
valorieAlbertx: one installs next to Windows, not *in* it00:00
valorieno .exe in linux00:00
valorieAlbertx: https://kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/ to download the ISO00:01
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.00:01
AlbertxI need create partition linux ext , if the iso convert partition to ext00:06
AlbertxI have downloaded this last 16.04 y 1400:11
valorieyou can use the liveDVD or liveUSB to partition as you like00:15
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowtoPartition | For partitioning programs, see !GParted (recommended) or !PartitionManager. Other partitioning topics include !fstab, !home, and !swap00:15
ubottugparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php00:21
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info00:21
Albertxswap soul is visible in linux00:21
valorieit is possible to use just parted too, I think00:29
valorie!info parted00:29
ubottuparted (source: parted): disk partition manipulator. In component main, is standard. Version 3.2-15build1 (yakkety), package size 45 kB, installed size 159 kB00:29
valoriethat might be cli only, not sure00:29
* valorie goes off to cook dinner00:35
canllaithqwandor: hey stranger00:47
canllaithalthough it's midnight where you are00:48
jefflinuxturnerTrying to install GTK themes on Kubuntu and I get the loading symbol going around and around and around.  Yay it's broke. lol.  But the window decorations loads just fine.  Anyone know how I can fix this issue?  Same in Linux Mint 18 KDE.01:50
t3chguyis it possible to change the function of the Suspend button in the logout/shutdown prompt to Hibernation? Thanks06:33
zztoplessDoes anyone know the switch to skip all duplicates (ie don't over-ride existing files/folders) when using 7zip from console?  Using the following to extract al 7zip files in a directory: find -type f -name '*.7z' -exec 7z x {} \;06:37
zztoplessI'm running 14.04 fwiw06:37
krytarikzztopless: https://sevenzip.osdn.jp/chm/cmdline/switches/overwrite.htm06:53
user|59547Hi, I am a newbie to KDE, I couldnt find Tamil Keyboard Layout in the system settings of Kubuntu 16.04, where as other Gnome based Ubuntu Variants has , Ubuntu, Ubuntu Mate, Ubuntu Gnome,  Can you help me out ?06:55
valorieI wonder if that is a little package that has to be installed06:56
valorieI know that we don't include langpacks on the ISO anymore06:56
krytarikPretty sure that's just a matter of *finding* the entry.06:58
valorieuser|59547: did you try System Settings...> Language Support > Install Languages06:58
krytarikDon't confuse language packs with keyboard layouts.06:59
valorieor easiest: alt+space, and then type language06:59
valorieperhaps you have to have the langpack first?07:00
valorieI was looking at http://askubuntu.com/questions/165637/how-do-i-enable-writing-in-indian-languages07:01
valorieoh, they left07:01
krytarikvalorie: https://sources.debian.net/src/xkeyboard-config/2.18-1/symbols/in/#L1052 , in the package 'xkb-data'.07:10
valoriegood detective work07:14
zztoplessthanks krytarik07:23
zztoplessbeen googling in circles trying to find that, I'm guessing it works with .rar and .zip as well (eg: find -type f -name '*.rar' -exec 7z x -aos {} \;)?07:31
zztoplessWill find out when I try it after the 7zip files are finished :P07:31
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claycornhi there07:55
claycornkde user07:55
soma_how's it goin?07:55
claycornim doing good07:56
claycornhow abot yo?07:56
claycorni love kde07:56
claycornwhere are you from soma?07:57
soma_from the us07:58
claycornim in sc07:58
claycornsouth carolina07:58
soma_im in cali07:59
claycornnorth or south?07:59
soma_south, more central07:59
soma_closer to san fran07:59
claycorni was stationed in san diego08:00
soma_right on08:01
soma_ive never been, hear it's nice tho08:01
claycornsweeet town08:01
claycorndesert storm vet i am08:01
claycorni love linux08:02
soma_me too08:02
soma_what distro do you use08:02
claycornkde 14.0408:02
soma_i just installed mint this week08:03
claycornmint is very kind os08:04
claycorneasy to use08:04
soma_ya, i usually use ubuntu08:05
claycornmale or female ?08:07
claycornwhat nade you take the great leap to linux?08:08
claycornthen windows08:09
soma_hmm, dont remember08:09
soma_i used to always use it in high school; i used to dual boot windows for gaming and linux for other stuff08:10
claycornyour a smart pc user08:10
claycorni can tell08:10
claycornso am i08:10
soma_thanks :)08:10
claycorni have 3 computers in my house08:11
