
sarkishey all - does upstart send the kill signal to parent+child procs?03:00
sarnoldsarkis: it's a bit complicated; see step 8 at http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#stopping-a-job03:03
sarkisshit that sucks03:05
sarkiscan i override that behavior with any of the stanzas?03:05
sarkisi don't think so :(03:06
sarnoldwhat are you trying to accomplish?03:07
sarkisi'm managing a ruby script via upstart... the script forks off and runs other scripts, when i stop upstart i need it to only send a signal to the parent script and not the ones that it's forked03:11
sarkisspecifically it's managing resque (if you all know what that is)03:12
sarkissomehow the child procs that get forked are part of the same proc group ... i've confirmed this as the child procs are dying with the killsignal i give upstart03:12
sarkisthis could all be by design - but that is what the end goal is for trying to modify the quit behavior ^03:13
sarnoldsarkis: you -could- make your script fiddle with the process groups of its children; something like pid = fork(); if pid == -1: FAIL ; if pid == 0: setpgrp(); ... sort of thing03:16
sarnoldsarkis: if ruby doesn't expose the setpgrp() syscall (and given how ugly it is I wouldn't be surprised) you might be able to achieve the same thing with a call to setsid() in a child process, too03:17
sarnoldsarkis: another possibility, maybe you could have the child processes block or ignore SIGTERM; some programs just leave signal dispositions alone when they start (e.g. that's how the nohup program works)03:19
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rbasaknacc: "usd merge tag" seems to fail with my current lint script, breaking it. I think we need to have a discussion about namespaces. Additionally remote names like "lpusd" created by "usd clone" are getting quite inconsistent.11:34
rbasaksmoser: ^11:34
rbasaknacc, smoser: maybe time to update SPECIFICATION with our current understanding and additionally define all expected names used (namespaces, tags, branches, all of it), with rationale, and define what commands require what?11:37
sb_9struggling with apache reverse proxy issue.11:58
Walexsb_9: maybe #httpd but your query is a bit vague.12:32
sb_9Walex: please check the http://pastebin.com/QYHjgWfq12:35
Walexsb_9: I already looked at it.12:35
Walexsb_9: have you looked at https://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/mod/mod_proxy.html#page-header12:42
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coreycbzul, ddellav: glance and trove b1 are pushed/uploaded13:27
zulcoreycb: ok13:27
coreycbzul, ddellav: i think i have the ocata backports fixed up13:27
coreycbzul, ddellav: we're hitting more and more packages that have debhelper >= 10.  so i've been patching it to >= 9 in ca-patches for the ocata uca.13:28
zulcoreycb: ok im trying to figure out this now https://launchpadlibrarian.net/293970474/buildlog_ubuntu-zesty-amd64.nova_2%3A15.0.0~b1-1ubuntu2_BUILDING.txt.gz13:29
coreycbzul, hmm those deps should be ok.  os-brick is stuck in proposed though.13:33
zulcoreycb: yeah i think i figured it out13:33
coreycbzul, what was the issue?13:33
zulos-brick dep issues13:34
coreycbzul, i just hit something similar with my glance upload - https://launchpadlibrarian.net/293975451/buildlog_ubuntu-zesty-amd64.glance_2%3A14.0.0~b1-0ubuntu1_BUILDING.txt.gz13:35
zulcoreycb: hmm...13:36
zulcoreycb: this is weird13:36
* zul scratches his head13:38
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smoserrbasak, sure, i agree we want consistency there.13:48
rbasaksmoser, nacc: I suppose the areas are: .gitconfig remote insteadOf aliases for documentation, remote names, local names for things for "usd clone", "usd merge tag" and similar and also documentation, and then separately the namespaces inside refs/ that the importer produces.13:51
zulrbasak: hey me and coreycb are looking at some weirdness that has us stumped https://launchpadlibrarian.net/293975451/buildlog_ubuntu-zesty-amd64.glance_2%3A14.0.0~b1-0ubuntu1_BUILDING.txt.gz13:52
rbasakzul: looks like a build-depends problem? Try using a local schroot and install all the build deps Launchpad installed manually, and apt should tell you why python-xattr >= 0.4 can't be installed.13:53
zulcoreycb/rbasak: it looks like python-cffi is not installable?13:56
ddellavcoreycb zul neutron-dynamic-routing done: lp:~ddellav/ubuntu/+source/neutron-dynamic-routing13:57
