volkovmqx | hey there | 00:40 |
elacheche | Morning folks | 08:40 |
SalahMessaoud | o/ elacheche | 08:40 |
nzoueidi | Morning channel | 08:41 |
elacheche | Yo SalahMessaoud :) | 08:44 |
elacheche | nzoueidi: we have fair enough time, what about trying to add volkovmqx workshops?? | 08:45 |
elacheche | What do you thin nzoueidi | 08:53 |
nzoueidi | Yep, that's what I was thinking about :D | 08:57 |
praisethemoon | good day everyone | 08:57 |
nzoueidi | o/ praisethemoon | 08:58 |
praisethemoon | nzoueidi, \o | 08:58 |
elacheche | Hello praisethemoon, I'm thinking about adding volkovmqx workshops.. We have enough time, and we can share the place | 09:00 |
elacheche | He mailed me asking why I picked only 3 workshops, I'm ansering him that we didn't knew how much time we'll have.. | 09:01 |
praisethemoon | elacheche, sure | 09:03 |
praisethemoon | what do you have in mind? | 09:03 |
praisethemoon | and tell him to join the IRC | 09:03 |
praisethemoon | we can't coordinate like that | 09:03 |
elacheche | He joined last night after I left.. He's a night guy x) | 09:04 |
nzoueidi | hahahaha he is my friend :D | 09:04 |
nzoueidi | night guys are very cool :D | 09:05 |
elacheche | :D | 09:05 |
elacheche | I'm emailing him and contacting org tam about the changes, I hope they'll accept x) | 09:06 |
nzoueidi | I hope that too | 09:08 |
praisethemoon | nzoueidi, he's my friend too | 09:08 |
elacheche | He's a god guy :) | 09:09 |
elacheche | good* | 09:09 |
nzoueidi | my coffee time x) brb | 09:09 |
elacheche | One of you have his recent phone number? | 09:27 |
elacheche | nzoueidi: praisethemoon I'll use utn twitter to share news about the workshops today, and I'll be asking people to bring their laptops.. The VMs and pcs in the labs are just our backup, just in case.. ;) | 09:28 |
praisethemoon | elacheche, thank you | 09:28 |
praisethemoon | You're a life saver | 09:29 |
elacheche | nzoueidi: praisethemoon PLEASE be sure you know how to setup system wide proxy in your OS :p We'll need that | 09:29 |
praisethemoon | I don't | 09:30 |
praisethemoon | You mean internet proxy? | 09:30 |
elacheche | You don't need internet? | 09:30 |
praisethemoon | I do | 09:30 |
praisethemoon | ahhh | 09:30 |
praisethemoon | I do know yeah | 09:30 |
praisethemoon | always do that in ISSAT | 09:30 |
elacheche | So, you need proxy :D And you need to know how to setup it for your attendees :p | 09:30 |
praisethemoon | i'll bring a 3G stick just in case :3 | 09:30 |
praisethemoon | sure \o/ | 09:30 |
elacheche | You'll serve 30 attendees? | 09:31 |
elacheche | :D | 09:31 |
elacheche | Good link http://askubuntu.com/a/175177/119945 | 09:32 |
elacheche | praisethemoon: Please don't bring a WinBugs machine x) | 09:37 |
praisethemoon | muahahahaha | 09:37 |
praisethemoon | i'll try not to | 09:37 |
praisethemoon | i don't have windows on my laptop anyway | 09:37 |
elacheche | Good boy :p | 09:40 |
praisethemoon | my laptop risks crashing though | 09:43 |
praisethemoon | ;-; | 09:43 |
elacheche | That's not a big deal x) But why? | 09:44 |
elacheche | praisethemoon: nzoueidi do you have lotfi's phone? Or someone can ping him via Failook?? → I don't have access in here | 09:45 |
praisethemoon | not me >: | 09:45 |
elacheche | Why it can crash? | 09:46 |
praisethemoon | elacheche, my laptop has several issues: 1. Battery no life, 2. When the CPU usage exceeds 40%? It crashes, 3. The female power slot in my computer shakes, so it cannot connect properly to the charger, 4. The charger is dead, the LED lights but provides no alimentation | 09:49 |
praisethemoon | so i use my cousin's charger instead | 09:49 |
nzoueidi | elacheche: lotfi messaoudi? | 09:54 |
elacheche | YEAH | 09:58 |
elacheche | praisethemoon: xà | 09:59 |
elacheche | praisethemoon: x) | 09:59 |
* praisethemoon is a poor guy :( | 10:03 | |
nzoueidi | I think he is not connected | 10:03 |
amine | guys anyone of you contributed to the kernel before? | 10:04 |
