
only1dcbHey all, I have a linux n00b question - re: updating / upgrading the installed OS version.  Is anyone up, and willing to help?00:50
krytarik!ask | only1dcb00:54
ubottuonly1dcb: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience00:54
only1dcbI have an ASUS laptop with Kubuntu 14.10 dual installed w/ Win10.  I have attempted to update Kubuntu to 16.04, using apt-get update (& upgrade) and I have hit a wall, Konsole appears to be unable to resolve the URLs to download the appropriate packages.  Can anyone help me upgrade my existing OS without having to format the entire partition?00:59
krytarik!eolupgrade | only1dcb01:01
ubottuonly1dcb: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades01:01
only1dcbThanks @krytarik01:02
efmkrytarik: how is that relevant to upgrading to 16.04?01:23
krytarikefm: Because 14.10 is EOL.01:23
efmkrytarik: but 16.04 isn't01:24
krytarikefm: I suggest you read the original question again.01:25
only1dcbkrytarik: It took a lilttle bit of reading but it looks like I've been able to connect to the EOL sources, and things are progressing nicely.01:32
only1dcbOkay, so I was only able to update application data.  Attempting to apt-get update & upgrade both fail as they still cannot find the new sources.  I am looking at my sources.list, and it appears to have the EOL sources available, but the fail messages is: Failed to fetch old-releases.ubuntu.com for utopic.  Did I miss something?  I believe I was no02:15
only1dcbt able to adequately add the old releases repositories to my sources...02:15
krytarikonly1dcb: Pastebin it for us?02:17
[Relic]Anyone know what file the task manager settings are stored in?02:24
IrcsomeBot<Kai Sen> Did you try to sudo apt-get dist-upgrade02:28
only1dcbyeah, 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed...  It couldn't find a new release.02:32
[Relic]16.04 to 16.10?02:34
dbromim trying to use rsync and ssh to move a fle to a remote server... each time i try it fails.. any ideas what works02:35
only1dcbnope EOL 14.10 to 16.0402:36
only1dcbpreferably LTS...02:37
[Relic]did you turn off dist upgrades in software sources?02:41
krytarikonly1dcb: Pastebin your 'sources.list' for us too, and we might be able to fix it.  Also, why are there so many Wily sources in there?02:46
efmwhy is it trying to find unicorn and not xenial?03:00
only1dcbIs that the issue? I needed to manually add the xenial repositorites?03:03
only1dcbBased on the EOL faq it appeared that as long as I had the old releases source in there, the updates / and upgrades would take care of it.03:05
krytarikonly1dcb: Just replace the whole content with the template as shown on the wiki page, then replace "CODENAME" in it with "utopic", and then try again.03:15
only1dcbsources.list has only the 4 sources listed now.  Ran through -update, -upgrade, & do-release-upgrade.  Still no dice.03:33
krytarikPastebin both again?03:33
[Relic]even linuxquestions couldn't answer my question  :(03:34
only1dcbIll have to do this another day. I've run out of time.  Thanks for the effort anyays.03:34
krytarikAlright, take care.03:35
[Relic]Still trying to figure out if 16.10 can create 2 screens that are independant of each other.  in 14.04 it was pretty easy, create 2 xscreens with the nvidia settings and done, can't seem to get it to work in 16.10 though03:37
user|4400I've just installed Kubuntu on my laptop, and I'm wondering how to get to a point where I can see and connect to wireless networks06:33
valorieshould be nearly automatic....06:43
teledynam having issue with thunderbird under kubuntu 16.10.  the theme is stuck on dark07:38
teledynoh i fixed it.  it was in the Application Style -> Gnome Application Style settings07:56
sigma9172hi all. any idea when plasma 5.8 will be ready to install? i see it has a ppa setup and the packages are being built successfully09:11
acheronuksigma9172: it will be ready when it is ready, and I hesitate on giving an ETA. It depends very much on how testing goes, especially on 16.04 where it needs a new Qt version with it. We are keen to ship is as soon as we can be sure we have a stable offering, so hopefully not too long09:31
sigma9172acheronuk: is it likely that the 16.10 version will be released earlier, or do they have to come out together?09:39
acheronuksigma9172: my instinct says to do them at the same time if possible. as otherwise people who REALLY would prefer to remain on the 16.04 LTS, may be tempted to upgrade to 16.10 which is only supported for 9 months. however, I can't say for certain09:43
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oelewapperkelive cd does not appear to work correctly in virtualbox12:10
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taratorDid I already mention, that Kubuntu 16.04 is unusble? Kwin/Plasma/X11 crashes regularly and setting up a second screen doesn't work. This really makes this distribution unusable for endusers! Who decided to rollout this release? This is really a shame. 16.04 is the last version of (K)ubuntu which is landing on any of my computers. This is the worst version for years! Does anyone of the developers even use it for themselves?14:20
