
learninggreetings all01:48
drabgreetings learning01:53
Balthier1234Is this the chanel for support?14:24
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GmonHi, i'm new here so sorry for eventual mistakes. I have a question about mplayer... I was watching a cartoon with my daughter when she started clicking on the keyboard... The speed changed in very fast and after many tentative it was impossible for me to come back at speed 1:1.... Can anyone help me?15:06
dzhooh, too late15:16
* dzho sighs15:16
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teo__hello i need help for installing lubuntu in my netbook22:22
drabwhat's up?22:22
teo__at the final steps of the installation process the installation guide pops up a window that says "failed to install starter programm"22:25
drabno clue sorry, never seen that before. tried to gogole for it?22:25
teo__i dont know if i write this correctly in english because im greek and im trying to translate it as best as i can22:25
draboh, maybe start = grub22:26
drabbut maybe not22:26
drabI'm not sure what "starter" is22:26
teo__if its grub the correct word do you know whats the problem?22:26
drabit wouldn't be at the end I think tho. what happens if you reboot?22:27
teo__its the programm that boots lubuntu when you start the pc...as far as i understand it22:27
drabright ok, that'd be grub22:27
drabthat's why I suggested it, but I thought it happened earlier in the process22:28
drabbut maybe not22:28
teo__what do i have to do?22:28
drabdo you have a aspecial disk setup?22:28
drabare you dual booting?22:28
teo__its grub ok..i dont know the exact terminology..haha22:28
drabare you installing from Cd or USB?22:29
draband what did you select when it asked you where to install the bootloader? (if it did)22:29
teo__i had windows xp but when i started installing the lubuntu i checked the choice to format the hard drive so everything from files to operating systems will be deleted22:30
teo__from cd22:30
teo__and i tried to install lubuntu 2 times22:30
teo__its going great in all the installation process22:31
teo__and when its almost close to finish the installation and tries to install this grub thing it says its not possible...and that i have to select another dir to put it..but i only have one hard drive that i formated already...22:32
drabteo__: not sure it'll work, but, maybe try to reboot from CD, select "liveCD"22:36
drabthen open a disk utility and format the disk yourself22:36
drabremoving all partitions first22:36
draband leave only free space / unpartitioned disk22:36
drabthat may do the trick, I've seen some problems in the part when the disk was in a weird state22:36
drabit's a bit of a long short, but I don't have any other ideas22:37
drabI've not personally seen that problem before22:37
teo__ok thnx a lot22:37

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