
ducassehi all07:17
Wirehunterducasse, Hi07:19
Bashing-omducasse: \o07:20
ducasseBashing-om: seems quiet? to be expected on a weekend morning, i guess...07:25
Bashing-omWell.. lately been quiet all the time, compared to what It used to be .07:27
ducasseworse on weekends, though.07:28
Bashing-omI guess dancing and caroussing about is more pressing to folks than tweak'n 'buntu .07:29
ducassetsk, tsk... a "life", i think they call it...07:30
Bashing-omHUh .. more life than feeding 'buntu ?07:31
ducassewho knows, i don't have one :)07:32
Bashing-omWell, I get ajatated when real life interfers with my virtual life, ( and all it takes to support that virtual life ). Now if I wanted it different, different it would be .07:37
BluesKajHiyas all14:20
ducasse\o BluesKaj14:21
BluesKajHey ducasse14:23
ducassejust discovered they're filming ghost in the shell :D14:24
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Ben64i hate people19:42
BluesKajwhat people ?19:43
BluesKajheh, cement head19:48
Ben64i'll never understand why people come to get help, then reject it all19:48
Ben64no, i want it solved my way!19:48
ducasse"i don't want it solved, i want to be RIGHT!"20:03
ducasseif he had actually listened to begin with, maybe we would have gotten somewhere. now he's just discarding suggestions and _still_ claiming we're all wrong...20:06
freakyyi love ubuntu ;D20:53
freakyyi just switched my debian server to ubuntu 16.04.1 ;D20:53
daftykinsthat's nice20:58
daftykinsglad to see that at least LTS is being used21:11
ducasse\o daftykins, soon off to bed here.21:20
daftykinsah har21:21
daftykins35mph winds buffeting the windows here - and solid rain21:21
daftykinstrue wintery night21:21
ducassejeeez, some huy is msg'ing me to teach me about islam...21:24
ducassetoo tired for that.21:25
ducassegod, when people ask for instructions and are given them, why do they do something *different* and then doesn't even bother to provide a complete paste?21:31
ducassestate of apt messed up, lots of ppas, some of them pretty broken, *and* enabled proposed...21:41
daftykinsthis is why being banned was a saving grace21:42
ducassei'm thinking of doing that myself >:-)21:43
ducassewhat a liberating feeling that would be!21:44
daftykinsthis is the problem, because even helping out - what does solving some users problem really do in the grand scheme? makes folks depend on coming here to be spoonfed sadly21:45
ducassei agree, i prefer other channels where you're allowed to say 'rtfm, dammit!' sometimes21:46
ducassebut those who don't know how to rtfm also need help21:46
daftykinsperhaps, but if something is on a wiki then i think pasting links is going too far21:47
daftykinsa user who won't lift a finger is not worthy of assistance21:47
OerHeksducasse, this john dude has wine issues?21:48
ducassei dislike the ones who come in and say 'i have this problem: http://pastebin.com/foobar'. if they cant describe the problem, i don't care.21:48
OerHeksdaftykins, i want to suggest to remove the mouse completely from linux :-D21:49
ducasseOerHeks: i gave up on him looong ago, he was useless.21:49
ducassewould *not* listen, even after 1,5 hours of being told the same thing.21:49
daftykinsducasse: eh a log at least beats "x doesn't work"21:52
daftykinsBashing-om: \o wb21:53
Bashing-omI get strapped in here, see what the ride is going to be . Good day to ya daftykins :)21:54
ducassedaftykins: yes, but they could say "i have this *x* problem:..." - without opening the link i have no idea if i'm likely to be able to help.21:54
ducassehiya Bashing-om :)21:55
Bashing-omducasse: And to you also a big Hiya, going well for you ?21:56
daftykinsholy moly, some guttering just snapped off a building opposite me in these high winds and smashed down to the lane... it's a piece about 8 feet long21:56
Bashing-omdaftykins: Mother nature raising her head .. We too have been under high winds, So far I have seen no damage .21:58
ducasseBashing-om: i'm good, thanks :) just need to order a couple of new yubikeys and pay some bills, then off to bed.21:58
Bashing-omlife; eat, sleep, pay bills - so we can eat and sleep ( and pay for the parts in our systems )  :)22:00