ddellavcoreycb zul I'm gonna take networking-ova13:58
coreycbzul, rbasak I think this is the problem http://paste.ubuntu.com/23495526/13:58
zulcoreycb: yeah i got there as well :)13:58
coreycbzul, maybe we just need to sync those deps14:00
zulcoreycb: nah...ply was synced from debian like 2 hours ago so maybe we been caught in a transition or something14:01
zulcoreycb: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ply14:01
coreycbzul, ok14:01
coreycbthanks rbasak14:02
coreycbddellav, n-d-routing pushed/uploaded.  i updated the version.14:09
ddellavcoreycb why did you add an ubuntu delta?14:10
zulcoreycb: did you upload neutron?14:13
coreycbzul, yes14:15
coreycbddellav, because we uploaded a new version straight to ubuntu14:16
coreycbddellav, if we were uploading to debian and then syncing from debian then we could just use  -1 instead of -0ubuntu114:16
zulsomeone did neutron-fwaas and neutron-lbaas?14:19
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coreycbddellav, did you figure out why neutron is failing on xenial by any chance?  having a hard time figuring it out.14:55
coreycbddellav, xenial-ocata that is14:55
rbasaknacc, smoser: I'm not sure about "usd clone" pulling from both usd-import-team and ubuntu-server-dev either. That gets confusing quickly.14:58
rbasakI was using ubuntu-server-dev to store trees from uploads before we had an importer.14:58
rbasakNow that we have an importer and all usd-import-team members are core devs, can we just trust usd-import-team for now, and forget about ubuntu-server-dev?14:59
rbasakThen when we're ready we just switch everything over.14:59
rbasakThen we don't have to have logic in our tooling (eg. my lint) that deals with differences between the two, which we won't need in the end anyway.14:59
rbasakI suggest that "usd clone" doesn't clone ubuntu-server-dev for now, and that if exceptionally you need it because something legacy is in there, you pull it manually.15:00
smoserrbasak, well... i very much like a source that cannot be broken15:02
rbasaksmoser: that would be nice but we don't have that luxury right now. If we try, we just get split trees and no idea which to use.15:02
smoserwell, to me there are 3 things15:03
smosera.) import pristine stuff15:03
rbasaksmoser: unless you want an import-only tree (no pushing upload tags). We could maintain an effectively read-only set of package repos that could be rebuilt as necessary then.15:03
smoserb.) group maintained split delta15:04
smoserc.) users branches15:04
smoseri dont think i really feel strongly on pushing upload tags or not.15:05
smoserin the end i dont care, as long as said tags are never wrong15:05
smoserincreasing the number of people who push to 'a' increases likely stuff to get screwed up15:07
smoseri do agree, though, that the 3 things is confusing.15:07
coreycbbeisner, hello, can you promote python-glance-store 0.18.0-0ubuntu1.1~cloud0 to newton-updates and neutron 2:8.3.0-0ubuntu1.1~cloud0 to mitaka-updates?15:30
coreycbbeisner, also newton-staging can be promoted to newton-proposed while you're in there.15:31
beisnerhowdy coreycb15:34
coreycbbeisner, howdy15:36
huwjrhi, can someone tell me how i can add kernel modules during a preseed?15:36
huwjrproblem is i’m trying to boot KVM machines with virtio modules, but i have to boot as IDE, then add the modules and edit the guests xml then reboot15:37
ddellavcoreycb you talking about b1 or ci?15:38
coreycbddellav, both i guess, it's basically the same15:38
ddellavcoreycb i asked because i built neutron in xenial-ocata before i pushed it up and it built fine15:39
ddellavi haven't messed with CI today since we are doing b1 releases atm15:39
coreycbddellav, here's the xenial-ocata build that's failing for b1:
coreycbddellav, i'm trying a build that runs tests serially15:41
ddellavcoreycb i built it locally with the sbuild-ocata helper15:42
smoserhuwjr, can you explain more whats the goal ?15:46
huwjrcurrently KVM sets up host with preseed and virt-install script15:46
huwjrif i want to deploy the hosts with VIRTIO devices (instead of IDE for disk and realtek for NIC) it will preseed, but the machine won’t boot because it doesn’t recognise the virtio devices without kernel modules being loaded15:47
huwjrso is my only option wget | bash a script to fix up initramfs and update?15:47
huwjror can i do it cleaner15:48
