
Bashing-omDwindled down ,, I am down for the count .. see yall later .06:39
lotuspsychje_good morning to all06:49
ObrienDave*waves from the abyss* ;P06:52
ducassehi lotuspsychje_07:17
lotuspsychje_hey ducasse breakfast time again07:25
lotuspsychje_have nice day mate07:25
ducasseok, enjoy \o07:25
lotuspsychjeMS loves linux again :p https://redmondmag.com/articles/2016/11/18/microsoft-warns-bash-on-windows.aspx09:11
baizonmicrosoft never changes, they were, are and will be evil09:13
ducassei can't help but think there's some ulterior motive behind this whole "we like linux now" thing...09:17
lotuspsychjeyeah same thought here09:18
lotuspsychjethe age of keeping ppl stupid is done, big companys cant just do things unknown anymore09:20
ducassewhat is this guy doing? why is he trying to run a web server?09:23
lotuspsychjeno idea, just joined09:23
ducassehe's been ranting on and off for an hour now, seems to be no system to what he's doing09:25
lotuspsychjewelcome Zigtalk and Wirehunter09:30
Wirehunterlotuspsychje, Hi09:37
Wirehunterlotuspsychje, I was here before by Roy. Had to register a nickname for other channels.09:38
lotuspsychjeah right09:38
lotuspsychjethe nick is better now :p09:39
lotuspsychjelol ducasse10:04
lotuspsychjesuch a ppa list omg10:05
ducasse_and_ proposed, which i _very clearly_ told him to disable. "ok, done!" he said.10:05
ducassei cleaned up that machine less than 12 hours ago.10:06
lotuspsychjesome ppl will never learn10:07
lotuspsychjethey add and add stuff from ppa's and are shocked if system gets stuck10:08
lotuspsychjei got 1 usefull ppa to keep my EID software going and thats about it10:08
lotuspsychjebbl ducasse dinnertime ; )10:09
ducassethis guy has just enabled every software source he could find :)10:09
ducassedinner so soon? :)10:09
lotuspsychjewell off to restaurant for my gf birthday10:09
lotuspsychje11.45 to drive there10:09
lotuspsychjehave a nice sunday ducasse10:10
ducasseaha, have fun! congrats to her :)10:10
lotuspsychjetnx mate!10:10
lotuspsychjeshe says thank you ducasse :p10:10
BluesKajHowdy all11:57
ducassehiya BluesKaj - how are things? weather nice?11:57
BluesKajhey ducasse, well, it seems winter has arrived here, a couple of cms of snow, but cold last night at -7C, supposed to be sunny today11:59
BluesKajhow about you and there?12:01
ducasseah. winter reappeared yesterday, but today it can't decide between snow and rain, it seems. really windy up here on the hill, though.12:02
ducassebut i'm happy, inside, warm, icecream in the freezer and a warm cat purring next to me :)12:03
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== Guest14768 is now known as lordievader

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