
White_Lightwhy was 4.8.9 released before upstream released 4.8.903:59
White_Lightthat doesn't appear to make any sense, am I missing something?04:00
=== TehJohnCena is now known as johnc4510
r4yI am running an older tower that I can get Ubuntu 10.04 on a different hard drive to work with where the graphics card can do 3D graphics and tv-out with s-video through nvidia settings. I am running Ubuntu Mate on that same tower right now and I want to get tv out, but I don't care to get 3D graphics to work. How do I do that?05:31
r4yI found this, but I wasn't sure about how things would work differently than before, but I have never messed with these before from this link:05:33
r4yI am going to leave this window open and go visit with other people for now, so I will likely not respond, but any input as to what tutorials online for setting up Ubuntu Mate for this would be a step in the right direction versus wondering which method might work and not being sure, because I feel stuck.05:35
r4yI meant different ways would be great, as there are likely to be many ways perhaps.05:36
eightfoldi wonder how i can change the window title color08:05
eightfoldi KNOW i've done this before, because i have a screenshot of it08:05
eightfoldthat shows how i changed the default baby blue to something darker08:05
eightfoldi can't, for my life, find how out how to do that again!08:06
eightfoldi think there might have been a "color" tab in customize08:07
eightfoldbut no longer...08:07
eightfoldlike so: https://i.stack.imgur.com/VYl3N.png08:07
eightfoldhas this wonderful feature been removed?08:07
ouroumov_eightfold, in 16.10 yes it's removed08:11
ouroumov_Actually it can't be implemented in GTK3+ apparently08:11
eightfoldouroumov_: ouch, ok08:12
eightfoldso, editing the themes?08:12
ouroumov_Yeah I think08:12
ouroumov_I'd like to know the recommended way to go about this too08:12
eightfold"But it still wasn't enough for me, because progressbars and checkboxes remained green. Then I found the gtk-3.0/assets folder. There, I had to manually change the color of every single greenish asset with Gimp. I used the Hue-Saturation tool with the following parameters:"08:17
eightfoldok, i'm messing about with the themes...08:47
eightfoldcopied a theme to ~/.themes08:47
eightfoldthere's a Radiant-MATE file in the root of the themes dir of this theme08:48
eightfoldBUT (strangeness)08:48
eightfoldwhen i look at the dir from the terminal it's called index.theme08:48
eightfoldhow does this strangeness happen08:48
eightfoldwhen i try to rename it to Radiant-MATE-mine.theme it's not loadable08:52
eightfoldhow do i change the name of the theme in the appearance > theme picker08:52
eightfoldi don't want duplicate names08:53
eightfoldthat's why i'm messing around08:53
alansunsomebady here09:52
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:08
=== scottt is now known as Guest60464
TwoNotesIs there no 16.04.1 release for Raspberry Pi?15:20
chuckwebbHello. Any ideas on how to set different DPIs for seperate monitors? (just added a 4k monitor to a multimonitor setup)15:32
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=== zak is now known as Guest39223
Guest39223how do I change my menu to the advanced version16:09
=== scottt is now known as Guest82139
chuckwebb Guest39223: control centre -> MATE Tweak -> panel -> enable advanced menu16:33
Guest39223Thank you chuckwebb16:40
chuckwebbyou're welcome :)16:40
pi_raspberry pi 3 no sound hdmi20:08
sirivxxanyone from the u.k in here22:38
sirivxxanyone from the u.k in here22:41
mate|17036hi i have Ubuntu 16.04 and the mate software wants me to update the OS.  It seems stuck,  and keeps asking me for authentication for some packages.  should I just download the latest Ubuntu over the old ones if the update fails?22:58
mate|17036wonders if this is the best option for me?23:03
nomicmaybe ..23:07
nomicyou should try to do a complete installation, to get 16.1023:07
nomicits because you have existing configuration23:07
mate|17036if its dual boot, just install over it?23:08
nomicyou should m aybe ask on the forum (ubuntu, mate foru ms) isn't always busy here23:08
nomicit gives you an option of installing to a partition23:08
nomicit offers upgrade - its not compulsory23:08
nomic16.04 is still in support23:08
nomic16.10 is not a long term support release23:08
nomicstick with 16.0423:09
nomicApril 201923:09
nomicend of support for 16.0423:09
mate|17036oh the problem i am having is it downloaded 185 mb,  but keeps asking to authenticate when it gets to 135 mb  and it wont go further23:09
nomicits the most stable lts23:09
nomicapt-get upgrade upgrades packages, not the OS23:10
mate|17036well it runs ok without the updates, just saying it seems stuck23:10
nomicwhen you type sudo apt-get upgrade?23:10
mate|17036no the mate software is doing this, says one update and tells me its size23:11
nomici dunno - ask on the forum23:11
nomicshow them23:11
nomicwhere it stops23:11
mate|17036so sudo apt-get upgrade is the command I should try in terminal?23:16
mate|17036so I am not dependant on the ubuntu-mate software?23:16
mate|17036I will try that instead, thank you23:18
mate|17036its asking for a reboot now.  hmmmm23:18

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