claycorn2 desk 1 lap08:11
soma_nice. i have 2 laptops08:11
soma_need a new charger for one08:11
claycorncompaq for kde08:12
claycornhp for windows08:12
claycornthey are my children08:13
soma_which version of windows08:13
claycorn7 &1008:13
claycorni love my computers08:14
claycornthey love me08:14
claycornboth hp desktops08:15
claycornon windows08:16
soma_have you ever used a mac?08:16
claycorni have08:16
claycornused to own one08:16
soma_ive always wanted one08:17
claycorntoo mch too own08:17
claycornused to  PC08:17
claycornfreedom of os is my love of life08:18
claycornim a hippy08:18
soma_i dig it08:19
soma_not sure where i'd be without my pcs08:19
claycorni learned about linux at a local collage08:19
claycornplayed with many distros08:20
claycornlike mint08:20
soma_i spent a summer playing around with different distros, installing them on my pc08:20
claycornand ubuntu08:20
claycornkubuntu made me happy08:20
claycornthe right one08:21
soma_i prefer the kde desktop over others, i find08:21
claycornas me08:21
claycornim on a free laptop thanks to kbuntu08:21
claycornwanna know how ?08:23
claycornmy friend had a laptop broken with no charger  and bad win 708:24
claycornabused laptop08:24
claycornin storage08:24
claycorni saved this live08:25
claycornof this laptop08:25
claycornwin was gone08:25
claycorni put in kubuntu and a fresh charger08:25
claycornto save its life08:25
claycornpc love <308:26
soma_nice :)08:26
claycornpsalways keep a cd of distro08:26
claycornfor backup08:27
claycornyou sound excited08:28
claycornor bored08:28
soma_haha just tired08:29
claycornoh ok08:29
soma_1230 here08:29
claycornlate here08:29
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soma_think i might head to sleep08:29
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zztoplesssleep! it's only 7:30pm08:29
claycornhi zz08:31
soma_gnite clay08:31
claycornhi zz08:32
claycornno one here?08:40
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zztoplesshi claycorn08:43
zztoplesssorry, was getting mah dinner :D08:44
claycorn no worries08:44
zztoplessand yeah, was kidding around re the time, I do realise the planet isn't flat etc :P08:44
claycornits round08:45
zztoplessand that I'm always going to be in the minority timezone wise lol08:45
zztoplessit's spherical really :P08:45
claycornwhere are you from?08:45
zztoplessAustralia (it's the Capital city)08:46
claycornsouth carolina08:46
zztoplessah cool.  thanks for trump btw :/08:47
claycorni didnt vote08:48
zztoplessI mean I know south carolina was never going to go blue, but still08:48
claycornmale or female yo?08:48
zztoplessSenate etc08:48
claycornim  a dude08:49
zztoplessI chose this nickname when i was 15, and it's stuck lol08:49
zztoplessyeah I'm a dude08:49
claycornim 4908:49
zztopless32, you?08:49
claycornclaycorn is my web name08:50
zztoplessThat much I had worked out :P08:50
claycorni love linux08:50
zztoplesszztopless isn't my real name either, believe it or not :P08:50
claycornvery much08:51
zztoplessI love my mum and my gf, I like linux :P08:51
claycornfree os is the best08:51
claycornmum your aussy as heck08:51
zztoplessI actually use mint linux kde, but for most intents and purposes (such as asking for help on irc), it's identical to kubuntu08:52
claycorni use kubuntu08:52
zztoplessBrits say mum too, infact I believe all English speaking countries do outside of north america (ie us and canada)08:52
claycornwe ssay mom here08:53
claycornin the south08:53
zztoplessI used to, until the whole sticking affiliate links in a few version back put me off08:53
claycornor momma08:53
zztoplessI'm pretty sure Mom is used everywhere in the US and Canada?08:53
claycorndilalecs in  the usa  differ08:54
zztoplessYeah I get that, but I'm pretty sure that word is universal (ie Mum isn't used)08:54
claycornas much of  linux08:54
claycornos of the world08:55
zztoplessEnglish accent and diaelects vary enormously in the US, it's pretty cool.  Here it's either broad (rural/exaggerated - think Steve Irwin - or General (most people living in cities, which is the majority of people)08:56
zztoplessa very small percentage have what's called a 'cultivated' Australian accent (the third kind), which sounds almost british (Geoffrey Rush)08:57
claycornmy mum lives in perth with her hubby08:57
claycorna very nice chap08:57
claycornfarmer mate08:57
zztoplessI still use Windows 10 a fair bit as well, I like the OS, just dispise the spyware/phoning home and ads built in to an OS one has paid for (not that I did - got a product key from the early access program)08:58