OerHeksI am looking for a servant.. to walk with drabber, brrrrrrrr22:00
ducasseOerHeks: did abmares2 ask you also about 'ISLAM'?22:01
OerHeksnot yet, i cannot ban PM individualy on hexchat :-(22:03
OerHekshe must be moving on to the next one i guess22:03
ducasseany of you have any experience with arch? thinking of switching my desktop to it.22:07
ducasseOerHeks: here he goes with the 'tude again...22:08
ducasse"oh, so since you have told me what to do i'm goig to pretend i was right all along instead of just wasting 3 hours of your time"22:32
ducassea**hole. foadiaf.22:33
Bashing-omLead a horse to water, if it does not drink, then it is his problem. no ?22:37
ducasseBashing-om: this was just ridiculous, though. nvm, i hope he's gone now. i will be soon anyway.22:41
ducasseBashing-om: have you used arch?22:42
Bashing-omducasse: Not in many years, before my 'buntu time .. and even back then was lightly .22:44
Bashing-omducasse: Something ya got going on ya can bounce off me, see what bounces back ?22:46
ducasseBashing-om: ok, i'm just looking at it. considering it for my desktop, i sometimes miss something a bit more like slackware (which i 'grew up' with)22:47
Bashing-omducasse: Well, let me relate my thought . Core install .. ubuntu as the sources list .. and build what you want .. I have been very pleased overall with my results . ( but stuck right for 16.04 getting some desktop access' to work )22:50
ducasseBashing-om: sure, that's what have now, but i use a *ton* of stuff that requires manual building on ubuntu but exists in arch repo or aur.22:51
ducasse*what i have now22:51
Bashing-omYukkie then on 'buntu .. I had not realized there were those limitations .22:53
daftykinsarch is for Linux ricers though :D22:53
ducasseBashing-om: it's not, normally, i guess i just use a lot of weird stuff :)22:54
Bashing-omWell .. one can view as this " makes you the better coder " when ya can port the app over !22:54
ducassedaftykins: not a ricer, #i3 is teeming with them these days. a lot of them *are* on arch, which most of them probably shouldn't be.22:56
Bashing-omI also know can drive you to drink'n from the frustration of try, code, break - try recode - break .. try try try .22:57
ducasseBashing-om: reading up on lisp and python in my spare time, i'm glad i don't code for a living...22:58
daftykinsyeah tiling window managers are also part of the ricer fashion :>23:00
Bashing-omducasse: Well .. with all I have going on, and the commitments I have .. I can not organized myself now-a-days to learn new code .23:00
ducassedaftykins: i know, it's pretty sad. there was i guy today who asked how to open all windows as floating and where the control center was...23:01
ducasseBashing-om: i have spare time, and i have to use it for _something_. better than watching tv.23:02
Bashing-omducasse: Ouch ! You got that right ! .. Here in the US ...TV is more commercials than program .. and the progamming is getting nastier by the day .. I quit TV several years back .. I keep telling my self that one of these days I will learn 'buntu'n .23:14
ducasseBashing-om: very restricted how much commercials they are allowed to send here, but i still hate them. and i refuse to watch trash like the kardashians etc. learning more programming seemed like a good idea for something to spend time on, and so far lisp looks very interesting :)23:20
Bashing-omWell .. What I have learned from learning to program ., sure teaches one to be logical in their thought processes ! Me Am now very far behind the times .. but in my days was 'C' to " do it all " .23:38
ducasseBashing-om: i just know the bare basics of c, not going to pick it up again, i think. well, the cat wants me to go to bed so she can sleep in her warm spot - i better obey...23:41
ducassegood night/day all.23:41
Bashing-omNite note ducasse .. rest well .23:45
ducasseoh, and btw - i usually don't care about movies, but... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUtG93BebJ423:55
daftykinsyeah, that one is a crime against the original23:56
ducasseoh, bummer.23:59

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