked on, we will have it for xenial and yakkety in the backports PPA's at some point14:51
R13osesanta_: will can I upgrade to 5.8.x?14:51
goodtimegood q and a14:51
R13oseAs I said, I am on 5.7.5 and want to move to 5.8 but unsure how to do that.14:53
santa_R13ose: as I said it's being worked on, we will have it in the backports landing ppa soon (hopefully)14:54
R13osesanta_: oh you mean 5.8 in general?14:54
goodtimeim gonna hold off then14:55
santa_R13ose: for xenial, yakkety and zesty, yes14:56
R13osesanta_: How do I know which one I am using?14:56
santa_R13ose: in the kde menu Applications -> System -> Information Center (or something like that I have mine in Spanish) you will get full info about the Qt, Frameworks and Plasma versions you are running14:59
R13osewell I don't see xenial, yakkety or zesty.  I see only numbers.  KDE Plasama Version: 5.7.5  KDE Frameworks Version: 5.26.0  Qt Version: 5.6.115:00
Jens1112how can you download kubuntu kde1?15:01
BluesKajR13ose, lsb_release -a will show OS version15:01
R13oseoh, I am on yakkety15:01
santa_R13ose: which is 16.10 so you should have "Kubuntu 16.10" in the kde info center15:03
R13osesanta_: yes I do15:03
santa_xenial = 16.04, yakkety = 16.10, zesty 17.0415:03
R13osesanta_: I thought 17.04 was out next year.  Is this in beta?15:04
santa_under development15:05
santa_not even in alpha yet. and indeed, it's going to be release the next year15:05
Jens1112santa_: can you tell me where you can download kubuntu 16.04 kde1?15:05
R13osethanks, I will wait15:07
santa_Jens1112: "kde1" ? if you mean 16.04.1, just go to kubuntu.org -> download15:07
Jens1112santa_: i already have done that. need to look out for kde version 1 in it15:10
Jens1112santa_: there has been recently released a new version of kde version 115:12
Jens1112santa_: nvm its just an application run inside container called jriddell/kde1neon15:17
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wojtexwhat's up guys?15:17
santa_Jens1112: ah, ok. just for the record "KDE 1" is from 1998 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K_Desktop_Environment_115:18
Jens1112santa_: cool thanks15:20
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user|80368trying to install kubuntu 16.04 from dvd burned from iso windows 7 home preemium on toshiba laptop amd 64 bit16:50
user|80368tried boot from disk would not install16:50
Smurphydid it not install, or did it not boot?16:54
SmurphyYou need to burn it as bootable image...16:54
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Merozeywhat methods can be used to fix the application launcher if it crashes when adding widgets - particularly the 'system menu' widget. I cant find anything on google22:14
Merozeyanyone active?22:50

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