
studio-user849im having some problems launching the software app00:57
=== HoloIRCUser3 is now known as metanoch
yag1064I don't see the audio production group on the menu. I lost it when I added a separator to it with menulibre. Can the menu be restored?04:06
krytarikyag1064: See the comments on LP bug 1430571.04:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1430571 in MenuLibre "ubuntu studio menu items disappear after adding new launcher" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/143057104:14
yag1064Thanks krytarrik All's well04:35
studio-user196the installation is very slow ?07:57
cfhowlettcompared to? what?07:58
studio-user857I'm on ubuntustudio 16.10   i cannot see the trash contain of external hdd  or interenal suplementary hdd14:21
studio-user575any one who can help me heating laptop15:14
=== sakura is now known as Guest44493
studio-user353is there any way to get a hp webcam to work with ubutnu studio?21:43
studio-user353has anyone been able to use a hp laptop webcam on ubuntu studio?22:02
OvenWerksstudio-user353: This is a pretty small group of people. you might also try #xubuntu22:45
OvenWerksStudio's desktop is xfce the same as xubuntu. For that matter, I can't see the desktop having a lot to do with a web cam which should be using V4L. So maybe even ask on #ubuntu22:48
OvenWerksThe last HP netbook I used the webcan just worked for me. I currently use various $3 webcams from the dollar store.22:49
OvenWerksmaybe look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam22:55
studio-user353Awesome thanks for the input23:05
studio-user966Have no sound and sound settings were missing in 16.04.  All hardware seems to be  connected correctly as was before problem.  Sound settings offered no control.  I tried reloading ALSA with reboot but nothing.23:06
studio-user353thanks <ovenWerks>23:09
OvenWerksstudio-user966: running 1604 here, have sound settings... where are you looking for them?23:19
studio-user966OvenWerks:  I lost the speaker icon at the top of the screen.  Sound settings were located in it's menu under the volume and microphone level controls.23:22
OvenWerksOK, I am not sure what starts that icon, (guys in #xubuntu would know) but the audio setting application is in Audio Production->Mixers and Card Cobtrol, PulseAudio Volume control.23:25
studio-user966OvenWerks:  I relaunched the icon and have access to sound settings but, as before, sound settings offers no control.23:26
studio-user966OvenWerks:  It works, exactly as you instructed.  Thank you very much.23:28
OvenWerksIt should work from the icon too, not sure why it doesn't23:28

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