elacheche | amine: nzoueidi is learning that.. :D | 10:05 |
amine | nice, what exactly is he learning? | 10:05 |
elacheche | praisethemoon: My laptop is better than yours, at least I just don't have a battery :p | 10:05 |
elacheche | amine: This eudyptula-challenge.org :) | 10:06 |
amine | ah | 10:06 |
amine | I started and stopped at the second or the third test I think, very slow to reply | 10:06 |
elacheche | amine: They fixed that I guess.. | 10:07 |
amine | Im building an openwrt fw image with -j100 (100 threads) my PC is about to blow up :D | 10:08 |
elacheche | x) | 10:09 |
nzoueidi | amine: that is due to the other requests of participants :D but in general the little pinguin doesn't pass 1 day without replying I guess | 10:09 |
nzoueidi | amine: I will be glad if you come to my workshop :D | 10:10 |
amine | I would like to, but Im not in Tunisia sadly | 10:11 |
nzoueidi | ah :( it is okay | 10:11 |
amine | yours is about contributing to the kernel right? | 10:11 |
nzoueidi | yep | 10:11 |
amine | and what are you going to exactly talk about? | 10:11 |
nzoueidi | I will just mention the basics of how you can submit your 1st patch | 10:12 |
nzoueidi | I will talk about git, finding the bug and patch it, then finally mail it | 10:12 |
SalahMessaoud | lots of interesting stuff :D | 10:15 |
SalahMessaoud | kernel, C, Docker, IoT, Lua ....... | 10:16 |
nzoueidi | yep SalahMessaoud :D | 10:17 |
nzoueidi | for the other workshops, I think we need a seperate event to talk about them cc elacheche | 10:18 |
amine | thats nice, good luck! | 10:21 |
elacheche | SalahMessaoud: But not too much workshops :/ | 10:29 |
elacheche | Not like years ago.. | 10:29 |
elacheche | nzoueidi: Do you have Failbook access? | 10:30 |
elacheche | nzoueidi: The jobs in here are in Tunis? → http://sfd.tn/2016/11/nos-sponsors-recrutent/ | 10:38 |
SalahMessaoud | elacheche, yes | 10:41 |
SalahMessaoud | the 2 companies are based in Tunis | 10:41 |
elacheche | OKi x) | 10:43 |
nzoueidi | back, yeah elacheche they are in Tunis those offer jobs | 10:45 |
elacheche | Good to know :D | 10:54 |
amine | I will never be able to work in Tunisia because of my shitty French lol | 10:57 |
elacheche | amine: I use English whenever I can.. I only use Frensh with some clients.. And for that I make sure that I sue short snetenses.. To not make huge mistakes x) | 10:58 |
nzoueidi | same here :D elacheche x) | 10:59 |
amine | I just hate that language, the country and its people :p | 10:59 |
amine | so arrogant, even the Germans I work with here admit that | 10:59 |
elacheche | x) | 11:05 |
elacheche | nzoueidi: praisethemoon if lotfi come here and I'm not around you can discuss sharing the room.. He have 2 workshops.. FYI, I can share, someone else should share too :p If he comes and I'm afk, you can plan the whole sharing thing, including sharing my lab | 11:07 |
elacheche | You're wise enough to do that :p | 11:07 |
elacheche | nzoueidi: praisethemoon | 11:14 |
elacheche | you're here ?? | 11:14 |
elacheche | How many people you can accept in your workshops? | 11:14 |
praisethemoon | elacheche, i'm here | 11:15 |
praisethemoon | i can accept +oo | 11:15 |
elacheche | praisethemoon: OK, you'll get the i7 lab | 11:16 |
praisethemoon | \o/ | 11:16 |
elacheche | I'll ask for it x) | 11:16 |
elacheche | I need to send a confirmation about that | 11:17 |
elacheche | I'll ask lotfi who'll want to share labs with :p | 11:17 |
praisethemoon | elacheche, on hour and a half would be enough for me | 11:18 |
praisethemoon | he can take the rest | 11:18 |
praisethemoon | if not, I can benefit from the rest of the time | 11:18 |
elacheche | nzoueidi: or you'd like to share the lab with me and keep him in one lab for his own, because he have 2 workshops? | 11:18 |
praisethemoon | elacheche, how long is ur workshop going to take? | 11:19 |