naccrbasak: yes, i can adjust that, similar to the default for `usd import` having been changed for now16:09
naccrbasak: and yes, re: consistency, let's talk about that16:11
smoserhuwjr, you did an ubuntu installation and you do not have virtio devices in the image that came out ? is that what i'm understanidng ?16:12
huwjrfixed it :)16:12
rbasaknacc, smoser: got time to chat about it in the next 90 minutes or so? Or do you want to leave it today? I'm not being particularly productive today. Everything I tried to do recently got sidetracked by some development bug or other :-/16:22
smoseri can chat for some time, but not too long.16:23
coreycbddellav, running tests serially didn't help. i'm guessing there's a dependency difference.16:26
ddellavcoreycb i don't understand why it's failing for you but not on my local schroot. It's fully updated.16:28
naccrbasak: i don't particularly care about rbasak yes16:28
naccrbasak: bah! typed two lines :/16:29
naccrbasak: i have time! :)16:29
rbasaksmoser, nacc: https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/git?hl=en-GB&authuser=016:29
zulcoreycb: ply is still running atuopkgtest16:35
coreycbzul, ok16:35
fooAny idea why I'm seeing this? https://bpaste.net/show/fd925ff31e6d - I can't run apt-get update, it always dies with Killedg package lists... 87%16:40
tarpmanfoo: check dmesg? wonder if you have enough memory16:53
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footarpman: actually, that's very likely what it is - good idea.16:59
fooThis time it said this: FATAL -> Failed to fork.16:59
fooYup. Nov 18 16:59:04 apertureps kernel: [2154877.507478] Out of memory: Kill process 18287 (apt-check) score 106 or sacrifice child16:59
fooNov 18 16:59:04 apertureps kernel: [2154877.511963] Killed process 18287 (apt-check) total-vm:114360kB, anon-rss:53392kB, file-rss:1204kB16:59
footarpman: Here's free -m : Nov 18 16:59:04 apertureps kernel: [2154877.507478] Out of memory: Kill process 18287 (apt-check) score 106 or sacrifice child17:00
fooErr, whoops.17:00
footarpman: Here's memory: http://screencast.com/t/lRmz78Ya2 - I wonder what my options now. I only have postgres and nginx on this server17:00
tarpman66 MB free is not very much17:02
tarpmanyour options are - tune postgres/nginx to use less memory, or get the VB more memory17:02
tarpmanI consider 66 MB free reasonable on my NAS that has 128MB memory total ;)17:02
footarpman: Ha. This is a VPS at digital ocean, I think it has 512 total. It's still dev, I can shut down postgres and run this - ha17:03
footarpman: Actually, I wonder if allocating more swap would solve this17:03
mybalzitchmore swap is never a good answer17:03
foomybalzitch: Why? Well, I suppose that doesn't solve the root of the problem.e g. if postgres is a memory hog and needs to be tuned17:05
foo(which is possible)17:05
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tarpmanfoo: adding swap will trade your problem of processes getting killed, for a problem of processes taking minutes to accomplish anything because the disk is thrashing17:06
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footarpman: ah, ok - thank you, I'll see about tuning postgres. Thank you17:07
coreycbddellav, ok i'll try sbuild-ocata17:10
coreycbi think that picks up from openstack-ubuntu-testing ppa so that could be the difference17:11
zulcoreycb: im seeing some weirdness with keystone as well17:18
beisnercoreycb, python-glance-store promoted to newton-updates re: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/160439717:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1604397 in Glance "[SRU] python-swiftclient is missing in requirements.txt (for glare)" [Undecided,New]17:24
beisnercoreycb, neutron promoted to mitaka-updates re: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/neutron/+bug/1635369 and17:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1635369 in Ubuntu Cloud Archive newton "[SRU] Syntax error 'type' in neutron-openvswitch-agent.neutron-ovs-cleanup.service.in" [Undecided,Fix committed]17:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1606652 in neutron (Ubuntu Yakkety) "[SRU] Syntax error 'type' in neutron-linuxbridge-cleanup.service" [Undecided,Fix released]17:27
coreycbbeisner, thanks17:29
beisnercoreycb, yw.  and newton-staging is on its way to newton-proposed now.17:30
