
iggycan anyone give me pointers for setting up a mass controller that is on an untagged VLAN port, but is handling DHCP for multiple subnets via DHCP helper on our router?03:10
iggyit seems to want to force everything into the "untagged" vlan and isn't showing up as a valid controller for the other VLANs03:11
iggyI changed the vlanid on the "untagged" vlan03:23
iggybut that only solves the issue of the default VLAN for the controller03:24
=== John is now known as Guest10507
Guest10507Hello everyone, I'm trying to experiment with MaaS on my servers, but am having a problem with commissioning my node10:18
Guest10507I was wondering if any of you are willing to help me troubleshoot the problem, as I'm mentally exhausted from researching the web10:19
pmatulisjust ask14:12
junaidaliHi guys, does landscape 16.06 supports MAAS 2.1?18:14
junaidaliit wasn't supported in till 16.0518:14
=== JOhn is now known as Guest70518
Guest70518Hello, I'm having a problem with my MaaS configs, was wondering if any of you are willing to help me out a bit22:39
pmatulisjust ask22:46
mupBug #1643377 opened: Maas dhcp hostname with spaces <maas (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1643377>23:26

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