elacheche | praisethemoon: Lotfi have 2 workshops, It'll be easier for him to not change labs.. I think I can share a labs with nzoueidi if he's ok with that! | 11:19 |
praisethemoon | But how long yours might take | 11:20 |
elacheche | praisethemoon: As lon I I like :D I need just to knnow who I'll be sharing with and coordinate :) | 11:20 |
praisethemoon | alrighty | 11:20 |
elacheche | nzoueidi & I have CLI based workshops x) so people will not be surprised x) | 11:21 |
elacheche | nzoueidi: what do you think? | 11:25 |
elacheche | nzoueidi: stop eating and check irc x) | 11:39 |
nzoueidi | hahahaha elacheche :D I was eating :DD | 12:22 |
nzoueidi | for me I can accept oo too :D | 12:23 |
nzoueidi | but yeah I can share also, no problem | 12:24 |
elacheche | OK, we share a lab together nzoueidi, praisethemoon get the i7 lab, and lotfi get the other lab | 12:27 |
elacheche | nzoueidi: ubuntu-tn is present with 5 workshops from a sum of 6 workshops.. | 12:27 |
nzoueidi | Cool! :D So I can watch your workshop in the meanwhile :D | 12:28 |
nzoueidi | Yep, that's amazing \o/ | 12:28 |
volkovmqx | Hey there | 12:28 |
praisethemoon | volkovmqx, hey! | 12:28 |
nzoueidi | hello volkovmqx :D | 12:28 |
praisethemoon | volkovmqx, you will have a room for you to handle both of your workshops | 12:29 |
volkovmqx | that's Awesome, thanks ! | 12:29 |
praisethemoon | nzoueidi, frankly I wanted that >.< | 12:29 |
nzoueidi | hahaha praisethemoon x) | 12:30 |
elacheche | praisethemoon: I can give you a 5 min crash couse after you end your workshop :p | 12:30 |
elacheche | Hello volkovmqx | 12:30 |
praisethemoon | \o/ | 12:30 |
elacheche | We were discussing.. So, let me summurize this before sending a confirmation to SFD ORg team, we're late already.. | 12:31 |
elacheche | praisethemoon: Will need G14 (i7 lab).. With a maximum number of attendees = 12 and > 12 if they have they're laptops with them.. | 12:32 |
volkovmqx | hey @elacheche | 12:32 |
elacheche | elacheche & nzoueidi will get G1.. With a maximum number of attendees = 12 and > 12 if they have they're laptops with them.. | 12:32 |
elacheche | volkovmqx: will get G2.. With a maximum number of attendees = 25 | 12:33 |
elacheche | nzoueidi: praisethemoon volkovmqx do you confirm that it is right that way? | 12:33 |
nzoueidi | seems cool for me | 12:33 |
nzoueidi | yep | 12:33 |
praisethemoon | I read & accept the terms & conditions | 12:34 |
volkovmqx | AFAIK G2 can't handle 25, all the labs in G block can't handle 25 | 12:34 |
elacheche | ) | 12:34 |
praisethemoon | Yeah :P | 12:34 |
elacheche | I don't know them.. What do you suggest | 12:35 |
volkovmqx | So, i think 15 attendees are good | 12:35 |
elacheche | ok.. Roget that :) | 12:35 |
elacheche | roger.. | 12:35 |
elacheche | Let me send the confirmation.. And nzoueidi praisethemoon volkovmqx there is only 2 other details you should know.. I'll come back in a minute | 12:36 |
nzoueidi | Alright, tyt | 12:36 |
volkovmqx | i need to go now, i will be back in 3 hours. elacheche please email me the details. have a nice evening | 12:42 |
elacheche | OK.. So, nzoueidi praisethemoon you know already that there is PCs in labs with VMware installed :/ .. The other thing is that you're doingthe Workshop as Ubuntu-tn members :) So you or someone else should present ubuntu-tn before you start ;) :p | 12:45 |
elacheche | I know that nzoueidi know how to do that and what to say x) praisethemoon don't think you know a bit about that x) Am I wrong? | 12:46 |
praisethemoon | elacheche, what about vmware | 12:46 |
praisethemoon | i ain't using that | 12:46 |
praisethemoon | I have never got my hands on that tool | 12:47 |
nzoueidi | Good point elacheche :D | 12:48 |
elacheche | So, nzoueidi will join you or lotfi for do the utn intorduction.. we'll find someone else from the old utn memebrs that'll join the other guy to present utn.. Maybe nizarus or one of the other Ubuntu Members.. | 12:48 |