zztoplessAwesome!  Never been to Perth (want to), Western Australia has some amazing beaches08:58
zztoplessIt's just soooo far away08:58
claycorni was in the navy09:01
claycornin japan09:01
claycornalmost went to aussy09:02
zztoplessIt's only ~ further to fly to south east asia, which makes for a much cheaper holiday09:02
claycorni did my time in asia09:03
claycornin the navy09:03
zztoplessawesome, haven't been to japan either09:04
claycornbeen there many times09:04
zztoplessSingapore is my favourite city in Asia so far (went there for the 2011 F1 race for a week).09:04
claycornbeen there also09:05
claycornvery clean city09:05
claycornlots of girls09:05
zztoplessBeing in the middle of Asia in an English speaking country, when it was cold here (Canberra is actually cold by Ausralian standards in September when we went)09:05
zztoplessgreat food in the food arcades09:05
zztoplessHawker centers09:05
zztoplessWe stayed in Little India (love Indian food).09:06
claycornmiss that place09:06
claycornvery much09:06
claycorni love curry very much09:07
zztoplessNow that the Singapore and Malaysia races are two weeks apart, I'm planning on doing both next year, and doing a of week in Thailand in between (week in singapore as well).09:07
claycornof what?09:08
zztoplessmmm, thai green curry and vindaloo (though getting a bit old to hanlde lol)09:08
zztoplessFormula 109:08
claycorni love green yellow and red09:08
claycornand i love to drink beer09:09
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!09:10
zztoplessto be fair, so does just about everyone :P09:10
claycornyour a kind  user09:10
claycornyour running kde?09:11
zztoplesswhen i was in Singapore for the race in 2011, all the Brits and Americans that were there for it were complaining about how expensive alcohol is in Singapore, but it was similar to Australian pubs (we have a fairly high alcohol tax + people earn more so bars charge more lol), so it didn't bother me09:11
zztoplessyes, mint kde (basically the same as kubuntu) 14.04.  I find kde 5+ still isn't vmware (or virtualbox for that matter) freindly enough, pretty as it is.09:12
claycornim on kubuntu 14.0409:12
zztoplessnative on as a vm?09:13
claycornmy fave disrto09:13
zztoplessI still run windows as the host on my main pc09:13
claycornon full09:13
zztoplessand run mint as a vm09:13
claycornfull boot on my laptop09:13
zztoplesson my home server, I run mint natively (finally got owncloud working)09:13
claycornno dual09:14
claycornwanna hear  story?09:14
zztoplessI'm also setting up plex, so I can stream my media from home when I'm elsewhere09:15
zztoplesssure, I like stories09:15
claycornthis laptop was old and used to be tosssed to the dustben till  friend asked me me to fix it  bad charger chord  with a bad win 7 os i have the chord and a copy of kubntu09:17
claycornon my lap she is09:18
claycornlinux saves the day09:19
zztoplessubuntu is great with drivers these days09:19
zztoplesswindows 7 almost always requires manually installing a bunch of drivers, even 10 still doesn't get everything (desktop or laptops) for machines that were built for win7 or earlier09:19
claycornit is09:19
claycorni have 3 pc in my house09:20
claycorn2 desktops09:20
claycorn1 laptop09:20
zztoplessI like lubuntu for really old/underpowered machines if you still want a gui desktop09:20
claycorni love kubuntu09:20
zztoplessI run fpsense for my routher/firewall (linux, based on freeBSD) machine, mint kde 14.04 for my web/file server and windows with a mint kde vm for my main workstation09:22
zztoplessoh and a dualboot of windows 1 and mint 14.04 on my laptop09:22
claycornsweet your a good geek09:23
zztoplessWell, I'm ok, you can Google how to do most things these days09:23
claycornyes i know how to do that09:23
claycornim am an old geek09:24
zztoplessI mainly wanted to make use of my 40Mbit upload speed of my home connection (and static IP), hence the machine running owncloud and plex (and because you need a lampp stack to run both, I'll set up a home gateway website at some point)09:24
claycornone laptop?09:25
zztoplessseems irc these days tends to scew middle aged and older :P  Kids with their facebooks and instagrams *shakes fist at change*09:25
zztoplessyeah, just the one and I remote desktop into my desktop when I use it09:26
claycornthats amazing09:26
zztoplessso unless i'm somewhere without internet, I don't really use the laptop's resources09:26
