
=== CyberJacob is now known as zz_CyberJacob
kjackalGood morning Juju world!07:48
gennadiyhi everybody,  does somebody have exp with riftio and juju?09:33
SpauldingHi guys!10:50
SpauldingI have a strange issue, after reboot I can't see my juju status :(10:51
Spaulding10:50:43 INFO  juju.api apiclient.go:535 dialing "wss://"10:51
Spauldingthis is what i see from the debug, so probably one of the controllers changed IP?10:51
=== freyes__ is now known as freyes
vmorriswhen I perform a deploy, is it the machine from which I am running the 'juju deploy' command that downloads the charms, or is it the controller machine?14:53
tvansteenburghvmorris: the controller14:54
vmorristvansteenburgh: ty14:55
lazyPowerSpaulding: hey have you found an answer/root-cause/work-around to your troubles with juju status?14:58
SpauldinglazyPower: it's test env... so basically i removed the old env14:59
Spauldingand bootstrap new one14:59
lazyPowerok. so long as its resolved :)14:59
Spauldingyeah ;)14:59
Spauldingbut still it was strange14:59
Spauldinglooks like jujud was not able to start...15:00
lazyPowerSpaulding: - capturing those logs and reproduction steps in a bug would go a long way to help resolving it.15:00
lazyPowernext time lmk and i'll be happy to step you through what to do in that scenario15:01
Spauldingi think the problem was that i rebooted the machine after apt upgrade15:03
Spauldingand probably i should run something like juju upgrade15:03
Spauldingjuju upgrade-juju15:04
beisnerhowdy marcoceppi - do you know the eta for a libcharmstore 0.0.5 cut @ pypi?15:28
marcoceppibeisner: 5 mins15:28
beisnertoo fast, slow her down man15:28
hackedbellinilazyPower: hey, are you there?15:40
lazyPowerhackedbellini: yep hey there16:38
beisnerthanks, marcoceppi16:53
arosalesmarcoceppi: good morning17:03
arosalesmarcoceppi: do you think we should remove k8-core from cwr?  I made https://github.com/juju-solutions/build-cloud/pull/8117:03
arosalesgiven canonical-kubernetes is the main bundle and these charms and solution context is addressed there.17:04
marcoceppiarosales: why remove it?17:12
arosalesmarcoceppi: well seems that testing is handled in canonical-k817:13
marcoceppiit's a different toplogy, with different scale and different (less) components17:13
arosalesunless there is different test scenerios in that bundle17:13
marcoceppiit's a different scenario under test17:13
arosalesthats fair, could you comment on the pull and I'll reject?17:14
arosalesmarcoceppi: also I think you guys were working on getting that bundle also updated with the latest correct?17:14
arosaleslooks like it still may be failing on the flake tests17:14
arosalesref = http://data.vapour.ws/cwr-tests/results/bundle_kubernetes_core/fd135530b9e94084992706899d0040ac/report.html17:16
marcoceppiarosales: the bundle needs to be revv'd and it will be in due time as part of the release cycle17:17
arosalesmarcoceppi: gotcha, I was thinking it was just missed as part of the release last week when canonical-k8 was updated17:19
marcoceppiwell, canonical-k8s release was rushed due to preassure. so it was done out of band17:19
* arosales can be patient until the next release those as we see the correct link in the canonical-k8 bundles17:20
arosalesmarcoceppi: cool -- thanks for the update17:20
bildzGood morning.  Brand new install and trying to get conjure-up working again (sigh).  This time I see that autopilot is an option.  Tried that route and it failed because juju was not bootstrapped17:48
bildzi bootstrap juju to localhost with "maas" and it deploys, but not conjure-up fails17:48
bildzone day this will work!17:48
bildzbut right now i want to take a hammer to all these charms17:49
marcoceppibildz: what are you trying to conjure-up?17:59
bildzim trying to start fresh with an environment18:00
bildzwhere does juju get configurations options to bootstrap?18:00
bildzis it in the postgres database for maas?18:01
marcoceppiyou, the operator, supplies them18:01
bildzPerforming bootstrap: ant maas/
bildzthat's the wrong ip18:02
bildzand i have no idea where it's getting that18:02
bildzerror:  flag provided but not defined: --upload-tools18:06
marcoceppistokachu: ^^18:06
=== Richard is now known as Guest89712
Guest89712I need help with a Juju, conjure-up, Openstack deployment issue18:22
Guest89712After deployment I have an openstack0 and a conjureup0 interface with the same IP address18:23
lazyPowermarcoceppi: arosales: https://github.com/juju-solutions/bundle-kubernetes-core/pull/3918:24
marcoceppistokachu: ^^18:26
arosaleslazyPower: thanks18:27
=== zz_CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob
lazyPowerarosales: np, sorry it slipped through. There was some undue pressure last week to make an early release and that got left behind18:28
arosaleslazyPower: no worries.i was mainly just confirming my understanding. Thanks for the work on it18:30
hackedbellinilazyPower: sorry for the delay. I was in a meeting until now and am going to go to another one. I'll probably be back to redmine tomorrow. In the mean time, just to give you the actual state:18:31
hackedbelliniboth the containers are having "executable file not found in $PATH" issue. I tried to run docker-compose by hand and this is what I got:18:32
lazyPowerhackedbellini: one of two things has happened. The containers themselves are broken and no longer work how they did when that compose file was written, or the compose file is overriding some stuff and causing the failure18:33
lazyPowernot sure which, we'll need ot dive into it deeper to figure out whats up18:33
hackedbellinilazyPower: hrm I see. That is strange... the composer file looks like this right now:18:34
tvansteenburghhow do you install juju 2 on trusty?18:35
hackedbellinithe issue happened even trying other versions (e.g. postgres:9.5) and even using the one from https://github.com/sameersbn/docker-redmine18:35
lazyPowerhackedbellini: it might even be better if we start from scratch and build a RedMine container ourselves. The idea being: We control the inputs/outputs so we know how long something will work, and can make those decisions for the containers as it evolves, but the charm code would largely say the same.18:35
lazyPowertvansteenburgh: i believe you add the juju/stable and juju/devel ppas, and install the juju-2.0 package18:36
lazyPowerbut i haven't tried this so ymmv18:36
tvansteenburghusing juju/stable, installing juju gets you juju1, and juju-2.0 doesn't exist18:36
lazyPowertvansteenburgh: this bug from last month looks like it did at one point and time exist https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-release-tools/+bug/163359318:37
mupBug #1633593: [juju-2.0] trusty package doesn't install juju-2.0 commands via update-alternatives <sts> <juju-release-tools:Fix Released by nskaggs> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1633593>18:37
arosalesGuest89712: hello18:39
hackedbellinilazyPower: hrm I see. It is a nice idea indeed18:39
hackedbelliniI have to go now to the other meeting, tomorrow I'll ping you again to continue from when we stopped :)18:39
arosalesstokachu: are spells versioned? If so is there a quick way to see what spell one is using?18:40
lazyPowerhackedbellini: sounds good. Glad we're making progress but sorry its taking so long18:40
arosalesGuest89712: what is the conjure version you are using, ie out out of `conjure-up --version`18:47
Guest89712conjure-up --version conjure-up 2.0.218:49
arosalesGuest89712: thanks and what does `dpkg -l | grep conjure-up` return?18:51
Guest89712arosales # dpkg -l | grep conjure-up   ii  conjure-up                         2.0.2-0~201610141215~ubuntu16.04.1 all          Package runtime for conjure-up spells18:53
arosalesGuest89712: thanks, it looks like the latest is 2.0.2-0~201611211448~ubuntu16.04.1, as a data point18:55
arosalesI would need to check with stokachu if there were any openstack fixes between 201610141215 and 20161121144818:56
* arosales looking at spell info atm Guest8971218:56
arosalesfor openstack specifically18:56
arosalesGuest89712: could you pastebin the outout of 'journalctl |grep conjure-up'19:00
Guest89712arosales  Can you read:  http://pastebin.com/FQpbBenk19:03
arosalesGuest89712: thanks19:06
arosalesstokachu: I am reading through http://conjure-up.io/docs/en/users/ but I am not finding a place tell which version of a spell I am running on or if I need to refresh my spell registry?  I am guessing conjure-up runs the latest spell from the registry on each summon, correct? Or are spells version'ed per conjure-up binary version?19:09
arosalesstokachu: working with Guest89712 on openstack0 and a conjureup0 interface with the same IP address19:10
stokachuarosales: yea the latest spells are used from the registry19:54
stokachuarosales: no way to set a version to be used19:54
arosalesstokachu: independent of conjure-up binary version the latest spell is used from the registry @ https://github.com/conjure-up/spells correct?19:57
stokachuarosales: yea thats correct19:57
stokachuarosales: what channel are you in for that guest89712 person19:58
arosalesstokachu: ok thanks, and did you have any openstack fixes on nova-lxd between conjure-up versions  201610141215 and 201611211448 ?19:58
stokachuarosales: lemme check19:59