coreycbbeisner, just one more promotion if you can. neutron 2:7.2.0-0ubuntu1~cloud1 from liberty-staging to liberty-proposed.17:52
beisnercoreycb, done17:53
coreycbbeisner, appreciate it17:54
coreycbzul, was there a python-vmware-nsxlib MIR18:44
zulcoreycb: not yet...debian/copyright needs to be fixed18:44
coreycbzul, ok18:48
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Josh__I'm having some problems with diffrent hosts acquiring locks with nfs.  The server keeps saying lockd: cannot monitor <hostname>  Any ideas?19:16
jge_hey all, any of you here familiar with tomcat in ubuntu 16.04?19:21
jge_tomcat complains it cant find a system.properties file19:22
sarnoldJosh__: are all hosts running the lockd or whatever the daemon is? the portmapper daemon? how about firewalls on the machines? or between them?19:23
jge_the init script points to different paths for catalina_home and catalina_base19:23
jge_which I think is the problem19:23
naccjge_: which tomcat?19:23
jge_nacc: tomcat 819:23
naccjge_: let me take a look19:23
Josh__sarnold: Everything should be working on all the other machines.  Someone installed an extra hard drive and nfs stopped working because they messed up fstab.  I got that working agian, and we can all mount or nfs drives, but can't acquire locks..19:25
jge_nacc: thanks19:25
naccjge_: symptomatically, to make sure i can reproduce, what do you run and what do you see? (pastebin is fine)19:26
jge_nacc: our app looks for a system.properties file in any of the paths definied in common.loader=... inside catalina.properties, I've added a path for {catalina.base}/conf, place my file under /var/lib/tomcat8/conf/ but it fails to find it19:27
jge_pasting trace now19:28
jge_nacc: http://hastebin.com/xuhefasafi.lua19:28
naccjge_: hrm, the init-script, though, says catalina.base is /var/lib/tomcat8 ?19:34
naccjge_: meaning it should find it, i mean19:34
naccjge_: can you clarify where you think the bug is?19:34
Josh__sarnold: any more ideas?19:35
sarnoldJosh__: not really :/ maybe the bringup order of daemons is important? I'd hope they'd have the necessary ordering built into their unit files but you never know..19:35
sarnoldJosh__: if it's fixed across a reboot that might be the case19:35
Josh__sarnold: Maybe.. Thing is, a week ago, everything was working...  I'm not sure how that stuff would have got messed up.19:37
Josh__sarnold: I'll check though.  Maybe I'll get lucky!19:37
jge_nacc: yeah it should find it fine.. I just tested by creating a directory /etc/tomcat7 (our old stack) and it works fine now.. something within the app is hard coded to reference it at that location (my guess)19:37
naccjge_: ok :)19:38
jge_that's lame19:38
jge_thanks anyway19:38
Josh__sarnold: it looks like statd and nfs-kernel-server are in the right order.  nfs starts first and then statd does, which i think makes sense.19:40
sarnoldJosh__: that feels right to me too. huh.19:42
Josh__sarnold: it'll be painful, but maybe I'll just completely reinstall nfs..  Sucks that everyones home drives are mounted there :/19:43
jge_nacc: devs are saying they dont hard code paths to it anywhere, :(19:48
naccjge_: i'm honestly not sure; i don't know too much about tomcat8, but afaict, it shouldn't have any such issues by default -- if you want to file a bug, i can try and debug it later19:49
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jge_nacc: ok, where would I file a bug?19:52
naccjge_: `ubuntu-bug tomcat8`19:54
naccjge_: launchpad, basically19:54
zulcoreycb: ping19:54
jge_nacc: what's really confusing me is why would it work when I place it under /etc/tomcat7/conf and not /var/lib/tomcat8/conf .. sounds like it's hard coded somewhere and not a bug :(19:56
zulcoreycb: so keystone weirdness  the database creation fails and i think i know why though....there are some missing files from the database migration stuff, whoever its in the source but not in the egg19:56
naccjge_: yes, i'm not convinced it's a bug either :)19:56
naccjge_: i assume you menat /etc/tomcat8/conf ?19:56
jge_nacc: no, tomcat 8 conf directory is just a symlink under /var/lib/tomcat8/conf which points to /etc/tomcat8/19:57
naccjge_: right, above you wrote /etc/tomcat7 ?19:58
naccjge_: could it possibly be permissions?19:58
coreycbzul, hmm19:59
zulcoreycb: yeah so i dunno :)19:59
jge_nacc: so the above is correct /etc/tomcat7 is what we use in production now19:59
coreycbzul, what files?20:00
zulcoreycb: basically the migrate.cfg files20:00
