
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
ricotzmamarley, hi, if your testing was fine then go ahead and copy/upload07:44
mamarleyricotz: Will do, thanks!11:06
jcastroricotz: do you think regular copies of mesa from xorg-edgers to graphics-drivers would make sense? 17:13
ricotzjcastro, hard to say, obviously it is not only mesa, but also llvm, libdrm and likely libva for proper support17:18
ricotzand the most common 2d-drivers17:18
ricotzthis works fine for non-lts release, but lts with hwe stack is problematic17:19
jcastrodoes the HWE stack pull in all that stuff itself?17:19
ricotzhwe stack as a different "namespace"17:19
jcastroLike, I wonder if the answer is just "the HWE stack will be pulling in all that stuff anyway"17:19
ricotzso those packages are not compatible and won't be installed17:19
mamarleyOoh, Mesa 13.0.1, nice!17:22
* mamarley installs.17:22
ricotzjcastro, and the snapshot in xedgers is 13.0.1 , currently17:22
mamarleyAnd sorry, I forgot to copy those drivers before I left for work.  I will do it when I get home.17:26
ricotzmamarley, no hurry, better be careful ;)17:29
ricotz(this hits quite some users)17:30
mamarleyIndeed.  I did test both driver versions before uploading.  I can't test every supported distro though because I don't have that many boxes/that much storage space.17:37
mamarleyjcastro: Do you by any chance have any numbers about how many people use the PPA?17:39
jcastromamarley: yeah let me fire off the script17:39
ricotzmamarley, I installed 4.9 here on zesty and the nvidia patch but havent rebooted into yet17:42
ricotzthis might be the most interesting numbers17:42
mamarleyI checked to make sure both 367 and 370 would boot and 3D acceleration worked on my laptop.  I also checked to make sure they would still compile against <4.9 (i.e., the patch for 4.9 did not apply in those cases).17:43
mamarleyAre those download counts?17:44
ricotzyes, for those specific builds17:46
mamarleyEleven thousand installs, whoa.  That's actually kind of scary.17:46
ricotzplus like 5000+ scattered around17:47
mamarleyI guess it is also surprising that so many people are still on Xenial.  I would think the driver crack addicts like me would also want the latest stuff otherwise as well.17:48
ricotznot really, many want to have a stable base, with some cherry-picked crack ;)17:49
mamarleyI know I have gotten a bunch of emails about when 375.10 is going to be in the PPA.  I was hoping NVIDIA was going to release the next 375 driver sometime this week.  That driver should support the xserver 1.19 ABI, so I can try out the PPA build I did of that on my non-Intel-GPU systems.17:50
mamarleyAnd indeed they did!  375.20 is apparently out!17:57
mamarleysoee: You're sleeping on the job again!17:57
ricotzhehe, this was basically there since 1 hour?17:58
mamarleyI will package and test it once I get home.17:59
ricotzsounds good! :)18:00
mamarleyThis should also fix the segfault-on-exit problem.18:00
ricotzyes, that is the blocker 18:02
jcastromamarley: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23496674/18:31
jcastrothe ppa-stats script I use is here btw: https://github.com/marcoceppi/gypsy-danger18:32
mamarleyAh, cool.  Thanks!18:32
jcastrosometimes it misses certain versions in the PPA, I haven't investigated why yet18:32
soeemamarley: i was out :D19:50
soeemamarley: ping me when you have it in your staging ppa19:51
mamarleySure thing :)19:51
tjaalton so.. someone wants stable mesa backports20:32
tjaaltonthe headline of the graphics-drivers ppa says "proprietary gpu drivers", which today means nvidia20:35
tjaaltonright now the reason why zesty doesn't have 13.0 is that the mir patch hasn't been tested yet20:55
tjaaltonand I don't have a working unity8 setup20:56
mamarleyricotz: soee: 375.20 is uploaded to https://launchpad.net/~mamarley/+archive/ubuntu/staging/+packages and the 367 and 370 updates have been copied/reuploaded as applicable to https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+packages. :)21:34
mamarley375.20 was all that I was expecting it to be (crash-on-exit fixed, xorg 1.19 supported) and more (compiles cleanly against kernel 4.9 without patching)21:36
mamarleyricotz: So it looks like 375.20 isn't entirely bug-free either.  On my desktop, it seems to have issues with several OpenGL applications running at once.  If I launch several Chromium windows, for example, a game would crash if I launched it.23:04
mamarleyThat doesn't happen on my laptop though.23:05
mamarleyOr, more annoyingly, if I have Chromium running, the KDE lock screen gets stuck and unusable.23:05

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