claycornshe must me a good laptop09:27
zztoplessyeah, another reason I set up pfsense was to have more control setting up vpn access into my home network when I'm out.  I managed to set it up so that I can use steam in-home streaming from anywhere using the vpn connection (openvpn at first, now ppptp for less latency)09:28
claycornwhat got yo in to linux?09:29
zztoplessnot really, HP with an AMD A7.  8GB of ram.  Battery life is terrible (old battery, going to get a few spares)09:29
zztoplessI honestly can't remember09:29
claycorni worked at a  loacal collage leaned about linux09:31
zztoplessWhen cable first came to our street back in 2000, I learned how to use red hat as a router, that was probably the first, outside of a little bit at uni.  No wifi or free routers back then, just a cable modem with one ethernet port09:31
zztoplessI only did a year of an IT degree, then dropped out for a few years09:31
claycornmy name is brian09:33
claycornlinux user09:34
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zztoplessgotta run to the supermarket before it shuts, be back in a bit09:40
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claycornget me a beer09:40
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claycorneloo hard09:45
HardFanKubuntuHello Everyone! Please, can anyone help me with this question:https://askubuntu.com/questions/851454/how-to-upgrade-kubuntu-from-16-04-to-16-10-using-kubuntu-16-10-iso-image-file09:45
teledynyou want to upgrade ?09:48
HardFanKubuntuyes from kubuntu 16.04 to 16.10, i have the iso for 16.1009:50
SmurphyIs the latest plasma 5.8 backported to 16.10 yet?10:14
acheronukSmurphy: It is in testing10:23
Smurphy11cool. Thx :)10:35
BluesKajHowdy all11:56
BluesKajyo yo12:02
Eli2_hi, can anyone tell me how to disable notification sounds on kubuntu 16.04 ?12:23
BluesKajEli2_, syrtem settings>notifications>notifications> click on the button near the bottom: "disable sounds for all these events"12:29
Eli2_BluesKaj, there is no such button12:30
Eli2_i already disabled sounds for all sources i could find, but i still get that annoying pling12:32
BluesKajEli2_,  which kubuntu version?12:38
Eli2_BluesKaj, 16.04 with the backports ppa12:38
BluesKajok you have a diffeent plasma version than I do, there used to be a setting that would mute all sounds in system settings>applications>launch feedback iirc12:42
Eli2_plasmashell --version returns 5.6.512:43
BluesKaj"no sounds " or some such12:43
SmurphyThere is not. Just checked.12:43
Smurphyplasmashell 5.6.512:43
BluesKajok , then I'm mistaken,  my memory fails12:44
Eli2_if its not in the gui, is there any way to disable that via the console or a config file somehow12:44
SmurphyIt does not. 5.6.5 just has that removed IMHO12:44
SmurphyIt should be configuration under Event Notifications though. But it's for every entry.12:45
BluesKajyeah , it takeds forever to turn of audio notifiers12:45
BluesKajbut I'm running plasma 5.8.3 which does have the "disable sounds for all these events" button12:46
Eli2_i already turned all of them off12:46
SmurphyThey brought it back.12:47
Eli2_stuff that makes the sound is e.g. the popup when i exit amarok from the tray12:47
SmurphyBTW - you installed from ppa ther 5.8.3?12:47
Eli2_hmmm, didn't try restarting, brb12:49
Eli2hmmm, that seems to have worked12:52
BluesKajEli2, I'm on 16.10 using staging-plasma and frameworks ppas12:55
Eli2kubuntu 16.04 seems to be a very rough release12:55
SmurphyEli2: Nah. it works nicely. Even my kids 10/12/14 like it :D12:58
BluesKajEli2, if you upgraded via the internet from 14.04 there may be some rough patches until you have all the new packages and point releases on 16.0413:01
Eli2BluesKaj, i upgraded from 14.04 and it was the worst upgrade experience i ever had13:06
Eli2i the end i just gave up and reinstalled13:08
BluesKajSmurphy, your kids probly never drank the MS kool-ade :-)13:08
SmurphyThey did. Only I refused to fix their computers running Windows (Viruses etc.), and whey these destroyed not only Windows and also their linux partition, they stopped using Windows.13:09
SmurphyLearning by Doing :} *EviLGrinning*13:09
SmurphyThing is - their computers are not able to access the LAN while under Windows. So completely on an Enclave LAN.13:10
SmurphyAnd they hate not being able to listen to music etc.13:10
BluesKajEli2, did you have separate / and /home partitions when you rinstalled?13:10
Eli2just formatted /13:11
Eli2tbh i was very close to just restoring the backups or switching to debian testing13:12