jge_nacc: maybe this will help clarify things, currently we deploy straight from a tar.gz to /etc/tomcat7 (catalina_home and catalina_base) end up being the same. Now we deploy tomcat 8 by whatever is on repos, but conf file now ends up being at /var/lib/tomcat8/conf20:04
jge_so I put my system.properties file in there and it fails to find it..20:04
jge_my head is dizzy now :\20:04
jge_conf directory *20:05
zulcoreycb: im bugging the infra people20:05
coreycbzul, that's interesting, it seems to be new since 2:10.0.0-0ubuntu1, those files were installed with that version20:05
zulcoreycb: yeah20:06
coreycbzul, MANIFEST.in was dropped20:07
jge_nacc: damnit, it was perms20:10
naccjge_: :)20:10
naccjge_: glad you figured it out, that was my best guess20:10
jge_tomcat's stack trace could be more descriptive20:10
naccjge_: always true :)20:10
naccjge_: and not just of tomcat :/20:10
jge_it's innacurate, not found != permission denied20:11
jge_big difference20:11
jge_waste of my entire day20:12
naccjge_: no, but it's the same from unix's perspective (open failed, i'm guessing)20:13
naccjge_: it could do more verbose stuff, probably20:13
CarlFKassuming this is u-s - minimal odroid image from  http://odroid.com/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=en:odroid-c2#software_release wget http://east.us.odroid.in/ubuntu_16.04lts/ubuntu-16.04-minimal-odroid-xu3-20160706.img.xz20:13
CarlFKhow do I set a static IP?20:13
zulcoreycb: hmm....i dunno its probably best for everyone if i go EoD20:14
zulcoreycb: but no migrate.cfg libconfig-model-dpkg-perl20:18
zulcoreycb: but no migrate.cfg http://paste.ubuntu.com/23497265/20:18
coreycbzul, did you get ahold of anyone upstream?20:19
coreycbzul, if those files are needed they should be part of the release tarball20:20
zulcoreycb: yeah they said i was on crack20:20
zuland i agreed20:20
coreycbzul, well yes, but20:20
zulcoreycb: :P20:20
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CarlFK conf that works find if there is a dhcp server on the lan http://paste.ubuntu.com/23497416/21:06
CarlFKotherwise it takes 5 min to time out.  where can I drop the dhcp client timeout to ... 10 seconds ?21:06
Epx998Can someone please point me to a working ubuntu14 preseed (efi partitions) file?  having issues with getting one to work properly.21:12
CarlFKEpx998: I would ask in #ubuntu-installer21:13
ikoniaCarlFK: I think there is a kernal param for it, but I'm not sure21:23
CarlFKkernal param?!  thats surprising.   unless it maps to some /etc/foo.conf option too.  that's what I am expecting21:24
ikoniacertain things you can pass in21:24
ikoniaI think there is a timeout param thats passed into dhclient21:25
ikoniathe only way to do it is from a kernel boot arg,21:25
ikonia(you could do it from the config file too if this is not an install)21:25
ikoniaI may have miss read that you where doing this as part of an install21:25
ikoniaif not - just change the dhcp.conf or the args that network manager/systemd unit file pass into dhclient21:26
CarlFKdhcp.conf .. all I find is etc/samba/dhcp.conf21:37
CarlFKthis is post install.  I have 5 boxes I need to move between 2 lans.  one doen't have a dhcp server21:38
naccCarlFK: sorry, can you re-explain what your issue is?21:40
CarlFKnacc  conf that works find if there is a dhcp server on the lan http://paste.ubuntu.com/23497416/21:41
CarlFKif I plug that box into a lan (or no lan) with no dhcp server, it takes 5 min to time out21:42
sarnoldif you're moving computers back and forth between networks with dhcp and without dhcp .. this is going to be an interesting thing to solve.21:42
CarlFKI want to drop that to like 10 seconds21:42
nacci would guess /etc/dhclient/dhclient.conf ?21:42
naccdefault is 'timeou3 00;'21:42
nacc*timeout 300;21:43
naccCarlFK: drop that to 10?21:43
sarnoldman 5 interfaces  shows an example of moving between networks and using a script to figure out which network you're on21:43
CarlFKdhclient.conf looks like what I was looking for21:45
CarlFKsarnold: I may look into that some day.  for now  having 2 interfaces is fine21:52
CarlFKthese are more like appliances (for recording conference talks) not my laptop that I take to coffee shops and such21:53
sarnoldat some point I started pining for just running the ip addr and ip route commands by hand again. :/21:53
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