arosalesstokachu: thanks20:00
stokachuarosales: https://github.com/conjure-up/conjure-up/commit/50f4899 that was the only major thing20:05
stokachuwe added the custom bridge to our packaging20:05
stokachuand the spell makes use of conjureup0 bridge device for openstack-novalxd20:05
lutostaganyone else seen...20:06
lutostaglutostag@cia:~$ juju models20:06
lutostagERROR cannot list models: upgrade in progress (upgrade in progress)20:06
stokachuarosales: oh something is wrong with the latest lxd charm20:06
stokachulemme look into it20:06
arosalesstokachu: thanks Guest89712 was seeing an issue where openstack0 and a conjureup0 interface with the same IP address20:09
marcoceppilutostag: sthat's a new one for me20:10
stokachuarosales: maybe he installed an older conjure-up and then upgraded20:10
stokachuarosales: there should only be conjureup020:10
stokachuarosales: openstack0 was from like conjure-up 0.1.220:10
arosalesstokachu: Guest89712 has 201610141215 currently installed http://pastebin.com/FQpbBenk20:11
stokachuarosales: yea he upgraded from an older version it looks like20:11
stokachuarosales: what channel is this in?20:11
arosalesstokachu: sorry I didn't parse the last comment20:12
stokachuarosales: so the package in the archive conjure-up 0.1.2 was setting up openstack0 as a bridge20:13
stokachuarosales: in the next release of conjure-up (2.x) we renamed that to conjureup0 as the bridge20:13
stokachuso it looks like the old bridge is still on their system20:13
stokachuthey need to remove openstack0 bridge20:13
arosalesstokachu: ah, thanks for that insight20:16
stokachuarosales: i also fixed the lxd charm issue too20:16
stokachuarosales: so if they want to redeploy it should all be good20:16
arosalesGuest89712: ^ fyi remove the openstack0 bridge, and if you are going to redeploy you may want to run "sudo apt update && sudo apt install conjure-up"20:16
arosalesstokachu: good stuff, but Guest89712 needs to manually remove openstack0 bridge first, correct?20:17
stokachuarosales: yea they'll need to do that manually20:17
stokachuim going to file a bug to make sure the packaging does it20:17
arosalesstokachu: ack --thanks20:17
arosalesstokachu: also is there a good place I can look for change logs to conjure, or should I just look at the .deb package?20:17
stokachuarosales: the changelog is usually just high level stuff, best place is to check git log20:18
stokachuarosales: https://github.com/conjure-up/conjure-up/releases20:19
stokachui also try to keep a good list here20:19
arosalesstokachu: ah perfect. I should have look there first20:19
arosalesthanks for the help stokachu. Guest89712 ^ that should fix you, and thanks for the feedback20:19
stokachunp, lemme know if you need anything else20:20
arosalesstokachu: thanks20:22
skay_I want to write a mojo spec that deploys a charm that needs to be deployed with a resource. would I pass some keyword args to the deploy command in my manifest?20:42
skay_on the command line, juju deploy <charmname> --resource <name>=<path>20:42
skay_is there a way for me to tell if a resource has been updated, e.g. if I attach a new version of a resource21:43
marcoceppiskay_: `juju resources`?21:48
skay_marcoceppi: I'm not certain if that does what I want, let me try21:51
tvansteenburghskay_: mthaddon is the best one to talk to about mojo stuff21:52
skay_tvansteenburgh: I think mojo may not be able to handle resources, but I'm not certain. I opened an issue21:54
skay_tvansteenburgh: I think what I'll do to work around it is have a script that runs juju attach21:54
skay_the docs say that will kick off an upgrade-hook21:54
skay_I can use resource_get in my charm to see if a resource exists (resource_get is available in charmhelpers in hookenv)21:55
skay_I'd sort of like to know if there was actuall a new resources and just skip that part if there wasn't21:55
lazyPowerskay_: you'll need to do fingerprinting22:50
lazyPowerskay_: there's no other way to know if the resource has changed. as the method blindly returns a path to the resource its fetched and magic happens. In order to know in charm code you'll need to shasum the payload or something to determine if its changed from last run, and use that against a value stored in unitdata or some other means of caching.22:51
skay_lazyPower: ack22:52
lazyPowerskay_: we were talking about adjusting the charm helper to just do that for you, and instead of returning the path, returning a tuple with path and fingerprint. But there's already a good size of code out there consuming the resource helper.22:52

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