elacheche | nzoueidi: praisethemoon make sure to use utn artworks as well in the prez :p You can use one of thes artworks | 12:51 |
elacheche | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TunisianTeam/Artwork?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=ubuntu-tn-logo3.png | 12:51 |
elacheche | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TunisianTeam/Artwork?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=ubuntu-tn-logo.png | 12:51 |
praisethemoon | I haz no pres | 12:51 |
praisethemoon | I haz tutorial | 12:51 |
praisethemoon | \o/ | 12:51 |
elacheche | Use them in any doc you'll share :p | 12:51 |
praisethemoon | I haz no doc to share | 12:52 |
praisethemoon | I haz knowledge | 12:52 |
praisethemoon | (how about that huh?) | 12:52 |
elacheche | You'll broadcast only codes in the datashow? | 12:52 |
praisethemoon | Yes | 12:53 |
elacheche | OK then :D nzoueidi will make sure to share our Wiki Page on the datashow when he'll talk about utn :p :D | 12:53 |
elacheche | Next.. That VMWare thing.. | 12:53 |
nzoueidi | indeed :D | 12:54 |
elacheche | What's the issue praisethemoon so I can try to help | 12:54 |
elacheche | HW acceleration? | 12:54 |
praisethemoon | Yes, I need GPU Support | 12:55 |
praisethemoon | I mean it usually works | 12:55 |
praisethemoon | but on VM I have never tried | 12:55 |
elacheche | praisethemoon: you mean GPU support that is enabled in i7 ? | 12:56 |
praisethemoon | On the machine. | 12:57 |
elacheche | I know, it's related to the CPU? or it needs a GPU ? | 12:58 |
elacheche | check this http://www.vmware.com/content/dam/digitalmarketing/vmware/en/pdf/techpaper/vmware-horizon-view-graphics-acceleration-deployment.pdf | 12:59 |
elacheche | And this https://pubs.vmware.com/vsphere-4-esx-vcenter/index.jsp#com.vmware.vsphere.config_iscsi.doc_41/esx_server_config/managing_storage/c_hardware_acceleration.html | 12:59 |
elacheche | And this https://www.vmware.com/support/ws5/doc/ws_vidsound_d3d_enabling_host.html | 12:59 |
praisethemoon | elacheche, I am forced to use VMWare? :3 | 13:02 |
praisethemoon | Like I said I have never used it, and I'm not even motivated | 13:03 |
elacheche | praisethemoon: I can'tanswer that... It depends on what the ISSAT IT team give us as admin permissions.. You can stil send a mail asking for not using it.. | 13:05 |
praisethemoon | I did | 13:05 |
praisethemoon | you didn't receive it? | 13:05 |
elacheche | Oh! Yeah, I got it, I got too many mails this mornign | 13:08 |
elacheche | x) | 13:08 |
praisethemoon | elacheche, everything you install in C:/ | 13:08 |
praisethemoon | will get removed upon UC reset | 13:08 |
praisethemoon | they have a software that restores a saved backup of C: | 13:09 |
elacheche | The question is, will you get a user that have installaion permissions or not.. | 13:09 |
elacheche | nzoueidi: | 13:13 |
elacheche | nzoueidi: So, what do we do for our lab? You'll need a Ubuntu desktop? I was planning to use Ubuntu server.. Because I don't need desktop.. so.. We have 2 options, each of us prepare a VM and we'll import them to VMware before starting, or, we just get 1 iso file and do an install party on vmware before starting the workshop.. what do you think ? | 13:28 |
nzoueidi | an install party seems good :D | 13:33 |
nzoueidi | but also Ubuntu server is good for me, you know I will just use the CLI :D | 13:33 |
elacheche | You'll use cli to sent the patch as well? | 13:33 |
elacheche | I think that it'll be more "user-friendly" if you use a desktop version.. Even if you'll use only cli x) what do you think? | 13:34 |
nzoueidi | of course :D | 13:34 |
nzoueidi | hmm, I am not friend with "user-friendly" xD | 13:35 |
elacheche | So we go for a desktop install party to use both of us later? | 13:35 |
nzoueidi | Alright, no problem :D | 13:35 |
elacheche | Let's wait for nizarus to come back and give us his opinion, he's more friend with usr-friendly than both or us.. in meanwhile, let's think what flavor hould we go for? Mate? Xubuntu? Lubuntu? Remember we have a Quad Core CPU & 3GB or RAM shared with WinXP | 13:38 |
