
learning\ /  --=_/( . )\_=-- 05:56
pranavhey im pranav 09:08
pranavfrom india09:08
pranavi just want ubuntu free cd for develping pirpose09:08
ubot5`The LoCo Council is coolbhavi, PabloRubianes, nhaines, wxl, svij, and lunapersa - they are here to help, just ask! :) You can send them an email at loco-council@lists.ubuntu.com11:42
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
elachecheHello LoCo Teams! 20:50
elachecheToday, was a beautiful day :)20:50
elachecheCheck: https://twitter.com/hashtag/SFD2016TN?src=hash https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/sfd2016tn?source=feed_text&story_id=1020969383835685620:50
elachecheGreeting from Ubuntu Tunisia.. I should send a news about that to the news team soon.. But now I dhould get some sleep :)20:50
svijhttps://twitter.com/hashtag/ubucon was cool too ;)20:52
elachechesvij: If one day! We'll have a Ubuntu-tn members with the required Ubuntu Tech related knowledge I'll make sure to have a mini Ubucon during SFD.. But sadely, we don't have enough Ubuntu related techs ninjas ;) 20:54
elachechesvij: BTW, Ubuntu TN had 5 workshops out of 7 workshops.. And we got the prize of the best workshop (Docker + Linux Kernlel contribution)20:55
elachecheDocker by me, and Linux Kernel contrib by an other Ubuntu Member (nzouidi)20:56
belkinsaelacheche: you need post news about that!21:28

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