
johnny_bravohey guys, how can i set the hostname with cloud-init on ubuntu 16.04 so that it sends it’s new name to the dhcp server11:07
johnny_bravothis ‘send host-name = gethostname();’ in dhclient.conf gets the old name11:07
johnny_bravoonce i reboot the VM the hostname is sent correctly11:07
johnny_bravois there a way to do this?11:08
johnny_bravoim using qemu-kvm and the user-data is on a cdrom iso image11:08
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rharperpowersj: you poked on cloud-init snappy and package install, I noticed that if you ssh in , the config-final modules aren't done yet; so initially snap list didn't show those py-numpy and such, but after the module completes they are present18:01
powersjrharper: interesting I'll give it another round this afternoon18:12
powersjmaybe I didn't wait long enough :(18:12
powersjI usually wait for /var/lib/cloud/instance/boot-finished to show up18:13
rharperpowersj: ok19:12
rharperpowersj: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23512996/  ; the 'ready' state of the last snap installed corresponds pretty much to the timestamp on boot-finished ;  snap install doesn't appear to be async; but I suppose it's possible that a snap install has completed, but it doesn't appear in snap list until it's ready and that may be async from cloud-init finish19:20
powersjrharper: I'm starting to wonder if all my issues are with the fact that I'm using LXD as a backend21:13
powersjis that what you are using? or VMs?21:13
rharperpowersj: vms21:19
rharperit's possible there's an issue with snappy under lxd, you may need to update your host (lxd updates)21:19
rharperand/or ensure we launch with a profile that supports snappy under lxd (nested security support is needed)21:19
rharperthat may be kernel (4.8 or updates to 4.4) etc21:20
rharperI suggest asking in #lxd for the right levels/config options needed21:20
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