elacheche | Also, we can bring a server ISO, and check if our audience knows already how to install and use Ubuntu, we'll go for a server installation.. That'll make us win some cpu and ram.. | 13:39 |
nzoueidi | Yep, Lubuntu I think good, wdyt? | 13:40 |
elacheche | Lubuntu should works fine for me too.. I'll use cli 99% of time.. | 13:45 |
elacheche | nzoueidi: I'll bring Lubuntu & server 16.04, 32 & 64 bits, just in case.. | 13:46 |
elacheche | do the same, just in case x) | 13:46 |
elacheche | amine, davlefouAMD, praisethemoon SalahMessaoud, if you have any comment about elacheche & nzoueidi plan don't hesitate to share it ;) | 13:47 |
* praisethemoon will use kubuntu | 13:48 | |
davlefouAMD | elacheche, pardon? | 13:49 |
elacheche | Yeah praisethemoon on i7 & 8G or RAM you can do whatever you like x) :p | 13:49 |
praisethemoon | no elacheche that's my machine | 13:49 |
praisethemoon | i don't plan to use vmware | 13:50 |
elacheche | davlefouAMD: si t'as des commnetaire sur le plan qu'ont vient de discuter pour les atliers de nzoueidi et moi, merci de les partager :d | 13:50 |
elacheche | praisethemoon: So on the labs machines you'll use Winbugs? | 13:50 |
praisethemoon | YAS | 13:50 |
praisethemoon | \o/ | 13:50 |
praisethemoon | WinHugs | 13:50 |
elacheche | WinSucks -_- | 13:51 |
elacheche | praisethemoon: VBox supports hw acceleration vmware should do too.. | 13:52 |
praisethemoon | elacheche, i'll try VBox! | 13:52 |
praisethemoon | with ubuntu | 13:53 |
praisethemoon | or lubuntu | 13:53 |
davlefouAMD | elacheche, quel atelier avez vous prévue? | 13:53 |
praisethemoon | if it works, we're good | 13:53 |
elacheche | praisethemoon: if you have admin rights on the machine go for VBox install it and deploy your VM, or do an install party.. I really don't recommand an install party if you didn't attended one before, in that case, I'll join you to do it, or nzoueidi will do.. | 13:54 |
praisethemoon | never did one | 13:54 |
elacheche | davlefouAMD: Nous aurons 5 atelier /6 je vais présenter docker, nzoueidi linux kernel dev, praisethemoon lua & 2D gaming dev, and lotfi Git + Rasberry Pi.. Le 6 éme atelier sera python par un membre d'un autre club | 13:55 |
nzoueidi | so praisethemoon let it your 1st one :D | 13:56 |
davlefouAMD | ok | 13:56 |
davlefouAMD | pi2 ou pi3? | 13:56 |
elacheche | praisethemoon: make your plans, if you'll go for an install party we can do it in the same time, this way, I or nzoueidi can join you to lead it then come back to our lab | 13:56 |
praisethemoon | elacheche, nzoueidi so I need to prepare an Image disk? | 13:56 |
davlefouAMD | Que prevoyez de dire dans le cas pi? | 13:56 |
praisethemoon | with everything installed on it? | 13:56 |
elacheche | davlefouAMD: je sais pas, lotfi n'est pas là pour répondre à ça | 13:56 |
davlefouAMD | j'ai pi3 + kit vga si besoin! | 13:56 |
elacheche | davlefouAMD: t'es pas en FrancE? | 13:57 |
elacheche | x) | 13:57 |
davlefouAMD | Où prevoyez vous de le faire? | 13:57 |
davlefouAMD | elacheche, bizerte. | 13:57 |
davlefouAMD | Bizerte. | 13:57 |
elacheche | Ah! bon! J'ai toujours pensé que t'es en France x( | 13:57 |
elacheche | davlefouAMD: Y aura SFD ce weekend | 13:57 |
nzoueidi | praisethemoon: for me I just need a bootable flash :D | 13:57 |
davlefouAMD | elacheche, SFD? | 13:57 |
elacheche | http://sfd.tn/2016/ | 13:58 |
praisethemoon | nzoueidi, how? | 13:58 |
elacheche | Software Freedom Day | 13:58 |
elacheche | nzoueidi: praisethemoon we migrate to pad for planning that, isn't it better? this way praisethemoon can see what we're really planning and know what he need to plan | 13:58 |
elacheche | davlefouAMD: Software Freedom Day http://sfd.tn/2016/ | 13:58 |
nzoueidi | praisethemoon: elacheche we can do an install party using LAN :D wdyt guys? | 13:59 |