Eli2probably would have gone with debian, because the reason i upgraded in the first place was that i wanted a newer gcc13:13
BluesKajwas thinking about all the config files in the tansition from plasma4 to 5 caused some problems for my setup when I upgraded via thenet13:14
BluesKajthose problems caused me to upgrade to 16.10 tbh13:16
Eli2maybe a more prominent warning about upgrading to 16.04 would be nice13:16
BluesKajbut I'm a home user , this isn't a production machine13:16
BluesKajEli2,well a lot of the problems are hardware dependent too13:17
Eli2never had problems with it13:18
Eli2this machine has a very long history on ubuntu13:18
Eli2switched to kubuntu with 14.04 because i did not like the direction unity is taking13:18
BluesKajyes , but some releases are worse than others when it comes to HW13:19
Eli2i am pretty sure my issues were not hardware related13:20
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Eli2i think i ran the xenial hardware enablement stack on 14.0413:22
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user|75085I'm in the Xenial Kubuntu Live Lightdm login screen and thought I could login as "guest" (w/o password) but this won't work!20:01
user|75085Any other user/passw combinaations ?20:02
BluesKajleave them blank on live media20:03
Gavinjbhi all20:03
acheronukuser = kubuntu pw= blank I think?20:03
user|75085OK, I'll try this...20:04
BluesKajthought autologin was default on live media anyway , I haven't seen a login page on them20:05
user|75085blank+blank fails, Ubuntu+blank ffails, kubuntu+blank ffails20:06
user|75085I have access to the Alt+Ctl+F1 console, although I have to login there too.20:07
acheronuklet me test20:08
acheronukon 16.04 Xenial here, live session will log in with the live session user and a blank password20:10
BluesKajso user ?20:13
18WAAS6FIhello how to set double click for opening files single click for selecting?20:51
18WAAS6FIkeyboard and mouse double click20:54
valorieoh, that's in systemsettings20:54
valorieha, when I used krunner (alt+space) and typed click -- System > Mouse20:55
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sintreanybody know good emulators that work in kubuntu22:16
sintregame emulators that is like old school nes sega genesis ect.22:16
sintrelil nintindo thing is cute , but i aint using a 2 foot cord , plus can't buy em anywhere anyways22:16
valoriesintre: have you checked out what is available in Steam?22:25
valorieloads of games are available without emulating22:25
sintrepretty much nothing22:25
ubottuValve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion.22:25
sintrefree t play that is22:25
sintrei have steam installed22:25
sintreuse it to play robo  craft22:26
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Yep lots of great games on Linux22:26
sintregreat games yes , but most played popular/ no22:27
sintrenot gonna be able to magicly make games designed for windows to run in linux22:27
sintrewish that were the case though22:27
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> We have a ton of popular games22:28
sintreplus mos t"good" linux ported games are all pay to play22:28
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Dying Light, BioShock Infinite, Shadow of Mordor22:28
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> The metro light game series22:28
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Those aren't pay to play22:29
sintrei'll look into those , got a new computer last month22:29
sintreas older/new one got fried in lightning storm22:29
sintreoperation get get rid of windows ten had to be done22:30
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Even more with Humble Bundle22:30
sintrebut had a nightmare disesmbly22:30
sintrebut put a ssd and now configuring kubuntu on it peice by peice22:30
sintrewell its  2 ghz 4th gen i322:31
sintrecurrently only 4 gigs of ram22:31
sintreand a intel integrated 550022:31
sintrenbudget notebook needed on the fly22:31
sintrebut if i ever get my refund from dell22:32
sintreit'll have cost me 31022:32
sintreso damn good deal for specs imo22:32
sintreif i get my refund the asian outsource customer care people keep saying 3-5 days over and over for last three weeks lol22:32
sintrei think they just wanted to wait till i couldnt ask for full refund , i'll see this week22:33
sintreor they can deal with my cc company22:33
sintreseems to play quake knock off fine with like 10 bots22:34
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