
floridagram1<KMyers> Damn, nice background03:00
floridagram1<ahoneybun> Want?03:00
floridagram1<ahoneybun> @KMyers ∆03:29
floridagram1<ahoneybun> On a side note Google Play Movies work now!04:13
floridagram1<KMyers> Bout time04:21
floridagram1<ahoneybun> Yea not sure if its from the clean install04:21
floridagram1<ahoneybun> But that most likely it04:22
floridagram1<ahoneybun> Anyone this weekend?04:25
floridagram1<KMyers> My time is limited this weekend sadly04:25
floridagram1<ahoneybun> Alright04:25
floridagram1<ahoneybun> @Ivoriesablaze @RazPi ?04:26
floridagram1<KMyers> I do want to see it but it cant until I get back04:26
floridagram1<ahoneybun> Right04:26
floridagram1<AdamOutler> Do not change Linux files using Windows apps and tools – Windows Command Line Tools For Developers … https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/commandline/2016/11/17/do-not-change-linux-files-using-windows-apps-and-tools/04:29
floridagram1<KMyers> I saw that on a Google Now card, it really shows how half-baked the Windows Subsystem for Linux really is - as I said before, they just made a chroot04:30
floridagram1<ahoneybun> Nicd04:33
floridagram1<ahoneybun> I saw one of those in Seattle at SeaGL04:33
floridagram1<KMyers> I got both a CHIP and PocketCHIP. Not bad to be honest04:34
floridagram1<KMyers> For $9.00, it really packs a punch. 4 GB of built in storage, 1x USB, WiFi, Bluetooth and RCA video out04:35
floridagram1<KMyers> It can support HDMI and SVGA with a shield but I did not get that04:35
floridagram1<KMyers> @Ivoriesablaze - Which Chromebook do you have?15:17
floridagram1<Ivoriesablaze> CB... Something or rather, why?15:46
floridagram1<KMyers> C301SA?15:47
floridagram1<AdamOutler> SpaceX Seeks Approval for Massive Satellite Network to Create Global Internet Service … https://www.wirelessdesignmag.com/blog/2016/11/spacex-seeks-approval-massive-satellite-network-create-global-internet-service?et_cid=5683525&et_rid=459242220&type=headline&et_cid=5683525&et_rid=459242220&linkid=SpaceX+Seeks+Approval+for+Massive+Satellite+Network+to+Create+Global+Internet+Service15:51
floridagram1<AdamOutler> 4500 -800lb satellites15:51
floridagram1<KMyers> I doubt they will ever get that approved, it would pose a threat to the major ISPs in the US15:52
floridagram1<AdamOutler> And wireless carriers15:52
floridagram1<AdamOutler> Imagine a world phone with coverage over all oceans.15:52
floridagram1<AdamOutler> No country codes.15:53
floridagram1<KMyers> Satalite to mobile phones is not really the most battery friendly to deliver internet15:53
floridagram1<Ivoriesablaze> Cb3-43116:38
floridagram1<KMyers> @Ivoriesablaze, Ah, hopefully soon16:39
floridagram1<Ivoriesablaze> Damn you Google16:39
floridagram1<Ivoriesablaze> i bet a lot of support is going to start around thanksgiving and christmas16:46
floridagram1<Ivoriesablaze> that would make the most sense16:46
floridagram1<KMyers> They could also be slow to roll it out to allow developers time to make any changes needed to allow their applications to take advantage of the Chromebook form factors. You would be shocked to see how many applications freak out when being resized or when a mouse/physical keyboard is in use16:54
floridagram1<Ivoriesablaze> actually, i'm not surprised, i've used blue stacks, lol16:56
floridagram1<Ivoriesablaze> I'm also pissed that ms says the office on my chromebook won't be free17:04
floridagram1<KMyers> In all honesty, an Office365subscription is worth it17:04
floridagram1<Ivoriesablaze> I hope libreoffice is working on something17:05
floridagram1<Ivoriesablaze> I actually have a sub through pbsc17:05
floridagram1<KMyers> Google Docs has come a very long way17:05
maxolasersquadWe use Office 365 at my work sometimes. I find it to be a garbage product. Slow, confusing, crashes, and often has dead links.17:51
maxolasersquadI had to fight it today, spent about 45 minutes just trying to look through about three documents for information.17:52
floridagram1<AdamOutler> My new new pixel arrived18:11
floridagram1<KMyers> Hopefully you take care of this one18:12
floridagram1<AdamOutler> My pixel broke on the first day.  It fell off my nightstand and the screen cracked.   I called and now I have a new one.  They put a hold on my card until I return the old one.18:12
floridagram1<AdamOutler> Nah.  I probably won't.18:12
floridagram1<AdamOutler> We could do will it crowbar next weekend?18:13
floridagram1<KMyers> We should... And replace the crowbar with a brittle 3D printed one when we hit a Nokia18:34
=== zaki is now known as uganda
=== uganda is now known as lucifer
=== lucifer is now known as luke
=== luke is now known as vallagena
=== vallagena is now known as zaki
floridagram1<AdamOutler> Haha!19:15
floridagram1<govatent> Nextel is alive21:52
floridagram1<govatent> Also I just arrived back to Miami21:52
floridagram1<ahoneybun> Nice21:53
floridagram1<KMyers> @RazPi / @Ivoriesablaze - still planning to come down tomorrow22:15
floridagram1<KMyers> WTF!!! - http://www.local10.com/entertainment/coca-cola-debuts-new-selfie-bottle?utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook_WPLG_Local_10_/_Local10.com22:18
floridagram1<SivaMachina> the title of the article sounds almost like an Onion article.22:30
floridagram1<ahoneybun> I think my Nexus Player died22:44
floridagram1<AdamOutler> I have one you can use if factory reset doesn't work.22:44
floridagram1<AdamOutler> What are we doing tomorrow?22:45
floridagram1<ahoneybun> well it's not showing up on the TV or the app22:45
floridagram1<ahoneybun> FFS22:49
floridagram1<ahoneybun> Someone unplugged iy22:49
floridagram1<Ivoriesablaze> The computer in there looks like a mac, @ahoneybun22:50
floridagram1<ahoneybun> Well I guess the body might22:51
floridagram1<ahoneybun> But that's usually the general PC shape22:51
floridagram1<AdamOutler> Hangouts is round now.22:52

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