davlefouAMD | Ah, c'est a Sousse! | 13:59 |
praisethemoon | i haz no idea what are you talking about :'( | 13:59 |
elacheche | nzoueidi: no dude.. We have no idea about what FW are in place, and we need to alter the DHCP or remove theirs and use ours.. Bad idea :/ | 13:59 |
elacheche | davlefouAMD: Oui :) Ce dimancje | 14:00 |
elacheche | dimanche | 14:00 |
elacheche | nzoueidi: praisethemoon we migrate to here http://pad.tn/p/SFD2016TN | 14:00 |
davlefouAMD | Sousse, c'est un peu loin... | 14:00 |
nzoueidi | I forget about that elacheche :( | 14:01 |
elacheche | x) | 14:03 |
elacheche | davlefouAMD: sorry to hear that :/ | 14:04 |
elacheche | nzoueidi: praisethemoon hack the pad, make the changes you like.. | 14:04 |
davlefouAMD | elacheche, Désolé. | 14:09 |
elacheche | :) | 14:10 |
davlefouAMD | Rien de prévue sur Bizerte ou Tunis? | 14:13 |
nzoueidi | pour le moment non davlefouAMD | 14:14 |
nzoueidi | elacheche: do you still have badges of utn? | 14:15 |
elacheche | The badge holders nzoueidi ? | 14:16 |
nzoueidi | yep | 14:17 |
elacheche | Sure! And stickers.. praisethemoon if you use winbugs for your workshop you're not getting a sticker :p | 14:19 |
praisethemoon | nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu | 14:20 |
elacheche | nzoueidi: also, based on the leaks I got, the stands will be after the workshops, so we're ok dude :) | 14:20 |
elacheche | hahahaha → evil one x) | 14:20 |
davlefouAMD | Tant pis; | 14:25 |
davlefouAMD | Tant pis. | 14:25 |
nzoueidi | Great! :D | 14:27 |
nzoueidi | I will need some stickers about utn before I do my workshop.. | 14:29 |
nzoueidi | I will do some sort of questions.. and who can answer it I will give them stickers | 14:29 |
nzoueidi | hahaha :D | 14:29 |
elacheche | nzoueidi: everyone will get stickers.. I don't have utn stickers anymore.. O maybe I still have 4 or 5 in my old wallet.. I used to carr them whith me everywhere, I don't use that wallet anymore, maybe I still have some in it.. | 14:32 |
elacheche | marwen_: Happy to see your name in the talks ;) Good luck :) | 14:32 |
nzoueidi | cool, okay | 14:44 |
elacheche | nzoueidi: https://redd.it/2gt7x5 x) | 14:47 |
nzoueidi | loooool xDD | 14:55 |
praisethemoon | elacheche, when will the event start? | 15:19 |
praisethemoon | *time* | 15:19 |
elacheche | http://sfd.tn/2016/programme/ | 15:22 |
nzoueidi | elacheche: do you know any good plugin for weechat to notice you when someone mention your name? | 15:23 |
elacheche | I don't nzoueidi, I dorpped xchat becasue of those notifications x) when I don't have to check irc, I don't, I chekc it when I'm free.. | 15:24 |
nzoueidi | hmm, okay | 15:25 |
elacheche | praisethemoon: http://sfd.tn/2016/programme/ | 15:25 |
elacheche | WTF! Still not compleete x( | 15:26 |
nzoueidi | yep, they still fixing it | 15:26 |
elacheche | yeah x( | 15:27 |
praisethemoon | lel | 15:32 |
praisethemoon | ^^ | 15:32 |
elacheche | praisethemoon: they used dddssbggs instead of our names x) x( | 15:32 |
praisethemoon | what XD | 15:33 |
praisethemoon | ahahahaha | 15:33 |
praisethemoon | XD | 15:33 |
elacheche | x( x) | 15:33 |
nzoueidi | is the "dddd" the command 2x dd | 15:35 |
elacheche | what dd is that the command or the vim command ? x) | 15:47 |
nzoueidi | the vim command hahaha :D | 15:51 |
elacheche | x) | 15:53 |
elacheche | nzoueidi: praisethemoon | 16:04 |
nzoueidi | yep | 16:04 |
elacheche | The utn twitter will start tweeting about workshops in a moment, re-tweet, and share everywhere :) on the failbook group too, becasue I don't have FB access @work.. | 16:07 |
nzoueidi | Sure :D | 16:07 |
nzoueidi | I am already waiting you to post on u-tn :D | 16:08 |
elacheche | nzoueidi: give me a good image that can describe linux kernel workshop x) something not usual x) | 16:08 |
nzoueidi | 1 sec | 16:09 |
elacheche | Or we should find CC ones :/ | 16:09 |