BluesKajHiyas all14:20
BluesKajtarator, perhaps your comments will have more effect if you move them to #kubuntu-devel14:22
taratorBluesKaj yes maybe. I'm gonna copy/paste it there... Thanks for your advice ;-)14:24
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allamooxI'm trying to install teamviewer15:16
allamooxI used this post, and few others from google15:17
allamooxbut I still got this error15:17
allamooxAny one can help me?15:18
allamooxI tried to chmod  777 /the files in the pastebin15:20
allamooxbut still can't run teamviewe15:20
BluesKajallamoox, are you using wine?15:22
allamooxBluesKaj:  no..15:24
allamooxDo I need to install it?15:24
allamooxI just installed ubuntu.15:24
allamooxIm installing it now15:25
BluesKajno don't use wine15:29
BluesKajallamoox, check this https://www.teamviewer.com/en/download/linux/15:30
allamooxOk thank you15:33
[Relic]Is there some way of getting plasma 5.8 on 16.10? nothing that I have found seems to work at all, it still reads plasma 5.7.5, and most of what I have found for installing does nothing, is there a setting I am missing?17:05
BluesKaj[Relic],  go to launchpad and find the staging-plasma, staging frameworks and staging-misc ppas17:11
[Relic]so all three of those and nothing else?17:22
BluesKaj[Relic], you can ask in #kubuntu-devel just to make sure17:23
[Relic]just used to slapping in backport or a single ppa and being able to update17:24
[Relic]join #kubuntu-devel17:48
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JustTheDoctorhello, is there anything i can do to amplify the volume of my laptop sound? i know its capable of going louder but the kubuntu sound stuff wont let me go any higher in max volume.20:24
DarinMillerJustTheDoctor: What version of Kubuntu?20:25
JustTheDoctorim using a livecd till a replacement hdd comes in, how do i find out which version i am using from konsole?20:26
DarinMillerkinfo (Info Center)20:27
DarinMilleralt-spacebar  then type "kinfo"20:27
DarinMillerJustTheDoctor: I don't have a 16.04 box ATM, but try right clicking on the volume control in the panel and select Audo Volume Settings20:31
DarinMillerHopefully you will see a Maximum Volume spin box.20:31
JustTheDoctori've already set the sound to maximum,20:32
JustTheDoctorwhat i am having a issue with is i KNOW the laptop sound SHOULD be louder, but it isnt.20:32
DarinMillerYes, I understand but for some reason linux sound system cap the max volume which can be overriden.20:33
DarinMillerNewer version of plasma have the feature I just described.20:33
DarinMillerLet me see if I can find it in System settings.20:33
JustTheDoctornot seeing that ;(20:34
JustTheDoctormuch thanks for your time20:34
DarinMillerIt's on the 16.10 iso if you want to give that a spin....20:35
DarinMillerOk, found the volume override.20:37
DarinMillerGo into System Settings -> Multimedia20:37
DarinMillerSelect the audo volume option.  On the Output Devices tab, select your port.  On this menu you should have the option to set volume higher than 100%.20:39
JustTheDoctornot giving me the option to advance past 100%20:43
DarinMillerOk, that option is probably in the pavu (pulse audio volume untility) that is downloaded separately in 16.04. Sorry, I could not remember when that change occured.20:45
JustTheDoctorcan you give me a root level apt-get install to install that utility?20:46
DarinMillersudo apt install pavu20:48
JustTheDoctorthank you20:49
DarinMillerwait sudo apt install pavucontrol20:50
JustTheDoctorunable to locate package pavu20:50
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DarinMillerdid this work for you?  sudo apt install pavucontrol21:01
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dajomuanyone here?22:33
valoriewe're here, but this is a help channel22:35
valorieso how can we help, dajomu?22:35
dajomuMy problem is actually with 'buntu and digikam.22:36
dajomuI have my photos stored on a NAS, which I can access with file brower and delete photos if I want. But this is not possible to do with digikam22:37
dajomuany idea?22:38
hofHi guys22:45
hofwhere can I report a bug for ubuntu 4.8 kernel?22:46
hofbasiclly I have a new XPS 13 laptop, dell. When I suspend (close lid) or run suspend command the laptop never wakes up again22:46
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valoriedajomu: you might ask in #digikam23:02
valoriesounds like a permission problem23:02
dajomuyes, but there is no answer on that channel.23:02
valoriewell, it's night in Europe23:02
valorietry the list if you can't wait around23:03
dajomuif it is a permission problem it is strange that I can delete file from the file browser23:03
dajomuI am in Europe :)23:03
valorieright, but it's Saturday night!23:03
dajomunot anymore. Sunday 4 minutes old23:04
valorieanyway, the list is 24/723:05
valorieirc is only when people happen to be at their keyboards23:05
dajomuwhat list are you talking about?23:05
krytarikdajomu: There are two mentioned in their channel topic.23:13
AlbertxWhere download distro as livecd for installer interface windows .exe23:58
Albertxfor create partition23:58

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