=== JanC is now known as Guest13179 === JanC_ is now known as JanC [21:18] I have an upstart init (RHEL 6.8) running from /oldroot/sbin/init [21:18] [root@RHEL68Test1VM ~]# lsof | grep /oldroot init 1 root txt REG 8,2 150352 392509 /oldroot/sbin/init [21:18] It is now the only process left with a handle to /oldroot [21:18] # fuser -vm /oldroot [21:19] However, telinit u does not make it restart [21:19] [root@RHEL68Test1VM ~]# /sbin/telinit u [21:19] [root@RHEL68Test1VM ~]# fuser -vm /oldroot [21:19] USER PID ACCESS COMMAND [21:20] strace output: https://gist.github.com/krkhan/6b4e0c1c530268b525be3bacec7f922c [21:20] Any ideas on why init isn't restarting properly?