nzoueidi | wdyt about this : https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/5b/Linux_kernel_map.png/440px-Linux_kernel_map.png | 16:10 |
nzoueidi | :D | 16:10 |
nzoueidi | I don't think it is suitable but there's no pics/logo can describe the Linux kernel | 16:12 |
elacheche | x) | 16:13 |
nzoueidi | They update the program : | 16:15 |
nzoueidi | http://sfd.tn/2016/programme/ | 16:15 |
elacheche | nzoueidi: what about this | 16:18 |
elacheche | https://www.flickr.com/photos/kongharald/13242684424/in/photolist-7At8vF-fgG22P-fgG226-4B45FL-4B45FG-26oXjg-mbddHf-q8fHR-fgZJ3g-5F2U7r-5F7cks-5F2SYR-5F2PRB-4RvMqy-drvpfb-5vuRu-dgL9Mi-4RrB6n-5ETVjR-5F2Lki-4RvLES-5F5Bk3-4RrArt-dcqJ7q-5ETVg2 | 16:18 |
elacheche | or this | 16:18 |
elacheche | https://www.flickr.com/photos/xmodulo/9366550099/in/photolist-7At8vF-fgG22P-fgG226-4B45FL-4B45FG-26oXjg-mbddHf-q8fHR-fgZJ3g-5F2U7r-5F7cks-5F2SYR-5F2PRB-4RvMqy-drvpfb-5vuRu-dgL9Mi-4RrB6n-5ETVjR-5F2Lki-4RvLES-5F5Bk3-4RrArt-dcqJ7q-5ETVg2 | 16:18 |
elacheche | they are under CC | 16:18 |
nzoueidi | I like the 1st one :D | 16:19 |
nzoueidi | brb | 16:19 |
elacheche | OK | 16:20 |
elacheche | bad idea nzoueidi :/ I'll use more generic images.. To not have issues :/ | 16:24 |
nzoueidi | alright elacheche | 16:36 |
elacheche | Here we :) | 16:46 |
elacheche | nzoueidi: praisethemoon https://twitter.com/UbuntuTn | 16:46 |
praisethemoon | \o/ | 16:46 |
elacheche | :D | 16:49 |
praisethemoon | elacheche, a lot of bots retweeted that xd | 16:52 |
elacheche | That's gd ;) lot of people llowing bs :) | 16:52 |
praisethemoon | yeah x) | 16:52 |
elacheche | Sothing wrong with myeyboard, brb | 16:52 |
praisethemoon | you don't say? | 16:54 |
praisethemoon | (chuckle) | 16:54 |
elacheche | x) | 16:55 |
nzoueidi | that makes me proud really that we have 4 workshops from 6 :D | 16:55 |
nzoueidi | \o/ | 16:55 |
elacheche | it was konsole x) I edited a 4GB text file with VIM and konsole bugs x) | 16:56 |
elacheche | nzoueidi: 5 workshops out of 7 ;) | 16:56 |
elacheche | there is a new one ;) check the sfd website ;) | 16:56 |
nzoueidi | ah for Sami Bouhlel :D | 16:58 |
praisethemoon | see ya later team | 16:58 |
* praisethemoon o/ | 16:58 | |
=== pavlushka is now known as SweetVenom | ||
=== SweetVenom is now known as pavlushka | ||
volkovmqx | hey alacheche | 17:43 |
volkovmqx | elacheche * sorry. | 17:44 |
volkovmqx | this is a link about deep freeze | 17:44 |
volkovmqx | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep_Freeze_(software) | 17:44 |
AcidNinjaFWHR | Hi | 18:08 |
praisethemoon | AcidNinjaFWHR, hello o/ | 18:14 |
AcidNinjaFWHR | How are you guys? | 18:14 |
AcidNinjaFWHR | i'm bored | 18:14 |
SalahMessaoud | still at work :D | 18:15 |
praisethemoon | AcidNinjaFWHR, https://twitter.com/UbuntuTn/status/799654588475473922 | 18:15 |
praisethemoon | \o/ | 18:15 |
SalahMessaoud | https://twitter.com/CORSEGAMES/status/621238878150787072 | 18:18 |
SalahMessaoud | :D | 18:18 |
AcidNinjaFWHR | I follow you now. | 18:18 |
praisethemoon | \o/ | 18:30 |
praisethemoon | SalahMessaoud, good one xdd | 18:30 |
AcidNinjaFWHR | Do you guys know any good newsgroup client ? | 18:31 |
AcidNinjaFWHR | I know Thunderbird handles it but I'd like to test another client and can't find one | 18:32 |
pavlushka | Oh my praisethemoon is BACK!! | 18:37 |
praisethemoon | pavlushka, YOU WERE LATE | 18:37 |
pavlushka | praisethemoon: I just sit on my desk, been in other district the whole day :) | 18:39 |
pavlushka | *another | 18:39 |
praisethemoon | oh :( | 18:40 |
praisethemoon | long day? | 18:41 |
praisethemoon | AcidNinjaFWHR, i'm sure elacheche does | 19:03 |
praisethemoon | but he's afk | 19:03 |
=== pavlushka is now known as PocketBot-lushka | ||
=== PocketBot-lushka is now known as pavlushka | ||
AcidNinjaFWHR | praisethemoon, are you part of some Free Software group or ? | 19:12 |
praisethemoon | AcidNinjaFWHR, part of ubuntu-tn :3 | 19:33 |
AcidNinjaFWHR | nice | 19:33 |
AcidNinjaFWHR | so you guys hang out together | 19:34 |
AcidNinjaFWHR | make meetings & stuff ? | 19:34 |
praisethemoon | AcidNinjaFWHR, we have an event this sunday | 19:41 |
praisethemoon | Software Freedom Day | 19:41 |
praisethemoon | where i'll host a lua & löve workshop \o/ | 19:41 |
AcidNinjaFWHR | The beast woke up ! | 19:42 |
AcidNinjaFWHR | :D | 19:42 |
praisethemoon | YARRRR | 19:43 |
praisethemoon | \o/ | 19:43 |
AcidNinjaFWHR | okay finally I used Thunderbird for that newsgroup I needed to check | 19:54 |
AcidNinjaFWHR | It works great | 19:54 |
elacheche | o/ | 20:33 |
volkovmqx | hey elacheche | 20:53 |
elacheche | Hello volkovmqx | 20:56 |
volkovmqx | did you got the time to read about deepfreeze ? | 20:57 |
volkovmqx | we will get into a lot of troubles if it isn't disabled during the workshop time. | 20:57 |
elacheche | No volkovmqx I just came, what kind of issues? | 21:03 |
volkovmqx | everything will be deleted upon winbug restart | 21:04 |
volkovmqx | and, the installation of vbox require restart i guess | 21:05 |
elacheche | I don't think so volkovmqx, afaik, it need only admin permissions, no restart needed | 21:06 |
volkovmqx | any idea about the ISSATSo IT guys presence ? for troubleshooting if anything bad happen | 21:15 |
elacheche | none | 21:19 |
elacheche | nzoueidi: o/ | 21:35 |
AcidNinjaFWHR | good evening elacheche | 21:35 |
AcidNinjaFWHR | & volkovmqx :) | 21:36 |
elacheche | Good evening AcidNinjaFWHR :) | 21:38 |
nzoueidi | hello folks :D | 21:40 |
volkovmqx | hey there | 21:40 |
nzoueidi | elacheche: volkovmqx how are you? | 21:41 |
volkovmqx | I'm great, thanks for asking ! | 21:42 |
elacheche | Have a very bad internet, nzoueidi can you check the pad and fix what need to be fixd? | 21:43 |
nzoueidi | Sure, and I am going to add the workshop of volkovmqx to the wiki page | 21:43 |
volkovmqx | actually it's 2 workshops, that's what i was going to say. | 21:46 |
nzoueidi | aw yeah 2 workshop, but you will merge them both in one workshop, right? | 21:46 |
volkovmqx | no, not the same attendees. | 21:47 |
volkovmqx | people may be interested in only git | 21:47 |
nzoueidi | Alright | 21:48 |
volkovmqx | so, i don't know how the registration will be made | 21:48 |
elacheche | Yep, 2 workshops in the same lab.. nzoueidi thank you | 21:48 |
volkovmqx | but i need them to be separate. | 21:49 |
volkovmqx | in the registration form , if any will be made ofc | 21:49 |
elacheche | afaik, no registration forms x) | 21:51 |
AcidNinjaFWHR | hey praisethemoon | 22:07 |
AcidNinjaFWHR | wake up | 22:07 |
volkovmqx | Well, elacheche it will be a mess since people are asking me how to register for the workshops and we are limited to 15 person per classroom. | 22:16 |
elacheche | volkovmqx: send a mail to Rached alaya.. I have a very bad net tonight | 22:26 |
praisethemoon | AcidNinjaFWHR, i'm here :) | 22:36 |
praisethemoon | coding my next-gen project! | 22:36 |
elacheche | AcidNinjaFWHR: https://twitter.com/elacheche/status/799742610160001024 :'( | 22:39 |
elacheche | Better go to bed.. Not a net nght :/ | 22:39 |
elacheche | see you later guys | 22:39 |
nzoueidi | good night elacheche o/ | 22:41 |
AcidNinjaFWHR | hehe | 22:42 |
AcidNinjaFWHR | i gave back the shitty fiber i had | 22:43 |
AcidNinjaFWHR | Orange is shit | 22:43 |
AcidNinjaFWHR | so i'm back to a DSL line | 22:43 |
AcidNinjaFWHR | so here's mine : http://www.speedtest.net/result/5809578268.png | 22:45 |
praisethemoon | 8mbps DSL | 22:45 |
praisethemoon | XD | 22:45 |
AcidNinjaFWHR | well it's allright no? | 22:46 |
praisethemoon | ofc :D | 22:47 |
praisethemoon | there is no need for fiber with that xD | 22:47 |
AcidNinjaFWHR | yeah + i don't watch tv so it's okay | 22:48 |
AcidNinjaFWHR | and I download from my dedicated server then transfer to my pc | 22:48 |
AcidNinjaFWHR | and the dedicated has 100Mbits so it's pretty fast to get movies & stuff :D | 22:48 |
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